arlosworld91 · 5 days
Merodomestic is a term for being okay with some domestic acts, but being repulsed/averse to others. This may or may not be an adomestic identity depending on whether or not one also feels domestic attraction.
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arlosworld91 · 5 days
Trying to prove a point to my transphobic parents
And finally, because it's a part of my argument for this point, and also because they are,
Reblog if nonbinary and genderqueer people in general, are REAL, VALID, AND GORGEOUS PEOPLE, NO MATTER HOW THEY PASS
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arlosworld91 · 8 days
Contrian (Alternate name: Contrarian) is a term where one's attraction/orientation is/can be either/both solid, fluid, and/or fluctuating. This can be any attraction type (aesthetic, platonic, romantic, etc) and to all/most genders. Due to this, it can be hard to pin down or figure out one's attraction. The individual may be unable to tell if their attraction is solid or fluid/fluctuating. In addition, the attraction can be high or low and the user may have preferences. This may be due to the attractions going in different directions or there isn’t a sense of unity or similarity.
The user may or may not have attraction or a preference to the individual's gender but still have attraction to the way the individual presents. In addition, the user may or may not have attraction to the individual but having a connection to them may cause desire for some form of relationship.
One's gender may impact their attraction/orientation if they have a fluid/fluctuating gender, are multigendered, or have no gender for instance, they then are more likely to experience more fluidity/fluctuations in their orientation. Or with them being multigender, with each gender they may experience different attractions and their preferences and feelings changing depending on each gender experience. For instance, gender 1 = Aromantic/Demisexuality/Bisexualty, gender 2= Grayromantic, polysexual, Bellussexual.
Examples may include, but aren't limited to:
The user is attracted to men, they are uncertain if the attraction is solid (static/unchanging) or fluid/fluctuating. For instance, the individual one day may experience an attraction level of 60% towards men but another day the attraction level is down to 40%.
The user's attraction to their own gender may be solid, but has fluid attraction for the whole xenogender spectrum.
The user has preferences for a handful of genders, or only experience it in little blobs to most genders other than their gender “opposite” in which they may experience more attraction.
One experiences indifference towards their attraction, maybe due to certain attraction types themselves having fluctuations, or knows that they exist on the edge of these attractions. Their attraction/orientation may change depending on whether they experience queerplatonic attraction, romantic attraction, etc.
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arlosworld91 · 2 months
This refers to someone who is sometimes, for what ever reason Fraynominal. This may be due to:
Losing the appeal of the name regardless of usage, i.e. Losing the appeal because it wasn’t used enough, or was used way too much.
It could attributed to feeling uncomfortable with the name.
They feel bored with the name, they feel as if it is just not for them.
Circumstances may change where they feel as if the name doesn’t suit them anymore, this may be due to personal circumstance, this mat be due to their ever changing identity.
However, the majority of the time, they are not Fraynominal. This could be considered as them being Fraynominal in very specific circumstances.
This may also be link with them potentially being Nomifluid or being Nomiflux but in a Fraynominal way, as in they experience Nomifluidity on a regular basis with any of the reason that have been put before, or any others that haven’t been mentioned.
It is important to note that it is not outright Nomifluid or Nomiflux as those rely on fluidity or fluctuations without any impacts.
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arlosworld91 · 2 months
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Estranhoaesthetic is an aesthetic spectrum term, which describes different states of fray attraction, it is a subset of Frayaesthetic. It describes when one may lose or gain attraction in really specific scenarios when other terms don’t work, it is typically felt towards those they don’t know and the possibility of gaining any knowledge or any bond with that individual whether platonic, romantic, etc.
Someone that is Estranhoaesthetic:
- may potentially lose the attraction if any knowledge of the individual in question is known, or if any sort of bond is gained.
- They may experience the inverse of this where they may only experience attraction if there is a bond, but after a while it fades away but then comes back when the bond is greater.
- They have no knowledge of the individual but the aesthetic attraction just fades away without any explanation.
- The individual may only experience the attraction if they know nothing about the individual and may feel that their feelings towards the individual is redundant if they have any knowledge or bond with that individual.
Someone who is this term experiences all or most of these examples, the term relies on really specific circumstances where Valis, Fray and Demi don’t work for them.
This term is used regardless of whether one is allo or anaesthetical
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