arichz · 2 years
thank you, @trinityedu for a great rping experience ! 💗
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arichz · 2 years
            hearing the familiar voice, her eyes instantly peered up from their previous concentration on the coffee she was making. after their last encounter and his unnecessary amount of attitude, she could’ve really let her frustrations fall onto him. but, she was attempting to turn a new leaf in her life, starting with giving any unneeded energy to the male.         ‘        yeah,         ’      was all the femme said in response to his chime in, adverting her eyes back onto her previous task. his continual comment caused her irritation to rise just a bit as she cut him off mid-sentence.        ‘          i’m sorry, didn’t you just make it clear on the trip that you didn’t want to hear anything i had to say ( ? ) i’m confused. you literally pick and choose when you want to be a complete dick to me, and i’m kinda’ tired. aren’t you ( ? )      ’      she questioned, tilting her head to the side for a moment before turning her attention back onto her coffee. 
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arichz · 2 years
             figuring no one was actually paying attention to her words, the femme focused her attention back onto the coffee that was being brewed. it wasn’t until she heard a semi-familiar voice echoing through her ears did she look up from her focal point to lock eyes with the male. squinting her eyes a bit to remind herself where she knew him from, her memory was quickly refreshed once he released his second comment.        ‘       out of all the people, you literally somehow find a way to come bother me ( ! ) what did i do to deserve this ( ? ) am i ugly ( ? )      ’      she inquired with a confused face before breaking her character to release a small smile.       ‘       please, let’s be serious here, i’ve never touched a knock-off a day in my life. but good try ( ! ) i see you got your team jordan’s on today, look at youuuu ( ! ) go demarcus ( ! )       ‘         she chuckled, adding onto the much need comedic relief. once the alarming sound of the coffee machine let off, 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐀 went to grab the plastic coffee cup from the holster, realizing that she was too late. her eyes followed the cups journey from its original state to the male’s lips as her eyes immediately narrowed at what was happening before her eyes, completely astonished by his actions. pressing her lips together she threw her hands up for a brief moment before taking in a deep breath, keeping herself from reacting in her usual manner within the given moment.         ‘          are you deadass, right now ( ? )         ’         she inquired, still at a loss for words before stopping a passing police officer and tapping him on his shoulder.          ‘           excuse me officer, this young man just told me he was the ringleader in all of this. i think it’s worth taking him straight to the slammer, i don’t know. also, his breath stinks, i would hold your nose while investigating.          ’      turning her attention back to 𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐄𝐋, she flashed a tight grin before turning back around to tend to making yet another cup of coffee. 
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arichz · 2 years
            having navigated the last living nerve of all of the police officers at the station, 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐀 decided to use up the free perks of the station while she could. finding herself at the coffee machine, she began to brew herself a cup.         ‘        the way that i’m transferring from 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 when we get out of this place and suing their asses. detained ( ? ) for no reason ( ? ) yeah, HERMÈS needs to go ahead and put me on the waiting list for a birkin.          ’
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arichz · 2 years
                        * .   ✰ . ˚    ❛   𝐏𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( ! )
                  𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐀 had just arrived to the movie screening when all of the commotion began to happen. she had a feeling in her stomach that she should’ve turned around and gone home, but she decided against it and figured that whatever was going on wouldn’t escalate to anything serious. stepping onto the greenery, she headed straight for the snacks station. in the midst of waiting in line, the site of blue and red flashing lights along with the sound of sirens captured her two senses as she immediately turned around to see what all of the commotion was. it wasn’t until she noticed the officers arresting some of her classmates that she realized what was going on. being quick on her toes, 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐀 quickly ducked behind some of the random civilians that were in front of her in line and tried her best to blend in. that plan didn’t turn out so well as she was instantly grabbed by a male officer and placed into cuffs.         ‘          oh my gosh, no ( ! ) get your hands off of me. you’ve got this all confused. don’t let the telfar fool you, i’m not one of them. please, i’ll literally pay you, just please don’t take me to the jailhouse, i’m way too pretty to be there. like, c’mon. do you see this ( ? )     ’      she pleaded, glancing down at herself before releasing a small whine, realizing that they honestly did not give a fat fuck about what she was saying. tears welling up in her ducts, the femme continued to try and talk her way out of the situation all the way to the station.
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  once she arrived and was led into the police station, she unwillingly followed the instructions of the officers to the desk that she would be questioned at. smacking her teeth, she sat down at the visiting seat, crossing one leg over the other as she glared at the female officer on the other end of the desk.       ‘         look, let’s save both ourselves some time here. i know my rights, and i’m sure as hell not speaking on the subject of whatever the hell y’all even brought us here for until i can get ahold of my lawyer. but, while i’m here, i just wanted to give some pointers on your serve right now, sweets. i mean, let’s start with the makeup, i get it, you may not come to work trying to eat down, but a little FENTY blurring skin tint and some two faced concealer can really go a long way. also, the hair. okay, work with me here ( ! ) the damaged ends could easily be cut into a little shoulder length bob. like, you would really eat there, i don’t know. and also, i’m sure it would take a few years off of you. like, how old are you really, let’s investigate that ( ! ) ‘cause right now you’re giving me a strong... mmm.. fifty-three.        ’          𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐀’s banter continued on for a while until she could tell she was making the officer annoyed, and they eventually left her alone and moved on to the next person.
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arichz · 2 years
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           * .   ✰ . ˚    ❛ 𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐀𝐃 ! ⧽ Ξ @𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐙.
                        ♡ 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄. ╱ ⌨ 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓. ╱ ⤿ 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐄.                      
@𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐙. ━━ feelin’ myself, i’m conceited... yeah ( ! ) 
                        ☰ 𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒.
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arichz · 2 years
this   particular   planet   is   the   planet   of   sudden   inspiration   and   change,   so   how   does   your   muse   handle   unpredictable   changes   ?   how   do   they   handle   planned   and   known   changes   ?   what   about   inspiration   ?   do   they   do   whatever   inspires   them   in   that   moment,   or   is   their   inspiration   something   that   takes   time   to   develop   and   build   ?   what   makes   your   muse   special   ?   what   makes   them   different   and   eccentric,   if   they   are   ?   where   do   they   create   the   most   change   ? 
answered below ( ! )
this   particular   planet   is   the   planet   of   sudden   inspiration   and   change,   so   how   does   your   muse   handle   unpredictable   changes   ?
she handles change pretty well. all her life, she's had to adapt to change because of her mother's career and the different events that have transpired in her life. from moving around a lot, to losing her father, to having to adapt to new environments and different people, she's only known change. so all in all, she handles it well ( ! )
how   do   they   handle   planned   and   known   changes   ? 
planned changes are sort of foreign to her because she's used to the chaos, but she handles that well too. all change is change in her eyes.
what   about   inspiration   ?   do   they   do   whatever   inspires   them   in   that   moment,   or   is   their   inspiration   something   that   takes   time   to   develop   and   build   ? 
it's a bit of both. she's definitely someone whose ideas and inspirations flow easily, but because she's an over-thinker, she takes a while to really think them through before executing them.
what   makes   your   muse   special   ?   what   makes   them   different   and   eccentric,   if   they   are   ?
her creativity sets her a part.
where   do   they   create   the   most   change   ? 
in the studio — being able to work with underground artists that most people don't know about and being able to push their limits and expose them to a whole new audience and sound of music is what she's best at.
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arichz · 2 years
𝟎𝟏.   𝐓𝐇𝐄    𝐒𝐔𝐍   ! ( all of the questions, xo. )
answered below ( ! )
how is your muse as a person ?
𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐀 is a very complex person who's been through a lot, but is able to remain strong + steadfast through it all. she's a very hard-worker who know exactly what she wants out of life, and will do everything she can to achieve exactly what she wants. she can be very guarded a lot of times, but that's only to protect herself from getting hurt.
do they think highly of themselves or are they pretty humble ?
oh, she thinks very highly of herself ( ! )
what're they like when meeting someone or the first time ?
she can come off a little standoffish, depending on the person. she's pretty good at sensing people's energies and knowing who she can or can't open herself up to.
are they an individual who you'd say is pretty aware of their surroundings and themself, and know just what they want from life ?
very much so ( ! ) she has her entire life planned out down to the details.
give us a peak through the veil of just who your muse is. only a peak !
outside of the hard exterior she likes to give off, she's really a complete softy at heart around her people ( her sister, friends, significant others, etc. ). she's a real ride or die kind of friend/lover who's very protective of the people she cares about. she loves being weird and doing fun things too ( ! )
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arichz · 2 years
What’s your favorite strategy for avoiding tough situations?
by either pretending the situation doesn't exist, or deflecting.
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arichz · 2 years
is   your   muse   an   emotional   person   ?   do   they   feel   deeply   or   not   enough   ? 
𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐀 isn't an outwardly emotional person at all. she feels everything, but the act of actually showcasing those emotions is something that doesn't come easy for her. presenting herself as a hard-body is all she's known, she gets it from her mother.
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arichz · 2 years
                    ‘      and yet, you’re sitting here arguing with me about what the fuck you just said,      ’     she stated matter of factly, releasing a small sigh from her lips as she figured the conversation wasn’t over like she thought it was. sunglasses still covering her eyes, she stared blankly at the woman as she went on about the same sentiments she shared nearly minutes ago. nodding her head slowly, she pressed her lips together before showing her shoulders and sucking a cold wisp of air.      ‘      it’s kind of contradictory to act like you’re unbothered by a situation that you’re giving a dissertation about, which shows that you are in fact… bothered. look sister, i don’t know what to tell you. you have three curtains you can choose from— behind curtain a you can start your own show,  behind curtain b you can put your suggestions in the suggestion box, or behind magic curtain c, you can come on the show and we can have a therapy session. it’s really that simple. we truly do appreciate your support through, leave us five stars on APPLE MUSIC + SPOTIFY.      ’     grinning, she held up her bottle of tequila in the air in a cheers’ing motion before pulling her head back and taking another swig. as the female finished her last question, she easily handed the bottle to the woman as she swallowed the contents of her own shot of the harsh liquor.     ‘     girl, go ahead. you need it after that lil’ great debaters speech. mi bottle, su bottle.   ’
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arichz · 2 years
               shrugging her shoulders in response to the woman’s decline of her offering, she tilted her head back as she took a swig of the alcoholic beverage, allowing the contents to glide down her throat momentarily before pulling the bottle back down into her lap. it wasn’t until the woman spoke up again that she raised her eyebrow as her tangent began. the complete dissertation the femme poured at only caused a hearty laugh to fall from the femme’s lip as she literally found humor in what she was saying more than anything. taking yet another swig of the alcohol, she allowed herself to warm up a little before responding to the woman.      ‘       girl, huh ( ? ) please tell me you’re joking. there’s no way you’re really initiating this debate with me right now in the middle of this beach party. i don’t think the purpose of the show is to tip toe around the student’s feelings or to boost people’s egos. someone came to us with that information and we decided to speak on it on our radio show. it’s not your show, it’s not the basketball team’s show, or any of that for that matter. we can say whatever the hell we want to on our show. if you don’t like it, why don’t you go and make your own show and talk about whatever content you please. i’m honestly confused on why y’all are shooting the messengers, when the real issue is about the athletic department providing and aiding in the use of drugs in the basketball team. are you fucking someone on the team or something ( ? ) ‘cause there’s no reason to be that pressed about something that doesn’t concern you. i appreciate the feedback, but next time, leave it in the suggestion box, or, call in and we can do a whole segment about it on the show where you can express all of your feelings there.      ’      she stated calmly, sending a wide grin to the woman before placing her sunglasses back onto her eyes and continuing to enjoy the bottle in her hand and the vibes of the night. 
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arichz · 2 years
          ‘      well, look who it is ( ! ) i done seen you here more than i’ve seen you on campus, ain’t that something ( ? ) but, hi bestie boo ( ! )    ’     she grinned as she watched her best friend take a seat beside her on her towel, causing a small chuckle to fall from her lips.     ‘     girl honestly, i really don’t know but i think anything to get us to where we should be is good in my eyes ( ! ) i got this bottle for free from flirting with the man at the counter. honest, you should try it first in case the shit ends up being poisonous or something.     ’    chuckling, she pulled the open bottle to her nostrils as she inhaled a good sniff of the contents before shrugging her shoulders and pulling the bottle to her lips, tilting her head back as the contents fell into her mouth, allowing a good amount to fall before pulling the bottle away from her duo, instantly twisting her face up at the burning sensation down her throat.      ‘     that shit is absolutely disgusting. but, hey ( ! ) when in jamaica, i guess. here, your turn ( ! )    ’     she passed the bottle to the femme as she used the back of her hand to wipe her mouth dry of the contents.
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arichz · 2 years
                      navigating her way through the crowded beach, 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐀 internally thanked herself for wearing shades so that she wouldn’t have to stop and speak to anyone on her way to her destination. looking for the perfect spot, she found that was as close as she could get to the water without getting wet. after setting out her towel and her small stationed area, she pulled out a bottle of native rum she bought earlier that day and began to pop the bottle off. glancing at the person beside her, she held up the bottle in the air.      ‘      want some ( ? ) i heard this stuff is hella’ good. it’s beautiful out here, we should make a cheers or something ( ! )     ’
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arichz · 2 years
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           * .   ✰ . ˚    ❛ 𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐀𝐃 ! ⧽ Ξ @𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐙.
                        ♡ 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄. ╱ ⌨ 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓. ╱ ⤿ 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐄.                      
@𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐙. ━━ honey + gold, drippin’ all on me.
                        ☰ 𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒.
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arichz · 2 years
  * .       ❛       @𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐙 𝐇𝐀𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 ( 𝟐 ) 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐒 ( ! )
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                        ⤾  𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓.  ♡  𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄.  ➭  𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐄.
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arichz · 2 years
              surprisingly, 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐀 was an early bird this morning, getting up early enough so she could enjoy the full day of relaxation and some exploration around the resort while the others were mostly still asleep. she had just returned from getting a facial at the spa at the resort and found her way outside to figure out what was next for her to conquer for the day. spotting a familiar face, she listened into her small rant as she placed her hand over her orbs to shield them from the sun.      ‘      no wonder my ass was up super early this morning. i clearly didn’t go hard enough last night,     ’       she chuckled before shrugging her shoulders at the femme’s question.      ‘     hm, i’m not sure. ATV’s do sound fun, though. they shouldn’t be that bad. you wanna’ go for a ride ( ? )     ’
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