aro-ritsu · 3 years
if you're going to reblog this at least include my tag rant:
#i see it being brought up again and again and it's just. such a bad term #it's useless if not actively harmful imo
#like. those people who are in the "wrong group" for whatever oppression they're experiencing #they are still. experiencing that oppression. it is aimed at them. #they are perceived as part of the group by oppressors
#like ppl have shouted the d slur at me bc i'm perceived as a butch woman #even tho i am not a woman or a lesbian #and it still affects me. it is aimed at me. i am the intended target. saying it's misdirected is just like #extremely invalidating? and implies that i'm not /really/ experiencing it
#and that's just one example #i could also talk abt the myriad ways i am affected by misogyny even tho i'm not a woman
#i think it's more helpful to let there be gray areas in who is affected by what than to say #only x group is affected by x oppression #and any person from y group experiencing it is only experiencing a watered down misdirected form of it
#it's not a bad thing to acknowledge that any ppl perceived as women experience misogyny #or that anybody perceived as a queer woman probably experiences some amount of lesbophobia
#calling this "misdirected" oppression just invalidates people's experiences
honestly the entire concept of "misdirected oppression" should die
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aro-ritsu · 3 years
honestly the entire concept of "misdirected oppression" should die
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aro-ritsu · 4 years
it's really hard to definitively say what's romantic and what's platonic since it's different for everyone. the concept of romance is socially constructed, and therefore very malleable if you want it to be. what one person considers romantic, another might consider platonic, and that's okay. that's why this is framed the way it is - it's meant to help break down the idea that anything has to be romantic. recognizing how arbitrary the lines between platonic and romantic are is a big part of dismantling amatonormativity.
Challenging Amatonormativity: A Guide for the Questioning Aro
So i’ve been helping a friend who’s questioning if they’re aro and i thought i might as well make a post with some of the advice that i’ve been giving them in case anyone else might find it useful. A lot of it involves questions to ask yourself that are supposed to help you confront internalized amatonormativity. I won’t tell you what different answers mean since you’ll know better than me how to interpret your own thoughts and feelings, but I may explain how they affect me.
Small disclaimer: this is all based on what has been helpful to me in the process of questioning and accepting myself as a nonamorous aroace, so i can’t say for sure that it will apply to everyone.
Imagine yourself in a romantic situation
Are you looking at the situation from a third person/outside pov or a first person/inside pov? If it’s third person, you are likely distancing yourself from the situation and should attempt to imagine it in first person.
How does the situation make you feel? Again, make sure you’re imagining this from a first person pov.
What does the other person look like? Are they distinct? Can you describe their features? I find that hypothetical s/o’s i imagine tend to be just featureless blobs.
What appeals to you about a romantic relationship?
Are the things involved things you consider romantic?
Why do you consider them romantic?
Do they need to be romantic, or can you see yourself getting these things from a platonic relationship?
Could it be cultural influences that are making you see these things as romantic?
Imagine yourself doing these things both with a romantic and platonic label. Which one feels more comfortable? I often find that simply labeling the activities as romantic is enough to make me feel uncomfortable while a platonic label on the exact same scenario makes it more appealing.
Generally, nothing has to be considered inherently romantic, even going so far as marriage or starting a family together. You can still think of them as romantic things, but they don’t have to be if those things still appeal to you while romance doesn’t.
Are you experiencing romantic attraction?
Think of someone you think you may have been attracted to. What do you want out of a relationship with them? Do you want a relationship at all?
If you think you do want a relationship with them, are the things you imagine doing with them romantic? 
If yes, why do you consider these things romantic?
Put a platonic label on the relationship you’re imagining and see if that makes you feel any different about it.
What i can say about my experience is that imagining platonic relationships or doing intimate things with my friends is a lot more solid and clearer and comfortable in my mind than imagining myself doing things i’ve explicitly labeled as romantic. 
Also, it’s important to reconsider what you think is romantic. Much of what constitutes romance is a social construct, so reminding yourself that you don’t have to be in a romantic relationship to have intimacy can help a lot in figuring out what you actually want. 
I hope this makes sense and someone out there finds it helpful!
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aro-ritsu · 4 years
i legitimately don't understand why people say that only aspecs can use the sam?? what evidence is there??
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aro-ritsu · 4 years
we need to address issues within the aspec community
the aspec communities have some problems that really need to be addressed otherwise we’re going to tear ourselves apart. we’ve gotten enough from the “ace discourse” of 2017, and the effect that it’s had on our communities is devastating. we need to understand each other better and support each other. we need to stand in solidarity. below the cut i’ll be addressing these issues. these are problems that i’ve personally noticed in the community as well as suggestions from others. you’re free to comment your thoughts, of course, but please no discourse. that will detract from the message of this post. 
Keep reading
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aro-ritsu · 4 years
this is a good post i just have one thing i want to correct - the split attraction model isn't useful for all aroaces. i'm aroace and frankly i've found it more detrimental to my identity than anything, although aroaces who it does help are also fine. a lot of us use aroace (aroace, no split, one whole) to mean something different from aro ace (as in, aro + ace). just because the label we use is technically made up of words for two different identities, doesn't mean we see our orientation as two parts of a whole. it's the only language available to those of us who feel like just ace or just aro don't cover our identities well enough. i rambled longer than i intended to, so tldr: assuming all aroaces use the SAM is another problem that people need to be aware of.
we need to address issues within the aspec community
the aspec communities have some problems that really need to be addressed otherwise we’re going to tear ourselves apart. we’ve gotten enough from the “ace discourse” of 2017, and the effect that it’s had on our communities is devastating. we need to understand each other better and support each other. we need to stand in solidarity. below the cut i’ll be addressing these issues. these are problems that i’ve personally noticed in the community as well as suggestions from others. you’re free to comment your thoughts, of course, but please no discourse. that will detract from the message of this post. 
Keep reading
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aro-ritsu · 4 years
hey so like i appreciate people using my flag and all, but please stop using it by itself or in conjunction with the aro and ace flags to represent general aspec spaces. it brings unnecessary focus to asexuality and can be really alienating to aros, especially alloaros and other non-ace aros. aroace is just one specific identity within our community - there’s no reason to give us a special focus like that.
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aro-ritsu · 4 years
some stuff everyone should stop saying or implying about androgynous nonbinary people:
- that we're gender conforming (there's no 'traditionally nonbinary' gender presentation, we are gnc because we don't fit into traditional femininity or masculinity)
- that we can pass (people will forcefully gender us regardless of presentation)
- that there's any sort of social pressure for nonbinary people to present androgynously (androgyny is widely stigmatized, the social pressure pushes us to avoid it at all costs and we are not better respected than nonbinary people who present in traditionally feminine or masculine ways)
- that there's only one way to be androgynous and that that is "vaguely masculine" (it's still one way to be androgynous though and that should be respected)
things everyone should be doing instead:
- supporting androgyny
- validating androgyny
- celebrating androgyny
- not throwing androgynous nonbinaries under the bus to validate nonbinaries with more traditionally binary ways of presenting (not that their presentation doesn't also cause them problems, those problems just don't change the fact that most people hate androgyny)
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aro-ritsu · 4 years
not to be fuckin controversial but yall really dont give a toss abt romance repulsed aros ESPECIALLY when we’re allo and it shows- yall just leapt onto the idea of qprs to legitimise sex without romance in some kind of amatonormative mold and threw us under the bus because its okay to fuck ur qpp because uWu they’re SPECIAL but alloaros who want literally no romance coded bullshittery to go with our hookups just make everyone look bad i guess so we can fuck right off
alloaros get ignored or shit on as it is but if ur romance repulsed too?? mate we’re basically subhuman and g-d forbid we actually want to talk about our experiences and how we navigate intimacy and boundaries (not to mention it twists the concept of qprs and is a giant insult to people in them but thats a whole other convo)
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aro-ritsu · 5 years
By the way if you're ace do me a favor and don't message me like "how can I be a better ally to alloaros". If you actually care you'd look through my blog and other aroallo blogs and see we've answered this question so many times
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aro-ritsu · 5 years
Hey, @ my fellow aroaces:
Please do not complain about alloaros and aros without sexual orientations having their own spaces. Don’t invade those spaces either. If you’re angry about being excluded, you need to evaluate yourself. These spaces are not the problem. Alloaros and aros w/o sexual orientations are frequently erased and excluded in aro and aspec spaces. Alloaros in particular are treated horribly by us and other aces because of their allosexuality.
I urge you to educate yourself on the experiences of alloaros and aros w/o sexualities and the issues they face within our community. Understand why these spaces are necessary, and learn how you can change your behavior so aro and aspec spaces can be welcoming and safe for everyone.
Here’s some recommended starting points:
Here’s a post detailing examples of alloarophobia and how you can be an ally to alloaros.
More on alloaro erasure and it’s impact.
A post on non-SAM aro and other non-ace aro inclusivity.
Why recognizing aros and not alloaros specifically isn’t sufficient.
Why we as aroaces are part of the problem despite being aro ourselves.
How alloaros’ experience with allosexuality is different from alloromantic allosexuals.
Here’s a second one.
Why alloaros aren’t dividing the aro community.
More on how alloaros don’t feel welcome in general aro spaces.
This list is only a fraction of the information out there. Look through the alloaro and non-SAM aro tags. Look through blogs ran by alloaros and aros w/o sexualities. Share their posts. Follow through with their suggestions.
Some blog recommendations:
Like I said, I’m not alloaro nor only aro, so I can’t speak on their experiences. If you’re an aroace with questions and are having trouble finding answers, I’ll be happy to help you search for one.
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aro-ritsu · 5 years
Since y’all aren’t fucking listening to us, let me repeat myself
By making and supporting queeragamic, a term that means “nonsexual qpr,” people have sexualized queerplatonic relationships and, if this term gets popular, people are going to think qprs are exclusively sexual. Asexuals aren’t gonna wanna use that term anymore resulting in us being even more divided than before. The more separation there is in the aspec community, the more arophobic aces are gonna feel comfortable being arophobic.
Not only that, but keep in mind that exclusionists hate aros too. Even more than they hate aces. They’re gonna see this, see kids in qprs, and see people supporting kids in qprs (because there’s nothing wrong with kids in qprs) and they’re gonna call us all pedophiles and groomers.
If you’re ace then sincerely shut the actual fuck up for once and listen to alloaros. As the ones with the biggest voice in the community, you need to stick up for us and listen when we start getting angry. There are hundreds of aros who have a problem with this term, and it’s not for no reason.
Once again, people ignore alloaros and throw us under the bus. They have made a decision that will fuck us over in the future and when we say something about it, y’all treat us like a bunch of kids having a tantrum. I don’t have to give anyone the “benefit of the doubt” I don’t have to talk to you in a “civilized” manner for you to fucking listen.
For once would y’all just listen
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aro-ritsu · 5 years
I’m really pissed for the second time today! And at the same person too, what a shocker! (no one is surprised)
So @panace-void​ put these tags:
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On this post of mine > ⭐
And you all saw me go off on them for that here > ⭐
But a friend of mine also went off on them via a reblog of my original post here > ⭐
And panace-void decided to respond to that like this > ⭐
Screenshot of their post:
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With these tags:
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And then went on to say this shit about my friend in a reblog of that post: (which is the version I linked)
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So yeah @panace-void​ is an asshole of several varieties and should be blocked!
Don’t interact please, just block!
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aro-ritsu · 5 years
Alloromantic asexuals: constantly shit on aros and continue to do so no matter how many times they’re called on it
Allosexual aromantics: constantly shit on aces and continue to do so no matter how many times they’re called on it
Aroace: “I don’t trust allo aspecs”
Allo aspecs: “Whoa whoa whoa I think it’s pretty fucked up to distrust someone based just on their orientation! :-/ see this is why we hate The Other Community and blame aroaces for all our problems #yikes #alloarophobia”
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aro-ritsu · 5 years
alloaces and aroaces can’t get mad at alloaros when we try and make our own spaces away from the aspec community. It can honestly be really toxic and exclusionary towards alloaros, and we have every right to want to create and be in spaces we know will be safe for us.
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(banner by trendernepeta)
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aro-ritsu · 5 years
honestly mogai people are so powerful
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aro-ritsu · 5 years
i don't wanna attract drama to my flag blog but damn a little offended that that one blog hasn't reposted any of my edits :/
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