ard516-lucyoxford · 2 years
Tom Gould
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Tom has documented a universe that exists locally but has an impact on people all over the world due to his fascination with his environment and subcultures.  From an early age, Tom was drawn to storytelling. He connects with real people and realistic tales, expertly fusing the cinematic and the emotive in all of his work, and aims to inspire empathy in his audience. his work has been displayed at respected institutes and has filmed campaigns for big companies such as Ralph Lauren.
I love the documentation and film feel toms work has, looking at his photography as well as his video and film works shows his strong personal style within it. they are beautiful and cinematic.
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ard516-lucyoxford · 2 years
Rachel Soh:
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“For me, the connection is what it's all about, whether it’s during a shoot or through a screen. My hope is to produce images that speak directly to you, to evoke emotion, provoke thought and potentially inspire change” (Rachel Soh commenting on her work)
Rachel Soh's images contain a sense of everyday life in them. they arent complicated, and even ones where you can maybe guess it's staged, it still has an aspect of simplicity to them. they contain normal people going through life.
even her more analog and architectural photos of buildings or places have this feeling to them. they feel normal and lived in, an almost comforting home-like view.
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ard516-lucyoxford · 2 years
Vanessa Green:
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Vanessa green’s work is a beautiful example of rich documentary photography. Whether its documenting a space or people the photos have a feel of a story to them, like recording history or explaining something. She said during an interview with D-Photo: “My biggest goal is for my personality to come through in my images,” 
I personally love how good her photos look on film, the filter it naturally gives it adds to the depth of the images, and the black and white film pictures add more attention to detail by removing the colour. She pays good attention to how her photos are laid out. some are purposely framed by other objects, or some are taken with symmetry to them. A lot of the subjects of the images are centred.
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ard516-lucyoxford · 2 years
contact sheet 4:
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ard516-lucyoxford · 2 years
contact sheet 3:
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ard516-lucyoxford · 2 years
contact sheet 2:
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ard516-lucyoxford · 2 years
contact sheet 1:
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ard516-lucyoxford · 2 years
Brendan Kitto:
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Brendan Kittos work very much answers the question of where in the world am I. his work photographs different areas of New Zealand, often landscape-wide shots where you can really get a feel of the area as a whole by having it all in focus.
The photo i included is from his series called 'Howick' where he revisits the area in which he grew up. This is very relevant to my artmaking as this image is taken a short walk away from my house.
it shines a light on the history of landmarks and buildings, but also how they have changed and the importance of development.
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ard516-lucyoxford · 2 years
Dieneke Jansen:
Dieneke Jansen's work touches on the change and transformation of Glen Innes. it went from State Housing to being big private apartment buildings, with old houses being torn down and being thrown out of their homes. Her work is a statement against this and holds a lot of meaning to the people that were affected by this incident. the photos she takes document this whole process, not necessarily in a negative or positive way, but simply showing the changes the area went through, how people responded and how this affected the community. these were then displayed on wooden stands to make a statement.
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ard516-lucyoxford · 2 years
Chevron Hassett's images portray this idea of community within them. Different people are photographed in what appears to be their natural elements, relaxed, or simply just having fun. His photos give a voice and a representation to those he photographs.
On his website, it states that the “heart of his practice is the essential spirit of whanaungatanga, the Māori concept of connecting, building and maintaining relationships within communities” I think this quote very perfectly encaptures his work.
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ard516-lucyoxford · 2 years
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The photo I took of Scarlett for our first class.
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ard516-lucyoxford · 2 years
​​Ngahuia Harrison:
Ngahuias images are very captivating photos. A lot of her images are landscapes featuring bodies of water throughout New Zealand, but the thing I love most is her portraits.  They have a strong use of depth of field, with the subject in full detail while the background is blurred, this really helps the subject stand out and be very eye-catching within her work. the style that she uses to photograph people is something that I often use, using them as the main focus within a setting, I used this in my second photoshoot.
“Harrison’s images realise great narratives of hapū (subtribes) intertwined with wai (bodies of water). Successive solo and group exhibitions have considered the past and future histories of Ngātiwai landscape, examining the Māori worldview of co-dependence and reciprocity in community”- Auckland Art Gallery
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ard516-lucyoxford · 2 years
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Edith's photos are taken of homes and the people within them. They are very candid often not staged shots, as if you were standing there looking at the scene with your own eyes. 
Even her photos taken of people away from home, or outside still carry this sense of home, family, and most importantly community. her photos inspired my work due to how she uses people to tell a story or reflect a place. personally, my preference is to take photos with people because of the emotion they bring to an image.
her advice to young people is “What you find interesting is right under your nose and it deserves inspection. Access the global through the local.”
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ard516-lucyoxford · 2 years
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These photos include my work from the available light workshop, and images I took throughout the week, it was interesting learning and testing out the colour on my camera to make the light warm or cool-toned. I tried to mainly capture detail of things I saw this week instead of a larger picture. looking at the detail of the space helps to answer the question of where I am looking at these things we might not always notice walking past.
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ard516-lucyoxford · 2 years
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ard516-lucyoxford · 2 years
Artist inspiration: Olivia Bee
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Olivia bee is a Photographer and director who is Inspired by ``the beauty of memories real or imagined and how they touch us”. A lot of her photos are documentary rather than staged, and tell a story that we can see through her work. Her photos give a feeling of nostalgia and familiarity, and some photos even feel like you are in them with the way subjects look into the camera. Her photos carry this retro and old look, but her most famous work 'kids in love' represents today's youth. This brings an interesting contrast between the past and the present.
I love the feeling her work gives to the viewer. her more personal work is comforting and nostalgic like looking through a photo album. The capturing of memories and documentation is a style of photography I love because it feels so personal. Sharing moments that otherwise would just be a memory. 
Conventions within her work include bright colours, film, flash images, and muted colours. It also has a mixture of more professional staged photography for celebrities and companies but still continues on her roots of film and casual photos as well. Balance of work and passion.
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ard516-lucyoxford · 2 years
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