“I've found my fortress in You, and my soul is anchored with You My resting place is in Your name, forever safe..” “SAFE” by Moira Dela Torre never fails to calm my soul after a long exhausting day. Tired with the world but my rest will always be You, Lord. Thank You for guiding me all along the way. Hey there, don’t forget to thank Him today :))
Keep going, God loves you! xoxo 
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I often ask myself before, “How can I become enough for someone so they won’t leave?” What I don’t realize is that I have always been looking for my value from wrong places, things and people. My heart craved for appreciation, attention and affection that I thought would complete me so I tried to please other people to feel loved and ENOUGH - but I was wrong..
I came across a video and the speaker said “YOU DON’T BECOME ENOUGH FOR SOMEONE.” If someone loves you, you are enough but if they don’t, whatever you do for them will never be enough. He elaborated that, you do things for someone you love not to become enough for that person but you do things for that person because he/she is enough for you. You’re not being loved by someone because you are enough, you are enough because that someone loves you. In short, we don’t beg for love because LOVE IS UNCONDITIONAL and our worth doesn’t depend on anyone.
To you, if you ever felt unloved remember that GOD LOVES YOU because you are enough and that God’s love is unconditional. God loves you even when you don’t love Him back, God remembers you even when you don’t remember Him, God is always there even when we always forgets that He is always with us. If you’re someone trying to be enough, if you’re someone who gave everything to be appreciated and loved but still all of it aren’t enough, those are enough reasons to know you are enough. One of my favorite vloggers said, “If you live for people’s acceptance you’ll never feel enough, but if you live knowing that God loves you, people’s acceptance will never matter anymore because your worth is not dependent on what other people say, it is dependent on what He says.” and that speaks volume. Always remember that you are loved and appreciated by God; with Him you are enough. Keep going, God loves you! xoxo 
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Last night (September 20, 2020) I cried myself to sleep, I can’t stop the tears and so I just decided to sleep (with a heavy heart). I didn’t know what to do because in that moment I literally felt my heart broke -- I felt alone. I kept on reminding myself that I have the most genuine people around me but still loneliness crept in me.
Today, when I opened my devotional book, the text for September 21, 2020 was entitled “NEVER LONELY” I smiled because I’m sure that it was God’s answer to my prayer before I slept. The writer mentioned a quotation from a book she came across that goes “You may never be lonesome, never feel that you are alone, if you will take Jesus as your Companion and your Everlasting Friend.” Reading that made me realize that in times when I feel like I am alone, He is with me. Moments like these often come into my life but then with Him, I feel comforted, accepted, completed and loved -- in Him I find peace and companionship.
To you who is reading this, sometimes we may feel lonely and incomplete but remember that you are not alone because you have God. So open the door of your heart and let Him come into your life. Remind yourself today that, God is the greatest Friend you’ll ever have because He won’t and will never abandon you even when the world will turn their back at you. Keep going, God loves you! xoxo
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“How you treat others would be totally different if you could see inside their hearts.” That phrase I’ve read made me realized that it is easy for us sometimes to judge other people based on what we only see, but the question is that “Do we really know the reason behind why was that person you talked to is grumpy that day?” or “What had been going on inside the head of someone who just yelled at you?” Probably, no but God knows what’s going on. So, it is important to us to show kindness to everyone even when we feel like it is hard to do so.
Everyone desires and needs to be loved, so we must treat each other like how He would. God loves us even in our lowest -- He loves us way more that what we really deserve. Today, let us be reminded to be like God; to be patient and loving especially in times when we don’t seem to understand someone (who may be going through something). In Ephesians 5:1-2 it says “Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savour.”
Remember that “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop. Keep going, God loves you! xoxo
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"Love Moved First" by Casting Crowns
Keep going, God loves you! xoxo 
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In my daily devotion book, today’s reading was entitled “Blessed” followed by the verse from Isaiah 41:13. It is all about how God had helped her during all the challenging experiences she went through in life and there she said “In all that I had been through, I learned to fully trust God. He accomplishes things in our lives in perfect timing. In our most difficult times, we may think God does not see what we’re going through.”
We sometimes doubt God’s way of making things happen because we think that our plans are way better than His plans but the thing is that His ways goes beyond what we can see and think. He let us stumble so we can learn to depend on Him and not on anyone, even ourselves. ( ″Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;” 2 Corinthians 3:5)
When things doesn’t go our way - pray, trust and believe because He got answers and He knows what to do. God won’t abandon nor forsake you, and so do not fear for He will always be with you along the way.
Keep going, God loves you! xoxo
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“One day at a time sweet Jesus, that's all I'm asking from You Just give me the strength, to do everyday, what I have to do Well yesterday's gone sweet Jesus and tomorrow may never be mine, Lord help me today, show me the way, one day at a time..”
Currently listening to “One Day At A Time” by Heritage Singers on Sabbath day! This song always reminds me that I can do everything today with Him.
Keep going, God loves you! xoxo
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These verses from the bible had keep me going for years and here’s a reminder that whatever happens, God’s way will always be the best way. Always trust and put Him first in everything, He never fails.
Keep going, God loves you! xoxo
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