aries12thhouse-blog · 5 years
What are your favorite venus aspects, Mei? 🍃
Hmmm i actually love them all💗🐚 since Venus is a naturally benefic so im gonna say…
Venus in any aspect to… 
(well unless your Venus or other planet is super damaged or very immature. I’m just focusing on the positives. Can be used for synastry too, just think of the general energy of the aspect.)
Sun: Super warm and just nice to have. Full of admiration and love, like sun bathing in shimmering beams. Art is eye catching, likely to get famous from art.
Moon: So so so soft and pure like a cotton ball. I wanna poke these guys cheeks bc they’re so sweet. Has very close, beautiful relationships with women. Art is like soft clouds but always shows raw emotions.
Mercury: Sing! Write! Talk! The voice and thoughts and mind are pure satin, baby! Lovers of pillow talk. Love is full of cute nervous energy; fidgety hands, etc.
Mars: That chemistry. The prowl and the coaxing mixes together to form a mouthwatering cocktail. Amazing for creativity, especially physical art; dance, acting, etc.
Jupiter: Grand. Super generous to lovers. These people will show you what real pleasure and fun is. Love to go around. Humorous. Art is exotic and extravagant.
Saturn: Big model energy. Masters of love, beauty and the arts. Humbleness makes for admiration. Earnest in love. Art is chic modern or royalty antique.
Uranus: Electrifying. People stare. Art is fringe and revolutionary. Love transients physical barriers into mental ones. Love will always make a change.
Neptune: Meshy pool of gooey love. Generous to those in need. Super sweet. Love transients physical barriers into spiritual ones. Art is like water colors and is able to change appearances; mimicking, costumes, make up, etc.
Pluto: Love of intensity and intimacy. Obsessing over art so much that it transforms; physically, like make-up, or emotionally/mentally. Has the best aesthetic; vampires, etc. Obsessing over pleasure is so hot, especially when pain is pleasure.
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aries12thhouse-blog · 5 years
ASCENDANT signs indicate SOCIAL compatibility  (the impression you give others/ the “face” you put on when confronting the world)
SUN signs indicate TEMPERAMENT compatibility (how your personality interacts with others under stimuli/changing environments).
MOON signs indicate EMOTIONAL compatibility (how you relate/ connect/ empathize. This is internal and may not be necessarily obvious).
MERCURY signs indicate INTELLECTUAL compatibility (how you communicate and share thoughts).
VENUS signs indicate ROMANTIC compatibility (how you love/ receive love. What you idealize and fantasize for in relationships).
MARS signs indicate PHYSICAL compatibility (the personality of your aggression. how you interact physically or sexually).
JUPITER signs indicate IDEOLOGICAL compatibility (how you react to each other’s beliefs, values and opinions).
SATURN signs indicate LONG-TERM compatibility (how your relationship may develop and be sustained over time).
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aries12thhouse-blog · 5 years
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I have stumbled upon this post many times and every time it bothered me that you have to scroll a lot to know the words soooo…. I made this in Word, trying to be less cluttered (sorry for bad quality)
ORIGINAL POST BY @youstrology 💖
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aries12thhouse-blog · 5 years
Can you describe venus square pluto in the natal chart? I heard it makes someone very possessive and fall for people that’s not good for them(?) I feel like it’s the reason I have no luck with finding someone.😔
Hey there! 💕 You’re plenty lovable 💕 You have your own charm and people do like you, it’s just a matter of understanding yourself that’s going to help 💕 
[Below Cut: Natal Venus-Square-Pluto and How To Help ]
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aries12thhouse-blog · 5 years
Astro Masterlist pt. 1🔮
Astro Masterlist pt. 2 🔮
Hey there! 🔮 Had to split my masterlist because ‘the post is too long’! 🔮 Please feel free to check out part 1 and part 2 🔮 Some of the things are still jumbled together but mostly – part 2 will be sign/house specifics + synastry stuff while part 1 will be explaining things in more detailed (aspect pattern, aspects, modalities, empty houses etc.) 🔮Anyways I hope you enjoy! 🔮
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aries12thhouse-blog · 5 years
Taurus Moon. Libra Moon. Moon-Venus aspects. Moon in the 2nd house. Moon in the 7th house.
Your heart is a hole, like your skin’s pores, it sweats and gives nothing but goodness. Pieces of you were taken by your family, by your friends, by your past lovers, by your current lovers, and even by the future lovers. They weren’t exactly taken from you, but rather given from you in hopes they will return because no one can love or care or understand like you do, and you know that. You give what you hoped to receive.
So you eat your way to wholeness, you buy your way to wholeness, and you tune your way to wholeness. Hoping that someday you won’t feel this void that your mother created with her empty promises, and you never stopped waiting. Your heart became hungry, it grew teeth and a tongue, and you will yearn for more of everything with your insatiable senses everywhere you go.
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aries12thhouse-blog · 5 years
moon signs and what makes them cry
Aries Moon: Disappointment, defeat/failure, not feeling good enough, getting last place, anger, frustration, limitations, injustice, guilt
Taurus Moon: When they’re hungry, when they’re drained, when they’ve bottled up their feelings for too long, animal cruelty, rejection, feeling alone, being proven wrong
Gemini Moon: Talking about their feelings, lack of intellectual stimuli, lack of ways of self-expression
Cancer Moon: Sad movies, other people’s pain, family issues, cruelty of any kind, emotional music, receiving criticism, hurt/sick children
Leo Moon: Losing an argument, not feeling good enough, hurt pride, animal cruelty, not knowing how to comfort others, bullying/humiliation, the thought of aging/dying, when they’re at their breaking point, being a third wheel, being ignored
Virgo Moon: Other people’s pain, self-reflection, animal cruelty, will cry for joy before crying for sadness, when plans change, betrayal, not feeling good enough, making mistakes at work, stress, feeling incompetent 
Libra Moon: Being overwhelmed, anger, being ignored, frustration, sad movies, relationship issues, other people’s pain
Scorpio Moon: Self-defeating attitudes, aggression directed at them, being yelled at, being overwhelmed, rejection, having to repeat themselves, animal cruelty
Sagittarius Moon: Other people’s pain, being overwhelmed, feeling alienated or alone, anything that has to do with them, having to express their emotions in words, anger
Capricorn Moon: Family issues, music, sad movies, animal cruelty, not having access to money, having fewer hours at work, not being taken seriously
Aquarius Moon: Pretty much nothing.
Pisces Moon: Animal cruelty, heartbreak, sad movies, extreme anger/frustration, other people’s pain, being yelled at, death, being cheated on, loss of loved ones
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aries12thhouse-blog · 5 years
Having sun / mercury in 12th house
I have mercury & sun in 12th house & let me just tell you, it’s an expirence. I have had a lot of difficulties with these placements. I’ve been isolated almost my whole life, due to not knowing how to express myself (other than in writing) when i’m face to face with someone i really can’t find the words or the confidence or will to express myself or show myself truly. My comfort zone is me comforting myself, by being alone and reflective of my thoughts. My thoughts seem to be so scattered to the point where I can barely remember them at all, but I know that each one of my thoughts is very meaningful and powerful, i just can’t really express them.
The closest I get to expressing them is in abstract things like art or music, where the meaning can be perceived differently by different people, which I feel comfort in because I feel as if they are not gazing straight through me since a message of something abstract can be perceived differently, but in my mind it will always be portrayed as something personal to me, because i know i created it with the intention of venting out whatever was conflicting me.
I am always deep in my thinking, yet i can not find a way to truly express it to the extent that i want to, and it’s incredibly frustrating. I am also very aware but yet so unaware at the same time, like for example I have a deep understanding of a lot of things and I am very philosophical, yet I find it very hard to pay attention because I am always in my own mind day dreaming or focusing on my thoughts.
Does anyone else have these placements or this problem?
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aries12thhouse-blog · 5 years
Juno vs. Descendant persona chart
The Juno persona chart describes your IDEAL marriage partner. The person you need. The person you will likely end up with. It describes a future spouse in a way.
The descendant persona chart describes your relationships and the kind of people you attract whether you want to or not. It is NOT your ideal partner it is the people you usually find yourself in relationships with and it describes the dynamic that usually occurs in your relationships.
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aries12thhouse-blog · 5 years
Astrology, the Basics
“Wait, so i’m not just an Aries?!”
No, you’re not. In fact none of us are just one anything. So let’s dial it back to day we were born. The stars and planets in the sky aligned to convey a story completely unique to you, and thus your natal chart was born!
   Our Sun sign
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“Playboi, what’s a Sun Sign?”
Well, the Sun Sign is the sign everyone typically knows about themselves. It’s the sign you were born under that immediately correlates with your birthday. Meaning, “I was born in April so I’m a Taurus!” Your sun sign is the sign the Sun was in on the day of your birth. So what does the sun represent in astrology? Our vitality and ego, “who we are.” The thing about the Sun is we’re constantly growing into ourselves and our egos, constantly learning ourselves and strengths, so we’re constantly growing into our Suns. Many people write off astrology due to their inability to relate to their Sun signs when so much more goes into a person. Your Sun sign is less “who i am” and more so “who i’m becoming.” And sometimes we never fully become the poster child of our Sun signs because we grow at different rates and resonate with different things, not to mention the housing of the Sun plays a heavy role in how our “egos” will play out. Also aspects made to our Sun by other planets are most important as they shape our Sun’s characteristics, but that’s another post!
Our Moon Sign
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“…okay, so I understand Sun Signs now, but what’s a moon sign?”
The moon sign in astrology is of immense importance. This is where we feel most comfortable and secure and our primal emotional reactions. As I mentioned previously, the sun is “who we’re becoming’’ while the moon can be defined as “who we always are.” Unlike the Sun who illuminates everything, the moon is a softer, dimmer light. It lights up the dark sky at night and it does the same for our personal dark sky emotionally. Simply put, the moon is our emotions. Emotions can be simply irrational and erratic, so we suppress them because throwing a hissy fit in public is not that endearing. My point being that our moons can sometimes be overlooked by others as well as our selves because the attributes of our moons are highly subconscious at times.The moon is how we were nourished, and in turn how we nourish others. It’s an extremely sentimental and personal part of our being.It’s what makes us feel safe as well as habitual patterns we carry. A balanced moon is very important as an unbalanced one can take a toll on us physically. When the needs our moon requires aren’t met, we can start to display it’s negative attributes and fall into a bit of a depression, eat less, and never leave your bed. Or perhaps become more aggressive and angry depending on your moon sign. It’s also equally important to understand that others around us have different moon placements then us natally. Everyone requires different things to feel emotionally secure, sometimes we’re harder on others because their love languages differ from our own.
   Our Mercury Sign
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“What does Mercury have to do with anything?”
Well, everything. Mercury rules over the mind, how we think, how fast we think, how we learn, our speech, and even our style of writing. He’s the fastest moving planet in the solar system so it’s fitting that he rules the nervous system. The poor guy gets glossed over a lot until he turns retrograde and everyone starts running around like chickens missing their heads because that’s when we notice most how strong Mercury’s influence is on our lives. Mercury is not an emotional planet but more so an intellectual one. It’s how we asses things and use logic before we act, if we use logic before we act.
Our Venus Sign
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You’ve guessed it, Venus rules over romance but a lot more as well. She’s our social graces, if we have any social graces at all. How we charm others as well as what we personally find pleasurable. Venus rules over our attitude towards money and material things. How much we spend and how often we treat ourselves. What we like to eat, what tastes good, what feels good. Venus is also our attractiveness, and what we’re attracted to. She gives us a clue to our love language on a more superficial level, what it takes to woo us. How we like to be seduced and pursued. Venus is diplomatic, she shows us how we make peace with others. Venus also rules over artistry and how appreciate the arts and even the possibility of having artistic gifts as well. Venus also highlights our sexual nature in terms of what we find pleasurable, what feels right, and what we find acceptable.
Our Mars Sign
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“Mars is our…anger?”
He can be, yes. After all he is the God of War. Mars in astrology represents energy. Our physical energy and vitality, and especially our sexual energy. He’s all about action, what it physically takes us to do…well, anything. He’s our day to day strength and drive. He exemplifies how aggressive and assertive we are. Our ambitions, durability, temperament, action, and drive. Do we exercise? How sexual are we? Our sexual style? Our competitiveness? All can be answered by our mars sign. Mars showcases how quick we are to anger, what makes us tick/explode. He’s also the last of the personal planets.
Our Jupiter Sign
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Jupiter is the first non personal planet as it stays in the same for an entire year. Everyone born within that year will have the same Jupiter sign. That doesn’t negate Jupiter’s importance in anyway, so don’t skim over him. It just means we have take a closer look at him in our natal chart by examining his house placement and aspects made towards him by other planets. Jupiter rules over good fortune, philosophy, travel, and higher level learning (different from mercury.) He is expansive and optimistic. He’s a grand catalyst to spiritual growth. He’s where we overindulge, our generosity, and wisdom.
Our Saturn Sign
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“So what does Saturn do?”
Saturn is like our astrological father. He sets the rules and regulations, the routine. And like when we disobey our paternal father there’s consequences the same applies for Saturn. Saturn is not out to punish anyone, he just returns anything we put out into the universe. “What goes around comes around.” Sound familiar? Saturn rules over Karma. Saturn in our chart shows us where he grounds us, where we must be held responsible, where we must work hard. Our careers, the practicality of how we achieve success.
Our Uranus Sign
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“and Uranus?”
Uranus is a much slower moving planet. His energy is very erratic, spontaneous, and rebellious. He’s extremely progressive and an advocate for originality. Uranus has to be looked at by house placement to determine its effects on us individually, as people from the same generation will share the same Uranus sign. Uranus in our charts will show us where we are unpredictable and rebellious. How and where we go against the grain. Our humanitarian side. How interested in activism we are, where we are liberated ourselves.
Our Neptune Sign
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“that Sea God?”
Indeed. Neptune is the God of the Sea. In astrology Neptune rules over spirituality, all things hazy, confusion, love and romance on a deeper, ethereal level. He is illusions and our dreams. Intuition and psychic abilities. Neptune has dominion over deeper creativity and artistic abilities. He also shows us where we might try to escape reality and what we may try to use to escape reality with. He is addiction, substance abuse, and deception. Our fantasies. 
Our Pluto Sign
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“isn’t Pluto like not even a planet anymore?”
Yes, technically Pluto is a planetoid, but we still refer to Pluto as a planet in astrology so he will be respected as such! Despite his small size and the grand amount of distance he is from us his effects are undeniable.Pluto in our charts shows us where we are transformed and regenerated. Where we must die to be born again. His energy is very subconscious, we don’t always see it, but we feel it.  He is obsession, and our hunger for power, where we struggle for power. He is how we react to sex on a deeper, subconscious level. Where and what we become drawn and attached to. His energy is very primal. He also highlights where we’re manipulative or jealous if we’re displaying the negative attributes of Pluto. 
Our Ascendant Sign
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“our…what sign?”
Our Ascendant sign is crowned the ruler of our chart, and is of equal importance as our Sun and Moon signs. It’s specific to our birth time and location. The Ascendant is like the mask we put on to face the world. It’s our initial reaction to external forces. The lens we see life through on a day to day basis. Our ascendant is our physical bodies, how we look and how we act in public. It’s how people initially receive you, our first impressions, our mannerisms. Our outer personality. If people were to describe you they’d likely describe this sign.
So, as you can see a lot goes into a persons personality even more than what’s been mentioned above, humans are complex beings who can’t be described as just one sign, or one anything. We are more than our sun signs, we are more than signs period.
- playboi
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aries12thhouse-blog · 5 years
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Planets and their symbols 
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aries12thhouse-blog · 5 years
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aries12thhouse-blog · 5 years
Asteroid Energies
CHIRON*: The wounded healer. Shows your deepest wound and how to heal others. Strength and understanding through suffering. Salvation for the self through aiding others. Perseverance, wisdom, and teaching. Associated with Virgo and Sagittarius.
CERES*: The earth mother. Unconditional love. Shows where you feel most nurtured and how you demonstrate love and care to others. Mothering, tenderness, and support. Associated with Cancer.
PALLAS: The independent strategist. Shows source of intelligence, creativity and personal power. Courage, justice, and wisdom. Father/daughter relationship. Associated with Leo.
JUNO: The committed lover. Shows capacity for forming and maintaining meaningful relationships. Personal boundaries, intimacy, and sharing. How you demonstrate commitment and deep affection. Balance of authority and submission, power and vulnerability, giving and sharing, in relationships. Associated with Libra.
VESTA: The virginal self. Shows capacity for self-sufficiency and where you direct your devotion. Sense of trust, love and respect for the self. Personal potential, your pure essence. Chastity, intimacy, and sexuality. Integration and focus. Conscious self will in contact with the other, both people and environment. Associated with Virgo and Scorpio.
*Not technically asteroids. Chiron is classed as a minor planet and Ceres as a dwarf planet.
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aries12thhouse-blog · 5 years
wisdom from pain
chiron in the 1st: helping others express themselves because you've struggled to express yourself
chiron in the 2nd: helping others validate themselves because you've struggled to validate yourself
chiron in the 3rd: helping others speak their thoughts because you've struggled to speak for yourself
chiron in the 4th: helping others be comfortable for you've struggled to find your own comfort
chiron in the 5th: helping others find their creativity for you've struggled to be inspired
chiron in the 6th: helping others with their everyday reality for you've struggled to live through yours
chiron in the 7th: helping others with their relationships for you've struggled with yours
chiron in the 8th: helping others accept the concept of intimacy for you've struggled with yours
chiron in the 9th: helping others believe when you've struggled to believe yourself
chiron in the 10th: helping others find their place in the world when you've struggled to find yours
chiron in the 11th: helping others find a place to belong when you've struggled to belong yourself
chiron in the 12th: helping others be at peace within themselves when you've struggled to find inner peace
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aries12thhouse-blog · 5 years
Coping Mechanisms and Immediate Responses to Pain
Chiron-Sun aspects: “smiling through the pain,” remaining positive, constantly trying to maintain inner vitality in the face of suffering, resorting to egocentric behaviors (narcissism, attention-seeking, defensiveness, etc), adopting an “out of sight, out of mind” mentality and purposefully distracting oneself, looking to playfulness & creativity & validation for comfort or healing, forcing happiness.
Chiron-Moon aspects: retreating to what is familiar, withdrawing, internalizing, leaning on family, searching for sympathy and support, resting, relying on or over-indulging in material & physical comforts/pleasures, periodically flushing the emotional & psychological systems, acquiescing to circumstance, wallowing in pain and feeling it fully until it “runs its course” or to receive pity.
Chiron-Mercury aspects: rationalizing, over-analyzing, taking the problem too logically or too clinically, taking the problem too seriously or not seriously enough, detaching emotionally from the source of pain and thus dehumanizing oneself, “turning off” emotions, invalidating one’s emotions, reflecting on & studying circumstance, distracting oneself, moving on too quickly.
Chiron-Venus aspects: romanticizing pain, downplaying the severity or depth of pain, beautifying circumstance, refusing to be introspective or reflective and choosing feeble superficial solutions instead, relying on others to the point of unhealthy dependence, searching for healing in art & love, ignoring problems to maintain an appearance, pretending to heal to avoid complications/disharmony.
Chiron-Mars aspects: instantly going into survival mode, feeling threatened and reacting with hostility, defending oneself harshly, allowing instincts to rule as a form of self-protection, releasing tension and pain through antagonism or constructive creativity, retreating or turning aggressive, funneling or stimulating interior energy through the physical body, turning off the mind, acting out.
Chiron-Jupiter aspects: philosophizing or preaching about pain, turning one’s own suffering & hardship into a lesson for others, trusting that there is something to gain or learn from pain, making noble efforts to grow, fleeing from the circumstance or source of pain, feeling trapped or limited by unhappiness, unwisely viewing all unhappiness as a lower/underdeveloped form of existence.
Chiron-Saturn aspects: seeing pain as punishment or duty, draining all one’s energy into solving the circumstance, feeling exhausted and burdened by suffering, “getting used to” hardship, trying to “toughen up,” choosing to bear pain all alone to avoid being a burden/nuisance or to “be strong,” telling oneself the pain is deserved or necessary, trying to self-improve through hardship.
Chiron-Uranus aspects: drawing inspiration from pain or inspiring others with it, rebelling & acting out, initiating big changes to shake up the circumstance and avoid stagnation, seeing one’s pain as a reflection of a broader concept, contextualizing one’s pain into all of humanity, using community to cope, allowing pain to change the way one lives / looks / behaves, detaching.
Chiron-Neptune aspects: romanticizing or sanctifying pain, getting lost in suffering, resigning to hardship & becoming a martyr to it, “suffering so that others don’t have to,” trying to escape pain completely, trying to bring others into one’s suffering to create a sense of unity, fabricating delusions to avoid the reality of the circumstance, hiding one’s pain in a realm that other’s can’t reach.
Chiron-Pluto aspects: delving deep into the “wound” and not being able to get back out, resorting to self-destructive behaviors, weaponizing one’s pain against others, obsessing over / fixating on suffering, adoring/”needing” and creating pain, becoming “addicted” to pain, indulging in darkness and bad medicine, concealing pain even from oneself, clinging to the death/rebirth cycle.
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aries12thhouse-blog · 5 years
List of Greek Gods & Goddesses
Zeus (Jupiter) - King of the gods and ruler of the sky. God of rain, thunder, lightning,wind, law, oaths and hospitality.
Hera (Juno) - Queen of the gods. Goddess of the sky, women, marriage, childbirth, family, heirs, kings and empires.
Poseidon (Neptune) - God of the sea and rivers, floods and droughts, storms, earthquakes and horses.
Demeter (Ceres) - Goddess of fertility, plant life, agriculture, the harvest, motherly relationships, the seasons and sacred law.
Hestia (Vesta) - Goddess of the hearth, home, domesticity and family.
Hephaestus (Vulcan) - God of fire, volcanoes, metalworking, stone masonry, sculpture and crafts. Husband of Aphrodite. Son of Zeus and Hera.
Athena (Minerva) - Goddess of reason, wisdom, intelligence, skill, peace, warfare, battle strategy and handicrafts. Daughter of Zeus and Metis.
Hermes (Mercury) - Messenger of the gods. God of boundaries, thieves, travelers, sports, communication, language, commerce and trade. Guide to the underworld.
Apollon (Apollo) - God of the sun, light, truth, music, poetry, healing, plague, prophecy and archery.Twin brother of Artemis.
Artemis (Diana) - Goddess of the moon, the hunt, wilderness, animals, childbirth, chastity and protector of the young. Twin sister of Apollo.
Aphrodite (Venus) - Goddess of love, beauty, fertility, sex, desire and pleasure. Wife of Hephaestus and lover of Ares.
Ares (Mars) - God of war, violence and bloodshed. Son of Zeus and Hera.
Hades / Pluto (Dis) - God of the dead, the underworld, subterranean regions, darkness, riches and metals.~ Although Hades was a major ancient Greek god, and was the brother of the first generation of Olympians, He resided in the underworld, far from Olympus, and thus was not usually considered to be one of the Olympians.~  
Dionysus / Bacchus (Liber) - God of wine, viticulture, fruitfulness, grape harvest, parties, festivals, madness, drunkenness, ecstasy, and theater. ~ Besides the twelve Olympians, there were many other cultic groupings of the twelve gods. Most listings include either Hestia or Dionysus as the twelfth Olympian.~
Achlys- The goddess of poisons. The personification of misery and sadness. Said to have existed before Chaos itself.
Aether- The god of light and the upper atmosphere.
Aion- The god of eternity, personifying cyclical and unbounded time. Sometimes equated with Chronos.
Ananke - The goddess of inevitability, compulsion, and necessity.
Chaos - The personification of nothingness from which all of existence sprang. Depicted as a void. Initially genderless, later on described as female.
Chronos - The god of empirical time, sometimes equated with Aion. Not to be confused with the Titan Cronus (Kronos), the father of Zeus.
Erebus - The god of darkness and shadow.
Eros (Cupid) - The god of love and attraction.
Gaia (Terra) - The first earth mother. Mother of the Titans and wife of Ouranos.
Hemera - The goddess of the day.
Hypnos (Somnus) - The god of sleep.
Nemesis - The goddess of retribution.
The Nesoi - The goddesses of the islands and sea.
Nyx (Nox) - The goddess of the night.
The Ourea - The gods of mountains.
Phanes - The god of procreation in the Orphic tradition.
Pontus - The first sea god , father of the fish and other sea creatures. Husband of Thalassa.
Tartarus - The god of the deepest, darkest part of the underworld, the Tartarean pit (which is also referred to as Tartarus itself).
Thalassa - Personification of the sea and consort of Pontus.
Thanatos (Mors) - God of Death. Brother to Hypnos (Sleep) and in some cases Moros (Doom)
Ouranus (Caelus) - The first sky father. Father of the Titans and husband of Gaia.
Anchiale - Goddess who perhaps represented the warmth of fire.
Anytus - One of the younger Titans or Curetes. Anytus was an attendant of the goddess Demeter who fostered her Arcadian daughter Despoine.
Asteria -Goddess who presided over the night, stars and nocturnal prophecy. She was the mother of the goddess Hecate. After the fall of the Titans, Asteria was pursued by Zeus and but leapt into the sea to escape him where she was transformed into the island of Delos.
Astraeus - God of the stars, the winds, and the art of astrology. He was the father of the four directional winds and the five wandering stars (the Planets).
Atlas - God of astronomy and the revolution of the heavenly constellations. He was arrested by Zeus and condemned to bear the heavens upon his shoulders.
Aura - Goddess of the breezes.
Clymene - Goddess of fame and renown. She was the wife of Iapetos and mother of Prometheus.
Coeus - God who presided over the axis of heaven in the north around which the constellations revolve. At the end of the Titan-War, he was confined by Zeus in the Tartarean pit.
Crius - God of the heavenly constellations and the measure of the year. Associated with the constellation Aries. He was later cast into the Tartarean pit by Zeus. Crius was sometimes named as a leader of the Gigantes who rebelled against the rule of Zeus.  
Cronus (Saturn) - The King of the Titans, originally an agricultural god and a god of time. He led his brothers in the ambush and castration of their father Uranus, but was himself deposed and cast to Tartarus from his own son Zeus .Alternative stories tell of Saturn escaping to Italy where he ruled during a golden age of primordial peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity.
Curetes - A group of shield clashing Titan gods who came to the aid of Rhea to act as guardians of her son Zeus.
Dione - Prophetic goddess who presided over the Oracle at Dodona alongside Zeus.
Eos (Aurora) - The Goddess of the dawn. She was the mother of the wandering stars (the planets) and the four directional winds by the Titan Astraeus.
Epimetheus - The Titan god of afterthought. He was appointed with the task of creating the beasts of the earth.
Eurybia- Goddess of the power of the sea.
Eurynome - Goddess of earth’s flowery meadows. She was the mother of the three lovely Graces by Zeus.
Hecate / Hekate - Goddess of the new moon, crossroads, protector of the home, childbirth, magic, spirits and potions. She supported the Olympians in the Titan war and retained all of her privileges.
Helios (Sol) - The old titan god of the sun. He rode across the sky in a chariot drawn by four fiery, winged steeds.
Hyperion - The old god of light, and of the cycles of time measured by the lights of heaven – the sun, the moon and the dawn. Hyperion was one of the four brother Titans who held Uranus fast while Cronus castrated him with the sickle. At the end of the Titan War he was cast into the pit of Tartarus by Zeus.
Iapetos - God of mortality and the allotment of the mortal life-span. He was cast into the Tartarean pit by Zeus at the end of the Titan War.
Lelantos - The Titan god of the breezes of the air.
Leto (Latona) - Goddess of motherhood, light, womanly demure, modesty and the night. She was the mother of the twin gods Apollo and Artemis by Zeus.
Melisseus - God of honey. He was one of the protectors of the infant Zeus. His daughters were the god’s nurses.
Menoitios - The God of violent anger and rash action. Zeus blasted him into Erebus with a thunderbolt, where he became a bondsman of King Hades.
Metis - Goddess of memory and good counsel.The Mother of Athena.
Mnemosyne- Goddess of memory, words and language. She was the mother of the nine Muses by Zeus.
Okeanos - God of the oceans.Husband of Tethys and father of the rivers and lakes.
Pallas - The old god of war craft and the military campaign season. Some say Athena defeated him in battle and crafted her aegis-cape from his goatish skin.
Perses - God of destruction.
Phoebe - The first moon goddess.Goddess of intellect and the original prophet of the great Oracle of Delphi. She was the grandmother of the gods Apollo and Artemis and gave Apollo his prophetic gifts and Artemis the light of the moon.
Prometheus - God of forethought and the creator and benefactor of man.
Rhea (Ops) - The Queen of the Titans and mother of the gods. Goddess of maternity, female fertility and the mountain wilds. She saved her son Zeus from being eaten by his father Cronus by substituting the child for a stone wrapped in swaddling cloth.
Selene (Luna) -The old titan goddess of the moon. She rode across the sky in a silver chariot drawn by two white horses.
Styx - Goddess of oaths of allegiance and of the deadly, netherworld River Styx.
Tethys - Goddess of the sources of fresh-water. She was known as the great nurse of life and spawned the Rivers, Clouds and Springs.
Theia - Goddess of sight and the shining light of heaven (“aither”). She was the mother of Helios, Selene and Eos.
Themis - Goddess of the natural order, divine law and tradition. By Zeus she was the mother of the Fates and of the Seasons, and had a seat by his side on Olympus as adviser.
Achelous - Oldest of the river gods.Son of Oceanus and Tethys.
Acheron - A river god. Son of Oceanus and Tethys.
Adrestia - Goddess of the revolt and equilibrium between good and evil.
Aeolus - God and ruler of the winds.
Afer - the south-west wind.
Agathodaemon - A spirit of vineyards and fields, providing luck, happiness and health.
Aidos (Pudicitia)  - Goddess of modesty, shame, reverence and respect. A companion of Nemesis.
Alethia (Veritas) - Goddess of truth.
Alpheius - River god of Elis. He pursued the numpty Arethusa until she was changed into a spring by Artemis.
Amphitrite (Salacia) - Goddess and queen of the seas. The wife of Poseidon.
Angelos - Daughter of Zeus and Hera. Possibly an early form of Hecate. Connected with the underworld.
Anteros  - God of passion, mutual love and tenderness. Son of Aphrodite and Ares.
Arte (Virtus) - Goddess of virtue.
Aristaeus - Protector of beekeepers.
Asclepius - God of healing and medicine. Son of Apollo. He was struck down and killed by Zeus for bringing the dead back to life. He became the constellation Ophiuchus.
Asopus - A river god.
Asterion - A river god. Judged the contest between Hera and Poseidon for the patronage of Argos.
Astraea - Goddess of justice.
Ate (Fraus)- Goddess of evil, mischief and moral blindness.
Boreas (Aquila) - God of the north wind.
Caerus - God of opportunities and favorable moments.
Calliope - Muse of epic poetry, telling of heroes and their deeds; was often portrayed with Homer.
Cephisus- A river god.Father of Narcissus.
Cer - Goddess of violent death.
Charis - Goddess of delight.
Chloris (Flora) - Goddess of flowers and the personification of spring. Wife of Zephyrus.
Clio - Muse of History.
Corus - God of the north-western wind.
Crimisus - A river god. Son of Oceanus and Tethys.
Cybele (Magna Mater) - Anatonian mother goddess who was closely associated with Rhea and Gaia.
Deimos- God of terror. Son of Ares and Aphrodite.
Dike (Justicia) - Goddess of justice and the spirit of moral order and fair judgement
Doris - A sea goddess. Daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.
Dysnomia - The spirit of lawlessness.
Eirene (Pax)- Goddess of peace.
Eleithyia (Lucina) - Goddess of childbirth. Daughter of Hera and Zeus.
Elpis (Spes) - Personification of hope.
Enyo (Bellona) - Goddess of war, destruction, conquest, and blood lust who accompanies Ares on the battlefield. Daughter of Zeus and Hera.
Eosphorus (Lucifer) - God of the morning star.
Erato - Muse of love lyrics and bridal songs.
Eris (Discordia) - Goddess of discord and strife. Daughter of Zeus and Hera. Started the Trojan war by creating the apple of discord.
Eunomia - Goddess of lawfulness and good order.
Euphrosyne  - Goddess of joy and festivities.
Eurus - God of the the east wind / south-east wind.
Euterpe - Muse of lyric poetry.
Granicus- A river god. Granicus was a river of Ida near Troy.
Harmonia (Concordia) -  Goddess of harmony and concord. Daughter of Ares and Aphrodite.
Hebe  (Juventus) - Goddess of youth. Cup-bearer to the gods and daughter of Zeus and Hera. Wife of Herakles.
Hermaphroditus - Deity of hermaphrodites, unions, androgyny, marriage, sexuality and fertility. Child of Aphrodite and Hermes.
Hesperia - Goddess of dusk.
Hesperus (Vesper) - God of the evening star.
Himerus- God of desire. An attendant of Eros.
Horcus - The personification of the curse that would befall upon any person that broke an oath they had taken.
Hygieia (Salus) - Goddess of good health.
Hymen - A god of marriage and the wedding feast.
Iaso- Goddess of healing.
Limos (Fames)- Goddess of starvation and famine.
Iris (Arcus) - Goddess of rainbows and the messenger of Hera.
Kakia - Goddess of vice.
Ktesios- Spirit who guarded storerooms.
Melicertes (Portunus) - God of ports and harbors.
Melpomene- Muse of tragedy.
Moros- Personification of doom.
Morpheus (Somnia) - God of dreams. Son of Hypnos.
Nemesis- Goddess of revenge and retribution.
Nereus - The old man of the sea. Son of Pontus.
Nike (Victoria) - Goddess of victory. A constant companion of Athena.
Nile - was the River-God of Aigyptos (Egypt) in North Africa.
Notus (Auster) - God of the south wind.
Pan (Faunus) - God of nature, the wild, shepherds, flocks, beekeepers, goats, of mountain wilds, and is often associated with sexuality.
Peitho (Suada)  - Goddess of persuasion
Persephone (Proserpine) - Queen of the underworld. Wife of Hades and daughter of Demeter. She was seen as the personification of spring.
Phantasos- God of surreal dreams.Son of Hypnos.
Pheme (Fama) - Goddess of rumour and report.
Phobetor - God of nightmares.
Phobos - God of fear and terror.Son of Ares and Aphrodite.
Phyllis - God of escape.
Plutus - God of riches and wealth. Son of Demeter. Blinded by Zeus so he might favor both righteous and irreverent people indiscriminately.
Ponos - God of hard labor and toil.
Praxidice- Goddess of enterprises, evil deeds and their punishment.
Priapus - God of fertility, vegetables, nature, livestock, fruit, beekeeping, sex, genitals, masculinity and gardens.
Psyche - Goddess of the soul.
Satyrs (Fauns) - Half-human woodland spirits, with the legs and feet of goats. Followers of Pan (Faunus) and Dionysus (Liber). They had hairy bodies with short horns on their foreheads. Older Satyrs were called Sileni.
Telesphorus- God of convalescence.
Terpsichore - Muse of the dance.
Thalia - Muse of comedy.
Thaumas - God of the awe-striking wonder of the sea. Embodiment of the sea’s dangerous aspects
Triptolemus - One of the original priests of Demeter, one of the first men to learn the secret rites and mysteries of Eleusinian Mysteries. When he died he was deified as the god who presided over the sowing of grain-seed and the milling of wheat.
Triton - The messenger of the sea. Son of Poseidon and Amphitrite.
Tyche (Fortuna) - Goddess of fortune and luck.
Urania - Muse of astronomy.
Zephyrus (Favonius)- God of the west wind. Husband of Chloris.
They are the daughters of the titans Helios and Selene,and are described as the four handmaidens of Hera:
Eiar (Spring)
Theros (Summer)
Phthinoporon (Autumn)
Cheimon (Winter)
Auge, first light (initially not part of the set),
Anatolê or Anatolia, sunrise,
Mousikê or Musica, the morning hour of music and study,
Gymnastikê, Gymnastica or Gymnasia, the morning hour of education, training, gymnastics/exercise,
Nymphê or Nympha, the morning hour of ablutions (bathing, washing),
Mesembria, noon,
Sponde, libations poured after lunch,
Elete, prayer, the first of the afternoon work hours,
Aktê, Acte or Cypris, eating and pleasure, the second of the afternoon work hours,
Hesperis, end of the afternoon work hours, start of evening,
Dysis, sunset,
Arktos or Arctus, night sky, constellation (initially not part of the set).
THE NYMPHS: Female spirits who represented different elements of nature:
Oceanids (nymphs of the ocean),
Nereids (sea- nymphs),
Dryads and Hamad Dryads ( nymphs of ash trees)
Oreads (Mountain Nymphs),
Epipotamides (river nymphs),
Naiads (nymphs of brooks, lakes and springs),
Crenids (nymphs of springs),
Limnades (nymphs of lakes, marshes and swamps),
Nyseides ( bacchant nymphs),
Potameides ( nymphs of fountains, lakes rivers, and springs),
Limoniades ( nymphs of meadows of flowers) ,
Napaeae ( nymphs of glens).
THE CHARITIES (The Graces): Goddesses of charm, beauty and nature.
Aglaea- Splendor
Euphrosyne- Mirth
Thalia - Good Cheer
-The three goddess who controlled the thread of life of every mortal from birth to death.
Clotho (Nona) spun the “thread” of human fate.
Lachesis(Decuma) dispensed it.
Atropos (Morta) cut the thread (thus determining the individual’s moment of death).
 - - - > For a list of the Roman Gods Click Here
- - - > For a list of the Norse Gods Click Here
SOURCES: “Who’s Who of Greek and Roman Mythology” by David Kravitz / theoi.com / “Encyclopedia of Spirits” by Judika Illes / “Classic Mythology” by William Hansen / “Mythology” by Edith Hamilton
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aries12thhouse-blog · 5 years
chiron in fourth house things
* keep in mind the sign and any aspects to your chiron, take what resonates with you *
😶 traumatic and possibly abusive childhood, hardly received love from parents/caregivers…there is a lot of bitterness towards your childhood…
😶 psychological damage from childhood and the family, no nurturing, thus making the concept of ‘home’ broken or distorted in some way
😶 has an extremely hard time accepting love from others, love may not feel real…..if that makes sense..but people do love and care for you, even if you don’t see it…they do
😶 has to fight hard for inner-peace, but these people are true warriors, it is very hard to break their spirit 
😶 relationship with mother may be strained in some form, you may have seen her as someone who is damaged and needs saving
😶 may have issues with the chest area or heart
😶 may be frightened to have your own family one day, or to have the parent-child relationship
😶 may feel overwhelmed and dispirited by your family history in some form of another
😶 you easily empower others to heal themselves, people’s troubles are treated with sensitivity and kindness, and people do appreciate this so much
😶 these people would feel amazing fulfilment in areas such as family counselling, teaching….things like this…
If you are feeling sad and heavy-hearted, please please please please please please don’t hesitate to drop me a message, I will always listen to you and hear you, your emotions are always validated and important 💕 💞 💓
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