ariskalpsst · 3 years
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Hawkeye season 1 episode 6: a romantic comedy
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ariskalpsst · 3 years
ChroNoiR Moments I Love
I did not include anything from videos linked in my post on favorite ChroNoiR collabs.
I included moments where ChroNoiR isn’t together but the two of them are talked about or have some sort of interaction.
I included habits or things that both of them do repetitively.
Keeping this at 10 because if I don’t put a limit, I’ll end up linking every single video where ChroNoiR is so much as mentioned.
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★ Kanae Immediately Understanding Kuzuha’s Message
This is from the 2019-08-18 Project Winter collab with Sasaki, Lize, Ange, Fairys, Tsukasa, Shiina, Kuzuha, and Kanae. Most of the time, when talking about ChroNoiR in this collab, people mention the match where both of them were traitors and perfectly coordinated to win. 
While that was great and exciting, my personal favorite ChroNoiR moment in this collab is when Kuzuha chilled Shiina, and Kanae, who saw that, immediately understood that Kuzuha was trying to tell them Shiina was a traitor. From Kanae’s POV, this is around 40:30, while in Kuzuha’s POV, this is around 40:45.
If you watch from Kuzuha’s POV, you can also listen to him just praising Kanae and saying how he knew if anyone were to understand it would be Kanae.
★ Kuzuha’s Perfect Kanae Impersonation
This is from a PUBG collab with Ran, Sentan, Kuzuha, and Akabane. When Kuzuha comments that the others’ impersonations of Kanae were off, they ask Kuzuha for an example of what a good Kanae impersonation would be. Kuzuha delivers with what is now one of his memorable lines 「SE方面敵いるよ葛葉」(”Kuzuha, there’s an enemy in the SE direction”), and the other three, as well as the comment section, erupt in excitement over it. It’s around 52:45 in Baneki’s video.
Later, in the last ChroNoiR.tv episode, Kanae says the same line at around 15:00 as Kuzuha and the comment section note that they’re finally hearing the real version. Kanae even includes the “kyaaaaaaaaa” reaction from the original collab above.
(Note: Kanae actually says 「方向」while Kuzuha said「方面」but the phrase means basically the same thing.)
★ Kuzuha Talks About Kanae Tweeting a Formal Apology
In his solo stream, one of the topics Kanae talked about with his viewers were gropers and their victims. Unfortunately, some people interpreted part of his words negatively, so Kanae took down the archived video later on and also posted an apology on twitter.
Kuzuha, in his own stream , laughed when he saw Kanae’s apology, saying that he’s sure it’s because Kanae said something easy to misunderstand again. (Timestamp: 11:20:38) When his own viewers explained what caused the buzz, Kuzuha said that he can’t believe this is what the VTuber world has come to, and says that if the internet pitchfork mob is after Kanae for something like this, then they should come for him as well.
Personally, I thought it was really nice that Kanae tried to understand why it isn’t easy for victims to call for help. Yes, he did say he couldn’t understand why they couldn’t do something that seems easy, but it’s also true that he discussed these and listened to his viewers’ explanations with what I thought was a very genuine desire to understand. A Japanese viewer even commented that as a victim, she was glad Kanae had this conversation. 
★ Kuzuha Blaming Kanae for Something He Said
Kuzuha mentions in his solo stream (1:03:03) that his image of guys who play guitar are those who like hitting women. Upon realizing that he said something that could be taken negatively, he immediately backtracks and puts the blame on Kanae saying, “it was Kanae who told me that, but he probably won’t remember.” (Kanae’s character is someone who supposedly has amnesia)
In Kanae’s solo stream (26:05), his own viewers let him know about what Kuzuha said. Kanae only said that “if Kuzuha says that I said so then maybe I did, but I don’t remember”.
At the end of their ChroNoiR Donkey Kong stream (2:05:55), as Kuzuha jokingly blames Kanae for various things again, Kanae brings up the guitarist line blamed on him. As Kuzuha emphasizes that Kanae is currently confused and asks him to talk to his lawyer, Kanae responds with a threat to sue him and the stream ends with Kanae saying “see you at court”. This last interaction was especially funny for me.
★ ChroNoiR Introducing Themselves as Each Other
In ChroNoiR collabs, Kuzuha and Kanae frequently introduce themselves as each other. I just find it cute, especially when they both make fun of each other during the impersonation.
In one of these instances, Kanae tries mimicking Kuzuha’s introduction line but accidentally says 「ヴァンパイア吸血鬼葛葉です」 (Literally “I’m vampire vampire Kuzuha”) instead of the actual 「吸血鬼VTuber葛葉です」(”I’m vampire VTuber Kuzuha”). Unfortunately, I can’t find the original stream when he said that.
In an ARK collab (7:20:15), when Kanae successfully introduces himself as Kuzuha with the correct introduction, Kuzuha notes that he got it right this time. More recently, during their 2020 Christmas collab (0:27), Kanae once again introduces himself as Kuzuha using the wrong version (this time seemingly on purpose).
★ Kuzuha is 7 Hours Late; Kanae Gets Strawberry Au Lait
At their 2018 Christmas collab, Kuzuha is 7 hours late to their agreed meeting time (1:35). Later on (6:20), when Kanae says that wants one of the 3 cups of strawberry au lait that Kuzuha has, Kuzuha didn’t want to give one to him but relented in the end because Kanae reminds him that he was late. Because of this, Kanae is sometimes referred to as “the man who forgave 7 hours of lateness with a cup of strawberry au lait”.
★ Kanae Praising Kuzuha’s Singing
Kuzuha mentioned before that he doesn’t like singing in front of other people because of a previous experience where someone he called “Mysterious Mushroom Man” corrected his singing while they were in karaoke. So I actually love the times when either Kuzuha or Kanae mention that they went to karaoke together. 
My favorite is this moment in one of their Apex collabs where Kanae mentions this one song Kuzuha sang in karaoke that he considers his favorite among the songs Kuzuha sings. Kuzuha admits that he was happy to hear Kanae tell him his singing was good, and that he ended up singing that same song a lot in karaoke since then. It’s around 1:38:10 in Kanae’s POV and around 1:36:14 in Kuzuha’s POV.
★ Kuu-chan and Kanakana
Kanae sometimes calls Kuzuha “Kuu-chan” in order to tease him. This happened more often early in their careers, but still happens every now and then. Aside from the cute name, there is also the fact that Kuzuha will always reply with「やめろその呼び方」(”Don’t call me that.”) like clockwork.
Kuzuha doesn’t allow anyone to call him Kuu-chan. In fact, the only one in Nijisanji he has given explicit permission to use -chan with his name is Moira who calls him Kuzuha-chan. On the other hand, Kanae is called by a lot of nicknames, both by his collab partners and his fans. The most common one is Kanakana.
During one of Kanae’s chat streams (18:49), one commenter asked how he would react if Kuzuha called him “Kanakana”. In response, Kanae says that he probably wouldn’t be able to take it *insert disgusted noises* and just die on the spot. 
I find it so cute they hate the nicknames, especially from each other. And personally, while I love Kanae teasing “Kuu-chan”, I do adore the fact that they call each other by name.
★ "Because it’s Kuzuha”
This is from one of the CR cup practice matches when Kanae was part of Kanaminto (Kanae, Admin, Kamito). When Kanae’s party encountered Kuzuha’s, Kanae asked for time from his team to execute the finishing move on Kuzuha (1:25:03). “Because it’s Kuzuha”. Hearing the reason, his teammates immediately agreed as if it’s the most natural thing in the world.
During their team practices, Kanae did in fact tell his team beforehand that he would like to perform the finishing move if they encounter Kuzuha. It was so cute how excited he was to be able to actually do it.
★ Kuzuha Not Realizing that Kanae was Streaming
This apex stream is definitely one of the most memorable even just for the fact that Kuzuha was unaware that Kanae was streaming for a whole 30 minutes. Kuzuha joined the voice chat at around 27:25. When Kanae informs him that he’s streaming, Kuzuha asks to confirm that he really is streaming, but mishears Kanae’s answer「うん、そう」(”Yeah, I am”) as「嘘」(”That was a lie.”).
They continue to talk, with Kuzuha mentioning some unusual food preferences among others, until finally at 1:00:25, Kuzuha realizes Kanae is streaming when Kanae tells him about something from the comment section. The sudden change in Kuzuha’s energy was amusing to watch. It was probably partly due to the shock because Kuzuha mentioned he was just about to talk about confidential matters right around the time he finally realized.
♥ ChroNoiR ♥
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ariskalpsst · 3 years
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ariskalpsst · 3 years
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what if "you're welcome" was their "I love you"? 🥺🥺🥺
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ariskalpsst · 3 years
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“He’s not my partner.” Sure, Jan.
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ariskalpsst · 3 years
Yeah, husbands.
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Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes — 1x04
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ariskalpsst · 3 years
If I say please could we get the bloopers? You could make it a chapter, I will watch it like a thousand times, disney please
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ariskalpsst · 3 years
Bucky: Sam I-
Sam: Bucky, there is no „I“ in our relationship, only „we“
Bucky: Okay, we are bisexual
Sam: Damn right we are
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ariskalpsst · 3 years
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favorite moments from the falcon and the winter soldier — 67/?
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ariskalpsst · 3 years
Sam & Bucky
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ariskalpsst · 3 years
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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier || based on what people wrote on colornames.
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ariskalpsst · 3 years
Iya, bukan partner. Iya..
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“He’s not my partner.” Sure, Jan.
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ariskalpsst · 3 years
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ariskalpsst · 4 years
My fannish brain and the MCU films, A History.
Iron Man 1-3: [no reaction]
Captain America 1-3: [no reaction]
Thor 1-3: [no reaction]
Guardians of the Galaxy 1-2: [no reaction]
Ant-Man 1-2: [no reaction]
Dr. Strange: [no reaction]
Avengers: [no reaction]
Age of Ultron: [no reaction]
Black Panther: [no reaction]
Infinity War and Endgame: [didn't watch]
Two days ago: [watches them finally] Oh...oh shit.
Ironstrange exists: OH SHIT
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ariskalpsst · 4 years
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ariskalpsst · 4 years
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They adopted her
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ariskalpsst · 4 years
Tony, after losing Peter in a crowded place : OMG, Stephen! Where is Peter? We lost him!!
Stephen : Calm down. I got this.
*clear his throat before screaming*
Peter, running from somewhere : IT'S NOT ME!! THE GREEN ONE IS IMPOSTOR. HIS NAME IS MYSTERIO!!
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