{I have an algebra test tomorrow and I am freaking out}
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{’i should do replies’ i say as i click the next episode or homework or memes ‘nah, anime’s more important.’}
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☞ + Caius,
send me ☞ + a character to see how i would portray them -accepting
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“What do you want?” the ancient blond hissed at whoever was unfortunate enough to walk in on him. As per usual, the man was in a horrid mood, quite ready to murder anyone at the slightest prompting. The speaker’s hurried response fell on semi-deaf ears, or at least before the mention of ‘____ coven’ and ‘crime’ at which point Caius immediately perked up. “Go on,” he demanded, though with a slightly more pleasant tone than before and giving the other his undivided attention. He wasn’t disappointed. 
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send me ☞ + a character to see how i would portray them.
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what is your middle name?:  { Let’s not }
do you have any fears?: Failing, the future, losing everything, being trapped
where are you from?: The United States
first career you wanted as a child: Supreme overlord of the universe, naturally. { go big or go home}
what’s your sign?: Libra
future names of your children: If I absolutely had to have children...Ace
what are you listening to right now?: Naruto Shippuden episode 7
do you believe in fate/destiny?: I’m not knocking it off as fake but I’d prefer to make my own way
what are your career goals?: Supreme Overlord of the Universe, Geneticist
what is your favourite colour?: Black
what is your favourite flower?: The fake black ones they sell for like a dollar during Halloween
what was the first concert/show you attended?: Kenny Chesney when I was like 2
have you ever had a near-death experience?: I ‘fell asleep’ in the bath in like second grade. Mom got scared, but I was still aware enough to know where the water was.
tv shows you watch regularly: I was watching Star Wars Rebels until they kILLED like the only good character on it
last movie you watched?: Breaking Dawn Part Two for character research. I’ve been rewatching Naruto since then.
get to know your tumblr-er
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cell phone headcanons
send me ”#” for cell phone headcanons about our muses including:                              - what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone                              - what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone                              - what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone                              - my muse’s last text to your muse
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The actual picture:
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"The city holds a celebration every year. As the legend goes, a Christian missionary, a Father Marcus—Marcus of the Volturi, in fact—drove all the vampires from Volterra fifteen hundred years ago. The story claims he was martyred in Romania, still trying to drive away the vampire scourge. Of course that’s nonsense—he’s never left the city. But that’s where some of the superstitions about things like crosses and garlic come from. Father Marcus used them so successfully. And vampires don’t trouble Volterra, so they must work." Her smile was sardonic. "It’s become more of a celebration of the city, and recognition for the police force—after all, Volterra is an amazingly safe city. The police get the credit."                                                ST. MARCUS DAY FESTIVAL, MARCH 19TH.
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Send me a ツ to see a tweet my muse would post/make about yours
You can use this generator right here.
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☹ My muse is visiting your muse on their death bed
♫ A drabble about our muses inspired by the next song that comes on shuffle
☻ A drabble of our muses on their wedding day
☺ my muse trying to piss yours off
ت our muses running into each other after not seeing each other for several years
ヅ for a situation that got both our muses arrested
シ my muse walks in on your naked
Ü your muse walks in on my muse naked
ϡ a goodbye letter from my muse to yours
♥ you muse suprises my muse with a kiss
۵ my muse kisses yours to shut them up
ღ a forehead kiss from my muse
웃 my muse torturing yours for information
유 my muse trying to seduce information from your muse
♈ a holiday drabble featuring our muses
♉ our muses are together when they get ambushed
≑ my muse wakes up in your muse’s body
? my muse will ask your muse a question they always wanted to ask
+ my muse has died and your muse is included in their will
◈ my muse’s reaction to finding your muse beaten and bruised
♊ my muse will do something stupid to impress your muse
❅ my muse rescues yours
✪ my muse seeing the ghost of your muse
● my muse’s turn offs
○ my muse’s turn ons
△ our muse’s get in a playful wrestling match
⍢ my muse gives yours a hickey
✧ our muses having dinner together
☎ my muse drunk dials your muse
✈ our muses on a flight together
☼ my muse giving yours a massage
♡ my muse flirts with your muse
☣ your muse visiting my muse in prison
♌ your muse visiting mine in prison
X my muse doesn’t remember anything from the night before. They have blood on their hands, and your muse is beaten at their feet.
☁ our muses are trapped in a fire together
〰 our muses are at the beach together
❢ my muse has lost their memory, and at the sight of your muse starts to remember things
✑ my muses daily routine
❂ a new years eve memory from my muse
✬ our muses share a new years eve kiss
✆ your muses name, ringtone, and icon in the muse’s phone
◙ a christmas gift from my muse
♍ a sexual story from my muse
₩ our muses are caught in a thunder storm together
❊ a regret my muse has about your muse
♎ your muse tracing one of my muse’s scars
♏ my muse tracing a scar of your muse’s
♐ my muse hearing your muse scream
♑ our muses go out for coffee together
♒ my muse visit’s your muse’s grave
♓ my muse injures your muse
✄ your muse injures my muse
☩ a dream my muse has about your muse
☨ my muse searching for your muse
☦ my muse trying to cheer up your muse
✞ my muse taking care of a your muse while their sick
✛ my muse trying to calm your muse down
✜ my muse trying to get your muse to recover from amnesia
✝ a confession from my muse to yours
✙ our muses shopping together
✠ our muses watching the stars together
« a past memory with our muses
» a daydream my muse has about yours
✐ a mistletoe kiss
✎ our muses going to a costume ball together
✏ our muses are evil and out reaking havoc together
♔ a kiss on the cheek
♕ a kiss on the palms
♖ a kiss on the back of the hand
♗ a kiss on the nose
♘ a kiss on the eyelids
♙ a kiss on a bruise
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guardiaxinvisibile liked for a thing “Ah, Afton. Have you anything to report?”
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bellaxesca liked for a thing “Sweet Heidi, have we any ‘tours’ scheduled for  the near future?”
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childlikexagony liked for a thing “Jane, dear one- I’ve caught wind of rather disturbing whispers.”
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“Have you been torturing lesser members of the guard?”
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hxuntedswan liked for a thing “We weren’t expecting visitors.”
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“Are you lost, child?”
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