arielle-travel-blog · 2 years
Chapter 1: California Love
I am back! Taking California again by storm to see Mark before he finishes his co-op. Luckily my flight over wasn’t too taxing and gave me a lot of time to read my book, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. Mark got to pick me from the airport, my heart was pounding as soon as I saw his car in the window and I was able to hug him after only 8 weeks of not seeing him. When asked what I wanted for dinner, I was torn between In-and-Out and sushi. Since Mark had a burger for lunch, we decided on sushi. I felt spoiled as the sushi here is infientilely better than that in Boston, as there is actual crab and not imitation. We decided to watch Between Two Ferns and I soon after decided to go to bed (we all know me and movies don’t last too long).
Friday I spent relaxing. I had the luxury of being able to read most of the morning and also had some phone calls with students currently in PsyD programs at Nova Southeastern and La Salle. When Mark came home, we went to dinner & out to drinks with some of his co-workers. The Italian resturant we went to, Uovo ships their pasta in daily from Italy! We got delicious wine & a tasting menu for an amazing deal. After an appetizer, a sampling of 3 pastas, and dessert I was definetly full. We went out after to a British pub, Mark and I both reminiscing about living in London. Overall a successful first day!
On Saturday, I woke up and went for a run. I am greatful for the sunshine and that I am not running with layers and a hat. We get lunch at Cows End, where I get a delicious bagel sandwhich and banana oat latte, yum! I had an Open House for Palo Alto where I am again convinced of why this might be an amazing school for me. Being back in California I am reminded how much I love being out here. We leave for Universal Studios around 3:30pm. We got to go on the Studio tour and then had dinner around 8pm. Later in the evening we got to ride the Mummy and Transformers, until my body simply could not take being shaken anymore. I had an absolute blast and was so happy to be introduced to his coworkers. We got Panda Express to go & headed home around 12:30pm. Another amazing day!
Sunday Mark & I spent most of the day lounging. We went to Dukes in the evening. We had a delicious frozen drink & then coconut shrimp & a seafood hot pot. Though it was raining (or at least cloudy at the time), the resturant while it was still light out gave us a nice view of the ocean. We had a great time enjoying each others company and looked forward to going home early on a Sunday evening. We came home and watched Nope. Though it didn’t excite me as much as the other Jordan Peele movies I have seen, I am still glad I got to watch it.
Not much came of Monday, but Tuesday I was sad that my trip was over. Goodbyes always make me sad, even when they aren’t forever. Even when I can’t cherish each moment, the idea of letting something go and ending something makes me sad. Mark and I got to enjoy each others company during Tuesday evening. Unfortunatley, yet fortunately, my flight got delayed from 11:55pm to 1:40am, but we got to nap together a little longer. I was greatful to sleep on the plane, at home, and make my way to work. I was happy to spend time with my best friend, and enjoy moments like the beautiful sunset on the beach. Overall, I’m looking forward to my next adventure, but really greatful I took this one.
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arielle-travel-blog · 2 years
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Chapter 2: Houston
The second day we started off the morning with brunch and then headed to the Space Center in Houston. It was super cool, very informative, and felt a bit like Disney! After spending the majority of the day at the Space Center we headed home to quickly get ready before heading to dinner to celebrate Sophie getting into med school. We chose a Portuguese resturant where I thought I had made reservations, but unfortunatley it had not saved. Fortunately, we were still able to get a table and they seated us outside. I felt guilty because I knew that it was Sophie’s special day and I wanted to make sure it went perfectly for her. Dinner was delicious and we drank a lot. Ending the dinner with tiramisu & banana pie was a little challenging for me as I continued to eat on an already full stomach. I think not having sweets for a few days & the drinks really pushed me to indulge.
Following dinner we went to Daniella and Ivan’s apartment to relax in the hottub. This was super relaxing and we got to enjoy some drinks until they closed around 10pm. After this, we hung out in the house for a little bit and eventually made our way to Flight Club after the Astros won the World Series. Since Daniella had aided a woman who had fallen earlier that day outside the facility, all our food and drinks were payed for. I endulged in fries and a few more drinks then I needed. I know, I know, this tone is judgmental and unessary, it’s something I need to work on so might as well start now. A lot of the foods this week were challenging for me, but I’m greatful that regardless of how I felt physically I was able to enjoy myself as this is something I am not always able to do.
This morning, I woke up extremely hungover and a little under the weather. We luckily made it out of our Airbnb and out to breakfast. Having to wait a while for our food, I ended up overeating once it arrived. This trip I was challenged with both not eating on my normal schedule and eating foods I don’t have a lot of practice around. I am proud of myself for not drinking several times when I didn’t feel I wanted or needed a drink, pushing the urge till I didn’t endulge at all. After leaving eating we hung out by the pool until Marley (their dog) got an allergic reaction to the ant hill she was diggining in. Unfortunatley, we had to say goodbye to Daniella and Ivan a little sooner than expected as we sent them to the vet.
Luckily we made it to the airport with plenty of time and we were able to get seats for the flight. I am proud this trip when I felt out of control with eating, drinking, or otherwise the feeling with helplessness is slowly being counteracted with thoughts that this emotion will pass, that I am capable of handeling the current moment, and that this is only a moment in time. Though a trip like this is challenging for me, I did enjoy myself and was greatful to see my friends. I’m slowly learning to become compassionate with myself, even in my challenging moments. I am greatful for each challenge hopefully to bring me closer to myself. See yah later Houston!
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arielle-travel-blog · 2 years
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Chapter 1: Houston
Howdy y’all! This time my adventure has lead me to Houston, Texas. We came to visit Daniella and Ivan, two good friends from college. Thankfully our arrival to Houston was smooth, no issues with the airline. The motto before getting on the plane was to leave “all emotional baggage at the gate” and I hoped this to be true.
As soon as we arrived in Houston we got picked up by our friends, briefly dropped our things at our Airbnb and went to Flight Club for a game of darts. We got some delicious food & drinks to share. Being exhausted from the plane ride and the early day, I decided to go to bed early and save my energy for the next day ahead. Since our bedroom did not have windows I actually believe it or not slept in!
On Friday we didn’t have anything planned, just a bbq in the evening so the day was ours to conquer. In search of a good brunch, we walked 30 minutes in hummidity to find ourselves greeted by over an hour long line. We decided to abandon this and headed to the mall for my favorite meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner: Starbucks. With the rainy day ahead we decided to go escape the room. The one we chose was called the Playground. This room was awesome! It had a slide inside, mini golf, and ski ball. We had an absolute blast and got out with 22 minutes to spare. The person who ran our game enticed us with a 40% for another room, so 2 hours later we decided to do another room!
We celebrated our victory at Chillis with a margarita and some apps and shortly after recieved another victory escaping with 13 minutes left from their most challenging room. Soon, the evening greeted us and it was time for a bbq. Following this, we went out for drinks. As promised, I made sure we got the chance for Sophie to ride a mechanical bull & then got to go out to a super fun bar that had an ice room! Overall, super fun time in Texas and very glad to be visiting our friends!
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arielle-travel-blog · 2 years
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Chapter 2: Hawaiin Adventure, After the Race
Aloha! Even though some of these pictures were taken before the race, I’ll be recounting what happened the day of and those that followed. Race day was quite hectic. We were able to see Matthew on his bike path at the mile marker ~ 33 and ~88 miles. Each time we had to stand in the heat, the heat coming from the asphalt and the blasting sun were unbearable. I have no idea how Matthew dealt with the heat because boy was I tired. Once we caught him biking, we made it into the town of Kona to watch him transition off the bike and onto the marathon part of the race. The town was extremely hectic but we luckily found parking and got something to eat. The day was quite difficult for me, but Mark was a good companion to keep me level headed. Watching the people finish the Ironman really was uplifting and these spirits kept me elevated for the rest of the night. Once home after the race we all were exhausted, I couldn’t imagine how tired Matthew must have been!
The following day we spent at the beach. Originally, we were supposed to go to Mt. Kea to go stargazing but due to the weather they canceled our tour. Though Mark and I were a little bummed I was happy that this allowed us more time to relax on the beach and then spend with his family. Friday night we went out to a really nice dinner and celebrated Matthew completing his race. Moments like this are a continual reminder to just go with the flow and let life take you where it will. On Saturday we spent our last day soaking up the sun. We were able to spend another day at the beach club and celebrated with a delicious Mai Tai. This evening we we cooked some chicken thighs and potatoes which was a nice way to spend our last night together as a family. Mark and I got to relax while watching House of Dragons before getting to bed fairly early.
The trip went by extremely fast. This trip was another gentle reminder to be gentle with myself. Another reminder that when I am not feeling great, remembering that it is an emotion and not who I am. Another reminder that gratitude should guide my days instead of fear. It should be greatful for all the time I have left to live instead of fearful. Each day will bring different challenges and lessons, and all I can do is be open to all of it and accept it without judgment. Overall, I am sad the trip is over but cannot wait to for my next adventure!
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arielle-travel-blog · 2 years
Chapter 1: Hawaiian Adventure, Before the Race
Aloha! What’s new, I’m traveling again! This time I am off to Hawaii to go see Matthew run an Ironman. I haven’t been to Hawaii before so I am excited to see this gem. The week leading up to this trip has definetly been a challenge for me so I am excited what my journey ahead will teach me.
The first day getting to Hawaii was a long one…. the first flight was 10 hours and 40 minutes, followed by another 48 minute flight, and a little bit of waiting in between. Traveling is always difficult for me, trying to keep my racing mind at bay. Once we recieved our rental car around 6pm, the sun was already setting. Since the island isn’t New York City, it seemed to be pitch black for miles. The stars were beautiful, but my eyes were feeling heavy.
The next day, the morning everyone got up fairly early around 5:30am. We went shopping for groceries and then spent the afternoon lounging by the beach. The heat, normally I can tolerate to try and get tan, but even I had to take some breaks to hop in the water or stay in the shade. The evening we celebrated Matthews birthday at Tommy Bahama, and shortly after we went to bed.
Monday led to a little more rest, waking up around 7:30am. The morning greeted me with some time poolside where I got to lounge and read. In the evening, we went to a luau. It was raining, for a least half the event. Normally, this would upset me. Ugh, it’s raining how could it possibly do that on this day I planned and blah blah blah. This time, I was able to just say “oh it’s raining” and that was that. No attachment, just observation. The food was great and the show was cool. After this, we came back and again hit the hay early.
Tuesday was another early morning start, my body still not sure how to acclimate. I spent the morning going to the gym, and then out for a morning walk with Marks family. On our walk the landscape was absolutely breathtaking. The contrast between the deep ocean blue, intense greenery, and lava was stunning. Originally wearing sneakers, I decided to take them off to feel grounded on the sand. On this journey we saw a man walking his pig (who he had domesticated), a turtle, and some dolphins. Later that day, we went on a boat and we’re able to snorkel. I felt like I was in Land Before Time, the landscape here is like nothing I have ever seen before. We spent about an hour swimming with the fishes, all of them so vibrant and calm in their habitat. The boat also had a slide, how cool! I had satisfied my inner child by going down it once. After another long day, we went to bed again fairly early to get ready for the day before the race.
Wednesday the day was calm and relaxing, with a little time at the pool in the morning and a nap in the afternoon. In the evening we went for a manta ray snorkel. Pictures will never be able to do this event justice. We went by boat at sunset and jumped in the water to watch the manta rays swim around us, some got so close that they even touched me! Their movements were so graceful, doing somersaults in the water to catch plankton in their mouth. It was so nice just being in the water, watching them swim and listening to the sound of my breath. By the time we ended, the sun had set and we were able to watch the stars for our boat ride back. This excursion was a moment where I truly felt happy to be alive. It was so simple just being in nature with another animal and so excited to be in its presence. The night ended with an episode of House of Dragons and then off to bed before the big race!
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arielle-travel-blog · 2 years
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Chapter 2: California Dreaming, The Week Addition
Hi all, I’m back! This week is centered around finding the best exercise routine, getting a golden glow, and finding my zen. Monday hit like most Mondays do, with exhaustion. My jet lag had finally hit me and so did my anxiety. It’s hard in moments where the sun is shining and I am on vacation to understand why I could feel anything but pure bliss, but I do and it’s okay. I spent the morning deciding what to do with the day ahead. By noon, I finally made it out of the house and to the beach. Here I laid, read, and tried to calm my nerves with the sound of the ocean hitting the shoreline. The sun was a little warmer than the days prior so trying to get my golden glow was a little more sweaty. Soon I made my way home to prepare for OrangeTheory. While being in California I thought I would take advantage of some free or reduced workout classes because why not! Once I made it to class, I felt a little out of place.
The community atmosphere of this gym was different then what I had experienced before. It wasn’t like a yoga studio or the all womens gym in my town. Your name was posted on a board with the calories you burned , your current heart rate, and splat points (which are basically points you earn once you are in the orange zone for a specific amount of time and this leads to after calorie burn). Though I definetly got a workout and the instructor was nice, this atmosphere of pushing to a number and competing against others instead of myself made me feel inadequate. Though for some it may be liberating to beat others, for me, it felt inferior when I hadn’t exceeded whatever expectations I thought had been set. I’m glad I had this experience as a reminder that moving my body is for only me. I also was greatful becuase it showed me how much stronger I have gotten and I’m greatful to be able to move my body how I want again.
After a day in the sunshine and a long workout, my eyes began to close around 8pm, but luckily I made it until around 9:30pm before I finally hit the hay. The next morning, I felt a lot better. I was excited to start the day and was looking forward to a Pilates class I signed up for. In the early morning hours I worked on grad school applications which made me excited for the future ahead. Then, back to the moment, I made it to my workout class and was intimidated by the neon pink room and EDM music. I hate being a beginner, but I wanted to try something new and something fun. During class, I was most definetly challenged. Though I wasn’t super sweaty, I was shaking when needing to hold a plank or pulse my leg. This class reminded me how important it is to go slow, be mindful, and even if a workout is difficult be in the moment. I struggled with some of the movements and the instructor seemed to annoyed when I had difficulty with her suggestions which only made me feel more inferior. This reminded me the importance of having someone you feel safe with and how when being critiqued it is important that the voice isn’t demanding. Overall, though I was sore and feeling a little deflated, I’m still proud of moving my body and trying. After this, I went to the beach and tanned with the sun a lot kinder and the wind cooling me down.
The rest of the week moved fairly quickly with sunshine during the daytime and a wind down in the evening. Living so close to the beach, we got to go to the beach not just in the day time but in the evening too. With the cool sand in our toes, we were able to see the few stars the nighttime granted us. The evenings were spent watching Community and enjoying each others company. On Friday, I was finally able to see Marks work. The campus was absolutely stunning and was able to grant him both views of the stunning Malibu ocean and hills. During the morning time, before he could “supervise me”, I got to go chill in the Malibu market for a few hours. Here, I went to a yoga class in hopes to find some grounding and maybe a celebrity siting. This class was helpful for me. Throughout the class I was proud of how I had “perfected” some of my moves. This was a reminder that yoga is play, yoga is a journey. I had the thought during my class that I’m in my 20s now and I want to one day be practicing into my 50s, that’s 30s. Yoga like life is a journey, your practice changes as your life changes. What I love about yoga is it’s more than just a workout but a reflection of your current mental space. I hope to continue allowing my practice to have me explore more questions about myself and beliefs.
Friday evening the traffic was atrocious driving home on the PCH but at least the view was beautiful. For dinner, we were able to eat some delicious In-n-Out and I was very happy to have this before I left. Overall, this week has been successful and a good restart before I start working. I’m looking forward to what the weekend will bring!
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arielle-travel-blog · 2 years
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Chapter 1: California Weekend Recap
You didn’t think I was done, did you!? Now that I am settled I thought it would be a good time to blog about what I’ve been up to the past few days. Starting Friday night, or rather Saturday morning around 1:15am, Mark grabbed me from the airport. Luckily, I had slept the entire plane ride over and gotten 5 hours of sleep so I wasn’t too groggy. After deciding to go to bed around 2:30am, his roomates came home, and I decided to stay up for a while to chat with them. We all know if it wasn’t for the jetlag I wouldn’t be able to stay up till 3:30am making small talk, but luckily this conversation made me excited for the next few days ahead that I would be able to spend with him and his friends.
On Saturday, we woke up and grabbed breakfast at the Cow’s End. This cafe very much fit into the LA vibe with smoothie bowls, breakfast burritos, and lattes. We started off the morning, with my favorite, a lox bagel and coffee. Once fueled up for the day, we went down to Malibu in hopes to go surfing at Topanga Beach. Once meeting the cold water on my feet and the wind grazing my skin I decided surfing was a no-go for me. Meeting up with one of his co-workers and some of their friends, we played volleyball and chatted for a few hours while getting our tan on. Finally, our hunger gave in and we decided to leave in search of food. Grabbing chic-fil-A for dinner, we all ate in silence as our food stood at the center of our attention. Once fully satiated, we headed home for a bit before going out for the night. We randomly settled on bowling, which I was very pleased with, and this choice turned into a great adventure. A Moscow mule pitcher, a cookie skillet, and Mark getting his butt kicked by Heather in the last round was all I needed to make the night great.
The next day, we adventured to another posh LA cafe. Here, we were greeted by kombucha on tap and girls coming in after just finishing their yoga or fill in the blank workout class. If I had a chihuahua and a BMW to take me home I would have fit right in! Following this we went grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s (my happy place) and spent a relaxing Sunday at the beach. We then met up with Marks friend for drinks and had some incredible sushi for dinner. My LA weekend definetly was full of relaxation, sunshine, and good food. I am definetly starting to like it here.
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arielle-travel-blog · 2 years
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Chapter 2: Nice, A Day Trip to Eze
Today was our final day in France and it was the perfect way to end this trip. We got up early and caught a bus to Eze Village around 8am. This bus hugged the mountains and gave a beautiful view of the blue-green water below. We arrived early in the medival village and walked around, to soon explore the Exotic Gardens that overlooked the water and had beautiful budding plants. Following this, we went shopping in the town and explored a little more, and finally headed on our journey down towards the coast. The only way to get from Eze Village to the town of Eze is by Nietzsche Path which is a stunning hike that takes you directly from the village to the sea. This slightly strenuous down hill hike took us around 45 minutes to soon be greeted by the great blue below. The water was crystal clear and had some see anemone and coral greeting us from below. Since the beach was mostly rocks, it was excruciatingly hot so we didn’t last more than an hour and only had a small bit of cover.
After departing from Eze, we walked around Nice to explore some of the shops that we had missed during our days away. For the evening, we went to a final and delicious French Dinner filled with duck, escargot, wine, and more. Following dinner, we spent a little over an hour in the apartment. Since we found out the airport closed between 1 and 4, we figured it would be best if we arrived and slept over nignt then trying to get an Uber in the morning.
Having only found seats with arm rests to seperate one from the next, I had to contort my body to find a comfortable position. Luckily, I was able to get what felt like roughly 3 hours of sleep. I am thankful I was able to feel a little rested before continuing my journey. Our flight from Nice to Paris went smoothly and I gained another hour of sleep under my belt, now I am up to 4 hours! While searching for our gate 2D, the sign pointed as well towards the exit so we had to go through the whole secuirty bit all over again. We needed to get boarding passes anyways and I got some Pret for breakfast so it was a good way to waste the remaining 5 hours we had until the next flight. Once we got off our flight from Paris, we had a layover in Iceland and only had 45 minutes to get to our gate. Luckily, customs was quick but I had to go through a second secuirty screening which made me quite anxious about missing the flight.
Alas, I make it from Paris to Boston and we landed early, but then our airplane has to wait for a gate to open so we spend 45 extra minutes sitting on the plane. I make my way through customs, got my luggage checked, and celebrated with dinner at Legal Seafoods and a cocktail all too soon because my final flight was delayed. After spending over a day traveling I have come to learn that much is not in my control and if the universe wants me to get there, it will. I’ve finally landed in Los Angeles and I’m so excited for what the next adventure will bring!
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arielle-travel-blog · 2 years
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Chapter 2: Nice, A Day Trip to Menton and Monaco
This morning the sound of my alarm was blaring at 7am. We slowly rised and were able to catch a train around 8:30am to Menton. Here, the streets were windy and the houses were colorful which was quite reminiscent of Italy. We climbed to the top of one of the winding roads to a lookout of the city. Here you were able to see the vast blue of the water, the triangular orange house tops, and the green mountainside. Getting a little peckish we stopped for a morning treat of a pastry with tart apricot. We then continued to walk around to the perfume shops filled with lemon, lavender, and mint scents, and candy stores filled with chocolates decorated with fruit.
For lunch, we had a delicious serving of Rattitioule and I finally got my crème brûlée (even better it was miniature)! After lunch, we caught a train to Monaco. Here, the heat was absolutely dreadful so an hour of walking around the city was about all we could do. When we arrived to the train station, the train was delayed about an hour. The crowds of people kept coming and the station was filled with 2 trains worth of people, as at this point the original train had never come. Trying to get on the train was a nightmare. The crowds of people all shuffled and shoved their way towards the train, but soon the doors would shut only inches away from us. Finally, we caught the next train only 10 minutes later and eventually made it home.
Following this eventful afternoon, we were quite tired. Finally having showered off the sweat of the day, we decided to go to a city overlook in a park that closed around 8pm. Little did we know, this overlook was more of a hike, that would lead to a beautiful waterfall. The gorgeous mist was a treat and a rainbow folllwed, glowing kindly at us after we had made our way to the top of this hill. As 7:45pm was nearing, we decided to leave, but the park apparently did not want us to. As we searched for an exit, we were bewildered as all seemed to be locked. Finally, we decided to take the long way around the park and exited, only to be greeted by the ocean and it’s sunset. Here, we sat and watched the waves hit the water and the sun go down until it was time for dinner. When dinner came, we were pleasantly surprised by the menu. The resturant had an Asian chef come in once a week. We tried their dishes which were duck and eggplant, and were adventurous as well witn an orange wine. Overall, a great way to end our evening.
Today was another good reminder that life will take you wherever it wants to lead you. Even if you have to get a little lost in a park, there may be a beautiful sunset waiting on the other side. If you get delayed at the trains station, then you will be that much more greatful when the train finally arrives. This trip continually reminds me not to sweat the little stuff and just let life take me where it pleases, without judgement that is. Till tomorrow!
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arielle-travel-blog · 2 years
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Chapter 2: Nice, A Day Trip to Cannes and Antibes
I am so greatful that we had another successful day of travel. I am thankful that the worst thing I can say about my day of travel was the crying baby on my flight. Today, we arrived in Nice just in time for dinner! The weather is beautiful and warm and our Airbnb is adorable! Our first night in Nice we wandered through the Old Town in search of a place to eat. After previously passing an Indian resturant, this got this food on our minds and soon in our bellies. Following this, we ended up walking along the part of road that hugs the beach. Here we saw groups of people talking, families swimming, places for gambling, and a lot of lively activity for 10:30 at night.
The following day we finally allowed ourselves to sleep in and caught a train to Cannes around 9. Here, we were graced by the beauty of the French Riviera and spent the morning swimming and tanning. The water was so peaceful that I was able to float effortlessly. Once I dried a bit, we grabbed some lunch and looked at some shops, then headed to our next destination. Meaning to take a train to Antibes, we took our train in the wrong direction and ended up in Saint-Raphaël. Though the destination was not what we anticipated, the train ride there was beautiful as it allowed us to view the beautiful mountains nearby. We spent about an hour waiting for the train, grabbed a coffee and a cocktail, waited another half hour as it was delayed, and then headed for Antibes.
I looked out the window to my left to be greeted by the French Rivieria as “Found you Out” by Sir Sly is blasting in my ears. Moments like this are one of those, your life is a music video. It’s interesting how introducing music to a setting can entirely change the mood. Moments like this feel like a movie, though there are bumps in the road, in the end (usually) the main character ends up okay and learns some kind of life lesson. Times like this remind me where it is worth putting my energy. Why get upset if we went the wrong way? This is a place I would have never been and I have no reason to be at my destination immediately, instead of looking at life where I expect it to go I’m continually reminded to just let me take it along for the ride (litterally and figuratively). Also, if life were a movie and it constantly went in the right direction it wouldn’t be relatable if there weren’t hiccups.
Once arriving in Antibes, we spent about an hour and a half on the beach and headed home. For dinner we spent our nights like we would in Italy, getting delicious Italian food and gelato for dessert. All day in the sun made me quite tired, so an early night to sleep sounded good for me. Till next time!
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arielle-travel-blog · 2 years
Chapter 1: Paris, Pt. 3
Today getting up was difficult. After so many days filled with activities, my body has definetly began to feel it. Feeling a little groggy, we made our way to the train station, and to our first stop of the day only to find that it was closed. This did not stop us from getting a delicious breakfast though. Towards our first destination, the Lourve, we found a boulangerie that sold delectable desserts and quiches. For breakfast we got both and the espresso was incredible! We ate our breakfast along the Siene and people watched. Once we were done, we went to the Lourve to meet the beginning of the madness. Before 9am, when it opened, the line was already zig-zagging along the ropes to keep the crowds in an orderly fashion. We joined the que and were eventually let in shortly after 9 o’clock. The Lourve was more of a labyrinth. Alledly 35,000 art pieces live at home in the Lourve and I certainly would not be seeing all of them.
I chose to go to the section filled with French art from the 1800s. Here, I spent 2 hours learning about artists like Corot and Delacroix. This wing of the musuem was luckily not to crowded while I was there so I was able to admire the scenes of nature and use my audio guide to learn about the pieces. Later, I would go on to search for more art from the 1800s both French, American, and Spanish to be greeted by the Mona Lisa. I was more stunned by the line of people then the painting itself. It seemed that individuals did not care to appreciate the art but rather the picture they would take with it. I passed her by and moved on to some other monumental pieces. One of my favorites included 28 July (1830); Liberty Leading the People by Delacroix which was a painting that would 30 years later inspire Les Miserables. Following this, I spent an hour or more exploring paintings of a similar nature until I could no longer consume more art or a space this large with so many people. After leaving the Lourve, we took some time to go get lunch near by, and head to the Musée de l'Orangerie several hours later. This musuem is home to Monets water lilies, along with other artists such as Renoir, Picasso, Cezzane. The pace at this musuem was a lot slower, calmer, and overall a more pleasant expierence to that of the Lourve. Following this, we sat outside in the Tuileries Garden where we would rest for a little.
I am greatful I was able to see so many art museums during my time in Paris. This seemed to be the constant during our trip. With so many things to see and do, it seemed our trip mostly centered around art. Each day I grew more fascinated by art history as well as continued to admire artists I had enjoyed from the day before. This trip not only reminded me how much I love to draw, but how much I enjoy learning. Art history isn’t something I seek out, but listening to the context behind the paintings during our musuem tours is something I throughly enjoyed. I hope when I go home to continue to learn about art and the history behind each piece next time I go to a museum instead of merely pass pieces by. Additionally, I hope to continue drawing each day as it has been a nice reminder of a hobby I enjoyed having in the past.
For dinner, we went to L’Homme Bleu which was an absolutely incredible middle eastern resturant. Since we knew French food wouldn’t be leaving us in Nice, we decided to continue to be adventurous and trying some of the different foods Paris had to offer. For dinner we had a chicken with pear, dates, raisins, orange, and almonds and it was absolutely delicious! The sweet mix of different fruits was amazing. Then, we went to a bar called the Red Door. This farm-to-table cocktail bar was very intimate. We sat at a communal couch and were able to speak with two girls from England. Our waiter also was very friendly and we were able to get some good recommendations from him about where to travel in France. Overall, another successful day and I cannot wait to be greeted by Nice tomorrow!
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arielle-travel-blog · 2 years
Chapter 1: Paris, Pt. 2
Last night was amazing. We ended up going to dinner at an Asian restaurant, unknown to me before this trip but Paris has amazing Asian food. We got dumplings, noodles, and delicious mochi. Since it was still fairly early, we ended up going to a speakeasy, the sister one to the one from the night before. Lavomatic, a laundrymat speakesy, was a blast. We sat at the bar and made friends with the bartender, Pierre. Here, we got handmade cocktails, where I got one that tasted like cucumber and lavender, and the second being a twist on a classic pornstar martini. After having amazing drinks, he was kind enough to hand write recommendations to his favorite restaurants and bars in the area. Moments like this made me not only appreciate the company I had with me but how fun it can be to try new things (aka the art of a good cocktail) and strike up conversation with people I might not normally talk to.
Today, we spent 4 hours exploring the D’Orsay musuem. Not only was I not expecting the size of the musuem to be so large, but I thoroughly enjoyed taking my time with each art piece. Today, I determined my favorite art (as of now) is Impressionism and Neo-Impressionism as I enjoyed viewing the works of Manet, Cezanne, Van Gogh, and Pissarro. It is nice when art can capture you for hours, just like a good book, today reminded how pleasant it can be spending time looking at art. It is interesting how intimate it can be looking at art pieces while still being surrounded in a room of people. Each person has their own unique expierence with the piece.
Later, we were able to explore the Catacombs. It was super interesting learning about the history behind it and definetly worth going to. We were lucky enough that they let us in as we showed up several hours late because we wanted to spend more time at the art museum. After, we went home and I napped and slept like a corpse. I woke up feeling groggy and not wanting to do much but I’m glad once the glaze of being tired passed we went with the original plan to go to Ground Control. This area was awesome and had a bunch of different food stands with cuisine raining from Greek, South American, African, and Italian. We got a platter of African foods, some meatball dish and Samoas. Catering to my sweet tooth we searched for desert and landed on tiramisu. How will this compare to Italy I thought before trying it, and surprisingly it faired very well. It was definetly a proper tiramisu and only cost €5! I am excited for our adventures for tomorrow.
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arielle-travel-blog · 2 years
Chapter 1: Paris, A Day Trip to Versailles
With travel, and with life, you can plan all you want but life will take you where it wants you to go wether you like it or not. Not wanting to wake up for my alarm this morning, I got ready quickly to go to Versailles only to miss our first bus. Normally, this kind of thing would irk me as I would be frustrated that things didn’t go to plan. Today, I instead opted the mentality “we will get there when we get there”. Lucky for us, this mentality was easy to adopt as we had already planned to get to our location 30 minutes early to see the gardens. It took us 3 trains to get there in about an hour and then about 20 minutes to the actual estate.
I could not believe how massive the exterior was, and that was only the beginning. Not only was the palace massive but the line leading up to it. I swear we are seriously what feels like Disneyland. Luckily, the line moved quickly and we were inside a little before 9:30. We were able to use a guided audio tour to tell us about the palace. It was very long, very large, and extremely lavish. Not having my morning coffee was kicking my butt, but there was a lot of beauty to be seen. Following our tour of the palace we grabbed lunch inside the palace to then be greeted by the gardens. The size of the gardens seemed to make the palace seem small in comparison, extending for what seems for miles (or what I know was miles as I walked them). We got to go through the palace gardens and then walk to the Grand Trianon and Petit Trianon.
After walking around for a while, we soaked in the beauty by taking a break by the water. Here I was able to draw some of the scenery around me. It has been nice this trip to be able to take time to draw and read, to things that I have been wanting to get back into. It is difficult not to be a critic while drawing such a beautiful landscape, but I try to remind myself to treat my work with curiosity and a playful manner. After spending some time relaxing, we decided to trek back home. This is where things got really long…. we walked all the way back through the gardens, towards the palace, to the train station, and then took 3 trains home. Definetly am I very greatful that I got to experience what felt like a good amount of Versailles, but I am pooped! We walked a total of 12 miles, but we walked basically from 9-5 on the estate so here is to my day job! Anyways, tonight we are headed out for some Asian food and then possibly to a bar, we will see how long our bodies can keep us up. Till next time!
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arielle-travel-blog · 2 years
Chapter 1: Paris Pt 1
We had another eventful day today. We started off with a train to Epernay and we were able to tour the cellars of Moët e Chadon. It was interesting learning about the different types of grapes and the process that goes into making their champagne, apparently the process for some wines can take up to 25 years! After this, we came to Paris and explored the Montmarte area. I wasn’t super impressed but parts of it were pretty. My favorite part was just walking around after dinner and seeing where my feet took me. I forget how fun it can be to just be guided by what looks interesting or wherever you want to turn instead of following a map. I’m excited to see what tomorrow brings.
The next following day we went to a beautiful cafe called La Fontaine. Some of the best coffee I’ve had in Paris so far and a wonderful atmosphere! We then walked towards the Arc de Triomph to be greeted by the beautiful view of Paris, after walking up 14 flights of stairs! I prefer this view to the one in the Efile tower as you are able to see the Efile tower as part of the skyline. We then made our way to the Monet musuem. Along the way we stopped in a bakery where I had my first pan au chocolate this trip, very delicious might I add! Following this, we ended up going to a delicious lunch full of duck, white fish, and a kir royale to top things off. After this we were quite tired and took a good long nap. We then decided to go to the Centre Pompidou which was a modern art museum. The exhibit featured art from Germany around the 1920s. It was a beautiful but extremely heavy exhbit.
I was fascinated by how art continues to evolve with its time period. A lot of pieces spoke about the absence of individuality and the essence of “type”. It’s interesting how people were considered by more of their role than what they were. We then grabbed dinner and headed to a speakeasy! The facade was a grocery store and inside was fabulous. I got a cocktail that tasted like a delicious banana smoothie and we got some bakalava! Overall, another amazing day. I couldn’t have asked for better weather or company. Feeling pretty tired, but the thought of my next adventure is keeping me up. Here is to tomorrow!
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arielle-travel-blog · 2 years
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Chapter 1: Paris
Hi! I’m greatful to be back traveling again, this time to France! Yesterday, we started off our adventure at Logan Airport and treated ourselves to a nice dinner at Legal Seafoods. All our flights went smoothly, both the connecting flight and the arrival got in early! I am so greatful it wasn’t too difficult getting here. I’m currently running on only 3 hours(ish) of sleep so I’m definetly going to need to take that into account as I spend my day. This journey I hope to focus on compassion. Since it will be a lot of movement these next few weeks I hope to be able to take each mood as it comes with understanding and curiosity (easier said then done).
On the flight from Boston, a child was crying. At first I was quite annoyed at this inconvenience. I then took a moment to be curious, concerned, and compassionate. I thought to myself if I was that crying kid I would just want love and support. I hope throughout my trip I continue to challenge judgmental thoughts wether they be about myself or about others.
Wow today was definetly eventful though… once we got to the Airbnb we immediately went to lunch and had some delicious crepes. Sadly, we tried to see the Notre Dame but since it is under construction most of it you couldn’t see. We then waited in line at Shakespeare & Co, a famous bookstore in the city. Here, it was calming just to be able to walk around the bookstore. We then went on to see the Pantheon, Los Invalides, and then take the elevator to the top of the Eiffel Tower. By the time we finished seeing the entire city from basically in the clouds, I was feeling quite hungry and tired. After stopping by several restaurants, we finally found one, and it happened to have a few of the Tower while it sparkled. This moment reminded me that life will take you where it needs to. Today, I was fortunate that the directions life brought me were exciting and fulfilling. My body was definetly tired but I have come to learn that my first day of travel is usually filled with no sleep and lots of walking! Anyways, I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings and here is to all that life brings.
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arielle-travel-blog · 2 years
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Chapter 6: Genoa
I’m not ready to leave. Exploring the past few weeks reminded me how much I love to travel. With COVID, this was obviously restricted, and this is the first time since then that I have been back to Europe. I forgot how much I have an urge to travel, to see, explore, eat, and enjoy. I really enjoyed this trip and I wish that I could continue to travel more. I remember when planning I originally thought 3 weeks will be too long, but now all I can think is that it isn’t long enough.
What I really enjoyed about being here was the ability to just get up and go. I woke up and if I wanted to go to explore a new city or town I could, it was only a train ride away. Today, something that really stood out to me were the local markets. I noticed that within walking distance of what seemed to be most neighborhoods there was a deli, a fish market, a fruit market, and a bread market. Unlike in the States, there aren’t large super markets where people get their groceries. Here, it is a lot more intimate, local, and convient for individuals to access their food.
I am greatful that I have a body that is able to move while I’ve been away here in Italy. I have been surprised to see many physically disabled individuals as well who have been very active up the hilly streets, as well as elderly adults. It makes me wonder if daily physical activity like this is what keeps Italy going. It seems in the states that individuals like this are more sendentary, while here everyone is quite active.
Something I hope to take with me when I go home is the feeling of slowing down. I noticed here there aren’t any chain coffee shops either. Here, there is no “take away” food an drink are meant to be enjoyed. You take a moment to sip your coffee and pastry, or if you want to drink it quickly you still have to do so standing up at the counter and take a moment of pause to do so.
Another thing I am going to miss is the color and liveliness. The houses are all painted in shades of every color, meanwhile in the U.S everything is neutral, and I enjoy both but I do like how vibrant it is. Anyways, till next time Italy, I’ll be back!
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arielle-travel-blog · 2 years
Chapter 5: Milan
We are on our way to Portifino today. It’s been a busy week thus far with lots of travel. We went to Milan, Lugano, Bellagio, Lake Como, Crema, Bergamo, Genoa, and now Portofino. So far the weather has been beautiful, today is the first morning it has rained. Being in Genoa, the weather is a cool 70 in comparison to the harsh heat of the city.
We have had a few hiccups in travel. When going to Geno our train was delayed an hour and today on our way to Portifino our boat was canceled so we took the train instead. I’m learning to be a lot more patient when it comes to travel. Even if I am tired, or annoyed, there may be nothing in the moment that I can change and that’s okay.
Similar to when in Rome, the past few days have been very quickly paced. We have moved from city to city to try and see and enjoy as much as possible. I hope in the last leg of our trip that we move slowly, as mindfully as we can. It’s difficult not to have the excitement of travel and new places make you want to have more. The best things though are appreciated slowly and with time and care.
Something I’ve really enjoyed about the cities we have seen so far is the amount of green spaces. Unlike in the States, Milan’s concrete jungle was filled with green spaces. Not only were there parks to walk in, but the buildings were all lined with plants. We even got to see a building that was designed as a vertical tree. Overall lots of good food, wine (every single house wine has been amazing), and walking (I swear if there was a walking marathon I should have entered). Anyways, more fun to capture today!
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