arriyire · 1 month
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LORE | REKINDLED is a transformative project dedicated to the S1/Pilot era of Rachel Smythe's Lore Olympus. Rekindled will attempt to re-interpret and reconstruct the foundations laid by Rachel Smythe in S1 of Lore Olympus' publication, while also remaining true to the themes and messages of the original myths upon which Lore Olympus is based.
We hope you enjoy this re-interpretation of The Hymn to Demeter - also known as The Rape of Persephone - expressed through the lens of a meta re-interpretation of Lore Olympus. Made by the fans, for the fans.
Disclaimer: This is a non-profit transformative fan project drawn and written by @genericpuff. All brushes, textures, and font packs used to replicate Lore Olympus' art and style are sourced legally, and panel art is created from the ground up. All Lore Olympus-relevant character designs and branding belong to Rachel Smythe. All interpretations of Greek characters, mythologies, and themes are purely fictional and should not be used in any factual sourcing when researching Ancient Greek material.
Read the latest episode here!
Start from the beginning!
*Because of Tumblr's link limits, I unfortunately can't use this pinned post as the episode masterlist anymore. So the Dillyhub mirror will now be acting as the full episode list resource:
Full episode list here!
(please reblog / bookmark this post so you can check back to it for new updates! Rekindled currently updates every second Saturday at 8:45 EST!)
Have questions about how Rekindled is made, what tools I use to draw, and why I'm making it in the first place? Please check out my FAQ first!
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arriyire · 2 months
"Oh, you haven't read the classics..." I'VE READ THE CLASSICS
✨Dramione edition✨
Manacled by senlinyu
Rights and Wrongs by LovesBitca8
Isolation by bexchan
The Fallout by everythursday
Breath Mints / Battle Scars by Onyx_and_Elm
Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love by isthisselfcare
Wait and Hope by mightbewriting
Meet Your Match by morriganmercy
Measure of a Man by inadaze22
Love In A Time Of The Zombie Apocalypse by rizzlewrites
Secrets and Masks by EmeraldSlytherin
Remain Nameless by HeyJude19
Bring Him To His Knees by musyc
The Eagle's Nest by HeartOfAspen
Dragon's Heartstrings by pinkinku
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arriyire · 2 months
My Time At Sandrock is a fantastic sim game where you play as a twink who builds stuff and ends up dating either an autistic dude who likes rocks, an autistic mute doctor, an autistic science guy, or a cowboy.
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arriyire · 9 months
The sluttiest thing a hero can do is showing up at the villain's doorstep while they're hurt and saying, "I didn't know where else to go."
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arriyire · 1 year
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arriyire · 1 year
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made mistakes
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arriyire · 2 years
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what's a tumblr influencer? what am i influencing? my mental illness? 😭
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arriyire · 2 years
See how your dashboard is covered in posts? Yeah, that's because people reblogged them. Reblog posts. Reblog artwork and gifsets and text posts. If you like a post, reblog it.
"Oh but I'm nervous about social interaction" reblogging isn't social interaction. It's not. It's adding things to a virtual scrapbook by yeeting the additions into a swirling vortex. No interaction necessary. Someone makes a post you like, you reblog it, that's it. Job done. Zero interaction, but a post has made it one step further in finding its way to people that might enjoy it.
Reblog stuff. For fucks sake.
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arriyire · 2 years
i’ll literally never have enough of that dylan b hollis dude cause like. hes a college student who just.,.blew up on tiktok. he has the soul of a man who has lived for 60 years in the body of a twink. he cooks and is surprised every single time. he goes CINAMIN everytime he uses cinnamon. he has the kitchen of a 60s house wife and cooks like hes going to kill someone
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arriyire · 3 years
Buggachat Bakery “Enemies” AU Masterlist
Extra Stuff: Cover, fanfic3, Peacock fanart, fanfic4,
The Meeting: ep1, ep2, ep3, ep4 & ep5
Nino and Alya: ep6, ep7 & ep8
Nightmares: ep9, ep10 & ep11
Flashback 1: ep12
Kwamis: ep13
Home alone: fanfic1, ep14, ep15, ep16, ep17 & Flashback 2
Chloe and The Robbery: ep19, ep20, ep21 & ep22
Flashback 3: ep23
The Talk: ep24, ep25, ep26, ep27, ep28, ep29, ep30 & ep31
The Dream: ep32
The Ring: ep33, ep34, fanfic2 (someone wrote a fanfic for if ep34 had gone differently.)
DJWifi Strikes Again: ep35, ep36 & ep37
Wine Tasting: ep38, ep39, ep40, ep41, ep42, ep43, ep44, ep45, ep46, ep47, ep48, ep49, ep50 & ep51
Rain: ep52, ep53, ep54, ep55, ep56, ep57 & ep58
Sleepover: ep59, ep60, ep61, ep62, ep63, ep64, ep65, ep66, ep67, ep68, ep69, ask, ep70 & ep71
Flashback 4: ep72
The Next Day: ep73, ep74, Nightmare 2, ep76, ep77, ep78, ep79, & ep80 & ep81
Chat?: ep82 & ep83
Flashback 5: ep84, ep85, ep86, ep87, ep88,
More coming soon!!!!!
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arriyire · 3 years
Reminder that it really doesn’t matter what ways you’re marginalized, if you’re not black you’re just as capable of anti blackness as white cishet people. No amount of “but I’m gay!”, “but I’m trans!”, or “but I’m not white!” changes that.
And being neurodiverse/disabled isn’t an excuse for anti blackness either.
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arriyire · 3 years
no you dont understand, i’m obsessed with him
no you dont understand i’m obsessed with him
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arriyire · 3 years
idea: scene with two characters eagerly stripping each other clearly about to bone, but they keep getting interrupted by finding carefully concealed weapons in each other’s clothing, so they keep just unholstering, revealing and unstrapping increasingly ludicrous amounts of hidden guns and knives as the clothes come off, and it’s lowkey killing the mood a little
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arriyire · 3 years
Can confirm lab technician jobs are incredible and there is a whole community forum for them many neurodivergent
Caption: [I gotta say if you're a neurodivergent person looking for a place where you can work and function, cannot recommend uh, lab technician enough because here's how the average day goes for me:
K: Hi boss who I haven't spoken to all day. Here's the work you wanted. I did it completely by myself and also I'm currently wearing a graphic t-shirt and yoga pants.
Boss: This looks great and that's all I care about. Thank you lesbian.
K: Close enough.]
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arriyire · 3 years
Just realized that both coming out day and indigenous peoples day are on the 11th this year so here's your reminder from your local queer native to not let Indigenous Peoples Day get ignored and forgotten this year. Support natives even if they're not queer this october 11th, and don't let white + colonized narratives be the main focus of the day.
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arriyire · 3 years
Story time:
In middle school biology, we did an experiment. We were given yams, which we would sprout in cups of water. We then had to make hypotheses about how the yams would grow, based on descriptions of yam plants in our books, and make notes of our observations as they grew.
Here’s what was supposed to happen: we were supposed to see that the actual growth of the plant did not resemble our hypotheses. We were then supposed to figure out that these were, in fact, sweet potatoes.
What actually happened was that every single student in every single class lied in their notes so that their observations perfectly matched their hypotheses. See, everyone assumed the mismatch meant they had done something wrong in the process of growing the plant or that they had misunderstood the dichotomous key or the plant identification terminology. And, thanks to the wonders of a public school education, everyone assumed the wrong results would get us a failing grade. We were trying to pass. We didn’t want to get bitched out by the teacher. Curiosity, learning, science - that had nothing to do with why we were sitting in that classroom. So we all lied.
The teacher was furious. She tried to fail every student, but the administration stepped in and told her she wasn’t allowed to because a 100% fail rate is recognized as a failure of the teacher, not the class. It wasn’t even her fault, really, though her being a notorious hard-ass didn’t help. It was a failure of the entire educational system.
So whenever I see crap like Elizabeth Holmes’s blood test scam or pharmaceutical trials which are unable to be replicated or industry-funded research that reaches wildly unscientific conclusions, I just remember those fucking sweet potatoes. I remember that curiosity dies when people are just trying to give their superiors the “right” answers, so they can get the grade, get the job, get the paycheck. It’s not about truth when it’s about paying rent. There’s no scientific integrity if you can’t control for human desperation.
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arriyire · 3 years
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