arctic-galaxy-blog · 8 years
Looking for Edan server players
Hey all, I haven’t been very active on tumblr due to some reason but I’m looking for friendly people to play with on the edan server, I can’t always rely on my guild (they are good people though) and getting some groups going for 50+ farm/grinding or arena play would be really awesome. I find the playerbase to be generally toxic so I don’t often look for folks in channel chat but hit me up via pm or whatever. I main sorc who is lvl 56 with 119/179 ap/dp but I recently found joy playing Valkarie who is 50 and currently has 129/183 ap/dp. I suck with pvp but i’m trying to learn. cheers
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arctic-galaxy-blog · 8 years
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I’ve been busy with work and such but im not dead, here are some bdo screens of my valk, kunouchi and witch, it’s been so long since ive been on tumblr and so much has changed but I hope everyone is well. more screens coming!
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arctic-galaxy-blog · 8 years
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guide, anew.
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arctic-galaxy-blog · 8 years
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2. A character who taught you something about love   Suzume Yosano (Hirunaka no Ryuusei)  
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arctic-galaxy-blog · 8 years
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arctic-galaxy-blog · 8 years
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For the people that are either new to the game, or new to taming. These are currently all the locations I know of so far that wild horses spawn.  1.) I have no personally seen horses spawn here but have heard they do so I suppose since it’s so close to town they go quickly. 2.) On the hill by Alejandro Farm usually spawns 2 horses. 3.) I’ve only seen horses here once since people get them quickly but 2-3 spawn here. 4.) I’ve seen 1 horse here only once. 5.) 1 horse spawns here so I’ve seen. 6.) Sometimes has 2 horses spawn but it is a little tricky to get where this is if you don’t know it so check my next post for screenshots on how to get to them if you have trouble! 7.) I found 2 horses in this location. 8.) 2-3 horses spawn stretched between the two marked places 9.) I’ve seen 1 horse here once. 10.) 1-2 horses spawn here, check carefully. 11.) 1-2 horses spawn here. 12.) I’ve been told 2 horses spawn here, haven’t seen them myself but it is an obvious area so they most likely go quickly.  13.) On both sides around 2-3 horses on each side spawn. 14.) The star is where I’ve personally found horses but I’ve been told other parts of the mountain have them too so worth a look! 15.) Around 2-3 horses spawn here. Unmarked areas are ones I added a little later because I forgot all about them >_< but both areas sometimes have 2 horses.
PLEASE if you know any more locations re-blog this with a screenshot of the location for the ones who don’t know. Trust me I know the bad the urge to wanna keep these spots to yourself but to build this community into a good one we need to help each other.
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arctic-galaxy-blog · 8 years
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arctic-galaxy-blog · 8 years
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New cash shop items in Korea.
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arctic-galaxy-blog · 8 years
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Black Desert Online (Korea)
Top 10 Costume Design Contest *Source*
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arctic-galaxy-blog · 8 years
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space cat
Events coming up—-
AX (Dealer’s Booth 2225) Otakuthon (Montreal) Fan Expo (Toronto)
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arctic-galaxy-blog · 8 years
When you’re healing and people start dying but you’re trying to keep the run going
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arctic-galaxy-blog · 8 years
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This is largely a love note to my fellow roleplayers, regardless of if you know me, or if you don’t. I’ve been roleplaying since around the time I was eleven years old, at the time of writing this I’m twenty two. I’ve grown a lot in that time, and I’ve seen a lot, met hundreds of roleplayers in various formats and sites. There’s a few things almost all of us have in common, and if you’ll bear with me I’d like to shed some light on them. Like to explain a few things that eleven years have taught me.
Somedays, people are shitty.
Maybe you’re not getting replies and someone else is, maybe people are just cross or absent minded or absent, period. It’s almost never got anything to do with you. Maybe you did something, but most likely you didn’t, if you’re worried try talking to them. I can’t say this enough, roleplaying is an artform and a community built on words and yet, in our most crucial hours we almost always faulter.
This may be a bit of a weird hobby, but you should never, ever feel ashamed of it.
It’s no different to how mankind has functioned since forever, just, it’s in a different format. Roleplayers are a community of storytellers, of seekers, of people searching for answers through fiction without being content to simply read other’s answers yet wanting the input of more than their own mind. Human culture and tradition was built on the backs of storytellers who whispered tales in the night to keep the monsters away and it’s not going to stop even with all the science and modern technology in the world.
Sending hate, anon or otherwise is never good.
As much as you may hate or dislike someone, just don’t. Roleplaying is a hobby that gives light to peoples lifes where it may seem pitch black most of the time. It’s a release of demons for some, for others a fantasy playground to make everything seem right in the world if only for a little while and shame on you if you think it’s your right to ruin their enjoyment of that, if they’re bothering you, tell them politely or simply ignore them.
A lot of roleplayers have self confidence issues.
They already hate themselves more than you could ever hate them, they think their writing awful even if it’s fucking novel worthy, don’t push them around for shits and giggles or because you don’t like them. They don’t deserve it, and you’re a better person than that somewhere down inside.
You are beautiful. Say it with me now, I (you) am beautiful. Beautiful.
Regardless of how you look, what you wear, your gender, sexuality, taste in music or anything else. You are beautiful, and you deserve to be on this earth, and you deserve to do wonderful, glorious things if you desire them. Haters ain’t got nothing on you. Be brave. Don’t you dare let got of your hopes and dreams.
Never shame anyone for writing smut, or for not.
It’s their choice. No one should be forced into writing what they don’t want too, and equally no one should be shamed because they like writing sex or other related things. There’s nothing wrong with either option, it just depends on the audience, the writers, sometimes even the thread in particular or the characters.
Not everyone writes the same.
This particuarly goes for people who play canon characters, who find themselves caught up in the vicious cycle of this roleplayer plays them better than I do, or they get more replies/asks/etc than I do I must suck. Don’t. You may not be the best, I’ll be honest, but you can only write what rings true to yourself, and some people won’t approve, but some will, and those are the ones that count. As much as people try to make this a popularity contest, it’s not. Write for yourself, then for your partners and if you care at all after that, then you can worry about your fans or followers.
English? (or whatever you roleplay in) Not everyones first language, or even best subject.
Sometimes people make mistakes, if it’s so jarring you can’t work out what they’re trying to say, ask them. They probably want to improve, just be nice about it for heavens sake.
But mostly? Be fantastic to each other. Write what you love, with who you love. Write what excites you. Write what challenges you. Write out your demons or your desires, your death marches or your love songs. Don’t forget to be awesome, and know that I love you. The universe loves you, even if it rarely seems like it. Roleplaying is for fun, with it’s myrad of styles, methods and thousands of players, be a good one. Care about each other, and yourself because, really?
I’m not kidding.
You are beautiful. You don’t need twenty people reblogging a post from you or sending you asks for this to be true, you need to know this or you’ll never be happy in this community. For the two people that say they hate you, chances are there’s another 30 chilling, waiting for you with open, loving arms. Your writing may be imperfect, or not in your first language but it doesn’t matter, just have fun continuing on a tradition we’ve had ever since we could tell the first stories.
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arctic-galaxy-blog · 8 years
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One Thousand Something Giveaway
Somehow I reached the 1000+ followers milestone which is a surprising amount knowing that I’m not really a prolific artist or an excellent writer offering a new story each week. Thank you for following me and for supporting my art even though it’s scarce as well as all your comments regarding my character, it means a lot to me. Without further ado let’s speak of the giveaway !
You have to be a follower. New followers are allowed to participate, but just don’t unfollow right as the giveaway finishes, it’s disheartening :< .
You don’t need to be part of the FFXIV community to participate but keep in mind that my blog is mostly about this game and my character, Ilwe’ran Hlaiwa.
Both likes and reblogs count as entries (You can reblog as many times as you want, but please don’t spam !).
No giveaway blogs and the like.
I’ll use a randomizer to draw the winners and send them an ask so make sure to activate them on your blog ! Winners will have 48h to answer to my ask or I’ll draw another one.
Deadline : 11th of July 2016.
1st prize : One large Pixel Art (200px max). We’ll decide of a pose together and you can bring some different outfit from those available in game. We can decide on one prop, but not more. OR One pixel avatar similar to mine fitting for Tumblr.
2nd & 3rd Prizes : One “Fighting Pose” Pixel art (100px max). I’ll use some existing game pose and clothes for those ones, weapon allowed :) ! OR Two dolls of your character(s), you’ll pick the base(s) among a > selection <. You’re allowed to pick a model with two dolls interacting !
4th, 5th & 6th Prizes : One doll of your character, you’ll pick the base among a > selection <.
7th, 8th, 9th & 10th Prizes : One Primal Minion (Ifrit, Garuda, Titan, Leviathan, Ramuh, Shiva.. I think I didn’t forget any ._.), your character to be on Balmung Server to receive your prize.
About Art : For more example of my arts, you can have a look at my > art tag < . I won’t draw : NSFW, mecha, furries (Animal features such as ears, tails and horns are fine). You have to provide enough visual references for me to work on your prize ! I can be slow when it comes to art, so please be patient >.< ! About Dolls : Please be mindful that if you would like them to be used as a tumblr avatar, that not all of the bases will fit in it properly, and the image may have to be cropped to preserve the integrity of the original sprite.
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arctic-galaxy-blog · 8 years
Thank you for 10k!!
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Thank you so much for the immense support, I feel like a raffle is a great way to celebrate!   ♡
TWO people are going to win a thigh up full color animated piece! like this one:
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♡ Followers only (although if you’d like to follow you’re absolutely welcome to!)
♡ Reblogs only!
♡ Reblog as many times as you’d like! but please don’t spam your followers!
♡ winners: please respond within 48 hours, Or I will have to choose someone else.
♡ make sure your ask box and private messaging is open!
DEADLINE: June 30th 
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arctic-galaxy-blog · 8 years
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♡ thank you everyone for following & supporting me here on tumblr ♡ it’s been two months since my last raffle ended and I’m seriously surprised how fast I reached another milestone ~ so thank you everyone for your great support and nice words it’s time for me to give you something back! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
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win a portrait (1st place) or a chibi (2-3rd place) of a character of your choice!  ♡
♢ P R I Z E S  - W I N N E R  ♢
♦ there will be three winners choosen ♦ 1st place: win a full colored portrait + background   ♦ 2nd - 3rd place: win a mini chibi ♦ winner will be choosen per random.org ♦ must respond within 2 days or I have to choose a new winner
♢ R U L E S  ♢ ♦ follower only (new ones are welcome to join) ♦ only reblogs count! ♦ no give away/raffle blogs ♦ reblog as much as you like
D E A D L I N E -   31th M a i ! good luck everyone & thank you ver  much (人 ˘ ³˘) ♡
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - twitter |  side blog (nsfw) | picarto | tip jar | gumroad (nsfw)
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arctic-galaxy-blog · 8 years
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Emergency commissions for my epileptic dog 
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okay SO long story short I had to take my dog to a new vet and they majorly screwed me over by putting him on a new medication I didn’t even ask for, I can’t just take him off of it and I can’t get him anymore until I have blood work done for him. I need $200 on super short notice 
So I’ve lowered my prices in hopes of at least getting some of what I need
$15 busts 
$20-$25 chibis (depending on how simple/complicated the character is)
$30 full body 
Anything would be such a huge help, please feel free to leave a message in my inbox or chat if you’re interested so I can give you my email! :D 
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arctic-galaxy-blog · 8 years
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