arielhime · 6 years
Mom: “They’re cute.  I’d put them in a boat.”
Me: “What?”
Mom: “Isn’t that what it’s called?  When you think people would be good together?  They’re on a boat?”
Sister: “You mean you ship them?”
Mom: “Is that it?  I knew it had something to do with boats.  I ship them.”
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arielhime · 7 years
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That cat is an absolute angel.   My website – My Facebook page – See me on LINE Webtoon!
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arielhime · 7 years
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RIP Beautiful Prince.
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arielhime · 7 years
Long Distance Friendships: Games
We all find ourselves with a long distance friend eventually, whether because someone moved or it’s just easier for you to make friends online. The problem can be finding time to chat or, if you do find time, finding something to do. I have a lot of friends who live in other countries, so I’ve had time to hone my list of online games. These are games that are best accompanied with a Skype call! Please feel free to reblog this with more suggestions!
Pretend You’re Xyzzy > FREE; This is an online version of Cards Against Humanity. The games can be altered to fit your interests by choosing decks from cardcastgame.com
Agario > FREE; It is easiest to find your friends using the party mode. Have one person create a link, then share that link with everyone. Gang up on other players to climb to the top of the leader board
Minecraft > $27 USD; Minecraft is a great way to have a physical presence without actually being anywhere near your friends. Plus, you can build with each other and create other games within the game! I suggest looking into builds like Achievement Hunter’s Let’s Play series
Board Game Online > FREE; This game is more mature and requires a lot of reading, but if you’re into board games and adventure, it’s worth looking into
Town of Salem > FREE; Town of Salem is a game known by many different names but has now been adapted for an online version. You may also know it as Werewolf. It can be difficult to get the hang of, so I would suggest reading the roles and these handy tips
Omegle > FREE; Omegle can be incredibly fun if used right. Decide on a mutual interest and try to find each other. You can attempt to find each other on cam, though be wary
The Jackbox Party Pack > $25 USD; Definitely worth the money. This pack gives you five games that test your trivia, your ability to lie successfully, and your artistic abilities. Also, check out Quiplash
FMK > FREE; Using a long list of names (be as aburd as possible), have a friend pick a number between one and ten. The first three multiples of that number and their corresponding names on the list are the people/characters/items that the player must choose to fuck, marry, or kill
Paranoia > FREE; Based on the post created on Tumblr. Using Skype, someone will private message a question. The answer must be said out loud in a call. Put 0 or 1 into RANDOM.ORG and, if it’s a 0, then the question remains a secret. If it’s a 1, the question is revealed.
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arielhime · 7 years
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Punctuation Matters by The Visual Communication Guy
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arielhime · 8 years
The lawyers at JFK are saying their biggest need right now is translators. Please share this with your contacts: If you are an Arabic or Farsi speaker in NYC and are able to provide real-time translations please get in contact with the NY ACLU or the international refugee assistance project. Folks are still needed at terminal 4 at JFK. Share with your networks!
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arielhime · 8 years
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Please spread the word for anyone potentially affected by the ban !!!
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arielhime · 8 years
Reblog if you’ve ever been told it was a “shame” that you cut your “beautiful hair.”
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arielhime · 8 years
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Merry Christmas from Dollie!!
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arielhime · 8 years
Bya-kun…? I had no idea you were so festive…!
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arielhime · 8 years
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i really needed this today, so for anyone else who might
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arielhime · 8 years
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My sweet Dollie 🐶💖
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arielhime · 8 years
message to my women, Muslim, PoC, LGBT, and disabled followers:
I love you all. Your lives are valuable. There are still a lot of people out in the world who love you. 
Please, please, please, stay strong. Now is the time to fight back and show that we won’t be erased.
And please tell those around you who need it that they are loved.
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arielhime · 8 years
Voted early this morning... so ready for this to be over!
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arielhime · 8 years
Thursday! Bleach Day!
So, because I’m very sad that there’s no new Bleach chapter to read every Thursday any more, I’ve decided to re-read!  I’m going to read one chapter every week, on Thursday morning, starting today.
I’d love it, if other fans want to join me.
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arielhime · 8 years
When the ending sucked, but fan artists and fic writers got your back
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arielhime · 8 years
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My favorite musical is on the "On Broadway" station on SiriusXM... 💖♬
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