arielahq-blog · 7 years
sage’s brow furrowed slightly as he watched the bundle of fluff bouncing around on the floor. “are you sure we’re allowed pets ??” he questioned skeptically, “what about when you host parties n’ shit ?? that wouldn’t be very safe for the puppy,” he shrugged. “it’s a cute dog, though. nah, don’t worry about fixing it, there wasn’t much there to start with.”
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ariela shook her head lightly at the mention of the rules, “well...i mean, he’d have to stay at home--but i live local so it shouldn’t be a problem. i snuck my cat here so i mean, i think i’d be pushing it if i had both a cat and dog on campus right?” ariela smiled before placing the puppy down on the grass. “you can pet him if you want, or hold him. i think he owes you a snuggle for muffing up your project.” ariela said cheesly--how much more of a nerd could she be, though? “wow--that sounded really corny, i’m sorry, but you can totally cuddle the dog.” a nervous chuckle escaped her lips as she pushed some blonde locks out of her face.
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arielahq-blog · 7 years
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Sure Cait was a little annoyed that her paper now had bit marks in it, but how could she stay made at a face like that. “I guess I can forgive him seeing how cute he is.” she laughed, reaching out to pet him. “You don’t have to fix it. I can just print out another one.”
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ariela made sure to gently scold her puppy as she picked him up. “bad, teddy. bad.” she furrowed her brows in disappointment before apologetic eyes fell on the girl once again. “i really am so sorry, but thank you for being so nice. i would’ve been totally ticked if it were me--so i would understand.” ariela smiled small. “you can pet him if you want, he’s super friendly---as you can tell.” ariela chuckled, placing the puppy down to sniff around, much more calm. he walked over tot he girl and liked her hand before continuing to sniff. “he’s friendly which is another reason to love him.” the blonde chuckled, making sure to hold tighter to his leash so he couldn’t break free.
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arielahq-blog · 7 years
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layla couldn’t even be mad, not that she’d really been working too hard on the project at hand anyways. if it would have been something else that ruined it she might have been, though the puppy was definitely too cute for that. “are you kidding? i’m not even mad. it’s so cute, oh my god.” the girl spoke, her hand moving out to pat at the puppy’s head. “did you name it already?”
ariela’s blue hues brightened as she smiled while the girl explained how she wasn’t mad at all--in fact, agreeing with how cute the puppy is. “oh, phew!” ariela let out an exasperated sigh. “ i thought you were going to murder me. i know how college kids get with their work...especially if they procrastinate like me.” ariela chuckled---a little nervous habit of hers. “name? oh yes, right the puppy.” ariela smiled, “uhm, i was thinking teddy. i know it’s generic, but i think it fits.” ariela placed the puppy in a better position so that layla could pet it some more. “what do you think?”
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arielahq-blog · 7 years
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they’d been working on a trifold that depicted the effects of jump scares on a person’s blood pressure. it was terribly overdone but estrella doubted the professor cared what it was about; he’d only be giving a quick glance at it. and in all honesty, they didn’t wish to spend more time than necessary on it. the puppy had been a sudden surprise that left paw prints on the trifold. sure, they were upset, but it was nothing that was irreparable. “ nah, it’s fine. it’s adorable, have you given it a name yet ? ” they’ve stood up and walked towards ariela and her puppy.
ariela smiled at them, before giving her attention back to the puppy. “thank you for being so forgiving, and no! not yet! i was thinking over names...maybe Teddy or something. but that’s boring.” ariela pursed her lips together before the puppy went to lick her face. chuckling, ariela held the puppy out towards them. “would you like to pet him?” she asked, making sure the puppy didn’t squirm out of her hands to run on the grass again.
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arielahq-blog · 7 years
incoming text: clay ➨ ari
clay: if i do stop by to see if they're in your dorm, you're not gonna lock yourself in your room, right?
clay: because last time i tried coming to see ya, you dipped and i almost ended up fucking your roommate so i just need to know in advance
ari: LMAO what?! how did i miss this.....
ari: && sorry i get nervous around guys who r cutE OKAY
ari: does this mean u want to see me? awwwww :P
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arielahq-blog · 7 years
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“mimosas sound lovely!” ariela chimed in before chuckling. “stronger?! like what did you have in mind?” the blonde asked intrigued.
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“ i definitely had more mimosas than necessary at brunch, but i needed them to get through it. i’m kinda feeling this day drinking thing, though — wanna join me for something a bit STRONGER ? ”
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arielahq-blog · 7 years
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“so, there was this adoption fair today and i did a thing....” ariela explains by pointing at the puppy who was on the ground wagging it’s tail excitedly. “i couldn’t say no! i mean, do you see how cute and fluffy it is?!?” ariela chuckled, picking the puppy up so she could cuddle with it. “and i’m sorry that they messed up your project, but i’ll be sure to fix it--promise.”
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arielahq-blog · 7 years
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arielahq-blog · 7 years
after the fifth love you’s, he finally had to go and annabel could get back to what she was doing. “so sorry about that, parents. where did we leave off?” she looked over her notes to see where they have left off.
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“oh, it was uhm, a couple day back we stopped copying? this class is so confusing some times i just zone out--so thank you again, really. i owe you like, a coffee or something.” ariela smiled warmly at the girl from across the table. “it’s sweet that you and your parents are close.” she chimed up to say, glancing through her own sets of notes to compare.
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arielahq-blog · 7 years
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ariela’s blue hues widened when the girl opened her motuh. “sorry--i just was seeing something. i thought you had a bug in your hair? but it’s nothing.” with a shrug ariela sighed, “didn’t mean to stare like a creep or anything--sorry.”
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                    slim digits threaded through strawberry locks, dark hues searching the place before her chocolate optics locked with another pair of eyes. raising an expectant eyebrow, the small frame red-head would tilt her head to the side slightly and inhale slowly. ❝ are you just going to stare at me or are you actually going to speak ??  ❞
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arielahq-blog · 7 years
incoming text: clay ➨ ari
clay: i always leave them on the charging dock next to the coffee pot when they're not in use
clay: i legit just noticed they're gone as i went to get my gym equipment ready, i've seriously checked nearly everywhere in my dorm
ari: hmmm let's see. maybe you could've left them here?
ari: want to stop by and look??
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arielahq-blog · 7 years
hi cutie pies !! gabs here && i am finally on a COMPUTER YAY! i need plots v badly for this bb soooooo
ive already answered some open starters last night WHICH I WILL REPLY TO (just give me time for elouise bc i am gonna try and focus on ariela) and i want to get a chance to talk with evERYONE so im jumping on the bandwagon here.
if you LIKE this post not only will you get a message concerning plots from yours truly, BUT you will also get a CLOSED STARTER! yayayay
sorry thats a ton to read but pls love me? ok bye 
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arielahq-blog · 7 years
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ariela was waiting for the girl so that she could grab the rest of the notes she missed in class the other day, when her father unexpectedly called in the middle of the exchange. ariela didn’t mind it, so when the girl apologized, ariella was shaking her head as if to signal to the girl that she had nothing to worry about. “my mom is the same way.” she whispered, hoping the girl wouldn’t feel so bad. “take your time.”
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Annabel was on the phone with her dad, for they’re nightly chit chat about her and his day. and of course he never shuts up, and of she loves him but come on she has work to do. As she turned around someone was behind her, whispering that she was sorry.
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arielahq-blog · 7 years
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arielahq-blog · 7 years
incoming text: clay ➨ ari
clay: do you happen to have my headphones??
clay: 'cus last time i remember having them in my possession was when you stopped by
clay: i cannot workout peacefully without them rofl
ariela: uhmmmm, i am using my own headphones atm so i know for a fact im not using yours uhm??
ariela: i dont remember seeing you having them when i stopped by? but i guess im wrong. did u check your room? like double triple check?
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arielahq-blog · 7 years
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ariela: && u didn’t text me to let me know? #rude
ariela: can u bring me back a slice? pretty pls
✖┋snap ► open
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nala: 24hrs hangover nala: off to NYC to get some pizza
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arielahq-blog · 7 years
ariela had just arrived at the counter to grab her herbal tea when a fight broke out. for this particular couple it was a ritual. ariela huffed, annoyed. upon hearing the girls words, the blonde couldn’t help but chime in after she paid for her tea. “yeah---but this couple, it’s like to be expected. i’m surprised you’ve never seen or heard them before?” ariela chuckled lightly, blowing on her tea to cool it off before taking a baby sip. “it’s like clockwork. it’s quite sad, honestly.”
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“i’ll see you later in class, okay?” mariana spoke before she walked over to one of the coffee carts and ordered her usual — a latte with a hint of caramel. just as she was turning around to walk to one of the buildings to meet with someone (and she would be too early, as per usual), she heard a couple break into a live fight, right there in the middle of campus. mariana couldn’t help the smirk that formed in her lips. “who needs soap operas when we live at crawford, right?” the brunette spoke to no one in particular; maybe just the vendor or whoever was close enough to hear, before she took a sip of her latte.
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