arianamidnight · 2 months
Movie with a twist
Hazbin hotel fic
My AU that's why it's OOC and pretty far from cannon
Warnings: swearing, pretty peaceful, chilling out, huskerdust
Summary: Hotel residents are having a movie night, what turned into a playful brawl. And then into the magic show. But what if something unexpected would spoil the fun?
Charlie was chasing Angel Dust with a playful growling.
"Angel! Gimme back my popcorn! Or at least leftovers of my popcorn! Don't eat everything, you naughty fluffy spider!" Charlie yelled.
Angel Dust burst out with miscivious laughter and, using the sofa as a support, jumped over Charlie with a backflip, while still holding the bowl of popcorn with his second set of arms.
"Careful, Angel!" warned Vaggie, bending down so demonic spider won't trip over her head.
"Legs won't trip over ya, Varrior" huffed Husk idly, taking a sip from the whiskey bottle.
Vaggie and Husk were sitting on the sofa in the lobby, while Charlie was chasing Angel Dust over the whole lobby. Actually, it was supposed to be a peaceful movie night in the Hazbin hotel. But word "peaceful" and demons are incompatible things.
Charlie noticed that demonic spider was running circles, and with a smirk suddenly changed the direction to cross its trajectory. This trick allowed princess of hell finally catch Angel Dust, pinning him to the floor, but...
"Seriously, you ate everything?!" groaned Charlie, seeing the, now empty, bowl. "It was filled with popcorn just 10 minutes ago! Is it really possible to feed you?!"
This statement made Angel Dust burst out with laughter. Then demonic spider looked at Charlie with flirty girn, but before he could say anything...
"Don't you dare say something sexual!" growled Vaggie and Husk in unison.
A second later Vaggie and cat-demon looked at each other with confusion and then burst out with laughter. So did Charlie, while Angel Dust pouted and crossed both his set of arms on his chest.
"Mean! I was about to say that princess is pretty heavy~" Angel Dust said in childish pouty voice. But a mischievous twinkle was still in his eyes.
Charlie gasped and jumped up from demonic spider with worried face.
"Oh Edem, am I really that heavy?! I'm so sorry Angel! Are you alright?!" Charlie jabbered, worried.
Demonic spider covered his face, and his shoulders started shaking. Charlie blinked in confusion.
"Legs, don't be a bastard. Princess, he's just acting. And now he's laughing at your naive reaction." huffed Husk.
Then cat demon yawned, stratching his wings while his cat ears went down and then perked back up. This behaviour an ignorant person might get mistaken as boredom. But the hotel residents, as well as its owner, knew Husk enough to know that this behavior was a sign of trust and comfort of cat-demon.
Charlie blinked and titled her head. She looked at Vaggie, who nodded her head.
"Baby, that lazy cat is right. Angel Dust was just messing with you. After eating all popcorn." Vaggie rolled her eyes with a chuckle.
Princess of hell blushed a bit.
"Angel! Not my fault I'm easily getting fooled!" Charlie crossed her arms on her chest and pouted, mimicking demonic spider s' expression.
"Great. Two pouty kids." cat-demon huffed. "Do we even need a movie? Living here is like... The most absurd tragicomedy I've ever seen."
Husk huffed. Angel Dust, Vaggie and Charlie got startled from this monologue, and then... All three of them burst out with laughter. Cat-demon muttered something grumpy, but then snickered in amusement.
"This cat still can entertain the crowd!~" purred Husk with a touch of nostalgia.
Charlie, Vaggie and Angel Dust stopped giggling and looked at Husk.
"Husk, what do you mean?" princess of hell titled his head.
"Oh, right!" Angel Dust sat more comfy on the floor. "Before becoming a subordinate of Creepy Smile, Whiskers was a performer. Showing tricks with cards and so on. Right, Kitty?"
"Yeah-yeah. And how many times I asked not to call me "Kitty"?" Husk rolled his eyes.
Charlie, after hearing the explanation got excited.
"You used to be a performer?! Amazing! Can you show us some tricks? Pretty please!~" Charlie looked at cat-demon with pleading eyes.
"Yes Whiskers, show us what you can!" nodded Angel Dust, getting excited too.
"Nah. Not gonna happen." huffed Husk and finished his whiskey bottle.
Princess of hell and demonic spider whined, dissapointed.
Vaggie didn't want her girlfriend to be sad, so...
"Don't bother him, guys. He is just old grumpy lazy cat. I'm sure that he forgot all his tricks anyway. All he can now is grumping and drinking alcohol." Vaggie said with a grin.
Cat-demon hissed.
"For your information. I know that you said it to hurt my ego. You haven't succeed." Husk yawned ostentatiously.
Vaggie groaned in dissapointment. She really thought that Husk would fall for this provocation. But he didn't. Charlie looked sad about not seeing magic tricks.
Suddenly Angel Dust stood up and walked towards cat-demon. Girls looked at it with interested faces.
Suddenly demonic spider sat on Husks' lap and snuggled towards cat-demons' chest.
"Come on, Whiskers~ Be a good kitty~ We all so wanna see your amazing magic tricks. You won't disappoint your fans, right?~" Angel Dust purred with velvet voice.
Husk gasped and thanked Edem that because of his fur his blush wasn't visible.
"G-get off you kinky freak!" cat-demon pushed Angel Dust, and demonic spider fell on the floor, laughing.
Charlie smiled softly.
"Interesting..." princess of hell muttered.
"Baby, what is interesting?" Vaggie asked, confused. Angel Dust flirting with everyone wasn't anything new.
"Nothing Vaggie, don't mind me" Charlie shook her head softly.
"Fine! I said, fine dummit!" cat-demon growled and stood up. "I'll show you a few tricks. But only a few! Am I clear?!"
Demonic spider jumped up from the floor and started nodding excitedly.
"Yup Whiskers! Thanks!" Angel Dust clapped both his sets of arms with a giggle.
"Such a child." huffed Husk and Vaggie in unison.
They looked at each other with confusion again.
"Hahaha, you're finally getting along! It's second time you two are saying the same line at the same time~" Charlie snickered.
"Oh shut up, princess"
"Babe, don't even start it!"
Cat-demon and Vaggie groaned rolling their eyes.
"Okey-okey, I won't~" princess of hell snickered and took a seat on the sofa. Angel Dust sat next to her. "Vaggie, come, sit. Now, Husk you can start!"
Husk sighed and rolled his eyes. He already started regretting that he agreed to this.
Vaggie sat on the other side from Charlie and snickered.
"Don't tell me I was right and you forgot everything for real?~" teased Charlie's girlfriend.
Cat-demon rolled his eyes again. Then he looked around, thinking about what he should start with. Then Husk met up with Angel Dusts' eyes and snickered, getting the idea.
Cat-demon took off his hat and shook it.
"My hat is empty, as you can see" Husk said with a slight smirk. "But not for long. Because right now, I would get someone out of it~"
Charlie started giggling in anticipation, while Vaggie just rolled her eyes. Angel Dust was just watching, waiting for the magic to happen.
Cat-demon chuckled, waved his paw above his hat. Then he put his paw inside the hat and... Took Fat Nugget out. Angel Dust gasped.
"Fat Nugget?! Is it really you, my sweet baby?!" demonic spider jumped up.
Husk let go of the demonic pigglet and it immediately ran towards it's owner oinking happily.
"It was so amazing! Husk you're magical!" Charlie started clapping with sparkling eyes.
"Okey, I admit that wasn't that boring" Vaggie snickered.
Angel Dust picked up his demonic pigglet and giggled.
"Kitty, I never knew my pet was your assistant~" demonic spider teased.
"Shut up Legs" Husk grumped with a smile.
Cat-demon actually started enjoying showing tricks to such appreciative audience.
Husk continued showing magic tricks, and soon even Vaggie started sincerely clapping and cheering.
["Husk is so amazing... And hot... I wish he saw me as someone more than just a friend..."] Angel Dust thought with a smile.
Charlie chocked with air. As a succubus, she was able to feel love and all other things connected with it. Sometimes she was even able to hear the brightest thoughts. That's why now, sitting near demonic spider, princess of hell heard his thought clearly. Angel Dust had crush on Husk?
Charlie wasn't able to help herself and burst out with laughter. Husk, who was in the middle of the trick, blinked in confusion and stopped.
"Princess what's the fuck? It wasn't supposed to be funny...." cat-demon muttered grumpyly.
Angel Dust and Vaggie looked at laughing succubus with confusion too.
Charlie was still laughing, not able to stop herself. Princess of hell laughed so hard that she fell from the sofa.
"Baby, you alright there?" asked Vaggie with a snicker.
"Yehehehes" bubbled Charlie through laughter.
Angel Dust started giggling too and even Husk snickered.
"Have no idea why princess is dying from laughter, but her laughter is contagious" cat-demon said with a smirk.
Angel Dust nodded, giggly.
It took almost 30 minutes for Charlie to calm down and stop laughing. Then princess of hell and Angel Dust looked at Husk with hope.
"No, don't even look at me. Princess ruined the mood." cat-demon huffed and teleported another bottle of whiskey into his hand.
"Aww come on, lazy cat!" Vaggie groaned.
She got interested in Husks' magic tricks too and now was as upset as other two demons.
But suddenly with a black shadow spark Valentino appeared in the lobby. Everyone in the room got startled and tension instantly grew in the air.
"Angel Cakes, I see you done here. I need you" moth demon said with aloof voice, and then looked at Charlie "I hope you don't mind, princessa?"
Everyone in the room got silent and tesne. Charlie looked at Angel Dust, who started visibly shaking.
"Angel?" asked princess of hell softly.
She didn't want repeat her previous mistake and make everything between Valentino and Angel Dust even worse than it already was.
Demonic spider took a deep breath and put on his usual defiant smile.
"Don't worry Charlie~ I can handle myself~ Val, is it for the whole night?" Angel Dust said with his usual erotic voice.
"Not for the whole night" Valentino chuckled and took a drag from his pipe.
Princess of hell sighed and nodded.
"Okey Angel, you can go. But after, could you please come to me for a private conversation?" Charlie said softly.
Demonic spider nodded, a bit curious about that conversation. Then he stepped towards Valentino.
"Okey Val, I'm ready~" Angel Dust smiled, slightly nervously.
Moth demon nodded and they both dissappeared in the pink dust.
"If that pervert moth would do something to Angel..." Husk let out a low growl. His ears went back and down, while his tail straight twitching angrily.
"I hope he would be okey..." Charlie sighed and hugged Vaggie, scared about her friend.
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arianamidnight · 3 months
Too far
Hazbin hotel fic
My AU that's why it's OOC and pretty far from cannon
Warnings: swearing, mention of violence, slight mention of sex and BDSM, Valentino being a bitch, a bit of tickles
Summary: Alastor loves winning, but not when his rival is head in the clouds. But what if radio demon already knows the reason?
Alastor snickered and shifted into shadows avoiding the volt of electricity that Vox threw into him. Pathetic. Time passes but TV demons' strategy doesn't change at all.
Alastair appeared infront of Vox but... He didn't react. At all. Alastor blinked. What was going on? Usually if radio demon appear that close, TV demon jump back or teleport behind, or at least his screen expression changes. But now Vox like, didn't notice deer demon at all.
A second later TV demon blinked and jumped back, finally noticing Alastor being so close. Radio demon growled, his usual smile faltered.
"Don't forget where you are!" Alastor warned and hit Vox with his cane.
TV demon jumped up and teleported in air, avoiding the attack. But again, his moves were awkward and abrupt. More abrupt then usual.
Deer demon muttered under his breath. Princess of hell was really having a bad influence on him.
Alastor teleported infront of Vox, who was trying to sneak behind him, and with a simple push made TV demon fall backwards.
"I won, old pal~" Alastor chuckled, but his eyes were studying his opponent.
"Yeah-yeah... Fuck you and so on..." muttered Vox, his thoughts still far away.
Deer demon moved so the crowd was able to see only his back, and landed Vox a hand.
"It's not interesting to win against someone whose mind is far from here and who doesn't truly desire to win. Mind sharing?" Alastor snickered.
TV demon blinked in confusion, but then sighed with a crooked smile.
"There is a huge crowd around. Mind teleporting us to my office? 'Cause you're one visibly winning" Vox reminded, hinting that this deed of help would ruin both their reputation.
Alastor snikered and nodded. Vox was right. So deer demon snapped his fingers and both radio demon and TV demon dove into shadows, leaving crowd groaning in disappointment.
When Vox was able to see something exept the darkness again, he found out that he was still sitting on the ground, but now in the middle of his own office. While Alastor, like nothing, was sitting in his armchair! TV demon rolled his eyes and stood up.
"So, what's bothering you, old pal?~" purred Alastor with a smirk and miscivious sparkle in his eyes.
"Right now that you have brazenly privatized my chair." answered Vox in playfully grumpy voice.
But then suddenly Vox tensed up and shut his screen for a second. Alastor titled his head on the side, curious.
"And that Velvet is about to enter." said TV demon with a sigh, turning his screen back on.
Alastor nodded and snickered.
"Then I'll leave. When you'll be free just call my name~" radio demon burst out with his usual maniac like laughter and dove into shadows.
Vox rolled his eyes with a smirk. That motherfucker would never change.
But then TV demon heard a hesitate knock on the door. Vox knew that it was Velvet, but social media demon usually was just entering his office even without knocking. But now she seemed to be hesitant and nervous.
Vox teleported to the door with electricity spark and opened the door.
"H-hey..." Velvet muttered, looking down.
Her hair was more messy than usual and there was a huge wound on her cheek. The upper part of the wound was narrow like a cut and the lower part widened.
Vox's eyes widened. He perfectly knew what weapon leaves such wounds.
"Again? Oh Edem... Velv, let me see"
Vox took a step back, letting Velvet inside. Social media demon was a bit shaky. TV demon understood that she was holding tears. That's Velvet, even if she's in pain she won't show any weakness to anyone. She is the youngest overlord in hell, after all.
"Gimme a second and you'll be as good as new, Velv. Trust me with it~" Box jocked.
That usual VoxTek line made Velvet snicker and role her eyes.
"V, I'm not other sinisters, I'm a pro bitch. So shut up"
TV demon snickered and bend down. Vox placed his palm on Velvet's wounded cheek, making female demon hiss a bit. Vox concentrated and sent a small amount of electricity into Velvet's cheek.
For TV demon, his electricity was a flexible power that was following his mood, thoughts and intentions.
It wasn't the first time Velvet getting hurt. And, precisely thanks to her, TV demon found out that with his electricity, he can not only fight, but also heal small wounds.
A few seconds later Velvet was all healed, but she didn't even notice it. Social media demon was deep in her thoughts, and her mood was pretty blue. Vox felt bad for his little girl. But then TV demon snickered playfully, getting an idea.
Alastor was hiding in the shadows. He didn't teleport away from VoxTek. Instead he hided in the shadows and decided to see what Velvet wanted from Vox.
But when social media demon entered the office, deer demon got shocked. He knew what weapon could leave such a wound. Whip.
And a few days ago Angel Dust came to the hotel with same wounds all over his body. It was not too difficult for radio demon to compare these two facts. Valentino was one who hurted Velvet. But... They worked together, and teamed up against other overlords. Then why moth-demon attacked Velvet?
Suddenly Alastor's thoughts were interrupted by... Giggling? Deer demon looked at the two demons in the room and couldn't help a soft smile.
TV demon was using his electricity to tickle Velvet, who was giggling and wiggling around. Those two looked like father and daughter.
Radio demon shook his head with a groan. Charlie was definitely having a bad influence on him. He was now being soft towards his own rival!
Deer demon sighed and shook his head. Mainwhile, Vox stopped tickling social media demon, picked her up like a child and walked out of the office. Alastor snickered when TV demon said that he would tug Velvet in a bed like a toddler, so she won't stay up all night like usual.
When two Vees left the office and closed the door, Alastor shifted out of the shadows. Radio demon sat on Vox's armchair and dove into thoughts. But before he created a shadow minion and ordered him to guard the door. After all, Alastor didn't want to ruin Vox's reputation by letting someone catch him in the VoxTek office.
Alastors' thoughts went back to a conversation he had with Husk a few days ago. He did promise cat-demon to talk with Valentino, yes. But now... Deer demon started thinking that the case was more serious than just Val being a violent owner. After all, radio demon just saw that moth-demon was hurting not only Angel Dust.
Shadow minion warned Alastor that Vox was walking back. Radio demon snapped his fingers, dismissing shadow minion and looked at the door, leaning back in Vox's armchair. It felt pretty comfortable. Maybe he should get himself a new armchair?
Vox entered his office and couldn't help mosking snicker.
"And what about 'say my name'?" teased TV demon.
But Alastor was not in a mood for playful back-and-forth.
"Vox, you were so destructed during our fight because of Valentino, weren't you? The wound on Velvet was made by his whip, right?" Radio demon got straight to the point.
TV demon got startled for a second but then let out a tired sigh. He teleported himself another chair and took a seat.
"Yes, you got it right. It's the second week of Val being... More violent than usual." Vox looked down, playing with a jolt of electricity in his fingers. "As a lust demon he always was a saddist and into any BDSM sex thing, but... Now he is being sadistic even in usual situations. And I'll be honest, Al... It's getting me worried"
Vox looked into Alastor's eyes. TV demon was confused and depressed. All this situation was getting him under too much pressure. On the one side Valentino was his coworker and friend. But on the other, Velvet was like a daughter to TV demon. And Val's behaviour was damaging whole VoxTek reputation.
A silence filled the room. Both Alastor and Vox dove into thoughts.
Deer demon thought about Husk again. And about the way Alastor treated him. Radio demon almost got like Valentino... Alastor completely understood what was happening. Power and control was a a difficult test even for a strong mind and will. But even radio demon almost got carried away. What can be said about the demon of lust, whose willpower was much inferior to Alastor's?
But, to be honest, deer demon didn't get insane from authority only thanks to one innocent succubus. Alastor snickered softly and mentally thanked Charlie.
"Well old pal, you're lucky that I am willing to give that moth a lesson~ If you don't mind, of course~" Alastor snickered and his usual smile got more sadistic.
"Oh? And what that lesson would be about, if you don't mind my curiosity?" Vox titled his screen on the side.
Honestly, TV demon never thought that radio demon would even care. But, here they are.
"The lesson about what is authority, and how to use it correctly. And don't think that I do it for you. One my subordinate asked me to have a chat with Valentino. So, do you give me your permission?" Alastor huffed.
Vox rolled his eyes with a smirk. Of course radio demon would never admit that he care about someone. Typical Al.
"Don't kill him, don't cripple him. Otherwise -- feel free" TV demon said with a grin.
Alastor burst out with laughter, hearing this statement.
"Oh, don't worry old pal~ Your moth would be able to walk by himself~ But you'll have to play along" Alastor snickered evily and explained Vox his plan.
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arianamidnight · 3 months
Introduction post
I guess it's time for me to write a bit about myself, what stuff I do and so on
Warnings: information about me, slight mention about sexual content, some spoilers in different fandoms.
Second, about critic. As I said above feel free to write your opinion, just please be polite. I won't tolerate any insults towards me or other people.
So let's start with something important. English is not my main language, so I do a lot of spelling and other kinds of mistakes. I apologize for it. Feel free to correct me.
Another thing I am 18 already, and would be 19 this year. So yeah, I'm more to adult. Even though sometimes I act like a toddler 😅
Third important thing. I am female, pansexual. I fully support LGBTQ+ community, and as I wrote above I won't let anyone insult anyone here. If you don't support them, just ignore. Same with shipping included, you may not like.
Now about T-word content. I enjoy reading and writing it. And I adore both platonic and sexual, but I strictly differentiate them. In warnings I would always write if it'd be sexual. If not, it's platonic.
Now about fandoms. But before one more announcement. I have YouTube channel, where I do gacha videos about my AUs in: Fnaf, MHA, previously Lion Guard.
About things I would post here. I write originals, and I believe that soon I'll make my OC's introduction and would write something about them.
Hazbin hotel (main in fics right now )
But also I write fics in fandoms. I have my AUs in fandoms like:
Fnaf (mostly Afton family, but have Funtimes, Nightmare animatronics, Glamrocks and Originals)
MHA (timeline slight after the camp)
MLB ( timeline after Mark and Nathaniel got miraculous)
Well I think it's all for now. I would redact this post and add more things in future.
Thanks for your attention 💛
0 notes
arianamidnight · 3 months
How old are you if you're ok with answering, you interacted with my page and I just want to make sure you're not under 17 before interacting with your stuff too
Hey there, thanks for your ask!
Kinda nervous 'cause it's my first ask 😅
But, to the main point. I'm full 18 and would turn 19 in a month. My stuff is... Not really safe for minors... But I put warnings on every post, so I hope no-one would get traumatized.
Best wishes, anon 😁
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arianamidnight · 3 months
Broken star
Hazbin hotel fic
My AU that's why it's OOC and pretty far from cannon
Warnings: swearing, mention of violence, slight mention of sex and BDSM, Angel Dust angst, sensitive topics, panic attack; slight Huskerdust
Summary: Angel Dust had a hard day at work, really hard day. And his cat friend tries to help, but it goes wrong
Angel Dust felt completely squeezed out. It was midnight and he was about to enter the Hazbin hotel.
After Charlie tried to help, things only got worse. Val like went nuts. He got really violent. Like, more violent than usual.
Angel Dust entered the Hazbin hotel lobby and hissed when the door touched a bruise on his shoulder.
"You are late, Legs" this calm and velvet voice was always bringing Angel peace.
"Hey Whiskers~" demonic spider tried to say into his usual voice, but failed. He was too exhausted, both mentally and physically.
Cat demon looked Angel Dust from head to toe and sighed.
"Angel, you know that you don't need to pretend. After all, we both are losers. Remember?" Dusk reminded softly, and then without the break "Strawberry cream whiskey, as usual?"
Demonic spider snickered and walked towards the bar counter.
"You know me too well Kitty. But not fully~ Wanna change that tonight?~" Angel Dust purred seductively.
Bartender groaned, pouring Angel Dusts' favourite drink into the glass and tossing it forward. Then Husk took a bottle of his favourite whiskey and walked out of the bar to sit near demonic spider.
"The max intime we can have, that would include you getting naked" said cat-demon sternly and took a sip from the neck of the bottle "Could be me spreading the healing salve all over your bruises and whip marks. What I already noticed 10. And you are still with your clothes on."
Angel Dust flinched slightly from the harsh reminder and drank the whole his glass in one go.
"I..." demonic spider sighed and smiled tiredly. "Thanks for the request, I... Would really use some help with this one..."
Husk nodded and snapped his fingers, teleporting the tube with salve into his paw.
Cat-demon blinked. The magic answered strangely fast and easy. Maybe it's because Alastor still didn't fulfill his part if their deal?
"Kitten, you okey?" Angel Dust asked, noticing that cat-demon got deeply into thoughts.
"I'm fine Legs. You would better worry about yourself." Husk huffed, fastly banishing inappropriate thoughts. He can think about that later. "Come on, take off your jacket. I need to see if I have enough salve for all your wounds"
Angel Dust chuckled and nodded. It was still so unusual for demonic spider that someone would be his friend. And... That they will be interested not in his body, but in his soul.
Angel Dust took off his jacket and letted Husk take care of him. While that, demonic spider swifted into thoughts. When he first heard about Hazbin hotel, Angel just thought about it as about the place where he can stay without paying for the rent. But then... This place really changed him. And, here he met Husk! Angel Dust smiled softly, but then hissed when cat-demon pressed one of his bruises.
"Sorry Angel, hold on" bartender whispered.
Demonic spider smiled softly, looking at his friend. Husks' cat ears went down and behind, his demonic tail was swifting nervously.
"Hush Kitten. I'm fine. Your salve already started working, so I'm in much less pain then before." Angel Dust said softly, reassuring his friend.
"Still I don't wanna you to feel any pain. But right now I know that you would be in pain anyway." Husk responded grumpily. "So please, hold on while I'll treat whip marks on your back. It would hurt... Pretty badly, I assume"
Cat demon whined slightly. Angel Dusts' back was covered with whip marks, and some of them were still bleeding. Husks' nose twitched from the smell of blood. Oh Edem it was so bad...
"It's okay Whiskers, told ya. I'll be fine. It's not like it's a first time Val being violent~" Angel Dust tried to be light hearted about that.
"It's the first time he was so violent after main torture..." demonic spider whispered.
Of course Husk heard it. His cat ears were really sensitive after all. But cat-demon pretended that he didn't hear that statement. He really didn't want to put any pressure on Angel. If his friend will be ready to talk, Husk would be there to listen.
When cat-demon started carefully taking care of Angel Dusts' back, demonic spider went back into thoughts. After he sold his soul to Valentino, his life went dark. Well hell wasn't supposed to be a great place to live, but...
Angel Dust got used to his new life pretty fastly. Well, he didn't have any choice, after all. Sex and all kinds of kinks became part of his everyday life. But... Day by day Valentino was getting more and more violent. And lately he turned into a real monster.
But here, at Hazbin hotel he found out that life can be... Different. Bright and beautiful... That someone can befriend him. For real, befriend! Not to use him after. It was a wild thought. Val always told Angel Dust that no-one care about him. That even Valentino care about him, only because of the soul deal. But all in the hotel felt... Real. Especially Husk. That cat-demon understood him!
Yeah, Charlie were nice and kind, and so on, but... She didn't actually understand him. Didn't understand how it feels when you have almost no control over your life at all.
Sudden feeling pulled Angel Dust out of his thoughts. Strange tingly sensations on his side that felt... Tickly?!
No, no, no, no, no! Not again! He... He did nothing wrong! Not this time!
Demonic spider jumped away from the Husk, whose paw slipped and accidentally brushed against Angel Dusts' sensitive side. Demonic spider started breathing rapidly and superficially, falling on the floor from the bar stool. In his eyes was fear and anxiety. He definitely forgot where he was at the moment.
Husk froze for the moment but then jumped up rapidly. Angel Dust was having a panick attack. Because of him! Cat-demons' mind started working.
What could get such a reaction? Everything was fine. Husk was treating wounds on Angel Dusts' back. But then his paw slipped and he accidentally brushed his claws against demonic spiders' side. But it shouldn't be painful! It would have maximum tickled.
Husk gasped. Tickled!
Oh Edem, no, no! Valentino couldn't... Tickling is supposed to be fun! A silly activity for safe interaction between souls who trust each other!
Angel Dust said something about some other torture he was put through, before being beaten up.... That didn't left any marks.... Shit!
"Shit! Angel, calm down! Look at me!"
Husk rushed towards demonic spider and kneeled down. Angel Dust was definitely not getting enough oxygen. After Husk got closer demonic spider got even further into the panic attack.
Cat-demon sweared again. Angel simply didn't recognize him. He was too TERRIFIED to think straight.
"Legs, it me! Husk! Whiskers... Kitten... Whatever! Just recognise me Angel, dummit!"
"K... *gasp* K-kitten?" demonic spider whispered, the hint of recognition appearing in his eyes.
"Yes! Good! Well done legs. Good boy. Now breath. Like me. Be a good boy and follow my lead, okey?" Hask was getting shaky, but he started breathing deeply and slowly, showing Angel Dust the way.
It took him a few seconds, but demonic spider was able to take first rapid breath. He was still panicking, but at least was able to breath now.
"Good, good. Amazing job! Now, now, now... Em..." Husk tried to remember how to deal with panick attacks. He had a few by himself, but it was his first time dealing with someone else having it. Then cat-demon remembered one article he read, in the human world newspaper, he asked some friend to get.
"Okey, now Legs, be a sweetheart. Can you tell me five objects you see? Keep breathing, though" Husk asked, hoping that it would help.
Angel Dust took another shaky breath. He crawled closer to cat-demon for comfort and looked around. His heart was bumping loudly, his blood felt like lava. But demonic spider tried to focus on the task, even though it was extremely hard.
"I... I c-can s-see.. M-my hands... The b-bar... S-sofa... Y-your t-tail... D-does f-floor c-count?" Angel Dust took a rapid breath again. Husk snickered.
"Good. You did great. Now tell me four things you can hear" Husk asked softly.
This time demonic spider asked faster.
"I c-can hear m-my voice... M-my heartbeat... Y-your breath... A-and... Uh... C-clock tick-king..." Angel Dusts' breath almost became normal, what made Husk really happy. Cat-demon couldn't help a slight purr.
"And y-your purring n-now" added demonic spider with a shy giggle.
"Yeah, you're definitely fine already, Legs" said Husk, pretending to be grumpy. But then he smiled and added softly "Never scare me like that again, okey?"
Angel Dust nodded.
"S-sorry... I..."
"Hush." cat-demon didn't let him finish the apology. "Angel, listen. You did nothing wrong. Panic attacks is not something you can control. If someone needs to apologize it is me."
Husk sighed, and looked into Angels' eyes. His cat ears were down.
"I'm deeply sorry. I didn't know that my accidental touch would have such deep influence on you. Do you... Wanna talk about it? No pressure if the answer is 'no', though" cat-demon said softly.
He tried not to touch Angel Dust, to not to make him uncomfortable. Demonic spider sighed and looked down.
"Firstly... Can you... Hug me? I... I know that you didn't mean to make me uncomfortable." Angel felt nervous asking it. That... Tickle, really unlocked some traumatic memories, but... It was Husk. Cat-demon and his friend. Angel Dust was save with him, and trusted him.
Husk smiled greatfully after reassuring words and carefully hugged demonic spider. But still cat-demon made sure that Angel can easily move away whenever he feels like doing it.
Angel Dust noticed it too, and his heart went warm. Husk really valued his trust and comfort. This thought vanished all previous anxiety and doubts. He WAS safe here. Husk is a friend. And... He deserved to know.
"It won't be a long story..." Angel Dust sighed and snuggled closer to the cat-demon. "Before, emm... My soul got corrupted... I really enjoyed tickles. It was so fun, so sweet and silly. I used to ask Cherry to tickle me all the time. We had so much fun!"
Demonic spider closed his eyes with a smile, plunging into pleasant and carefree memories of the past. Memories of something he loved, that got ruined.
Husk didn't hurry Angel. Cat-demon knew that Angel Dust needed time, so he was patient.
A few minutes later, demonic spider continued.
"But for Valentino, everything is some kind of kink. Literally everything. At first I didn't think it may get too bad. Well, 'what could possibly go wrong?' thought I. How silly if me. Everything! Everything can get fucking wrong!" Angel Dust tensed up, holding tears.
Husk carefully covered them both in his wings, to give demonic spider some extra comfort.
"You're safe right now. Here, in my arms nothing would go wrong. Don't hold back. Feel free to cry all you need" cat-demon said quietly. He knew Angel needed to let it out. Needed to let out all fear, despair, anxiety and powerlessness he bottled up inside for so long.
And so demonic spider did. Tears started running down his clear white cheeks in a continuous stream.
"He tickle tortured you, right?" said Husk quietly.
Cat-demon already knew the answer. Angel Dusts' reaction was enough to prove how right he was. And what a real monster was Valentino.
"N-not only h-he..." Angel Dust said through tears. "A l-lot demons.... T-they ignored s-safeword, my ple-eads, my b-begging. I was t-tickled until I p-passed out. Once ev-ven twic-ce...."
Cat-demon gasped.
"It's awful...." Hask whispered.
After that, cat-demon and Angel Dust were cuddling on the floor in silence. Both of them were deeply in thoughts.
Angel Dust was thinking about how broken he was. Just one accidental tickle was enough to give him a panic attack. But, at the same time it was slightly reassuring. Maybe when Valentino will notice how broken Angel Dust was, he would stop being Val's favourite toy?
Husk was thinking about the deal he made with Alastor. Maybe radio demon would be so generous to set Angel Dust free? But even if he'll make Valentino stop his tortures it would be enough. Husk, with Charlie's help would be able to fix Angel Dust. Cat-demon was sure about that.
"Whiskers?" demonic spider asked softly, when his tears stopped.
"Thank you for being such a good friend." Angel Dust smiled softly and nuzzled against Husks' chest.
Cat-demon smiled softly, even though it was a hurricane in his heart. A friend... Of course for Angel Dust he was just a good friend. Maybe even best friend. But, it still wasn't the title Husk dreamed about...
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arianamidnight · 3 months
Hazbin hotel fic
My AU that's why it's OOC and pretty far from cannon
Warnings: swearing, mention of violence, ships (Varlie)
Summary: Vaggie had enough of hotel residents teasing her about Charlie. But, what if the person she'll fall out on, didn't mean it? And, moreover, will take it personally?
Vaggie growled, sitting on the sofa in the lobby. She was so done! Whole this week, after Charlie went to the VoxTec to help Angel Dust and came back... Ugh, so annoying!
Vaggie stomped her foot. After Angel Dust gave her Charlie with "I think this is yours" phrase everything went fucking bad. At first she didn't pay attention to this. But, shit!
Next was Alastair. Charlie got really emotional towards one of his usual puns, and started sobbing. Radio demon didn't think about anything better than call Vaggie and give her Charlie, with "I assume, this is yours, my dear". That already made Vaggie's eye twitch.
Next was Husk. That time he gave princess a bit too hard alcohol, and she while getting drunk started crying because Niffty killed the bug. And again, what happened? Vaggie was called, Charlie was tossed into her arms and told: "This is yours. Not my problem."
Vaggie stood up and started walking around the lobby growling. Yes she was Charlie's girlfriend, but that didn't mean that she was the only one who would calm princess down!
Vaggie rapidly turned around to walk towards the opposite side of the lobby, and... Almost bumped into Lucifer, who was carrying something.
"Sorry, your majesty" sighed Vaggie and took a deep breath to calm down. She was Charlie's first helper, so she couldn't let herself show so inappropriate behaviour infront of the ruler of hell.
Vaggie blinked. Did she hear a sob?
Vaggie looked up from the floor and noticed that the "thing" Lucifer was holding turned to be... Charlie, warped in the blanket, in tears.
It was the last drop for Vaggie. She growled in fury.
"I swear to Edem, if you would say this is yours I won't look that you can kill me in one go, and won't hesitate to try to rip your throat!"
From this harsh words Lucifer gasped, and even Charlie stopped crying.
For Lucifer it was worse then a blade into the heart. Ruler of hell looked down, and his body started shaking.
"O-oh... Actually I was about to ask how you calm Charlie down in such situations, because you were with her for so long... And I wasn't in her life at all and am the worst father ever..." after finishing this sentence, Lucifer was barely holding his tears.
Vaggie gasped when she realised how much she fucked up. Fallen angel gently put Charlie on the floor, covering his pain with slight smile.
"As I see my Little Apple calmed down, s-so I would b-better l-leave..."
Lucifer took a deep breath, tears falling down his cheeks, and teleported away with spark of golden light.
"Dad, no!" Charlie tried to stop him, but it was too late.
Vaggie blinked in shock. She felt so much guilty right now. She knew HOW Lucifer loves his daughter! And how badly ruler of hell regrets not being part of her life for so long! Of course seeing Charlie cry for the first time in his life he would panick, and look for someone who has experience. For someone like Vaggie!
Charlie looked around, hearing a strange sound. Princess of hell sighed, when she noticed her girlfriend on the floor with wide eyes.
"C-charlie... I... I'm s-sorry! I'm s-so s-sorry... I d-didn't mean t-to! C-charlie! I swear, I...." Vaggie wasn't able to talk straight. Guilty, fear, sadness. All this feelings overwhelmed her at once.
Charlie walked towards her girlfriend and sat near her. Princess of hell hugged Vaggie.
"Shhhhh~ It's okey, Vaggie. I know you didn't mean to" Charlie whispered into her ear.
A few minutes passed in silence, Charlie and Vaggie cuddling on the floor. Finally Vaggie took a deep breath.
"Thanks Babe... I'm really sorry for hurting your father's feelings. Just..." Vaggie sighed.
Vaggie never talked with Charlie about those situations, but looks like now was the time.
"Wait, what?!" Charlie gasped after her girlfriend explained reason of her outburst.
Vaggie nodded with a sigh. Charlie shook her head softly.
"Silly. You should have told me about this much earlier. Please, don't hide from me if something is making you uncomfortable. Deal?" Princess of hell stood up and landed her girlfriend a hand.
Vaggie grabbed Charlie's palm and stood up with a smile.
"Deal. From now on I would immediately tell you if something will get on my nerves" Vaggie chuckled. But after, she remembered Lucifer and got a bit nervous.
Charlie immediately noticed it and smiled.
"Don't worry, Vaggie. I know how to cheer dad up. And... I will need your help~" princess of hell giggled misciviously.
Vaggie snickered. This girl was definitely a ball of cheer and mischief.
"I'm fully in, Princess~" Vaggie winked to Charlie, making her blush.
Lucifer was curled up under the blanket in his room. Tears were running down fallen angel's cheeks. He fucked up, again. Normal father must know how to deal with his own daughter in tears! But, Lucifer didn't know... When Charlie entered his room, in tears, he started panicking. So pathetic! Ruler of hell, panicking because his daughter is sobbing! All demons would lose any respect if they'll find out! And the fact that he can easily kill half of them won't do a thing.
Fallen angel whined. He was so done. Probably, Alastor was right and he is pathetic piece of shit. Charlie deserves so much better than him...
Suddenly the door opened slowly. Lucifer stuck his muzzle out from under the blanket. Fallen angel saw that person who entered his room was Charlie.
Oh, she wasn't alone. Vaggie was there too.
When Lucifer noticed Charlie's girlfriend he got back under the blanket. No, no, no! He didn't want to be called pathetic and bad father! Now again! Now now...
"Daddy?" Charlie called softly, sitting on the bed corner.
Lucifer didn't answer.
Charlie and Vaggie looked at each other. Vaggie sighed.
"Your majesty, I wanted to apologize. I really didn't mean to yell" Vaggie walked towards the bed and kneeled down on the floor near Charlie.
Lucifer slightly peeked out of the blanket.
"R-realy?" hesitantly asked ruler of hell.
"Yes" Vaggie nodded. "I didn't mean to remind you of the past. And now I feel really bad for hurting your feelings. It's just..."
Vaggie sighed. Charlie put her palm on Vaggie's shoulder for emotional support. Vaggie smiled gratefully.
"It's just that during last week, Charlie got emotional and cried a lot of times. And all those times I was one calming her down. I got really tired that everyone would just think that it's my duty to calm her down" Vaggie growled slightly, getting annoyed again. Charlie started playing with her girlfriend's hair to calm her down.
Lucifer got out from the blanket. Fallen angel nodded to himself. This explained a lot. Vaggie always was really polite with him. Why he didn't think that something must have happened to make Charlie's girlfriend aft this way?! But no, he must have started overthinking!
Lucifer sighed and shook his head.
"I forgive you, Vaggie. And I apologize for the bright reaction. I was pretty stressed lately" ruler of hell looked down, feeling embarrassed that he was acting like a child.
"Don't worry dad, it's okey. You don't need to apologize~" Charlie hugged her father. Lucifer hugged his daughter back with a smile.
"Thanks Little Apple" fallen angel closed his eyes. His daughter was one and only person who can make him feel comfortable really fast.
But then...
"But I am not happy that you were all stressed lately. You definitely need some cheering up~" Charlie giggled misciviously, and hugged Lucifer tighter, keeping him still.
"L-little Apple! W-what are you..."
But fallen angel wasn't able to finish the sentence. Suddenly he felt Vaggie squeezing his knee.
"Eeeeehihihihik! Nohohohoho! Vahahahaggie! Nahahahahat... Eeeeehihihihik, thehehehere!" ruler of hell immediately burst into giggles, squealing from every squeeze.
"Whoa, you vere right Charlie. It seems like a baaad spot~" Vaggie chuckled playfully, as she continued squeezing Lucifer's knees.
"If you think this is bad, then look~" Charlie giggled and took a deep breath.
Lucifer's pupils went wide as he realised what is about to happen.
"Chahaharlie, plehehease mehehercy!~" begged fallen angel, giggling from the knees tickles.
But, actually both Lucifer and Charlie knew that fallen angel he can easily teleport away, or shapeshift into the snake. But ruler of hell was really enjoying the tickles from his daughter and her girlfriend.
When Charlie blew a raspberry on the side of Lucifer's neck, he burst into bubbly laughter. Vaggie even stopped squeezing his knees, facinated with the sound.
After the second raspberry, fallen angel got hiccups, what made his laughter more rapid and high pitched.
After hearing her father hiccuping, Charlie stopped with raspberries. She let Lucifer go, and he fell on the bed in giggling and hiccuping mess.
"Dad, you okey there?" Charlie snickered.
Vaggie was looking at this interaction with soft smile. Those two definitely needed father and daughter bonding.
"Yehehehes, I'm hic fihihine" Lucifer bubbled and then took a deep breath.
"I wanna apologize again for my behaviour, your majesty" said Vaggie softly.
"It's okey Vaggie. Thanks to your sneak attack I feel much better." fallen angel rolled his eyes with a smile and sat on his bed.
"Oh, about that..." Charlie look down with guilty smile.
Vaggie and Lucifer shared a look.
"Little Apple?"
Charlie giggled nervously and shrugged.
"I just wanted to say that I didn't cry for real this time. Sorry dad, but I just wanted to prank you." princess of hell admited.
"Whaaaaat?!" Vaggie and Lucifer growled simultaneously.
Charlie looked at her father and girlfriend with puppy eyes and ingratiating smile
"I'm sorry?"
Vaggie sighed.
"Babe, it sounds like a question, rather than as apology." Vaggie tried to sound stern, but couldn't help a soft smile.
Lucifer shook his head, embarrassed. How came he didn't notice that Charlie was pretending?
"Little Apple, you're so naughty!" playfully pouted Lucifer.
Girls giggled.
"I'm so getting you back for it" added fallen angel with miscivious smile.
"Now I at least know who she got this miscivious attitude from." sighed Vaggie, and all three of them burst out with laughter.
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arianamidnight · 3 months
Getting soft
Hazbin hotel fic
My AU that's why it's OOC and pretty far from cannon
Warnings: swearing, mention of violence, ships (Huskerdust)
Summary: Alastor starts feeling some feelings that he never thought he would again. And this allows him to see that he isn't the only one
Alastor sighed and stood up. Radio demon looked at his microphone-cane and snapped his fingers, making cane dissappear into shadows. Deer demon went towards the window and looked outside. He was definitely getting soft. Why did he even care?! Alastor chuckled. He did care. A lot more than he was able to admit. Alastors' usual wide smile became softer. Yes, he cared for Charlie and others. But mostly for that girl. And as a delightful addition this pissed Lucifer. Radio demon always felt satisfied after winning another verbal skirmish with ruler of hell.
Alastor was sitting in one of armchairs inside his room. Radio demon was deeply in thoughts. Was he getting soft and weak? Not really. Deer demon was still ready to kill anyone who would dare to try to go against his will. Well.... Almost anyone. Strangely, but Alastor didn't feel a need to kill or even harm hotel residents. Even Pentious didn't annoy as much as usual. And that little princess... How she can be so innocent? She's a succubus, dummit!
But there was one thing that made Alastor feel strange. Husk. No, he was being a good pet cat lately, but... After Radio demon admited to himself that he cared about some demons, it was as if his eyes had opened. Husk changed too. That grumpy demon was always somehow soft but...
Alastor groaned. Why even thinking about feelings is hard? How others talk about them?!
Deer demon took a deep breath and usual smile appeared on his lips. No, he is not weak. Maybe softer then before moving to Hazbin hotel, but totally not weak. And as a strong person, Alastor could admit, at least to himself, that he felt bad for Husk. That cat-demon managed to fall in love with Angel Dust. It was obvious after radio demon took a closer look. Alastor snickered. Silly souls. If he remembered right, Angel was on the leash too. Radio demon shook his head with a smirk. He was definitely getting soft. That little princess definitely had a bad influence on him. Yes, that's all Charlie's fault.
"Husk. To my room. Now." Alastor said calmly. Radio demon didn't need to yell or even see cat-demon to give orders. After all, he had Husk's soul. Alastor fixed his tie and turned around to face the door. A second later radio demon heard a quiet knock. He shifted through shadows towards the door and opened it.
"Why hello there, my dear cat~" Alastor said in his usual voice, letting Husk inside.
Cat demon was feeling nervous. Why did Alastor call him? To give a task? New order? Or punish for something? Husk tried not to show his anixuous state and huffed.
"What do you want from me, Boss?"
Alastor snickered and shifted through shadows into the armchair. Husk muttered something under his breath and did a few steps forward. His tail was swifting back-and-forth nervously.
"You don't need to be so nervous, my dear~" reassured Alastor with a grin and looked directly at Husk.
"What's the actual fuck?!" Husk growled, his cat ears bending down.
Alastor snickered, but this didn't sound sinister like usual. That almost soft sound caught Hask's attention. Radio demon shook his head and suddenly a parchment appered in his arm. Husk froze. It was contract. His contract with his soul. Cat-demon felt chills running down his spine. Is it how he will end? His soul ripped apart out of nowhere? He didn't even do anything wrong this time!
"You're free" said Alastor and the contract lit up with golden fire, before disappearing.
Husks' jaw dropped. He was free? Is it a joke?!
But it wasn't. A second later cat-demon felt his magic coming back to him. His soul, his overlord power... It was back... For real...
Seeing how shocked Husk is, Alastor couldn't help but burst out with laughter.
"Hahahaha~ Cat is out? How hilarious~ It turns out to be more amusing than I thought" Radio demon snickered.
Husk shook his head and growled.
"Fuck off, creepy smile. What's the catch? I don't believe that you would just so easily let me go! What's your evil plan this time?!" Cat-demon started shaking.
Husk was overwhelmed. He was free... Really free! It was so long since Husk felt control over his own life. This feeling was more intoxicating than any alcohol. With every passing second Husk was getting more and more nervous and shaky. He was sure that it was a trap. Alastor let cat-demon feel freedom only to break him further. It couldn't be so easy!
Alastor noticed Husks' state and sighed. Radio demon stood up and started slowly walking towards cat-demon. He deliberately didn't use shadows, to give Husk time to realize what was happening.
Cat-demon saw deer demon coming closer and tensed up. Husk was ready to fight for his freedom, ready to struggle to survive. But he wasn't ready for what happened next. Alastor approached cat-demon and...
Gently petted fur between cat-demons' ears?!
Husk let out a surprised yelp. He couldn't help a soft purr, but fastly got control over himself and recoiled.
"What the actual fuck?! Fuck off shitty motherfucker!" Husk growled, his body tensed.
"You should calm down. I may be not your master anymore, but I still won't tolerate insults directed at me" said Alastor with his usual smile, letting a bit of his full demon form out. Husk gulped, his ears getting down again.
"S-sorry..." Cat-demon said submissively.
"Oh, it's quite alright, my dear~" Alastor snickered, shifting through shadows back to the armchair.
Husk let out a sigh of relief and shook his head.
"I still don't understand. Why?" Cat-demon looked directly at radio demon, mentally exhausted already.
Alastor rolled his eyes and sighed with a smirk.
"You can think that Charlie has a bad influence on me"
Husks' eyes widened, but a second later he chuckled.
"Is ultimate Radio demon overlord getting a soft spot?"
Alastors' sclera turned black with his pupils turned into the shape of radio dials. His smile became creepier than usual.
"WHAT you just said?" Radio demons' voice became distorted.
But Husk didn't get scared this time. He just snickered.
"Don't get all feisty, Alastor. I understand you..." Cat-demon chuckled softly.
After this revelation Radio demon got back into his casual form and with "click" sound titled his head to the side. Husk chuckled from the movement.
"I'm getting a soft spot for this place too. Princess is hard not to get attached to." Cat-demon rolled his eyes with a smirk. "And... Otherwise with platonic feelings, I... Got other feeling"
Alastor snickered.
"Oh, believe me, dear, I know it. Old grumpy cat falling in love is something pretty entertaining to watch~" radio demon said in his usual voice, making Husk blush.
Cat demon was greatful that because of the fur his blush wasn't visible.
"But, don't try to abuse my sudden fit of compassion" Alastor warned sternly.
Husk nodded. He wasn't gonna get all cheeky about it.
But after a second cat-demons' mood dropped. His shoulders sank as if under an unbearable burden. Husk looked into Alastor's eyes with exhausted and determined look. Radio demon knew this look. This is the look of a person who is so desperate that he is ready to risk everything. Look of a person Alastor usually makes deals with.
"Alastor, you love soul deals, right?" cat-demon said. Radio demon nodded, intrigued.
"Then you would like the deal I'm offering. I would become your "pet cat" again. Give you my soul and overlord powers back. But for one favour in return. You'll force Valentino to give back Angel Dusts' soul. Or at least would make Val stop hurting and abusing Legs." Husk took a deep tired breath, but didn't look away.
That's when Alastor got so shocked that he even lost control over his face. Radio demons' jaw dropped. Alastor remembered how freedom-loving this cat-demon is. How Husk tried to resist his orders to the last. How much hatred was in his eyes. But right now, Husk was ready to sacrifice his own freedom and power to help that pervert demonic spider?! Love indeed is a dangerous feeling.
After that thought radio demon was able to get back his composure and put on his usual smile.
"I'd be delighted to have such a precious deal~ New contract?~" Alastor almost sang.
Cat-demon had enough strength only to nod. Giving up on his own freedom was hard but... Angels' happiness meant everything to Husk.
Alastor snickered and snapped his fingers. A contract and a spike appearing from the shadows infront of cat-demon. Husk sighed. Of course the soul contract must be signed with blood.
Husk used a spike to pierce his paw pad. Without even looking at the contract cat-demon pressed his bleeding paw against it. Hask didn't want to know the contract details. He already knew everything. He was a slave again. Or "pet cat" how Alastor liked to call him.
Cat-demon whined slightly. He was free only for a minute, but he would definitely miss the feeling.
"Vey well, Husk~" Alastors' grin widened after the contract flew towards him.
"May I leave?" Husk asked with the sigh. Cat-demon really didn't have enough stretch for anything else. A desigion of giving away his freedom was too hard for his mental state.
"Oh course, my dear~" Alastor nodded.
After the door behind cat-demon closed deer demon looked at the signed soul contract.
"He really didn't even look. Silly cat" radio demon muttered. "But he would get really shocked soon enough~"
Alastor huffed. Yes, this all definitely is little princess's Morningstar's fault.
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arianamidnight · 3 months
~Speaking post~
Warnings: Hazbin hotel spoilers, swearing, mention of eroticism and violence
Hey there, it's been a while since I posted something, huh?
Well all trends got to me late. I'm getting into Hazbin hotel. I so love it! Especially songs. My favourite two are "Hell is forever" and "Stayed gone".
I absolutely love Alastor! This deer radio demon is my favourite demon there!
Adam... I hate him, byt I absolutely love the idea of Charlie and others capturing him instead of killing. And... Wrecking him into a laughing mess. He deserves it.
What about ships? I have some favourite already, and ships that I absolutely hate. No trying to offend people who like those ships, really. I am supportive and understanding. Just telling that I would never do something with this ships
Ships that I hate: Alastor×Charlie; Valentino×Angel Dust; Vox×Alastor
Ships that I absolutely adore: Charlie×Vaggie; Husk×Angel Dust; Adam×Lute; Vox×Valentino
Things that would be different between my AU and canon:
1) Valentino won't be such bastard, fixated on sex and sadistic.
2) As I said earlier, Adam won't be killed. Instead he would get captured and held in Hazbin hotel
3) Alastor and Vox both would be softer and won't hate each other as much as in canon
4) There would be tickles. And songs. A lot tickles and songs
5) Alastor won't have a master.
6) Charlie is half succubus and half angel. She can feel emotions and knows much more than shows. Little princess doesn't use her angelic powers, because she can't control them. And mostly Charlie prefers not using her powers so much, that sometimes she forgets that she has powers in the first place.
That's all what I can think about right now. And, as it probably already understandable, I would write fics about Hazbin hotel. Tickle fics and non tickle fics. Angsty or happy. But mostly second, 'cause I hate drama 😅
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arianamidnight · 4 months
It's so precious! Angel Dust deserves careless and save tickle session. I love your Husk so much! This is amazing and made me smiling happily! 🥺💛
No Longer Ruined - Hazbin Hotel Tickle Fic (HuskerDust)
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A/N hi everyone!! this is my first fanfic on this account, i used to write a fair bit on my old deactivated account but I stopped for a couple years so i’m a little bit rusty, but i just love these two so much that i simply HAD to write for them! (this was also really self-indulgent for me to write so i hope you enjoy AHHHHH)
inspired by this post by @duckymcdoorknob : “We interrupt our usual programming to bring forth Angel Dust who is terrified of being tickled (bc of Val) until Husk shows him that it doesn’t have to always be torturous.”
Lee!AngelDust, Ler!Husk
warnings: very brief mentions of Angel’s job (not very much detail but important context to the story), sad!Angel
Word count: 2,133
One thing about Angel Dust is that he HATED being tickled.
Well, that wasn’t a complete truth. It was his favourite thing in the world once upon a time, but then it got ruined by various jobs that Val made him undergo. And that did make him quite sad, he wished he could have it in his life again, but he feared it was associated with one too many bad memories at this point.
And now, the thought of it terrified him.
This was made all too apparent when Charlie (the resident tickle monster of the Hazbin Hotel) decided to attack Vaggie in the middle of the lobby one afternoon. This was a regular occurrence, and everyone usually watched fondly as the usually stoic Vaggie let herself laugh (that is until the tables turned and Charlie then gets absolutely destroyed, she may initiate most tickle fights but usually ends up spectacularly losing them!). However, this was the first time Angel had witnessed this spectacle.
And he just couldn’t bring himself to watch.
The laughs mixed with screams, the squirming, the panicked breathing, it just sent him to a dark place. Where the masses chuckled and cooed at the girlfriends’ antics, Angel felt his breathing hitch and an unpleasant anxiety building in his stomach. Tears pricked in his eyes and he tried to inconspicuously leave the room, unnoticed. Or so he thought.
“Hey, what’s up, you okay?”
Angel turned around and saw Husk, head tilted, a concerned look on his face. Panic shot through him; “oh shit, did everyone notice me leave? That must’ve looked REALLY fucking weird, how am I going to explain-”
“Relax, nobody else saw you go,” Husk said gently, sitting on a nearby couch and directed Angel to take the place next to him. “Everyone was far too distracted watching those dumbasses wreck each other, although it’s a frequent occurrence it does never get boring!” he chuckled as the laughter from the lobby turned up a notch, but then frowned when he saw Angel visibly flinch at the sound.
“I’ve… never seen ‘em do this before,” he explained as he took the seat next to Husk, tensing up slightly as a paw was placed around his shoulders but immediately relaxed. He trusted Husk, perhaps more than anyone in this godforesaken place. But could he explain this?
Husk looked at the spider with concern in his eyes. He was triggered, clearly, but he couldn’t quite piece together why the girls tickling each other had caused this.
“Do you wanna talk about it, Angel? We don’t gotta, but you know I’d never judge you for anything. We’re both losers, don’t ya forget that, so nothing is off-limits.”
Angel looked up at the cat, debating for a full minute as to whether he was going to indulge. However, as he heard Charlie squeal from the room over from them and physically had to hide his head in his hands, he figured an explanation was desrved.
“I… just…” he stuttered, trying to find the words. “They’ve been ruined for me.”
Husk looked slightly confused. “What have? Tickles?”
“Yeah… there was a week-long shoot a few years back, and it always got taken too far. Lotta ignoring of safewords and not stopping even though I begged and begged and begged, my body felt like it was going to shut down-“ Angel shuddered as he remembered. “I’ve done a lot of weird shit for this job, Husk, ya know? And you know I love to relinquish control. But this, by far, was the one time I felt the most trapped and suffocated.”
The usually stoic Husk felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. Sure, tickling was torturous, that was the POINT. But it was also supposed to have an aspect of fun and trust and love behind it, and the fact that Val had taken that from him made him both upset and absolutely fuming.
“Fuck me, that’s intense.” Husk couldn’t find the words for awhile. “And also fully understandable as to why you’d be triggered now.”
A scream and a giggly “NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEERE” from Charlie in the other room made Angel tense somehow harder than he was before, and Husk tightened his hold around his shoulders.
“If it’s any reassurance, the girls’ dumba ass tickle fights are nothing like that, there’s a lot of silliness and love behind it and it would never ever get taken that far” said Husk, trying to reassure the spider. “Infact, I’m fairly sure they both love every second of it, no matter how much they protest in the moment.”
“Oh I know that, really I do.” said Angel. “ I know what they’re MEANT to be like, it’s like I said, they were ruined for me.”
So that meant…
“You used to like being tickled?” Husk enquired, a slight grin in his voice as he enjoyed the thought of his sweet spider enjoying something so silly. That thought was fleeting as he realised how that was no longer true because of his job, and Val. God. the things he could do to that bastard for breaking Angel like this…
Angel nodded, cheeks burning slightly. “A whole lot, used to ask Cherry for it all the time. But I fear I’m too far gone now, I’m too scared it’ll go too far and people won’t stop.” Angel sighed, and flinched again as the laughter somehow got EVEN LOUDER through the walls (what on EARTH was Vaggie doing to Charlie?). “I want to like it again, I do think about it a lot still.”
“We can try now, if you like?”
Husk looked into Angel’s eyes to gauge his reaction. He couldn’t tell by that one sentence if he had just put the fear of god into him, or hit the nail on the head with exactly the best way to fix this.
Angel couldn’t tell, either. On the one hand, the thought of being tickled again terrified him. He had managed to avoid it as much as he could outside of work, and even in work he would try and steer the content towards other things. However, he knew deep down that he wanted this back in his life. He trusted Husk, so maybe this would be the perfect way to ease back into it? He deliberated, and made his decision.
“Yeah… okay.”
Husk breathed a sigh of relief that he hadn’t overstepped a boundary, and felt the grin returning to his face as he figured out the best way to do this.
“Anything I should know before we try this out? Now is the time for boundaries, my little spider-” said Husk, a teasing tone already etched into his voice which made Angel chuckle and roll his eyes.
“Stop when I tell you to-“
“That’s a given, dumbass, I was gonna do that anyway.”
That made Angel relax, he wasn’t used to people listening to his pleas. Maybe this would actually be okay…
“Oh… okay! Uhhhh, no foot stuff please, that was always Val’s… yeah. Favourite. So that’d probably send me into a panic.”
He thought for a second.
“Otherwise…. youregoodtogo-“ he mumbled as he buried his face in Husk’s chest, preparing himself. Oh god, what if this was a bad idea? What if he just hated it no matter what? What if he yelled at or hurt Husk? What if-
All thoughts in his head were silenced as the paw that was placed on his shoulder began to walk ever-so-gently around his bicep. Husk traced his entire upper arm slowly and delicately, before moving all the way round to where Angel’s underarm met his ribcage.
“This okay?”
Angel could only nod, a trace of a smile forming on his lips as Husk began to lightly scritch the spot. Nothing too intense, nothing that would overhelm him. But it couldn’t be ignored.
Husk felt the spider tense up below him as he used one claw to dance lazy, gentle circles around Angel’s ribcage. He glanced down to make sure he was okay, but it seemed to be more of a tickly flinch than an uncomfortable jerk away, so he persisted, adding more claws to slowly intensify the sensation.
It was then that he heard it.
The giggles.
And it was just the sweetest sound Husk had ever heard.
In fact, he got so distracted by the sound of Angel’s giggles that he subconsciously stopped tickling him to listen. Which, of course, stopped the giggles.
“Hey, ya didn’t need to stop!” said Angel, surprising himself.
“Oh I know… I just got distracted by something” chuckled Husk, beginning the movement of his claws again, as slow and as gentle as before. Angel tensed and giggled again, but didn’t seem to be protesting too much.
Angel had missed this. He had missed being in a safe place where he was free to be held and just let someone dote on him for a bit. Head empty, no control, no expectations, to just relax and feel happy. He couldn’t help his arm flinching against Husks gentle tickles around his ribcage, but he also noticeably lent into both Husk himself and his paws on his ribs.
Husk took this positive body language and gentle giggles to turn it up a notch, scratching with slightly more intent and pressure, making wigging motions with his paw. He also walked his fingers down from Angel’s ribcage to the sides of his stomach.
The spider’s gentle giggles quickly became slightly louder laughs as Husk did this, and initially felt a zap of panic. However, it was impossible to feel unsafe in the arms of the cat, so he let himself feel the sensations. It wasn’t TOO intense, but it was certainly enough for him to squirm and cackle, especially when Husk added a second paw to mirror his actions on the opposite side at the same time.
“Hehehehehey!!” laughed Angel. “Thahahahat was uncahahahahalled for!!”
“Oh was it now?” teased Husk, feeling a little more confident that he wouldn’t end up overwhelming Angel at this point. “Because I don’t hear you protesting, baby. Infact, I’d probably say you’re having a pretty swell time right now!”
“Shuhuhuhut uhuhuhup” protested Angel, cheeks burning redder than the skies of Hell itself. “Teheheheasing mahahahahakes it wOHOHOHORSE-“
Upon the last word of his sentence, Husk moved both of his tickling paws to the front of his stomach, spidering the spider’s belly like there was no tomorrow. Angel SQUEALED, throwing his head back into Husk’s shoulder as he tried and failed to whine about quite how mean he was being right now.
Despite this, there was one thing that Angel couldn’t deny. Fucking hell, he could never deny how much he’d missed this. To be able to enjoy being tickled again without the fear of boundaries being disrespected and his every part of his body panicking as strangers took advantage of him, under Val’s perverted instruction.
“You doing okay down there?!” Husk chuckled, checking in as Angel arched his back and fell backwards onto the couch. Husk had one paw kneading into an armpit whilst the other made various shapes into his tummy. This seemed to be a killer combination as Angel snorted in his cackles and basically folded his body in half.
The cat slowed his attack to let Angel catch his breath, which may have been perfect timing as the spider managed to breathe out a “Stohohop nohohoho mohohore” through his depleting giggles. This made Husk briefly panic, thinking he had took it too far and this had all been for nothing. But the persistent grin and sniling eyes of Angel reassured him that he hadn’t put a foot wrong. Or, rather, a paw wrong.
“Thahahahat was fun” said Angel, residual giggles still pouring from his mouth as he sat himself up, rubbing the leftover tickly feelings away from his torso. “Might take a few goes and a bit of practice, but it certainly is an improvement to fifteen minutes ago!”
Husk felt his heart melt as Angel cuddled back into him and, as the room silenced, the laughter from Charlie and Vaggie’s ordeal STILL could be heard through the walls. However, now it made Angel smile fondly as opposed to being terrified for his life.
“How are they STILL going?” pondered Husk, shaking his head fondly at the sounds from the other room
Angel shrugged, and laughed as he heard Charlie let out a noise not too dissimilar to a squeal that he himself had produced moments earlier. “Shall we go and observe?”
Husk grinned and nodded, tweaking Angel’s side before taking his hand. Angel flinched and tutted at the cat, but couldnt hide the endearing look in his eyes as they ventured back into the lobby to observe the girlfriends tickle fight.
It certainly was a happy day in Hell.
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arianamidnight · 11 months
Okey, I'm a little nervous (I'm really, really, really nervous actually 😅)
Well, this is my first story here... But okey, enough talking -- time for warning.
Warning! This fix contains poly-relationship and tickling. If you don't like it you should leave.
Characters: Katori, Mickey, Noah (all three of them are my OCs)
Okey, I don't really know what else I should put here, so....
~~~~~ Enjoy ~~~~~~
My past is not today
the story is told in the first person
I knocked the door, and felt nothing when beautiful female voice said: "You can come in". I opened the door. The room was half dark and only a huge bed infront of me was lighted by two night lamps. It was enough light for me to see the girl that was lying on the bed. She was fully naked, just her ginger hair was covering her breasts. And again I felt nothing. I've known that she was my bride, known what's gonna happen now, but... I didn't want it. I didn't have any feelings to this girl, who was really beautiful, but not my type. Too selfish, loves money too much. I sighed and started slowly going to her. Suddenly I felt something wet on my cheeks. Tears? Am I crying? But why? I became emotionless long time ago, when my parents disallowed me to date someone I truly loved. But still tears flowed from my eyes faster and faster.
-- Mickey!
Ah? Whose voice is it? Sonorous but so worried right now.
-- Mickey wake up!
Another one? This is female. Gentle and again really worried. What did she mean by "wake up"? Am I sleeping? Is it just a nightmare? Maybe there, with that two people I could be myself?
-- Please Mickey you're scaring us!
Again the first voice. So familiar and needed...
After that thought world started spinning and I suddenly opened my eyes. After a few seconds when I finally was able to think, someone rushed into my arms.
-- Don't you dare *sob* scare us like that again! -- said black haired girl sobbing into my torso.
-- Shh Katori, it's okey now, -- said I with the soft smile petting her head.
-- You started crying while sleeping, and then didn't wake up when we called you, -- said ginger haired guy with worried voice.
-- Sorry about that Noah, I had a nightmare, -- answered I, rubbing Katoris' back.
Noah sat on the bed infront of me and Katori.
-- About your past again? -- asked he.
I just nodded. Even though it was just a bad dream, deep down I was still afraid that this could be reality.
-- I don't know what nightmare you had, but this won't happen. -- said Katori and looked at me. Her gray-blue eyes were still wet but her face was confident. -- We won't let it happen.
-- Kat is right Mikey, -- said Noah with a grin, and then playfully added:-- I think someone needs cheering up~
After his words I felt Katoris' fingers gently poking my belly, an burst out with giggles:
-- My lohohohove, nohoho!
I curled into a ball trying to protect my sensitive belly.
-- Oh no you won't~ -- shouted Noah and hovered over me pressing my elbows to the bed. He was tall enough, so Katori was able to get below Noah to tickle me.
-- Are you ready?~ -- teased she wiggling her fingers above my belly.
- Nahahat agahahahahain! -- I couldn't help but continue giggling.
-- Go on Kat! Get his tummy! ~ -- ordered Noah with evil smile.
And she did it.
-- Gahahahahaha hahahaha! Ihihihit tihihickles sohohoho bahahahahad! -- yelled I trying escape from Noahs' hands, but I didn't succeed. Ginger haired was really athletic and way too strong. But after one more minute of laughter Katori stoped and Noah let me go.
-- *pant* T-thahahanks... *pant* -- said I still giggling a little.
My lovers just smiled gently and cuddled me on both sides. It took me a minute to catch my breath.
-- Guys, let me go -- said I then. -- I have to cook breakfast.
-- Nu! Mine! -- mumbled Katori.
-- Let's *yawn* order pizza -- Noah agreed with her.
-- B-but... -- I tried to object, but felt both of them poking my sides.
-- Okehehey! We cahahan! -- laughed I.
But after a few minutes of cuddling Noah and Katori fell asleep. "I love you so much guys. I can't imagine what happened if I wasn't brave enough to go against my parents when they forbade me to date Noah..."
A few seconds later I fell asleep too, and my two angels were protecting my sleep.
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arianamidnight · 11 months
Pretty fairy ☺️
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Picrew chain, anyone who wants to can join! ❤️
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Tagging: @i2berrie @choccystar @snailslunchpail @notaghost09
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