aretheytheasshole · 9 months
OP wanted to know if they'd be the asshole for leaving their girlfriend for humiliating them.
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Not at all. Because drunk or not what she's doing is emotional abuse plain and simple. Even has the whole they say they're sorry and won't do it again but they do it again thing.
And if she's willingly telling random strangers at the bar about their sex life then who knows what she's spilling to people they do know personally. Stressed and drunk or not she's the asshole, not OP. As far as the size thing goes that does not make you any less of a man. Because plenty of women I know have told me just because it's small doesn't mean the man doesn't know how to use it. Just saying. So my advice to OP is to keep standing your ground and don't ever go back.
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aretheytheasshole · 9 months
OP asked if she was the asshole for telling her in-laws to mind their business.
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Absolutely not. In fact, she's the only one in this situation who isn't an asshole. The in-laws are assholes for thinking they can control what they name their child. Also, the first or middle names are never the family name to live on. That's usually the surname.
The husband is the asshole for going back on their agreement. All because his family pressured him. I mean if he's gonna cave this easily on something like the name of their child what else will they pressure him about?" One thing I would like to point out. OP said the name they want her to use is Arthur. And she is right that the name has become popular. But Riley is even more popular than that so either name isn't going to be that unique trending wise.
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