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Noah’s Ark Final Image
The background image I used for the original image didn’t fit too well with my liking so I went to capture something more believable with the tide out as if the flood had just ended on Earth and God’s light is shining on the ark. I then pushed this image editing to become more realistic which was quite difficult especially when trying to match the lighting. I also tried bumping up the clarity in a final camera raw filter to bring out the texture of the ark so it looks more realistic. 
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Making Changes Based On Feedback
From the feedback I received on presentation day, I have made some changes to this image which in the original one was quite light in the background showing a lot of texture making it seem unrealistic in a way which is the opposite of what I intend to do. So the changes I have made to this image was darkening the background and also adding stars using a brush tool. 
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Thinking With Digital Images In The Post-Truth Era - Nataša Lacković
“Photographs can act as thinking tools, as semiotic scaffoldings and semiotic bridges between abstract concepts and the physical world in an educational inquiry.” 
“Concepts such as icebergs, rivers, water, soil, oil, trousers and houses are all concrete concepts that exist in our sensed physical reality. However, a vast number of concepts, perhaps most concepts that humans use in communication and place affective and ontological importance on, are abstract concepts. These are the concepts such as love, happiness, security, belonging, democracy and economy. In society, we learn to imagine and conceptualise abstract concepts, building on our personal, environmental and educational background, as well as our corporeal and affective experiences (Tateo 2018).”
Working this information into my understanding of photography, I can take away the learning that photographs are a way of thinking that become symbolic/meaningful bridges between conceptual ideas and the physical world, which in my case, brings a strong connection and supports my initial idea of using Biblical stories (a conceptual belief) and bring them to life as how I see it in reality, in the physical world as if it did exist. 
Retrieved from: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s42438-019-00099-y
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Image 1: Colour Mapping
In the initial draft of this image, I wasn’t too sure about the colour contrast with the idea of transparency from Anna Maghradze. It was very difficult to see this effect in the dark background so I decided to lighten this up to a lighter blue colour. To get the detailed outlines of “God’s hands,” I used a glowing edge filter. I will now add some details to make this stand out a bit more and make it look somewhat believable with the perspective of the clouds etc. 
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Noah’s Ark Image: Composition Change
When I looked back at the composition of the initial image idea I had, I figured it looked out of place because of the images I used and because it seemed too general. So I decided to compose my image of Noah’s ark as a depiction of after the flood which I think would look a lot more interesting. With this image particularly, I will need to do a few more touch ups to make it look believable. 
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New Heaven & Earth + Lake Of Fire Image (WIP) 
Working on my third image, I wanted to compose something similar to the existing images on Google, however in my own depiction as well. What I imagined for this specific image, was a perspective from hell which I pictured to look like Earth but a destruction of it where it still would have clouds built up as ash clouds. With this image, I also want to show an opening in the sky showing people being thrown through it by fallen angels. But this could also be a chance to show the new earth and heaven from a distance. 
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Image 1 Final Draft
Here is a close look at my image that is close to completion which I will put aside for now and work on my other images. What I added here was a cloud image from my second photoshoot. I feel the clouds here really add to the atmosphere especially when it is surrounding the “heaven portal” I created. The stars are also just added particle brush strokes. I have also darkened the centre of the Earth and matched the colours to the entire image. 
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Image 1 Progress 
I have created some effects including the ‘energy-like wave’ effect from creating a wave effect and then masking it out to add to the idea of creation. There is also a portal at the bottom of the composition to hint it is heaven which I am thinking of adding clouds around. I still want this to look real as possible so I will continue working on the hands and earth. 
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Earth’s Creation Image Draft (WIP)
After looking at some inspiration for what image I could create to depict God creating the Heavens and the Earth, I landed on this style which I think portrays this idea better. However, I aim to use the technique by photographer Anna Maghradze that makes her figures look merely invisible. A reason for this is also because I do not want to portray God as a certain type of race as well as my visualisation of him as a celestial representation. Therefore, I am experimenting here with certain visual effects in Photoshop to achieve a similar look and feel of invisibility 
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Noah’s Ark Image Draft WIP
Using the images I shot for my first Photoshoot as well as the digital created model of my depiction of Noah’s ark, I wanted to capture a realistic feel of Noah’s ark existing which will progress forward with more editing. However, the method of using 3D Rendering I have done here was not only inspired by the fact I did not have access to these objects to photograph in person, but also draws a close connection to the work of Jonas Bendiksen. Jonas also uses video game production softwares and turned his images from Veles into 3D renderings. 
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Final Ark Render
Here is a rendered jpg image of Noah’s ark I will be using to create my image. 
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Creating 3D Model Of Noah’s Ark In Blender
Because I couldn’t get an actual model of Noah’s ark to Photograph, I decided to quickly model one up in Blender. This enables me to get different views of the ark to use as an image for when I edit this together into photoshop with other images. 
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Existing Google Images For Inspiration
(Fiery Lake Of Burning Sulfur)
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Existing Google Images For Inspiration
(Noah’s Ark)
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Gathering Existing Google Images For Inspiration
(God Creating Heavens & Earth) 
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Rough Composition Sketch
After reading through the scriptures, I had a visual idea that I initially pictured what these written words would look like. These rough sketches are just idea generated concepts which would possibly change but will still be based on the scriptures I have outlined. 
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Scriptures To Depict
Genesis 1: The Beginning
1. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
Genesis 7: Noah’s Ark
The Lord then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation. 2 Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, 3 and also seven pairs of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth. 4 Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.”
Revelations 21: A New Heaven and a New Earth
6 He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. 7 Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children. 8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
Based on these written scriptures from the Bible, I will visualise and depict how I could summarise these three important scriptures into a single image. 
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