ardn716brookethomson · 4 months
Printed zine
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I’ve printed out my zine as an extra, to show the photos will be laid out, and quite happy with it :)
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ardn716brookethomson · 4 months
Printed zine
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I’ve printed out my zine as an extra, to show the photos will be laid out, and quite happy with it :)
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ardn716brookethomson · 4 months
Final Spreads of zine
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After applying the final feedback, and switching the order of a few pages to make the new layout work, I have here the layout in which the spreads will appear in the zine.
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ardn716brookethomson · 4 months
Updates to zine
Fixing the font:
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Left: before. Right: new and improved
Following the last feedback session, my fonts look too different to the original Betty zine. So I did some investigation into what fonts they use following the handwritten style, and came across the font called Millestones. I have changed my title and also subheading to be the Millestones font, which matches the zines better and also looks a lot neater.
Cropping / swapping images:
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The image above has been cropped in tighter, which allows for more breathing space for the text at the top. Before, the space between the surfboard fins and the title was very small, so I removed the car window from the image and just concentrated on the surfboard.
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The spread before had the same photo layout, but the text wasn't aligned how the Betty zines usually do. I also had the feedback to add more images into each spread, so I made this new layout with three more successful images in a better layout. I made a new spread (below) reusing the other images as a textures page.
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ardn716brookethomson · 4 months
Class critique
Maybe show a centre ‘page’ line, either crop marks at the top and bottom or subtly 
Add Captions
Need Page numbers
More photos on each spread
Replace the sea foam page with the three photos page 
Put text on every page (or most pages) not in the centre of the page like sea foam page 
Add captions of what they are... eg. double page spread 
Make the spreads slightly smaller to put captions underneath on slide 
Fix the handwritten font on Briannas page, more neat and show how it relates to the Betty fonts side by side
Relate the title page font to the fickle green page in other issue
Move Brianna slightly to the right to avoid centre line 
Don’t need the word ‘blurb’ - Intro instead
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Above is some feedback from a classmate
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ardn716brookethomson · 4 months
Deliverable Mockups
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Above is a digital mockup for the physical photo essay inside the Betty Zine. I have mocked up the front cover of the Betty book, then shown a few pages of what my photographic articles section looks like on the inside. This is a recreation of the current Betty zine, imagining they have used my photos for their cover and photography article.
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My secondary deliverable is social media tiles promoting my photo essay inside the Betty Zine. I have mocked this up on an Instagram format, and features one photo which is the cover of the zine. By promoting the photos on social media, it is more likely to reach my target audience, encouraging them to buy a Betty zine, also ultimately encouraging them to try surfing.
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ardn716brookethomson · 4 months
Current Photo Essay Layout
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This is the current layout I have made. I have strategically placed the double page spread in between the two spreads with two images each. I have also put the featured article about Brianna at the beginning, with the 3rd black and white image leading the viewer into the journey. The final spread showcases the colours like a colour palette, relating back to my theme and title.
Bigger View:
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ardn716brookethomson · 4 months
First page with blurb
refined blurb:
‘Surfing The Palette’ explores the magical time of day at dusk and dawn when the beach is quiet and only few surfers are out. They ride waves as the light bleeds and reflects a whole palette of colours onto the water, showing its pinky orange hues in all its glory. My series of photographs focus on wahine women feeling empowered while being immersed in this picturesque atmosphere, surfing through the beautiful body of water around them. I hope my images inspire and encourage more women to discover the beauty of the ocean and try surfing. 
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I tried two different options, using my own handwritten text and bright colours to represent the colours of the sky at dawn and dusk. The page I am going with is the first one of the surfboard on the car as it represents the beginning of a journey, and the colour is also taken from the beach hop sticker on my car as well as the colour of the surfboard. The second option seemed like it would only be about my model Brianna as she is also on the cover.
The spread below is a small section of the article on the model herself including a quote and an inspiring message. I included a full body shot (one of my favourite images) as well as a closer headshot to get a closer look. I also did some rough and loose handwritten type to introduce the text section.
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ardn716brookethomson · 4 months
Spread Layout tests
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These are some spreads I was testing, using a few more of my best images. I did some research on successful spread ideas and also looked back at how they have used them in the zines. I decided I didn't need unnecessary text, so went with a purely photographic page below, using a unique long photo size.
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ardn716brookethomson · 4 months
A4 Print with Cornelius
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I have printed this Photo as A4 size on semigloss pearly paper and I am very happy with the result. This is my secondary deliverable as I would eventually love to create and sell prints in the future if I become a surf photographer.
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ardn716brookethomson · 4 months
Zine Page Layout
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The first page is inspired by one of Betty's articles which used a photo with a lot of white space, giving them space to put text for a blurb and title.
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I discovered that some images in the Betty zine are black and white so I chose this image of Bri as it also works very well as a double page spread.
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I took inspiration from this layout which is very text-heavy. However, I may change the image in the centre as it will get folded.
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I used the idea of the thin borders used on the two images from the Betty Zine. I have also paired my two images to fit together nicely, but having a subject matter next to an abstract image, as well as the colours complimenting each other.
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A double-page spread stretching to the edges, into the bleed section
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ardn716brookethomson · 4 months
Matching text from original
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I got a screenshot of one of the Betty zines then made my document the same size, and put the logo and text in the exact same place as the original zine, to make sure everything is correct. I have also assessed the paper stock of the zine so when I print it myself. I can try to use the same GSM of cardboard/paper stock. I have noticed that the inside paper is a lot thinner than the outer cover so I will make sure to achieve this as well.
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Left - thicker cover around 200gsm. Right - inner pages around 120gsm
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ardn716brookethomson · 4 months
A4 Print Options
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I am deciding out of these two images which one to choose as my physical print to hand in. I love the image of the waves and the colours and texture, also how it includes 3 surfers in it, from a different perspective - birds eye. On the other hand, I like the top image of the model as it better represents my project, though I feel like the waves would be better as a print I would eventually sell.
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ardn716brookethomson · 4 months
Betty Cover Iterations
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These are the two covers I am deciding between. I made a name for the booklet called Palette as the name I have given the article is "Surfing the Palette". I like the composition of the cover on the left, although the water is completely flat with no waves. I like the colours on the right cover and how it represents the title of the article better.
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ardn716brookethomson · 4 months
Peer Feedback
My peers picked out the best three images which they thought I could use as my hero image. 
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One person liked the first two images and believed they were the strongest, whereas someone else thought that the third was the best because of the colours and it relating to my theme more. I am still deciding which one I will choose as my Hero Print.
They agreed with me that I should remove the daytime photos from my zine because they don't fit with the others being at dusk and dawn.
My peers thought that I could use my surfboard fin photo as the first page of my zine with the most text on it.
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ardn716brookethomson · 4 months
Planned Deliverables
Photo Essay article section- Printed and bound spreads and cover (mocking up Betty Zine)
Social Media Tiles - to promote my photo essay article inside the Betty zine
Physical Print A4 - this is optional but in the future I would love to sell my photographs as prints so this is good practice.
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ardn716brookethomson · 4 months
Working Title Ideas
Beauty Beyond Dusk
Surf Lifestyle at Dusk
The Beauty of Women Surfing
Surfing The Palette of Light
Surfer Serenity
An Ethereal Ocean... (extremely delicate and light in a way that seems not to be of this world)
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