arocks21 · 9 months
“How many fics are in your ao3 history” this and “what’s your most read fic” that. Listen. Listen to me. I don’t go into my ao3 history. Whatever is there is between the archive and god and it is quite frankly none of my business what past me decided to open.
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arocks21 · 9 months
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arocks21 · 2 years
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skybound definition: confined to the sky.
In which Jay becomes Lightning to save his friends. And Nya says “I love you.”
Finally, the battle against Wojira was over. 
After all the wild waves and the howling wind and the crackling lightning, the Sea Serpent that had lurked in the depths of the ocean for thousands of years was destroyed. 
The Storm Amulet had been broken, and Wojira had screamed and writhed as lightning encased it before she exploded, the power from the ancient beast sending shockwaves throughout the city. 
Then, there is silence. The raging storms stills at the death of their master, and the waves of the sea resided, the flooding slowly draining away until the ocean is back where it’s meant to be. There is a calm, a tranquility that is found right after a hurricane where the peace slowly drips by until the damage is to be realized. 
The Ninja stand still with bated breath, waiting for the last member of the team to appear. 
There is a clap of thunder, a crack of lightning, then— 
The Master of Lightning descends from the clouds and joins them on the rooftop.
He turns around to be greeted by the cheers of his friends as they rush towards him. 
“Way to go!”
“I knew you could do it!” 
“Jay!” Nya is the first to reach him, her eyes shining as she beams at him. “You did it!”
She throws her arms around him, expecting him to hug her back. 
She doesn’t expect electricity. 
Her hairs stand on end, the thrumming of static pulsing through her body. It suddenly feels as if she is walking in the Sea of Sands, under miles and miles of power lines and consciously aware of the high voltage of electricity passing above her head at the speed of light. Jay’s body feels wild and chaotic, like lightning stored in a glass bottle. 
She pulls away with a gasp of shock, static clinging to hair and clothes. Sparks of lightning travel up Jay’s arm, and he looks at it curiously. Nya backs away, unnerved by the uninhibited show of power Jay displays.  
“Heh, that’s going to take some getting used to. But we’ll figure out a way to change you back, don’t worry.” Cole chuckles. “Just don’t short-circuit the TV when we play video games, okay?”
Jay seems to ignore the comment, tipping his head questioningly. “Back?”
“To normal. You know, the old you,” Cole explains. 
Jay looks even more confused. “Normal?” 
“What’s wrong?” Nya asks hesitantly. “Are you okay?” 
The clouds suddenly part from where they hang in the gloomy sky, golden light pouring over the rooftops. The lightning designs on Jay’s body glow brighter in response. 
Jay stares, transfixed with the sky. 
“Do you hear it?” He asks in wonder. 
“Hear what?” Nya asks. 
“The clouds  … they’re so loud  … so powerful  …” he smiles. 
“It calls to him,” Benthomaar whispers. 
Lightning suddenly begins to spark off Jay, and everyone but Nya flinches back to avoid getting shocked. Nya watches with horrified awe as Jay almost seems to dissolve right in front of her, only to be stitched back together with strands of electricity. 
“Sorry. It’s difficult for me to maintain this shape.” Jay says. 
Nya suddenly feels like she’s been kicked in the stomach as dread starts to flood her heart, pool into every limb and sink into her bones. “What do you mean shape? That’s— That’s what you are,” she says. 
“What I was. Yes.” Jay smiles fondly, and suddenly Nya can’t breathe. 
Was, like Jay wasn’t there, wasn’t real, that he was gone— like he wasn’t just there in front of her when he kissed her on the cheek when she was fading in and out of unconsciousness after Kalmaar’s attack. 
Jay couldn’t— 
Jay couldn’t be—
“I have to go now,” And— And Jay is pulling away now, he never pulled away— turning his back to her as he walks towards the edge of the building. “I will remember you.” 
“Remember?” Cole repeats. “What are you talking about? You’re not going anywhere.”
Jay doesn’t stop walking towards the edge of the roof, and Nya forces herself to move. Her legs feel like lead has been poured into them, it's so hard to move without stumbling, but she forces herself to chase after Jay. 
“Jay! Stop, wait, listen!” Nya’s whole body is trembling, and a blinding panic is building up in her chest. “Something is wrong with you. You have to concentrate, you have to focus, you have to— turn back!” 
Jay hasn’t turned around or faltered in his steps while Nya is talking, and with a sudden burst of energy, Nya surges forward and grabs his wrist. 
Lightning surges from his hand, and Nya jerks back. The shock left her hand stinging, and the message is all too clear. 
Jay was Lightning. He was electricity, twisted and woven in the shape of her Yang. Jay had become his element, had become Lightning itself, to save her. And now he was  … 
“No,” Nya’s voice breaks. “Don’t leave me.” Everyone is caught off guard at the vulnerable, desperate, trembling tone Nya takes. 
She’s never sounded like that before. Nya has always been the strong one; she’s always been the one to power through the traumatic events that happened to them, been the one to tell them to never give up and that there was always a solution. 
But now— now Jay is leaving her, and he’s never coming back, and she’s realizing that there is no way to fix this. She can’t do anything, she can only just sit and watch as the love of her life disappears, and know that there isn’t a perfect way to solve this. 
Jay stops, shocked at the sound of her voice. He turns around to see his Yin. Her shoulders are curled in on herself, and she’s staring at him, eyes swimming with tears. 
His eyes soften and he walks towards her, gently brushing a hand over her cheek and wiping away a tear. Nya can’t help but lean into the touch, sensing the undercurrent of lightning running through his arm. 
This doesn’t feel like a concession. 
This feels like a goodbye. 
Nya’s lips tremble as she feels Jay’s hands drop to her’s, holding them. He doesn’t shock her, but she can feel his power fluctuate, thrumming against her skin, always moving. 
He pulls away, and her heart breaks. Her hand still tingles from the electricity of Jay’s hand, and Nya isn’t ready. 
He walks towards the edge of the roof and stands on it, the lightning marks etched in his body brightening in the sun. Jay lingers on the precipice between the sky and them, looking over his friends with a soft smile. 
Nya steps forward, a single tear falling down her cheek. “Jay  … I love you.” She says. 
She’s never said those words aloud before. Ever. She wasn’t good with the words, not after so long where it’s been her and Kai against the world. Jay knows that, and he understands. He says the words “I love you” freely, and knows she responds with every bright smile and held hand. 
This time  … 
Jay doesn’t respond to her. 
He smiles, glowing eyes filled with love as he turns away from his friends. 
No  … 
He’s leaving. 
No, no no  … 
Nya stumbles forward, desperate to catch him, to stop him, to tell him to come back  … but she’s too late. 
There is a blinding flash, a crack of thunder, and when Nya opens her eyes again Jay has vanished. She looks to the sky and sees a shining light, the clouds swirling around like they’re welcoming an old friend. 
Nya watches as the light beams through the gloomy clouds, and in the next moment, there is an earth-shattering boom as Jay disappears across the sky, taking the storm with him.
Electricity still lingers in the air, the atmosphere holding its breath like the eerie moment of anticipation between lightning and thunder. The buzzing sound doesn’t leave Nya’s ears as she stares at the sky, searching for any traces of Jay with a gaping hole in her chest. 
She’s vaguely aware of the others joining her, Kai placing a hand on her shoulder and Wu comforting Cole. 
It doesn’t matter. Not anymore. 
Jay is gone.
“What now?” Kai asks, watching his little brother, Lloyd, continue scrubbing windows dully. 
“Give him time.” Cole says, staring at Lloyd sadly. “Maybe we’ll have better luck with Nya.”
Kai winces. It’s been a year since he’s been in contact with his sister, Nya, practically disappearing off the radar ever since Jay’s memorial. She had been inconsolable, and Kai didn’t know what her state would be like a year later. 
Would she even be interested in stopping the Vengestone buyer? Nya used to love missions like that, but without Jay there  … 
Kai stops that thought as a pang of grief went through him at the lack of smart comments and jokes that would occur on the mission. Jay had been there since the beginning of Kai’s journey to be a ninja. He had been the one to lighten the team with jokes shared on dreary nights, and had a spark to him that made any situation seem possible with his inventive ideas. 
Without Jay  … 
Kai shakes himself out of it as Zane starts talking. “Does anyone know the whereabouts of Nya?” He asks monotonously. 
“Yeah, what’s she doing?” Cole asks. 
Kai turns to stare out the window, the gloomy sky a bleak grey. There is no thunder, only the promise of rain. Kai wonders what that meant for the floating lanterns that would be sent into the sky in Jay’s honor. 
“What else?” He says. “She’s out chasing storms.” 
The Lightning Ruins, then.
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arocks21 · 2 years
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KIA Ninjago REAL 🚗 🥷
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arocks21 · 2 years
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I think elemental Kai would be very pretty.
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arocks21 · 2 years
no, no, you guys don't understand. i'm OBSESSED with early ninjago sound design
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arocks21 · 2 years
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Really love all the funky little details on the Golden Nya minifigure so I wanted to draw her :D
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arocks21 · 2 years
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Finally finished my entry for @legogeek33 ‘s dtiys!
Tried a bit of a different style and I gotta say, thin lineart may look nice, but it is terrifying and I’m retreating back into my comfort zone haha…
Anyways Kai and Nya could step on me and I’d thank them <3
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arocks21 · 2 years
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Dragon siblings
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arocks21 · 2 years
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[Ninjago] Part 1 (pg 1-5)
The gang face off against Aspheera like they do in s11, ep14, but when the scroll falls to kai his fire returns @_@
The Fire Chapter: Part 0 | Part 1 | Next >>
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arocks21 · 2 years
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cant stop wont stop
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arocks21 · 2 years
What if I, for the sake of argument, “jumped up”. And then what if I, let’s just say, “kicked back”.
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arocks21 · 2 years
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“There is an idea of a Zane Julien. Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory.”
❄️ click for better resolution 
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arocks21 · 2 years
@stararise @spicyicymeloncat doodles inspired by yall's post :3!!!
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Edit: bonus part
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arocks21 · 2 years
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…until they met again.
(a part 2 of this post) // Next 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5
to clarify, no, lloyd is absolutely not upset with kai, he was actually keeping cover and waiting for the two guys who were chasing kai to come, so he can give them the stolen money back. kai and lloyd have a heartfelt conversation after and well.. lloyd convinces kai to come home.
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arocks21 · 2 years
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those words weren't in the first spinjitsu master's scrolls
based on this masterpiece
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arocks21 · 2 years
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