arouthewolf · 1 year
I'm opening commissions because I really need food in the house and need to help my mom out but I can't with no money atm so I'm opening commissions and they're really really cheap so maybe more people will want them :'3 here's my commission sheets please comment or dm if you're interested/have any questions please!!!
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arouthewolf · 1 year
I dunno what I did, but I like it lol-
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arouthewolf · 1 year
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The hidden lore
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arouthewolf · 1 year
Uhhh art igggg I fucked up her knees but that's fine it was like 90 degrees yesterday sooooo I think that's fair idk anyways that's all
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arouthewolf · 1 year
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Hello there everyone!
Have you ever been trying to find a silly, nonlogical OC series that has silly characters and soon to be angst? Well do I have the series for you!
In my friend group between some friends I know named Arou and Rat, we worked together to create a series no one has seen before! In this series we will be mixing in as many genres as possible! The series will mainly be a comedy action adventure OC story!
Why not jump into the fun? The website will contain any information or answers for questions you wish to ask! If any of them do not answer, ask in the comments and I'll provide as many answers as possible!
We also have a discord server available for those who are interested in the series!
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arouthewolf · 1 year
RUINTracker on Tumblr & Discord
Hi, Lead Developer and Engineer here. First of all, thanks for following up with the project for so long, and encouraging us to continue moving forward, to all of you, subscribers or not, we don't do it enough on Twitter, but thank you, really. Speaking of Twitter, as of Twitter's CEO recent events, we are forced to move RUINTracker to other platforms, to allow all of our followers to keep up with the news. We have officially decided to begin RUINTracker port on Tumblr and Discord! We still have no official date however on when it should be ready on each platform, and as we currently are a very small team (1 Developer / 1 Cloud Manager), it might take a while. Do not worry tho, the bot will still be active on Twitter, to be sure not to miss any posts, be sure to allow notifications on the bot! (Bell icon next to profile picture). It will still be active after the port to the other platforms. Tumblr posts will resemble tweets whereas in Discord, we are planning on doing a centralized bot, that will send a message to every server he is in. Again, thank you so much for following us through this journey it has been incredible so far, and we are hopefull to continue moving forward again. Sincerly,
RUINTracker Team
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