arknightskitguy · 4 months
i invested in phantom and his s3 recently and i'm grimacing as i try to swallow the pain of having an expensive unit who will never ever compare to the foreskin shredding meta monsters that are kirin r yato and omertosa texas
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arknightskitguy · 4 months
So, I love Viviana. I don't think she's particularly strong when you compare her damage to to Surtr's (ATK-wise, at least. Her defensive capabilities are clearly where she shines).
I don't think she's particularly unique, being a hardier Astesia, and she has no RES ignore, which hurts her total damage since RES is much more common these days, and is ESPECIALLY common with Elite enemies, which are her preferred enemy...
But, IMO, she's still a PRETTY SOLID unit! However, I'd still love to think on how i can refine her kit.
So, I'm gonna try and bump up her numbers in order to help cover for her flaws and make her more comparable to the ungodly boss-killer Surtr!
Anyway, the bolded/italicized text represents my changes.
Everything under the cut!
Talent 1 (E2 Pot5): Deal +14% (+1%) Arts damage and take -14% (-1%) Physical and Arts damage. Double effect if there is an elite or leader enemy within attack range [meaning a total of 28%]
Talent 2 (E2 Pot5): When attacking an elite or leader enemy, there is a 30% (+2%) chance to gain a Shield that only blocks melee attacks (max 3 stacks) [a 10% increase to shield chance, plus 2 more shields for extra survivability and less of a likelihood to waste shields on trash mobs during S2 activation]
S1 (SL7): For the next attack, ATK is increased to 200%, inflicts 25% Fragile for 8s, and hits twice; Charged effect: Attack range +2, fragile effect +5%, and hits 3 times
S2 (SL7): ATK +30%, DEF +110%, Block +2, and attacks all blocked enemies. Each attack has a 30% chance to be 2 hits with 200% ATK and Steal 30 ASPD from the target (up to a total of 30, lasts until skill expires or Viviana leaves the battlefield)
S3 (SL7): Attack interval increases, ATK +90%, DEF +60%, RES +20, attacks hit twice, 2nd Talent trigger chance increased to 2x, attacks prioritize elite and leader enemies.
Starting with the 2nd use, attack range +2, attacks hit 3 times, and duration increased to 40s [base skill duration 25 seconds instead of 15 seconds]
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arknightskitguy · 4 months
I was thinking about operator kits a lot lately and figured I'd make a blog about how I'd go about fixing the more flawed ones...
With that said, I figured I'd think on the Glasgow Gang (Siege, Indra, Dagda, Morgan) first and see how I'd personally improve them!
If ur interested in these Contemplations[tm] check under da readmore
Siege's main problems are DP generation, which isn't stellar for a Vanguard. She has high dps for her class, and clearly functions as a pseudo-guard, but without that dp gen, especially with her higher cost, she ends up expensive to deploy with barely any return besides damage and minor Talent buffs.
In regards to S2, I'd personally bump up the DP gain by 1 or 2. Not too much, since it has a very low SP cost that benefits well from her second talent.
With S3, I'd have it so that the skill generates 1 DP per second over the skill duration (total of 21 at SL7), similar to skills like Saga's S3. That way, it can still serve as an alternative to her S2.
If I were feeling extra generous, I COULD give her +1 DP everytime her Stun procs, but its percentage is high enough that the DP gen might end up too insane, even for a 6* trying to carve out a place in the current meta.
As far as her talents go, I'd merely make the full E2 Pot5 Talent 1 stat boosts around 15-16% instead of just 10% so that the buff feels a little more impactful.
Meanwhile, with Talent 2, I wouldn't really change anything. She has high damage and 2 skills (S1 and S2) that benefit massively from this talent, and this only further increased with the release of Siege's second module, 'Thy First Vow', which bumped up the SP gain by +2.
Overall, S2 would still be her main skill to use, especially with Thy First Vow's Talent 2 buff, which allows a higher likelihood of skill spam potential.
She's fine, but the brutal SP cost for S2 hinders its usage. Personally, I'd reduce the cost to the ~30 range, drastically improving cycle time and, therefor, improving her self-sustain.
If I was feeling generous, I'd also gift her S2 with +1 Block. This would allow more chances for her Talent to proc while S2 is active, which would mean even more damage!
Speaking of her Talent, it's perfectly fine and synergizes well with both of her skills, so no changes needed.
Boy oh boy! Well, for starters, let's switch things up and delve into her Talents first.
For Talent 1, I'd honestly change the damage multiplier increase to +10-15% for every enemy defeated so that the ramp-up is faster.
For Talent 2, I'd make it so that it applies outside of [Return to Mist] stages as well, just halved (10% and 10%), allowing her to keep SOME of her self-sustain, even if it's not as strong.
For S1, I'd make it so that the cost is lowered instead from 4 to 3 because of how the sp charge type affects the skill.
For S2, I believe ATK being changed from +28% to +40% would help her damage, especially when her Talent procs and boosts it further. The skill duration being increased from 15 seconds to 25 seconds would also benefit its uptime, which isn't very good.
Honestly, I have to wonder why every Glasgow member besides Siege ended up being a Guard, because none of them benefit from her stat boost Talent. Well, whatever. Morgan is our third 5* Guard of the faction, and the unluckiest.
For her Talents, I'd change the second one so that it works outside of [All Quiet Under The Thunder] stages, but has a limit of 3 deployments in non-AQUTT stages before the Talent is disabled.
I'd also give the Talent a -4-5 DP cost buff so that it's more generally useful, since DP slot ignore, while also useful, isn't as generally applicable unless you just really like using her. Also, cutting her DP helps with her rising costs as she's continuously deployed for S2!
For S1, I'd make it so that she can't kill herself with it (HP doesn't go below 1 type of deal). She'd still have to rely on outsider healing, but if she dies it at least wouldn't be her own fault!
For her S2, the barrier slowly decays over the course of the skill's full 18 seconds instead of just a paltry 6, improving its sustain.
I'd also give her a massive passive RDP buff tied to her S2. That way, its cycle time is drastically improved.
Anyway that's all I got. I hope you found this ramble interesting! I like doing these :^)
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