armisdeleon · 3 days
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"Oh, I don't doubt that." She replied, aware that she herself cried when she tried on her wedding dress. Although, she wasn't so sure if it was for the same reasons. "Keep it? Really?" She asked, surprised by the suggestion, "I mean -- I highly doubt I'm going to get married, Daph. I almost did once, and believe me, that was enough." She shook her head, "Me? Seeing anyone? Um, -- no. I'm just kinda doing my own thing, you know? Most people aren't into that whole love thing anyways. Better safe than sorry."
daphne giggled softly at the mention of the other crying, "come on, you know that i'm more than used to crying. more times than not, the brides cry when they try on the dresses i make for them. you know, maybe you could keep it for when you get married one day. speaking of, armi...are you seeing anyone? i'd love to hear about them if you are. i love love. i mean, obviously. why else would i be in the wedding dress business?"
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armisdeleon · 3 days
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Then I think the only logical answer is we both go out together. Wow -- I feel like I've failed as a sister. Guess what big brother, you're stuck watching that movie with me on our next movie night. The gist is... don't bring things back from the dead. Oh, they are aware I could kick all three of your asses if I so pleased. If anything -- I'd say the 3 of you should be proud. Sounds like you taught me well.
Feels like a suicide mission. Either you kill me or I kill you, it's a lot, Arms. Even for you. I don't know what Pet Semetary is, horror movies are your thing. So why don't you just show me what the movie is and we get this over with, because I don't wanna fight you. You're tiny but you pack a mean punch and I can't run back to dads anymore to tell on you.
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armisdeleon · 3 days
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I mean -- I don't know. Guess I'm one of those people that are like... if somethings gonna get me, it's gonna get me. I'd never turn down a bad ass horror movie over something as trivial as fear. Mhm... do you know that for sure? Because I bet he thinks you're hot. I mean, look at you. Who wouldn't? Who's to say we will ever truly understand the male's brain. I proud of you, Haz. We love to hear it! And yeah... it was-- it's a long story. One I'm really glad to be out of. Who needs men?
I don't know how you sleep at night after watching a horror movie, because I would be awake for an entire week. But my point is this is not a book or a movie. It's real life and he does not feel anything for me. The man is a grade A asshole. Girl, if he's fucking me in his mind, he wouldn't be treating me like crap. Yeah, we might like the same things, but it doesn't mean I like him or he likes me. I did. It felt great to tell him to fuck off. I gave myself a pat on the back later. You got a point there. Being proper sucks sometimes. Wait, which stuck up asshole are we talking about here? The ex? I wouldn't have gotten engaged, if I'm being honest. Bad sex for life is just a hell no.
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armisdeleon · 3 days
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You're being awfully choosey for someone who wants caffeine. If you don't get your ass up and come get it, I'm going to drink it. And then you're just going to be extra cranky. Oh, this would be a bad time to tell you then.... I went into her room with my best singing. She's trying to set the house on fire as we speak. -- I'm joking, get up, Liv! You're wasting daylight! Please -- I've could think of so many worse images then your hot little hot on display.
I was hoping you'd surprise me. You always surprise me. Please tell me you did not wake Keegan because I will hurt you. I never said I was dead...I just feel dead. ...mm you do.. I was going to say you do love me, but if you loved me, you'd bring me the coffee. Ugh...don't wanna get up...fine I'll get up but you're not getting me to put pants on. It's full blown sight of my underwear for you.
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armisdeleon · 3 days
"Naturally." She mused, a devious smirk upon her features as she flipped part of her hair back. Feeling rather victorious. "I'm aware. That's why I'm so cocky right now. I just made a big win here, Lawson. How could I not?" It was truly a victory here, and they both knew it. So, of course, she was gonna revel in it. She playfully smacked his shoulder, "I won't hold it over your head for too long, Ki. Don't worry." Possibly just for the next year or so.
"You won't regret it!" She assured, "Plus, I'm the best at plans, so of course, this was genius." After all, what gave better love then a pet? Heck, Stormi was perfect for cuddles and extra dosage of love when she needed it. So, she had no doubt that this new puppy would do the same for Kian. Armi looked down at the little ball of fur, and smiled, "Jax -- I like it." She nodded, "Kian and Jax." She looks over at Kian, "Rolls off the tongue and everything." When he questioned this being a set up, she shrugged, "Don't know what you're talking about." She lied, "I think it's just good to be prepared." She playfully rolled her eyes, "If I must, but just know -- I'm a one time kind of person. I don't do multiple trips to the car. So," She pointed a finger at him, "No making fun of me if you see me holding things with my teeth and what not."
Making her way towards the door, "Born ready. Who's driving? Should we rock, paper, scissors?" She teased, "Because whoever isn't gets to hold this cute little baby." She closed the space between her and Kian, reaching close in to rough house with the pup in his arm. She hadn't realized how close she had come to Kian. Her face seemed to be mere inches from his. Once she looked up, and noticed that, the smile faded slightly, as brown eyes studied his face. They dropped down to his lips, and immediately, she jumped back. "Maybe I should drive." She statement, instead. "Pet Land? Pet Co? That local pet store down by the bakery?"
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Kian found Armi's enthusiasm amusing. She was cheering as if she won the lottery or something… He wondered if she ever considered a career in law. The woman would be a great attorney. Then again, it was hard to say no to her, especially when she was genuinely excited about the idea of him adopting this puppy. "Alright… Alright… You win," he said with an amused grin. "But don't get too cocky. I'm not that easy to persuade usually." As he held the wriggling puppy in his hands, Kian smiled when the little guy finally got a few licks on his cheek.
"You better not let me regret it. It’s your idea.” He said pointedly. When she started rattling off potential names, he considered each one. It took only a few seconds for him to make a decision. "I like the name Jax," he said, rubbing the pup's head affectionately. "What do you think, little guy? Do you like Jax? It's a name that's perfect for you." Jax yipped in response, making him chuckle. "Damn, you’ve thought of everything, haven’t you? I feel like this is a setup.” Knowing her, he wouldn’t be surprised that it was. “Let's do that. I've got some time now. But since this was your idea, I think it's only fair that you help carry all the bags." He was only kidding, he wouldn’t expect her to carry the bags. "Ready to go?”
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armisdeleon · 3 days
"Definitely just go with pepperoni and cheese." Armi chuckled, "The last thing we need is for them to refuse to eat it because there's something on it that 'looks gross'." She rolled her eyes, and turned back to the snacks at hand. "Extra garlic bread, Kian!" She expressed, "I will fight kids over the last piece, you've been warned." Giving him a playful smirk, she'd turn back to her duties, while allowing him to complete his.
As the night went on, and the 4 of them ate pizza and garlic bread, as well as the snacks Armi had made. The ones the boys insisted she had to make again sometime soon; the night would begin to wind down. The boys sugar high would began to wither, and Armi's heart would feel full as both boys found themselves snuggled up to her on the couch. How they convinced them to put on a second movie, she didn't know. But she sure wasn't complaining. Half way through the second movie, both boys were out cold against her, and the scene seemed to heal something in the Latina. She'd look over at Kian, and gave him a soft smile, before returning her attention to the movie. The sense of family the moment gave her put her usual antsy nerves at rest. By the time the credits rolled, both boys and Armi would be out cold. The girl snuggled up with the boys, as she rested peacefully.
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It was heartwarming to see the boys' excitement grow. Just throw in that there would be sugary treats along with their favorite movie, and you suddenly become their favorite person in the world. Still, he knew he had to at least attempt to keep them somewhat under control. They could sleep off the sugar rush, but God knows if that would even work before he had to drop them off back at Sloane’s. While he loved his sister, he wasn’t a big fan of pissing her off either, so it was best that he try to keep his mellow. As Armi headed into the kitchen, he followed.
When she assured him that she had it covered, he nodded, but stood near the island anyway, just in case she changed her mind. Next, she suggested ordering pizza. He could never say no to real food. A grin spread across his face. "Pizza? You're speaking my language, Armi. I'm always down for a good slice… or five," he joked, his stomach already rumbling at the thought of a cheesy, delicious pizza. When she poked his nose playfully, he scrunched it up and laughed. "Alright, I'll handle the pizza order. Any special requests? Or should I just go with the classic pepperoni and cheese?" He pulled out his phone, ready to place the order, but paused, waiting for her input. “We could add garlic bread, too. Zach loves that.”
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armisdeleon · 6 days
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FRIENDS ( 1994 - 2004 ) ↳ season 5 episode 15
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armisdeleon · 8 days
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Favourite character meme • 5/6 scenes: A Beautiful Mess
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armisdeleon · 10 days
Amos smirked back at her as she smacked him on the shoulder, knowing full well that once upon a time, they both had been a handful to their parents. Armi had time in her life when Amos and their dads thought they'd lost her and as much as Amos hated to think about it now that she was back to her old self, it was a blessing to him that she'd decided to be true to herself. Whatever she did now, in her thirties would be easy to deal with after everything they'd been through as a family. "Oh, please. You'll survive not being an aunt for a few more years." He scoffed playfully, not even sure if he really did want kids or not. It was strange for Amos, the idea of having a family that didn't consist of the people that he already called that. "Driving would be cool, I love a road trip and I don't think I've been in one since before I went pro. Maybe we can drive in America and if we decide to do some European cities, we can do flights and trains, you know?" Amos agreed, smiling as she pulled out her phone. This was what kept Amos going, the idea that even without his career, he would still have this.
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armisdeleon · 11 days
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THE GREAT — 1.10
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armisdeleon · 11 days
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"You're being too good to me right now, Shivi." Armi chuckled and shook her head, "You better watch yourself, or you're going to have me obsessed with you. And listen, that might sound good on paper, but in practice?" She laughed and shook her head, "Please forgive me, I haven't really had anyone love me like that in the way I deserve, so I'm a little questionable on it." Her tone was laugh and airy, implying she was teasing, but her statement was very much true. She just didn't care to let it dampen the mood. As their food was being placed, Armi focused firmly back on Shivani, giving her a nonchalant shrug at her friend's question, "I can't say all that much. Working, --- that's about it. Maybe drinking a little too much, but like -- that could be so much worse." She chuckled, "Tell me what's going on with you, daring? I hope your life has been so much more entertaining then mine."
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“Well listen here Armi de Leon, I definitely want it,” she grinned at her friend, amused at the idea that while she’d previously dated her brother, now here she was professing her love for the sister. It was entertainment of the best kind as she sighed out loud and gave her another smile. “Why are you wounding me this way Armi? You’re doubting my ability to love you in the way you deserve? Say it isn’t so.” She sighed out loud before telling her once more that she had her undying love and that it would never change. “Sounds perfect to me,” hearing Armi agree to accepting her love had her grinning from ear to ear as they both walked into the restaurant and made their way to their table as led by the hostess. She ordered for both of them before looking across at her friend, “so—c’mon tell me what’s been happening in your life. I feel like we haven’t had a proper get together in ages.” 
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armisdeleon · 11 days
Armi wasn't particularly speaking to Kian at this moment, or at least, not as openly. They were coming and going, and she was fine with that. Of course, up until she needed something from the damn hardware store. Fortunately for her, she'd be greeted by one of the other employees, and she found that she could relax. Gathering the stuff she needed, before checking out. But she didn't miss the odd feeling on her back. Like someone was watching her. Even though she knew it wasn't the smartest idea, she'd usually ignore the sensation. Mainly because it wasn't anything new for her to be stared at, but also, because she just didn't want her bubble to be popped.
However, when she couldn't ignore it any longer, she'd look over in the direction she felt eyes on her. She wasn't sure who she expected to see, but Ruhi was most definitely no where to be seen on that list. Armi's lips parted, and her eyes widen. And for a brief second, she felt herself be transformed into a flashback. An elegant dress covered passed her knees -- never red, she always thought red was her color, but Sean told her it made her look the devil. -- Something pale, pastel even. Hair neatly slicked back, tight -- in a bun, usually. Neutral coloring on her face. Light browns were always a win for her. Her posture always straighten, -- Armi blinked a few times, and shook her head, her eyes reminding her that she was in the hardware store in Wilmington, and not Sean's upper East flat.
She swallowed, and licked her lips. Without thought, she'd take the steps towards her, eyes pinned on her, almost as if she was afraid she'd disappear. "Ruhi--" She breathed, shaking her head, as she remembered the hatred she felt towards the woman. But not at her own free will, no, but because Sean planted it there. "What are you doing here?"
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WITH: @armisdeleon LOCATION: finishing touches
It had been a completely different life for them back in New York. And a part of Ruhi wondered. Did the kinship she found with Armi when she was in the Big Apple extend to when they were back at home? After all, in Wilmington, they had never been the best of friends. If anything, Armi was one of the people who Ruhi would have counted among those who was far from fond of her. And while she did not like when everyone around her was her friend purely for the sake of appearances, Ruhi also could not stand the idea of someone not liking her. She’d felt victorious when Armi seemed to finally warm up to her when they were in New York, but now things were very different. Their respective men were no longer with them. And where Ruhi continued in her cookie cutter life, Armi clearly did not. It was improper to stare, but a part of her contemplated whether she ought to test her theory. It was like Schrodinger’s Cat. So long as she didn’t approach, she could pretend like Armi was still her friend. Hence her distance. Hence her furtive glances over her shoulder at the woman.  
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armisdeleon · 11 days
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"What better time then the present?" She mused, smirking at her best friend, "I promised to show you how to live on the edge, baby. So -- lets live on the edge." That was the thing about Armi, since she stopped trying to be some princess on the upper east side of New York City, she had vowed to live life as if today was her last day. Shit, with the way she lived nowadays, it truly could be. "Sky's the limit, baby." She replied, "But something meaningful could be nice for your first one. Maybe something to represent freedom, or -- ooh, what something for Wren?" She thought out loud, "We both could get something for our baby! And that's the plus side of going to the shop where I work, I got amazing people willing to keep a kid entertained for an hour or so!"
"Wait, you mean, like, right now?" she stuttered out, the idea so outlandish she couldn't deny it held a certain appeal. Sometimes, Mara wondered what such a wildly impulsive person like Armi could possibly see in her, what she brought to the equation besides doubt and a long line of bad decisions. "What would we even get? Who would watch Wren?"
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armisdeleon · 11 days
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"Why do I gotta be buttering you up? Maybe I just love you. You ever think about that, baby? I adore your ass. So just take the compliment. Now that's the attitude! Roll out of bed without even having to try. I love that for you, beautiful. Ok, but do you see -- how can you not be my favorite with thinking like that? Who's driving? No -- we should walk! I don't plan to leave this place all that sober."
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"Aw, I'm your favorite?! That's the best news I've heard all day. Even if you are just trying to butter me up for some reason, I definitely can't say no now. Batting my ices and looking hot and smashable is what I do best. So there will certainly be no complaining from me. Now let's go. I'm starved and those bottomless margaritas are useless when they aren't sitting in front of us." @armisdeleon
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armisdeleon · 11 days
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Oh, Liv, Liv, Liv -- that was your first mistake. And here I thought you'd know me better then that. But I'm glad to see you're still alive. And your offenses just keep adding -- of course I bought you coffee! Your favorite! You're going to have to get your ass up to come get it though.
closed; @armisdeleon location; liv's place
Y'know, when I gave you that key to check in on me in the madness, that didn't mean use it to your advantage and wake me up early on a day off....tell me there's coffee.
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armisdeleon · 11 days
She threw her arms out in the air in cheer as he caved. Not at all surprised by this, of course. It wasn't like she was leaving until he agreed, but she could at least admit this went easier then she originally thought. She watched as Kian held the puppy out, the little ball of fur over the moon to be home. His little tongue trying to lick the man's face. "You won't regret it, Lawson." She assured, "You'll be thanking me in a few months for the best gift you ever got." That was a big statement, but she was going to go with it. After all, who didn't love dogs. And best of all? This one would always remind him of her, which added a little mischief in there for herself.
Armi placed her right palm against her heart, and gave a firm nod, "I promise, Lawson. We in this together, after all, why wouldn't I want to come and see this cute little fur ball?" She mused, ruffling the fur on top of the puppy's head. She squealed when he asked what they should name the little fur baby. This was really happening, she convinced him to get a dog. She was proud of herself. "I don't know! Jax? Brody? Apollo? Gizmo? Loki? Ocean for the eyes?" She started rattling off names, unbeknownst to Kian, she had a whole list of pet names. They could really be here all day. "And if you have time right now? We can go get him some food, training pads, a collar, maybe a bed?" She thought out loud, "If you don't, I can totally do that for you, and have it all ready for you." She eyed him, "I said I got you, I got you, Ki."
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Even the hardest of men wouldn’t be able to resist smiling when a cute puppy snuggle to them, let alone him. With its tiny nose sniffing curiously, he felt his resolve quickly crumbling. The little guy was pretty darn cute. And the way Armi looked at him with those pleading eyes, promising to help out… It was hard to resist. "Alright. Fine. I guess I can't say no to this face," he said, holding the puppy up and grinning as it tried to lick his nose.
Taking on a pet was a big responsibility, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad with Armi's help. She seemed earnestly eager to help him out. Plus, he had to admit, the thought of puppy cuddles and those adorable eyes greeting him every day was pretty appealing. Beats coming home to an empty townhouse everyday. "You better keep your promise, Armi. No slacking off and leaving me to do all the work," he said, raising an eyebrow at her. It had been a long time since he let himself get attached to anything or anyone. But maybe this was a sign that it was okay to open his heart again—at least it wasn’t romantic. "So, what should we name this little guy?" He asked, glancing back over at Armi.
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armisdeleon · 11 days
Armi found nothing but amusement in the scene that would play out before her as they entered the house. The kids were excited, and Kian was trying to keep them winded down. But the future sugar was obviously winning out the vote tonight. Armi set her stuff down in the front room, before heading into the kitchen, and conquering up the needed supplies for the promised treats tonight.
She looked around, and found that the stuff she needed for the treats were there, but the more she thought about making actual food, she simply groaned. She looked over her shoulder as Kian entered the kitchen, "I think I got it." She assured, "But don't kill me --" She slinked up towards him, something was up-- her face didn't hide that too well. "--- I'm kinda hungry for food as well, and doesn't pizza sound good?" She suggested, wiggling her brows. "Wanna order some pizza while I get these mudslides ready?" She batted her eye lashes at him, before then poking her finger against his nose.
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He wasn’t trying to be a dick, but fair is fair. It was only payback. "Sure. Whatever you say, Armi," he teased as they raced to the car. Once they were all settled in the car and on their way to Armi’s place, he simply couldn’t resist pulling her legs a bit more. Luckily, Armi suggested Shrek as their movie of choice instead of a romcom. "Shrek it is. Can't go wrong with a lovable green ogre and his wise-cracking donkey sidekick," he agreed, relieved she had picked something the kids would enjoy too.
The mention of mudslides and themed foods only added to the boy's excitement, their eyes lighting up at the promise of tasty treats. "Yes! I love mudslides." Zach said eagerly. He chuckled, amused by how easily pleased they were.
As they arrived at her place, the boys bounded out of the car, no doubt looking forward to the movie—like they hadn’t seen it a million times before. "Can we have mudslides now, Uncle Kian? Please?" they pleaded in unison, their young faces so hopeful and excited.
Who could say no to them? Ruffling their hair affectionately, he nodded. "Alright… Alright… Let's head inside and get started on those mud slides. But remember, no jumping around or movie night is off and I’ll send Armi home.” They both groaned in protest, but didn’t argue, obediently following him inside. He waited for her to unlock the door and switch on the lights and the boys quickly took their favorite spots on the sofa. Peering over at Armi as she headed to the kitchen, he asked, “Need help with the mudslides and snacks?” He was happy to lend a hand, the boys sure weren’t going to do it. They would make a mess more than helping the woman.
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