I need to read this! It's seems interesting 😌
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*I received an eARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Image from publisher. Summary from Goodreads*
What we were…
Sean found love once, with his college roommate, Trevor, and Trevor’s best friend, Charlotte.
The missing piece, Sean made it possible for Trevor and Charlotte to find love too.
But then Sean left and took the love with him.
What we are…
Now an FBI agent, Sean is back in town, ten years later, to investigate a murder.
A case that pits him against his ex-lovers—Charlotte, a local detective, and Trevor, a literature professor sucked into the Shakespearean mystery.
Everyone guards their hearts, but before long, desire sparks anew the feelings that burned hot a decade ago. That still burn true.
What we may be…
Love is within their grasp again, but as the killer escalates, it’s more than just their hearts and futures on the line.
Sean, Charlotte, and Trevor will need to work together to solve the case.
If they can’t, lives will be lost and pieces of their love gone for good.
This was an exciting, steamy, and romantic read -- just what I've come to expect from Layla Reyne! I enjoyed getting to know the characters and quickly got swept up in their dramatic tale of love, heartbreak, longing, and reunion. Trevor, Sean, and Charlie have such a strong bond and their story delivered just the right amounts of angst, sweetness, and spice! I liked how they blend their jobs, interests, and passions, making sure that no one ever gets left out or feels unappreciated.
One thing I particularly enjoyed is that this book is set in a small town on the coast of North Carolina; not only is this a cool setting in and of itself but, speaking as someone from a rural town in Georgia, it was nice to see an out, poly triad making it work in that setting. I also like that, for the most part, Trevor, Sean, and Charlie's friends and family support them. The case that the three of them work on is interesting and kept me guessing! I had no idea who the murderer was until the very end. I also liked that there are mentions of characters from Layla Reyne's other book series. (And I'm looking forward to reading Marsh's book!) 🌟🌟🌟🌟
OUT NOW! (Order links in the notes. FREE to read on Kindle Unlimited)
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Now I had to post about this lovely lesbian movie I watched a while ago on Netflix. After my heartbreaking experience with another lesbian romance movie I saw😭, I learn of this Spanish movie, Elisa and Marcela. I gave it chance knowing I'm a sucker for romantic movies and love Spanish movies.😻
That's set in the mid 1800s where the two women befriend one another as their friendship grew into forbidden attraction for each other. In a time, where anything but that kind of relationship is welcomed but smitten they continued on hidden as Elisa adopts a male identity in order to marry marcela, she loves. Which makes me smile till my face turn stiff bringing out the romantic in me. 😊(I swear Elisa look great as whatever her gender identity was. 😘)
I'd personally recommend this if you're looking for any lesbian or LGBT movies to watch while snuggled in bed or on your couch. Eating away anticipating what to happen next.😌
I promise it won't be another tragic typically they fall in love but one dies or something along those lines. Not that I dislike them, but I think I've seen my share of depressing LGBT movies/ shows.
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Romil and Jugal has to be one of my top bl series from Indian thus far. When I first found out about it while looking for some new LGBT dramas to watch months ago, at first I was skeptical. Because my heart was broken by an Indian bl movie that left me hanging but tempted by the description of it I gave it a chance. And it didn't disappoint.
Touching on how being gay in india's like, being in love with your guy friend and the parents opinion on it. However, it took me on an emotional rollercoaster that had me on my toes and unable to look away.
I'd recommend anyone interested in bl or LGBT dramas to watch, if you're up for it. I was still thinking about and I knew I had to post about it. I guess that's all I have to say or I'll end up spoiling it being the emotional cancer I am. 😅
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Has anyone watched or read Skip beat. I have caught up on the recent updates, but i left off on chapter 251 or 254. I’m not sure. I remember being so obsessed with it that, i read the manga, then watched the anime. And watch the taiwanese drama version of it.  
My favorite scenes are: in the beginning after Marina caught, Sho cheating on her with his assistant. A box of demons or evil spirits are unleashed and she confronts sho, promising to enter the show business. Beating him,
And my most favorite scene: When Marina and Sho, have to act together. And Marina has to, fake kill Sho. But she gets too into character. Oh my gosh, i just love this series/manga. 
Especially, since it one of the most whole books i’ve read. Cause in some mangas,or media the girl gets with jerk. But, instead the girl gets with a nice a guy, that not like’ im nice and i should deserve u.’
But, i degrise tho...some tropes done right, can be good. This manga probably made, me have some wholesomeness, to outweigh my unwholesomeness.
Okay, that’s the end of my little writtend podcast. 
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The Thing About Harry
I really liked this movie because both of the two main characters were already out the closet and the plot didn’t revolve around them accepting their sexuality.
it was just a good feel good movie that the two guys that weren’t friends in high school, ended up falling for each other after getting to know each otherr.
i really love this movie cuz i really connect with the characters an it makes me feel warm and cozy.
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