aridayy24 · 8 years
Awhhhh i got nothing nada zilch. Everything spinning, i know longer know if im winning. Im walking in circles dodging hurtles, i feel like a fucking turtle. Where are my babies? Where did they go? How did this fucking happen, everybody seems to know but im outta my head, out of mind. Life is just on constant rewind, replay, reboot. I gotta FDR my brain.
ill be the first to admit i lost my goddamn mind, switched to military time, i wasn’t doin fine. Wasnt eatin. Wasnt sleepin. I swear though i seen the light in the skies, calling everything out as i seen it, before the truth was in disguise. I swear i could see the future in my daughters eyes, n it was looking bleak n i was weak. Lack of nutrition, not following my intuition. Trying to get back into school but whose about to pay your tuition? Trying to give my kids the life i never had, the bills keep piling up and momma just got laid off. Back on that welfare here we go wic, foodstamps, Medicaid bound. Unemployment trynna hang me, the websites always fuckin with me shits always down. Baby daddy drama wont go away, he had me locked away. My teams blowin up my phone, ari dre says your back on drugs are you okay? Omfg all of you go away.
Kicked outta my own home, judge says not 1000 feet. Morgan you can have the rented townhouse, keep the cars, and have everything i bought and say its yours. Destroy my reputation and slander my name. You have allot of fucking nerve, thanks for that learning curve. I don’t need an explanation, your disrespect exceeds expectation. All i want is those babies. One girl. One boy. 1 year 1 week apart. Adam and Eve as i do preseive. Mira Mira, you tagged all over our walls. Up and down the halls. Harold and his purple crayon has nothing on you. Your my baby girl. You and your little brother are my whole world. 
Oh Mira Charisma, You warned me to keep my mouth shut covering my mouth when ever i was about to burst out. Its like you knew your father and I wouldn’t work out. Getting in-between whenever were in a fight, dragging me out side to see the sunlight. Im sorry babygirl, your father and I are never getting back together and its for the better. I thought wed be together forever, shell have no furry like a women scorn, ill never forget how he tore you two from my life. I still see you running into the street cop lights flashing, your grandma and dad joking with the cops as they have me locked away. The memory will never fade away. Momma had to loose her concept of time, in exchange for the keys 2 her mind, 2 survive the separation anxiety.
 You see momma came from a long line of neglect and abuse, and i promised to break the chain for you. Momma left nearly a decade ago, last i checked that bitch in fargo. i never knew my father, but i gotta allot a people who claim to be. My friends fighting, and hating over me and about me. Claiming​ they worried yet there no where to be seen. Im stuck in between, gotta get outta of this mess, try to remember to get dressed one foot after the other, one day at a time. Try not to get stressed, get some rest. I cant keep counting i feel like im drowning. 
The world is spinning, whirling outta control. I only hear select words, i count the birds. I only see the lights, im at a loss for words. This anxiety got me stuck, lord tell me i got some luck commin my way cause this shit is to much and i cant stay, take me far away. Life got me on my knees, its hard to believe, that’s why i be smokin trees. I cant forget anything anymore, cant be living in denial anymore, cant believe the lies anymore,gotta remember to breath. Afraid to go to trail court rooms aren’t for me, praying the judge will set me free. Cause jail just ain’t for me, that’s why i kept my shit clean.
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aridayy24 · 8 years
Lets bring it back to the year of 2012, worst is up for debate. Regardless that year was anything but great. On the rebound looking for someone to ease the pain, n i found mark. 1st night we met best western in monroe dan you me and joe levine. We dated for a bit, i cutt him off after a month, all he did was sell drugs n fight with me about an ex hed never met. I should a kept it at that, but that nigga came back with flowers and a job. Apologizing for walkin into my life n tellin me how to live. Told me he couldnt get me outta his mind. I fell for it. Took him back, ignored the fact that he wasnt just sellin weed now but managed to find a connect for that yayo or as i use to call it that snow white. One drug turned into another before long he was sellin nearly every drug in the book. Mind of a crook. No more middle manning on the weed deals, we leveled up grow op in the walk in closest. Needless to say that job that got me back lasted about a week. Hes sittin their tellin me a drug lord dont need to pay taxes, don't need a papertrace. Meanwhile were both living at his mommas place. He was loosing his mind and i saw it, my girl Kelsey called it. She was already hooked on drugs though so i didnt listen to her cause the girl was also talkin massin niggas in the face up on the corner n robbin for all they got. Shes my girl tho 100. Back to the story at hand, the drug usage got bad. The drugs and easy cash was driving mark mad. He started getting controlling, pushed me to start sellin again. So i did n stopped talkin to my friends and picked up dealing again. They all know i gotta past, and i wasnt trying to bring them down in my new life path. Things only got worse from there. Wed fight every day, and one day the fighting switched from verbal to physical with a blink of an eye. I wont lie or deny that i gotta mouth, when he started getting angry about how i was eatin n how i was dressin, i started threatening that id leave him that he meant nothing to me. That pissed him off to an extreme, grabbed me by the wrists n told me im just another bitch then threw me against the wall and walked away. I was a reactor back in those days, i sat in shock for a bit and heard him snortin lines. Ran up to his room and slammed the door screaming up a storm, about how he put his hands on me. He denied it told me i was crazy, i got crazy then and tore the bag of yayo from his hands. It happened so fast i didnt even know what was going on. He jumped at me hands on my throat slammed me against the desk n told me hes gunna teach me a lesson ill never forget. Rapped me left me there, locked me in our bedroom. Came back after 4 hours, with morphine and flowers. You think it wouldn't be as easy as that right? Wrong, i blamed the drugs and believed him when he told me it'd never happen again. I learned to keep quite about certain subjects, stopped reacting when hed call me degrading names. None a that helped though, cause his ass kept gettin busted by the police dui's possesion charges forced him to sober up court order out patient made sure a that. The violence got worse rather then better throwing me down stairs hitting me dead in the face, hospital trips, cover up stories galore. Coworkers n close friends ask what happened to your face n most believed it when you told the you walked into a door, or tripped over your own damn feet hittin face first to the floor. Chorus: Morphine and xanax stops the pain and fades life away, you wont even care you learn to bare with the abuse. Until it gets to a point where you might not live if you stay with him another day. There were so many incidents, its a shame, and in the end there's only one to blame. After all said and done, I was in the wrong for keeping it to myself living in denile. Everybody's got their reasonings for why they are who they became, when it comes to rape and abuse this shit is no game; and it can all start by just selling weed. That nigga got away with it, he's prolly still out there doin the same shit to the next bitch. Dies slow, karmas a bitch, and consider me a witch cause nigga you deserve what you get for what you get for me and any bitch that came before/after me. I couldnt escape though id try to leave, he was right i had no where to go. Ari no one will believe you, you're a fucking drug addict and I've got people everywhere. And he wasn't completely wrong i shock off all my friendships and lied to the two i still talked to from time to time. No one knew for sure that i was using but plenty assumed. I felt like i was doomed. Coworkers caught on after the months passed, and got my ass out of that mess. He still lurked, i had to change my number block his friends and him off social media, avoid the areas he usually stays. And pray hed leave me alone. Chorus I ended up dating morgframe and a baby girl was on the way. I sobered up real quick n here we go new relationship with a baby on the way. And mark wouldnt go away. Started claiming my daughter was his, fucking twisted fucker. Got into morgans head. And soon he was asking me to go into detail about every time i was abused all the fucking time. That always trigged PTSD attacks and nightmares, he didnt understand that. And i didn't understand why he was making me relive all those attacks. Meanwhile time goes bye n now we got two babies a girl and a boy. And the trust still isnt their with morgframe and i. N all of my team seem to be against me. Im outta people i trust. Paranoid that fucker still has eyes on me, paranoid about everything and everyone. There is no end to this story, the night terrors paranoia never goes away. The black flashes are every goddamn day, could you live this way? Chorus.
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aridayy24 · 8 years
Goddammit. Idk why I do this to myself. Seriously. The past two weeks just non stop soul searching idk what I’m looking for, everything I find makes me question every situation since birth this is a fucking curse¿
No one let’s Ari talk about the real that actually matters, it’s uncomfortale to think about… I feel that. *More or less is fucking irrelevant*
I don’t think bout’ sex like that… maybe it’s cause my mommy didn’t watch over me at night. 😱
Shit it could be the blank no name on my birthcertificat. *I don’t know myself, how could I possibly know you¿*
And no one has the decency or even respect to ask, instead you get nothing but hateful rumors and words behind your back, spread like a disease throughout the damn valley.
Everyone’s driving me crazy because they never took the time to know me.
Now I have two kids, that I love more then my sisters. And have to face all of these fucked up memories, and thoughts. For my daughter, I have to break the chain.
It’s so much to process, I feel like I’m going to insane.
Idk what to do, I don’t trust anyone. Not with my kids, and my ex doesn’t trust me which means I can’t trust him 
My family out here, One is my step dad he doesn’t treat me like a daughter as much as he’d care to admit.
And my sister amili, the last of my so called family. We haven’t talked since November of last year. financial situations, cause she brought my kids into it I had ta cut her off♠
I got ronicka consistently, if I call her needing help. Lbs. Cause grant died, now it’s my turn to be there for her. ♑🔱♌ *when he was with us she always hit me up, always there. Now she gets stuck just like I do, probably much worse* 😱
I got other friends to, but I’m talking family¿ now I lost my words.
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aridayy24 · 8 years
Okay its official. Ftw its a terrible place, i fucking hate everyone and don't believe shit that comes out of the mouths of friends and family that are around me. Everyone's living in the internet, literally believing the stupidest fucking media lies. Yall should be ashamed, i dont have to fack check my fact checks to know what comes out your mouth is bullshit. You people kill my fucking brain cells. N its not like i can tell um to go to school on my children most a the shit taught up in public schools these days is a crock of shit. I cant blame all of um for droppin out, but when we get on topics n niggas be tellin me the world is flat i wonder about humanity as a whole. Is this the fucking middle ages all over again?? Its time for another renissance. Fuck the black pluage and the times before the seperation of church n state. Its similar though and dont tell me im not wrong. Read the shit in those history books ill start callin out the flaws. The church use to decide the books we were aloud to read, its not to different today its just a corporate game rather then religious game. Fuck what you think. Its what we live. And fuck all the celebrity gossip they got you all distracted from the real issues. Sittin on fakebook waitin on another dumbass minion meme. Meanwhile were sending soldiers to kill and die over oil blood money, thinking there honoring a nation. They shouldn't be out there in the fuckin first place. On the other hand meanwhile in america we got a war drugs homeless dieing on the streets, immigrants gettin deported, and everybody and there mother is civil warring. Dropout rates are skyrocketing. Here we are sittin here fightin each other. Yall hate on me and say im insane, look the fuck around. Your the one thats brainwashed living paycheck 2paycheck buyin more shit to pile up in your storage unit if your lucky a garage of your own. Your own meaning you own that bitch, meaning no landlord leaving threating ass notes on your door about how you live and what chu gotta change. You hate me for speaking the truth well i hate you for denying whats right in front of your fucking face. Stop concerning yourself with my social media posts, stop judging me off the clothes i wear, and slang i use. The area codes on my wrists, and the way that i spit. No dre i havent been to the salon in years, i roll out of bed and throw on whatever i find. I dont waste my time at clubs with a bunch a people that are the same as the last bunch horny bunch say anything to get laid. Fuck all that bullshit, nah im not with it. Fuck you're nice as shit, ill set it on fire and laugh at the fact that you'll never be as good as me. Nah nigga i cant be bought, i told you in the past and i stay true. I got to much self respect to sell my body soul or mind, i still got love for you but fuck you and all the bullshit that comes outta your hypocritical mouth. N karmas a bitch remember that. Im Ariana Duncan, but most of you know me as Ari Dayy. And id rather be myself then try to fit in with the masses. I tried to change but i like who i am. You don't like my attitude, politics, or religious views. I don't fucking care, you cant handle the truth, i aint hatin live in denial. I call it how it is that's just the way i am, have been, and always choose to be. Hate my rymphes and writting, go for it its for my family n friends tryin to help um out through the struggle. And it does help fuck what you tellin me 2 think. Cant relate not my problem. Don't like it, listen 2 the radio. N gtf off a my social media page. And i got one more thought. Fuck all you hatin on me then copying the same shit i say and do claimin its yours. Im flattered that i gave you an idea to cling to but fuck you for twisting shit against me then saying the same shit back 2 me. As if i wouldnt fucking notice. Jealous as bitches can talk shit all they want but when i see um its like omg ari i havent seen you in so long how you been. Lets take an ussee. 2 faced backstabbing hoes. Aint nobody got time for your valleygirl highschool fakenail bullshit. Gtf out my face and keep my name out of your mouth. Act fake 2 my face again and ill give you something to talk about. "But ari dont your remeber the good old times," bitch i didnt like you then and shit has not changed.
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aridayy24 · 8 years
The Valley
Sing me a song, 
I promise it won’t take to long. I know that your feeling like you don’t belong and everything seems so bleak and wrong .
Sing me a Song, any song take your pick. Do me a favor and start off by flicking that bic let the fire burn bright, to show me that you to will never give up this fight that we call life. 
Gotta love how peoples perceptions alter are own perceptions, holding us down so we all stay in this godforsaken prison town. Everyones so sure they got everyone down, like they really know everyone in this prison town. 
Monroe is consumed with hatred don't even deny that you to got tanged in the web of lies. Smart kids seal their fate move on and graduate, some dip escape, to try their luck in a different state. The rest of them, are still here drinking beers as they watch the ones they love one by one disappear. 
Just Keep on Keeping On. Go ahead N try 2 play god, defy the odds. We’ll make bets n watch as it all goes wrong, my bet is that won’t take to long. 
To cool for school couldn’t even show up, now just the fools bound to never grow up. The Party scene blew up, friends parted and switched up; on account of those shooting up. 
Monroe goes hard, drinks all around, drink it all down; thats whats up. Now go run over there and try to hide that you threw it all up. The drugs don’t work, they don’t learn, taking hits with little to no concern just sitting there waiting for their turn unleashing demons, comitting crimes as if it could go out of season. Family and friends try to show you reason but there you go again committing treason. Blame it on the friends and family theatre no longer around, blame it on this god forsaken town, you certainly aren’t the only one its brought down. 
What you thought was a faze turned into a vicious maze, and we are all simply amazed saying its clear that you are forever set in your ways. 
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aridayy24 · 8 years
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A Letter to My Son, 
You are not my oldest child, but my first and only son. I grew up truly believing i’d never be blessed with a son. I thought i’d inherent my mothers curse of girls, and once I had your sister I almost knew it to be true. 
I knew you were a boy, just as I knew Mira was a girl. There was something about my pregnancy, maybe it was the agonizing hunger, the desperation for meat, that gave it away. I’m not convinced that that is when I knew though, there was something about you that I still can’t put into words. 
Your name just came to me, as if you were telling me who you are. Maximus, your name repeated itself in my head over and over and over. Your father may think I’m a bit nutty, I always told him that you told me your name. 
I didn’t even feel pregnant, carrying you, complete opposite of my first pregnancy. I felt no anxiety, no stress, I felt an inner serenity I couldn’t recreate today.
 It’s like you stole all of my flaws, and locked them away from me. My Eczema that I've battled with since I was a baby, completely disappeared the entire duration of my pregnancy with you. You were my anti histamine. 
One of the greatest gifts you have ever given me, is clarity. You locked my worst traits away from me, from anxiety, to eczema, to that feeling of being alone. Without all of that weighing me down, I was the women I always wanted to be I took complete control of our lives, and for the better. Your father and I got better jobs, we moved out of that death trap of an apartment and into a cozy two bedroom town home. 
Labor started at the first site of April 1st, the contractions were slow going at first, but by noon there was no doubt about it, you were coming. You blessed us with your presence a few minutes into April 2nd, your own April fools. I barely remember the delivery just that there was to much going on and then you were here. 
I’m not sure why, but it’s always been difficult for me to hold my children right after birth. Maybe it’s the separation, I’m not sure to be honest. The moment I never forget is the first night alone with you guys, your father passes out from the chaos of the day. I learn how to change your diaper, and I hold you close. 
The first night I held you, was the first time I didn’t feel alone. I sniffed the top of your head, I looked into those little dark eyes, you were the closest to me then anyone one else, I saw my eyes I saw myself in you. You held onto my finger with your little tiny hand, you smiled even in your sleep. You touched my heart, and you knew it, you knew from the day you laid eyes on me that I was yours. 
Though about a year has passed and all those imperfections have been released back to me, when ever I hold you Maximus, that feeling of serenity resurfaces. You are my son Maximus Riker Mechling, I am with you every moment. I’ll be your shield, and I’ll be your sword. I will guide with love, with clarity, and with serinity, I will show you the path. You’ve got an old soul Max, and i’m honored that you choose me to be your mother. 
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aridayy24 · 8 years
Clarity Obtained
Paper Mate, Check Mate
Ying/Yang 1,2 B/W
Is this fate? My Mind was locked trapped in a paradox of flashbacks and memories no one would want on repeat let alone relive everyday like my life is on constant rewind. 
I follow the signs and take the advice. 
Keep counting; how many stairs? How many up how many down. Turn that pessimism into optimism. Smile; live in the now, you’ll get out of that prison town.  Have no shame. their is no one 2 blame. Clarity obtained, Anger Restrained. Achievement unlocked, you no longer sit their starring at the damn clock. Achievement unlocked you no longer got that writers block. 
Everyone can see that line you walk, that nearly invisible thread of right and wrong, of love and hate. They watch, talk and stalk. While you teeter totter back and forth trying to find your balance. 
Gotta hand it to you, even when your motivations low, you don’t miss a beat. You don't accept defeat. Keep counting; how many birds in the sky? How many tears have you cried? How many lies have been uttered 2 you while looking directly into those dark brown eyes?
Inspiration is essential; love is influential. 
Loyalty is not measured in years; you are not wrong to fear your peers. You need a car vision, and a plan of action. Stay persistent and always consistent. Forgive, I can't stress this enough, Never forget. 
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aridayy24 · 8 years
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Now You're Stuck.No Friend's, or that's how it feels.I certainly don't want to ask for financial assistance, perseverance is what the universe tells me. Yet, that's all Ive ever had. -AriDayy
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aridayy24 · 8 years
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Mighty Mira, the sunset, oh yeah and my lovely view of the correctional facility. #monroe
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aridayy24 · 8 years
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This song makes me cry, I love you Amber♤~°•.
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aridayy24 · 8 years
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Meredith's beautiful flowers, she says shes never seen a blossom on a hydrangea this large. I think it's beautiful.
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aridayy24 · 8 years
Nakia, My Number One
The homie, from the start. Nakia ♐, you my number 1. Over a decade of friendship. Always n forever, n to that I’ll stay true. ♤~°•
In a world where everyone says they’ll be there, your the one I believe. 🌙
Cheers to you homie, you always have had my back. In fact, let’s take it back.
Middle School, is where we met. Back in the 651, 3rd period, Ms. VanSchooten. Called our names, and dealt our fate.
I was awkward, you HA not onimanaKia. The first thing you said to me “I’m Kia and you have big boobs,” N that’s how we began; flushed in the face ♤~°•
You were my “bad influence,” throughout that middle school haze. Popular, intelligent, and Confident. That was your Game. 👑 I never understood our friendship back then, shit I was the kid that got picked on beat up, n shoved down the stairs. Let’s move forward through time…
N everyone be askin why you tall to Kia so much, Cause she’s the one that was there, Talking to me on the phone no matter the hour, no matter the day, anytime any place. Nakia, kia, onimanaKia. ⏳Time is means nothing when it comes to love♤~°•
I don’t believe in coincidence, same birthday as my Aunt, ♐🔱♐ the one I admire the most, above all else you two have always had my back, N I thank you for that♡~°•
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aridayy24 · 8 years
Nakia, My Number One
The homie, from the start. Nakia ♐, you my number 1. Over a decade of friendship. Always n forever, n to that I’ll stay true. ♤~°•
In a world where everyone says they’ll be there, your the one I believe. 🌙
Cheers to you homie, you always have had my back. In fact, let’s take it back.
Middle School, is where we met. Back in the 651, 3rd period, Ms. VanSchooten. Called our names, and dealt our fate.
I was awkward, you HA not onimanaKia. The first thing you said to me “I’m Kia and you have big boobs,” N that’s how we began; flushed in the face ♤~°•
You were my “bad influence,” throughout that middle school haze. Popular, intelligent, and Confident. That was your Game. 👑 I never understood our friendship back then, shit I was the kid that got picked on beat up, n shoved down the stairs. Let’s move forward through time…
N everyone be askin why you tall to Kia so much, Cause she’s the one that was there, Talking to me on the phone no matter the hour, no matter the day, anytime any place. Nakia, kia, onimanaKia. ⏳Time is means nothing when it comes to love♤~°•
I don’t believe in coincidence, same birthday as my Aunt, ♐🔱♐ the one I admire the most, above all else you two have always had my back, N I thank you for that♡~°•
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aridayy24 · 8 years
I raise my Aries with Pride, ~Serafina~pride♈ Ying and Yang. *Serafina, even a Prime Name.*♠ If my kids are half the women you are today, it's cause of you. 💯 ⏳✨🔙🔜⏳ Ironic, I spit the truth within the valley of death, 😱 I couldn't tell the difference when you knew me. *Envy, it's your sin. I respect it, we all got one n that the most misunderstood. I Envy You and Only You. 7 years later, within the valley of death I am a shadow.* 🌙🌊🌹 🐣🐤🐥🐾 *give your mom real love. form Ari to Angela. She's misunderstood, take it from someone who lost a mother. Amber deserves my hatred, my anger, but she doesn't deserve my respect. She's my fucking mother, shits fucked up.⏳🔛🔚 Love your beautifully scared mother, her darkness was misinterpreted, just as Your Anger. I Will Never Mistake You, I'm With .. Just As Ricky was with you. ⏳ Time is a word made to bring down. Set fire to it, it's what you know best, embrace the chaos🔥, Godspeed. ♈🔱♈ N btw, not dead, I pull up to the store n blow all I can on that high lyfe, I get the Hungarian chronic, that Gorilla Glue, whatever the fuck is Chronic to you. and pull up to Julz N Get a Zip Cause he's the homie, * even if he doesn't know it.* he always had/has the hook up. I smoke, but not enough, I think of you cause your so real you think you fake. The fuck kind of logic I that, I feel I though. We aren't different I wait for you to come to me to see lyfe from the valley of death, with a farmilar old face that you knew in another life, NOPE THISLYFE.
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aridayy24 · 8 years
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aridayy24 · 8 years
How do I get out of my head 🌌 *Analyze, Analyze, Analyze What’d he say? What’d you say? ⏳🔚🔜🔛🔙🔝⌛ Shit I can’t remember, all I can remember is *Don’t tell me how to feel* I’ll swear it to the Lord~°• he took my mom¿ my soul, °•~ he took My Mother a Victim in Disguise ♠ She’s With Us, in Vain, Envy, Strife, prolly all the sins, but don’t let me preach ♤~° Right Here Right Now I can think what I want, and feel what I want to feel~°• ¿Why can’t I just sit back and relax? The noise, the noise, I need more noise. There’s n● peace in silence, just tame the g●d damn noise¿ 😱 Flashbacks are Flashbacks, anytime any place. Name, the Names…. Amili, Wyntyr, Serafina, Nakia, …… Family Lost, Not Gone Family Over Everything ~°•☆ ARI, Where You At? *I’ve been here all long¿* I speak they don’t acknowledge. I’m a ghost, within the Valley of Death, unfortunately valley is to literal so I gotta laugh, Monroe 4 day or 4 life. ~°• ⌛🔚🔜🔛🔙🔝⏳ Reading in Between the Lines~°• Where time Unwinds, Unravels, Unviels, Your Struggle, My Struggle. And to that I’ll stay true ♤ 206*707*651*269*952*207 n damnitt, I can’t remeber my 1st Area Code, or 2nd or Third~°• …….. Reflect, Reflect~°• try not to feel the struggle. PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH♤ Were all human, what Sin is MorgFrame, What Sin is Aridayy, What’s mine… Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Sloth, Rath, Gluttony *Did I get it all right, 1 through 7, shit someone’s got to know~°• Ying and Yang, Hint, Hint *Try to Not Read Between the Lines* I know his can’t be Greed, not Sloth, Not Fuckin’ Envy. *I know he always has honor♤ Oh okay let’s go back in time⏳ I hear the stories, I hear all the words. I hear his perception, see his view. I See All Views, I Hear All Cries, and that is the Greatest Gift I can Have. An Opponent, A Partner, That is What I Am. For I have so Much to Give~°•☆ Let me g● check back in time, N Fact Check Them Fact Checks, cause I dont count ¿Wikipedia for a Source code, d● you even know what the hell that means, Step at me, I can Play the Game, follow the leader isn’t that hard listen cause now I’m in chatge♤¿~°•
(via aridayy24)
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aridayy24 · 8 years
WHO IN THE WORLD KNOWS WHAT GOES ON IN MY MIND ...☆~°• How do I get out of my head 🌌 *Analyze, Analyze, Analyze What’d he say? What’d you say? ⏳🔚🔜🔛🔙🔝⌛ Shit I can’t remember, all I can remember is *Don’t tell me how to feel* I’ll swear it to the Lord~°• he took my mom¿ my soul, °•~ he took My Mother a Victim in Disguise ♠ She’s With Us, in Vain, Envy, Strife, prolly all the sins, but don’t let me preach ♤~° Right Here Right Now I can think what I want, and feel what I want to feel~°• ¿Why can’t I just sit back and relax? The noise, the noise, I need more noise. There’s n● peace in silence, just tame the g●d damn noise¿ 😱 Flashbacks are Flashbacks, anytime any place. Name, the Names…. Amili, Wyntyr, Serafina, Nakia, …… Family Lost, Not Gone Family Over Everything ~°•☆ ARI, Where You At? *I’ve been here all long¿* I speak they don’t acknowledge. I’m a ghost, within the Valley of Death, unfortunately valley is to literal so I gotta laugh, Monroe 4 day or 4 life. ~°• ⌛🔚🔜🔛🔙🔝⏳ Reading in Between the Lines~°• Where time Unwinds, Unravels, Unviels, Your Struggle, My Struggle. And to that I’ll stay true ♤ 206*707*651*269*952*207 n damnitt, I can’t remeber my 1st Area Code, or 2nd or Third~°• …….. Reflect, Reflect~°• try not to feel the struggle. PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH♤ Were all human, what Sin is MorgFrame, What Sin is Aridayy, What’s mine… Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Sloth, Rath, Gluttony *Did I get it all right, 1 through 7, shit someone’s got to know~°• Ying and Yang, Hint, Hint *Try to Not Read Between the Lines* I know his can’t be Greed, not Sloth, Not Fuckin’ Envy. *I know he always has honor♤ Oh okay let’s go back in time⏳ I hear the stories, I hear all the words. I hear his perception, see his view. I See All Views, I Hear All Cries, and that is the Greatest Gift I can Have. An Opponent, A Partner, That is What I Am. For I have so Much to Give~°•☆ Let me g● check back in time, N Fact Check Them Fact Checks, cause I dont count ¿Wikipedia for a Source code, d● you even know what the hell that means, Step at me, I can Play the Game, follow the leader isn’t that hard listen cause now I’m in chatge♤¿~°•
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