argythecat · 2 years
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Time's up. It's December.
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argythecat · 2 years
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argythecat · 2 years
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Oh, it's you, Monday. HECC OFF!
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argythecat · 2 years
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argythecat · 2 years
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Missed Tummy Tuesday... Wummy Wednesday? :3
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argythecat · 2 years
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argythecat · 2 years
Starter GPose: Lighting 102- Outdoors
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Now that we know some basic lighting techniques, it's time to wander into the wild!
There's a lot that's out of your control, like weather and natural light. But let's use those to our advantage!
Supplemental Lighting
Remember: you can use the 3-point light sources and the Character lighting settings to bring attention to the subject, making it pop from the background.
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In the example below, Freya is pretty dim against the background; so we position a yellow source to reinforce the torch light and a blue source to suggest moonlight.
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Oh, one interesting thing about water surfaces: while point lights can't cast shadows...
...it can reflect over water surfaces!
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The principle of using a point light to enhance, reinforce or suggest a source can be used anywhere: fixtures, skybox sources, armor, weapons... the sky (well, and the count of 3) is the limit.
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Less is more
Simplify your shots. Visual elements draw attention away from the subject. By using Depth of Field (DoF) you can force background elements to lose focus.
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Alternatively, you can look for parts of the background with fewer elements (like the sky, a cave wall, or a dark patch of a forest.)
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Dungeons and open areas have wildly different lighting patterns. Don't fight it: instead, try to adjust your sources to enhance the feeling. Overcast weather gives less contrast, the same as night shots. On the other hand, Some instances can give very harsh light. Use it to your advantage.
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Use it. The fact that you're not locked into place means that you can have better action shots, using the environment to help tell a story.
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Also, the Golden Hour is real. Sunrises and sunsets give amazing opportunities for shots.
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Night shots have their own characteristics, but they're basically similar to studio shots. So rim lights and key lights can bring subjects to the foreground, even if they're wearing dark clothing.
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Sometimes the environment is the focus. Draw your character away, and let the beauty of Etheirys sink in.
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Look out for structures that can help isolate your character from the background.
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Now that I mentioned these points, let's see how (and why) some shots were taken!
Low contrast, DoF isolating from the noisy background, orange point light to Noemie's right, white-bluish point light to the top left.
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High contrast, strong orange point light to the right of Louise, and a white point far to the left.
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Here the scenario is totally irrelevant (apart from the general grey tone), So ADoF+Bubble, ADoF + Bokeh, a single white point from the sun's direction, and a high Character lighting.
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This guide is way less technique-heavy than the previous one, but I hope it helped illustrate some ways to benefit from outdoor shots; please share your experiments, and let me know if you have any questions!
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argythecat · 2 years
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I've been redecorating my house again. This time, the lower level as that's my living quarters as for the main floor is my gpose studio. It's starting to look homey. May leave it like this for a while until I can figure out what to remove and add. :D
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argythecat · 2 years
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Hi. I love my [ex]static. Their convos in discord literally cure my day. This is one of my favorite snips of one of those convos. I love them to bits. So I show my appreciate through gposes sometimes. <3
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argythecat · 2 years
With more people returning to Tumblr, I thought I’d make one of these posts! Can you please give this a like/reblog if you’re an active ffxiv blog focusing on roleplay, character building, screenshots, etc. and you’re looking for more people to follow. This way new, returning or even active blogs can take a look at the likes/reblogs and find active people they might like to follow.
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argythecat · 2 years
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//I tried. Experimenting with lighting in Ishgarde was -not- a good idea but I spent too long on this photo to not post it.
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argythecat · 2 years
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A really fun collab with one of my best friends ever, Emi! Very chill...y.
Please check her out <3 I love her sooo much
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argythecat · 2 years
//mom there’s a weird fucking cat-lady-person thing and goth chick doing dances outside again
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argythecat · 2 years
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No mods or shaders, just love for one of the sweetest, purest, most wholesome people I've ever had the good fortune to meet. Asstoona, you're a wonderful friend and I adore you <3
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argythecat · 2 years
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argythecat · 2 years
Fellow twitter jumpers, read dis :3
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Howdy newbies and welcome to Tumblr, it takes a bit of setup to get this site running well so here’s what works for me. One of the neat things about this site is that its a different experience for everyone, so tailor these settings towards what you want from this site. 
New XKit 
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argythecat · 2 years
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Hi Tumblr, I'm A'rgy! Nice to meet you! <3
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