arpeggxo · 5 years
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arpeggxo · 5 years
“Hmmm,” Myde hums, a melodic touch entering his tone as he lightly sways their joined hands between them. “Well, you’re smart and cute, and I wouldn’t want anyone coming along and trying to steal you away from me. Gotta let ‘em know you’re already spoken for.” Hopeful nervousness forgotten, the blonde’s confidence returned with vigor; with it came his relentless need to lovingly tease his boyfriend. 
Was that a laugh he heard? No, tormentative though he could be, Ienzo wasn’t cruel by nature–at least not to Myde, they had each been known to possess a sharp tongue when needed. Any laughter could be through nothing short of fond amusement. 
Stealing a glance back up at Ienzo, just in time hear the gentle confirmation, the smile on the blonde’s features bloomed brighter. Delightful light encompassed his entire being. Still holding tight to his boyfriend’s hand, he gave a short squeeze to punctuate his words. “Then it’s decided! Next time someone asks you have to tell them I’m your boyfriend. Can’t change your mind now.” Oh, how proud and pleased with himself Myde looked as he so quickly returned to his teasing.
“ Why would anyone ask? ” Ienzo shakes his head, exasperated.  Surely no one actually cares about his relationships enough—if anyone would be curious about anything, it would be whether Myde was single or not. “ I will, ” he adds, embarrassed still but unwilling to make Myde doubt his sincerity from before, “ But I doubt I will have to. ”
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arpeggxo · 5 years
1-800-how’s my portrayal?
This mun is now accepting feedback! 
Please remember there’s a difference between hate, constructive criticism, and giving praise because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings.
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arpeggxo · 5 years
Pssssst, in this house we love this bean for putting up with my bs 24/7. 
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arpeggxo · 5 years
Ienzo knew that Myde would say yes, but the confirmation soothes the nerves the teasing and prodding had rattled nevertheless. Ienzo may be oblivious about emotions and obstinate in his beliefs of what he’s deserving of, but even he can’t pretend to be blind to Myde’s feelings——nor his own, for that matter. His embarrassment eases in turn when Myde looks away, and Ienzo stifles a laugh behind his free hand, hiding a grin behind his palm. They make quite the pair, don’t they?
At least Ienzo hasn’t completely failed to communicate how he feels about Myde; despite his hedging, it’s clear Myde knows his affections are returned.
“ ——I would. ”
Was that a laugh he heard? No, tormentative though he could be, Ienzo wasn’t cruel by nature--at least not to Myde, they had each been known to possess a sharp tongue when needed. Any laughter could be through nothing short of fond amusement. 
Stealing a glance back up at Ienzo, just in time hear the gentle confirmation, the smile on the blonde’s features bloomed brighter. Delightful light encompassed his entire being. Still holding tight to his boyfriend’s hand, he gave a short squeeze to punctuate his words. “Then it’s decided! Next time someone asks you have to tell them I’m your boyfriend. Can’t change your mind now.” Oh, how proud and pleased with himself Myde looked as he so quickly returned to his teasing.
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arpeggxo · 5 years
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arpeggxo · 5 years
Send "❤" for our muses to go on a blind date!
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arpeggxo · 5 years
Well, he does now. Only, Ienzo really isn’t sure what he should call them. Partners doesn’t feel right ( it’s too close to colleagues ) but neither does lovers, exactly. Friends isn’t it——they are friends, most definitely, but what they feel for each other is more than just friendship. Ienzo feels his face flush with heat anew, ensuring that the redness isn’t fading from his cheeks anytime soon. “ No, ” he says, voice barely audible from embarrassment. Time to change tactics.
“ Would you want that? For me to call you my … ” For me to call you mine.
The smile which lights Though Myde smiled happily at the prospect, there was much to be said for the hues of pink to fill his cheeks in turn. The Nocturne had never been a brave man, but even he could tell when something could be worth the risk. Ienzo was always worth the risk. He also knew when to bring his teasing to an end. Instead he spoke vulnerably and with sincerity--a side so few saw from Myde. “Of course I would. Wouldn’t you?” 
But some things never changed. “A-at least I hope you would? This would be super embarrassing if you didn’t!” Eyes averted, the red of his cheeks bloomed brighter. 
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arpeggxo · 5 years
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arpeggxo · 5 years
[ b o y f r i e n d ]
The cajoling manages a smile out of Ienzo, small and shyer than it usually is with Myde, and he turns his hand so that they’re both holding onto each other. Being teased, especially regarding the matters of the heart, remains a topic where Ienzo feels out of his depth, but he doesn’t doubt Myde’s sincerity. Still, this is different from appearing to the door of Ienzo’s study with a cup of tea and a gentle smile——that’s always felt private, something warm and secret between just the two of them. Giving it a name…  “ Doesn’t it sound a bit … childish? ”
The smile which lights Myde’s face as Ienzo turns his hand into his is nothing short of complete fondness. Nothing could be quite so cute as Ienzo seemingly confident yet out of his depths all at once. “What’s wrong with a little childishness?” He asked, playful, teasing. But really, who could blame them for holding onto a single thread of immaturity? Hadn’t they already missed out on so much of their youth? “Unless you have something else in mind, I mean?” 
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arpeggxo · 5 years
Continues to fluster @praestigii
He’s torn. Prideful at the blush still yet lingering upon Ienzo’s face, yet a little saddened to find him reluctant to say it aloud. Why did they so often leave these things unspoken? Sure it was easier, but now it struck Myde as incredibly inconvenient. Fluid and swift enough to disallow resistance--though without even a hint of forcefulness--Myde took Ienzo’s hand in his. “Come on, don’t you think it fitting?”
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arpeggxo · 5 years
@xiiene liked for a starter 
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Casual and relaxed, Myde regarded Larxene with an arched brow. Sure they’d been seeing each other more often as of late--what with the whole thirteen darknesses business--but why she would seek him out of her own volition remained a mystery. Curiosity stirred. “Didn’t think I’d be seeing you around here after the old guy kicked the bucket. Need to learn what life permanently on the bench is like now without someone to follow?” Brash though he may be, he took some confidence in coming out, what he deemed to be, on top when all say said and done. Myde wasn’t above gloating a little. 
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arpeggxo · 5 years
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“Well, I don’t want him to get confused with the real Tom Holland!”
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“Who is going to confuse a person with a frog?” 
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arpeggxo · 5 years
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Like this for a starter. Feel free to specify verses.
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arpeggxo · 5 years
          This was not going to be an easy thing to get out of him. He knew if he made it through what was to come there was a lot more he had to do, but he needed to make sure the few people he still remembered caring for made it through. Myde did not really count as a part of it, but he could count himself if he wanted.
          Saix could not fully ask what he wanted to know in case a certain gunslinger was around but he might have a moment to hint toward it. The blond was smarter than others gave him credit for, Saix hoped to use that in this moment.
          “Have you seen Vexen’s progress with the replicas? He should have had a moment to work on it by now.”
The replicas. Hearing Saix speak those words brought a spark or recognition to the blonde. Perhaps what Even had said really had been true after all. His face briefly lit up in a way which may have struck others as suspicious, though no doubt the Diviner would understand the thoughts behind it, though he was quick to regain composure. 
“Seems to be going well,” although many thought him foolish, Myde knew to be careful with his words, “said everything should go as planned when the time comes.” With hands coming to rest against the back of his head, he forces a casual air. “Didn’t understand most of his sciencey talk though.” Don’t draw suspicion. 
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arpeggxo · 5 years
Myde knew better than most just what budding tragedies lurked in the shadows of Radiant Garden. Young though he was, with what the boy had seen, what was there to fear of the night? 
“I’m not scared to be here.” He says matter-of-factly, his l lips pursed thin and bright blue eyes narrowed slightly at the stranger. It’s not like he could go back home anyway--not his real home--the fire saw to that. 
Sure his grandmother would expect him to come home soon, but that wasn’t going to stop Myde rising to a challenge for just a little longer. “If you’re so worried, why aren’t you at home?” 
Closed starter for @arpeggxo
The evening is not yet cold, but the streets are deserted enough to be disquieting to most people. Not to the Apprentice, not really. He knows what lurks beneath the shadows.
“This city is not as safe as it once was.” He tells the child, as their paths cross. “You should go home.”
They have no need of more tests subjects, not yet, so there is only minimal concern in his voice.
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arpeggxo · 5 years
It felt strange to liken Myde to a skittish woodland creature, but that’s how he seemed to Ienzo right then; clearly wanting to approach, but some kind of fear or instinct still held him back. Ienzo acknowledged this with a sad heart, but also resolved to become someone Myde could come to without fear or hesitation, no matter what. There was nothing Myde could say or do that would make Ienzo reject him; Ienzo just needed to remind him of that. He could start by accepting him today.
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Slowly, he turned in his seat to face Myde. Ienzo shook his head at the apology—he wasn’t exactly sure what the other was apologising for, but whatever it was, Ienzo knew it wasn’t Myde’s fault. Furthermore, apologies or remorse weren’t what Ienzo wanted out of him.
“ For bringing me tea? Don’t be silly, ” Ignoring said beverage for now, Ienzo took one of Myde’s hands and held it loosely between his own. “ I mean, it has been nice to make it for myself for a change, measuring and steeping it just right, but to be perfectly honest … I rather like it the way you make it. ”
He tilted his head and offered Myde a hesitant smile, willing the other to understand that there really was nothing for him to be sorry about. If he wanted to talk about it, he could and Ienzo would listen, but if he was ready … they could just try to go back to how things used to be.
Sorry, for bringing him... No, no, no. That wasn’t what Myde had meant at a-! Frantic desire to clear up the misunderstanding came to a stop as hands smaller than his own took hold. Ienzo always was a grounding force for the blonde. 
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Pleased and thankful, he gave a soft smile in return. Some things could go unsaid. Ienzo was smart, that was something in which Myde held no doubt--and he liked to think there were some areas where he could keep up. Their, if slightly unorthodox, life together was one such area. 
There had once been a time when Myde would flee from his problems rather than face them. One time in particular had carried him far from his home, far from Ienzo. The pit of darkness deep inside him. The helplessness he felt in face of his reality. The countless unknowns which had plagued his existence since almost the very moment he returned to life. All of it had scared him beyond measure. So he did the one thing he could truly understand. He ran. 
Coming back from that had been hard for the couple. What had once been a stone bridge between them had withered to little more than a tightrope. He knew he had made a mistaken in leaving, but all could not be fixed in a day. Only time could do that. But this time was different. Myde hadn’t left by choice--he did all in his power to return to his place at Ienzo’s side. 
Of course Ienzo knew this has been different. 
Uncertainty slowly ebbed away, leaving space for the confidence to twine their fingers together. “I’m glad you like it. It’d be a shame if you didn’t. You’d have had a hell of a lot of bad tea if not.” A joke to break the tension; with it his smile grew wider. 
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