areakeeper · 1 month
shoutout to me being too high to properly articulate my silly penis brain. anyways draft is now chilling But let it be known. tonegâwa from kaïji? i want that fat bitch who can eat to rip ass I want. that old man to get a belly rub and to try and hold his composure about all of his awful gas being forced out but it reeks around them and the relief feels so good hes chubbing up in his work slacks and Oh sweet neptune
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areakeeper · 1 month
I feel like the only person in the eprocto community that prefers embarrassment. I get something out of the teasing me with their farts thing but honestly? When someone is so gassy and they can't help it and it Just Keeps Coming that is It. For me. Please apologize and blush and squirm until I realize that you're not just embarrassed? Yeah you're really red and you're making sounds that don't exactly sound like pain.. Oh baby, do you like this? Please indulge me and then whine because you figure out that it Feels Good.
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areakeeper · 2 months
eleven am i KNOW. but opened the app again to say horribly and with great pain that i started watchin n readin kaijî and like. perhaps i wanna see him actually eat a nice full meal Perhaps i wanna see him with a cute food filled belly and get it rubbed and be flustered about it and maybe even have. Aftermath that hes super embarrassed about but the other person coos at him n says its fine n to just relax n enjoy having a full stomach for once. maybe even touch him a bit about it to help him relax n he makes all his pathetic noises n gets all teary eyed about how good it feels n how embarrassed he is but he cant stop it and hes just a mess. Yknow normal thoughts people have who are normal and not weird
phones being a fuck n isnt allowing me to attach pics but Let it be known. i want that freak with a mullet to be cooed over n taken care of in a weird way that ends with him makin the air reek and cum in his boxers
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areakeeper · 4 months
actually i have had One new thought i can say outloud. its a passing one but basically everyone whos played sv loves lärry This is known. in th dlc its made clear hes super food motivated n has the same brand of aütism as löuie pikmïn does so like Little idea. him being shit at feeding himself during a really busy day n he gets home to hassël His wonderful old man husband who dotes so nice on him. he winds up making him a big old meal lärry is too hungry to waste even wen he gets real full n visibly round abt it n ends up needing hassëls help to get up n make it to bed. ends up w him rubbing lärrys firm tummy to help him feel better n hes Flustered a bit about being so gassy in front of his husband but his hands r so big n warm n so good at working everything down and hes kinda melted into the bed even as hes stinking them both out and hässel kinda Loves seeing him so relaxed and full and comfortable enough to be like this with him. maybe just maybe lärrys belly is real sensitive to touch and he starts gettin a lil heated about so much contact, aged fingers rubbing loving circles right under his belly button n twisting around his happy trail hair before a good push forces a rumble out into his unbuttoned work slacks that are gonna need a good run through th wash to get the smell out. Yknow just a thought
hi. i know i havent posted in Forevor but let it be known i have Not become any less of a strange little man in that time. i think part of th gap has been my thoughts largely taken up by me n a friends ocs, which makes talking abt them harder, esp since said friend Isnt a fart freak so its all just. In here (tapping my head and it makes the bamboo DŒNK sound affect)
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areakeeper · 4 months
hi. i know i havent posted in Forevor but let it be known i have Not become any less of a strange little man in that time. i think part of th gap has been my thoughts largely taken up by me n a friends ocs, which makes talking abt them harder, esp since said friend Isnt a fart freak so its all just. In here (tapping my head and it makes the bamboo DŒNK sound affect)
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areakeeper · 1 year
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wheeeeee. compilation of reasons i need to be put in a dog cone
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areakeeper · 1 year
im so fucking high right nos but i gotta. transbide the message the vission okay. zenigatä but his insta ramens gone back and he didnt noticed hntil later at his desk hes cramping and bloatted as hell, havinf stress ate double his lunch on top of things. melon cöp comes in n jokes he can hear zenigatäs stomach from here, if hes still hungry he better find sumn else to eat, having noticed all tht ramen was past due. zenigatä kinda jolts at realizing thts why his stomach is in knots and groans abt it. melon cöp laughs a bit n offers if he could help, suggests they chill on a shitty little couch in th offiice and he can rub his stomach. zenigatä hestitates before his stomach gurgles loudly, muscles twisting in his abdomen as he relents, getting up and carefully getting to th couch. melon makes good on his word, settles zenigatä a bit back and rubs hard cirlces into his stomach, presses of th heel into his sides. when he first farts he blusters and apologizes, not easily able to get up without beinf stopped by a hard cramp. melon tells him its fine, he was expecting sometjing to come out, whole point to calming shit down is emptying out what makes the fuss. zenigatä is burning over having just farted so close to his partner, but that was th first taste of relief hes gotta since the gas started ro bloat him, having been struggling to push anything out between potentioal embarrassment of beinf heard and his guts not working wifh him. so, he lets melon continue, urging loud, bubbling farts out of th large man, occasionally telling him he feels less hard now or how hes stinkin up th office, gonna have fo open th window soon with how cramped it is
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areakeeper · 1 year
Back on my kinky bullshit
Being vocal with gas
Letting out little whimpers as they feel their stomach churning and bubbling, gasping in surprise and chagrin when it eventually ripples out of their backside, moans of relief after letting out an especially relieving one
Meek words of apology afterwards, the little "'Scuse me..." and "Pardon" and trying to defend themselves
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areakeeper · 1 year
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Cheap meme I made on my phone before bed
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areakeeper · 2 years
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I’m just gonna uhhhhh
Leave this here with no context
By e-
i open this accs activity fr two seconds and am ATTACKED by old man farts. i totally forgot this was an actual line in babylön im going to explode sometjing in real life
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areakeeper · 2 years
How about a character who’s angry, stressed out, and worked up about something, maybe ranting to their assistant about it, and then they start getting painful gas on top of all that?
Ooh yes (oh and sorry anon I didn't answer soon enough, I do not check on this account often)
I picture a very important business person (a ceo if you will) and they have all this important business shit to take care of and their ranting to their assistant in private about everything. Bonus if they have a big ego and think their better than everyone else.
Then the gas cramps kick in. They stop ranking for a sec and hold their gurgling stomach. Their assistant asks if they're OK, the center says their fine, before accidently releasing a fat, bassy fart. They start blushing, afraid their assistant will laugh, but they instead smile and request to rub their stomach. The assistant coaxes all that gas out of their ceo, whom finds this really calming.
After they're relieved, the ceo thanks them, feeling much better and more calm
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areakeeper · 2 years
Desperate/Urgent gas is great but when you combine it with cuddling on a very full belly it's something I dream of. Like say you and your s/o came back from dinner and they ate almost twice as much as you did. They waddle to the couch and whine for cuddles, of course you oblige. Your hands begin to wander over their stuffed belly as you rub their belly. At first they sigh contently and enjoy it, but over time they squirm and make subtle attempts to get out of your lap. When you finally put 2 and 2 together, you put them square on your lap and press your hand on their lower stomach. Your s/o's stomach grumbles lowly as they try and hold it their gas. You lean in close to their ear and whisper sweetly, "It's ok love, you can let it out. I don't mind it and you'll feel so much better." All your s/o can do is moan in relief as you kiss them and rub their belly, resulting in loud farts ranging in pitch and the smell wafting between the both of you👌👌💚
I’m so in love with prompts like these. I love when intimacy is mixed with farts, especially when there’s someone who needs comfort. Hair stroking, kisses on their bloated belly in between gently pressing down to coax out more gas makes my heart melt. Then they lean into your embrace because of how comforting your touch is, but there’s still a look of embarrassment and pain on their face from all of the gas swirling around in their belly (╯3╰)
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areakeeper · 2 years
im picky with eprocto content but i LOVE the idea of characters having tummy issues and embarrassingly letting out farts or having to be told its ok to relieve themselves by a friend/lover.
also love the idea of someone with trapped gas and said friend/lover helping massage it out
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areakeeper · 2 years
THANK YOU FOR THAT WRITING 🥴🥴🥴🥴 one other z/l scenario I keep thinking about is like. hard to explain but L slipping out of some handcuffs only to then handcuff Z to an exposed pole behind them, he’s got a chair set up between Z and the pole that he’s smugly already sitting in so Z has no choice but to slide down until he’s perching on L’s lap or risk some really uncomfortable arm stretch. the thief’s legs lose circulation from just how heavy Z is and he’s of course also mortifyingly gassy and moaning in embarrassed relief every time L presses into his bloat <3
i am GOING to fucking. Pass away jus. zenigäta forced into sitting in lüpins lap, already so flustered about having to be in such a position with the little weasel of a man who of COURSE has such a smug smile on, victorious in his little scheme to get the older man to sit in his lap. hes heavy, over fifty pounds heavier at least and unable to spare any of his weight off lüpin or else he'd jus end up achin his legs instead, and hes so so aware of this hes all red in th face hes used his weight before to tackle or hold th thief down so its not like he has any hesitation when it comes to throwing himself around, but just. Sitting on him like this, no motive of capture behind the motion, even doing say at the mercy of lüpin vs against him, its a weird little reversal that makes him starkly aware of their size difference. and of course as if things couldnt get anymore humiliating for the man, on top of his already sizeable dad böd ass bear belly, hes got a godawful bloat hardening the usually soft gut, in this position hes painfully aware of how its even slightlt straining the buttons of his shirt, ironing out the wrinkles of his cheap vest. with lüpin being the little bastard he is of course he knows this, noticed it before getting so close up, it was the damn thing that even made him pull this little stunt to begin with, little perv. zenigäta figures as much, this isnt the first time hes been unfortunately gassy with lüpin around to take his weird little pleasure in the inspector farting, but it never fails to be embarrassing, and having his ass seated RIGHT ON TOP of the lithe little bastard? dear god, fhe mans gonna combust here and now. or, he wishes he could, as th lil thief finally starts pushing his little safecracking fingers into his gut, finding every little bubble with exact precision and forcing them lower and lower, right until they finally escape and rumble out loudly against his legs and crotch. warm air surronds the two of them in its fermented stench as he keeps it up, massaging the cute fussy belly before him, even unbuttoning the inspectors vest and shirt so hes directly touching hairy, flushed skin, every gurgle and groan distinct under his touch. zenigäta, on his end, is a mess; shirt undone from the ribs down, sweating from the mix of embarrassment, arousal, and damp heat around them, disgusted by his own bile emissions but unable to escape, mortified by every loud thunder that escapes below him, all the while he cant even help being turned on himself, the relief of the pressure on his angry gut, the warm hands touching all over his stomach, and the goddamned way lüpin keeps cooing at him, crooning on about how hot this is, how good the inspector is doing in letting out all this gas (even if not requiring much pushing at all, what with all the massaging), how turned on the rancid smell is making him. its bizarre, its grotesque, its absolutely damned ridiculous, and yet zenigäta still cant help but rock his hips down a little, chasing the friction against lüpins lap for relief now for the rising heat building between his legs, shuddering out moans everytime lüpin rubs out a particularly large fart or when he manages to grind up against the older man. and hey, the kissing helps, too, even if it started because he was trying to shut the little bastard up about how bad it smelled
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areakeeper · 2 years
Stuck in a wall and being gassy (nervous or something not sitting well) go too well together
i am thinking about this a little too much okay...
thinking about a character getting stuck in some awkward positioning (idk, they had to reach in some tiny crawl space to grab something, or something fell on them, whatever works) and gets stuck on one side of the wall and a friend of their’s is on the other side watching... maybe it’s someone who’s already their partner, but even better if it’s their crush.
said friend tries to help them out to no avail and has to call for backup, it’s gonna take a bit so they’re gonna be here awhile... if it’s the crush route, the character is already extremely embarrassed at the awkwardness of their ass just... exposed like that, can’t even move much to not feel so looked-at...
they’re thinking about their crush staring, butterflies in their stomach, until they realize, oh no, they just had lunch before this, and that food digesting combined with the nervousness is making their belly churn. suddenly they really need to fart and try to ask the friend to leave for a bit, but they’re explaining so badly with the worry their crush is just “wait, why, are you alright?” and some gas slips out anyway...
it’s especially bad because they can’t see their friend’s reaction, can’t gauge how bad it was ‘cuz they can’t smell it much on their side of the wall, can’t even scramble away, they just have to bury their face in their hands and wait for a response’’’
ehehe, use your imagination for how the scenario goes from there...personally, i’m not a total monster, i’d like to think the friend’s reaction is more than positive~
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areakeeper · 2 years
Robot wife with gassy human husband. She really doesn't mind and finds human bodily functions to be quite cute, but he gets embarrassed about it nonetheless.
Also fuck backgrounds. We got 2-tone solid colors todah
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areakeeper · 2 years
do you have any other z*nigata x l*pin thoughts by chance.. like maybe z blowing up his patrol car with gas when he finally has L handcuffed and L giving him a sloppy bj while z keeps letting out farts in his face 😵‍💫👉👈
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i have not fuckinf been able to stop thinking about this ask. how could you do this to me im so feeble and gay and my penis wenis is fucking dying oht here
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