arson-lupin-iii · 10 months
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Stupid comic I made
Numbered panels below the cut
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arson-lupin-iii · 10 months
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arson-lupin-iii · 10 months
Best of Lupin III Poll
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arson-lupin-iii · 1 year
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arson-lupin-iii · 1 year
I'm saying this from a place of genuine care: if you are seeing ghosts or shadows or having nightmares... and sageing, eggshells, Crystal's, and psychics arent cutting it..
Please.. please... check for things like gas leaks, water damage, vermin. I'm not saying your house isnt haunted, I'm just saying that carbon monoxide poisoning looks a LOT like being haunted.
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arson-lupin-iii · 1 year
i was talking to one of my coworkers about my trip and she asked me where i was going and i said austria and she looked at me all confused and then she said “like…austria-hungary?” and i wasn’t quite sure how to break it to her
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arson-lupin-iii · 1 year
i love paintings that look as if they have ghosts in them
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arson-lupin-iii · 2 years
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arson-lupin-iii · 2 years
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i have a contribution to make to the lupin iii fandom
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arson-lupin-iii · 2 years
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happy birthday lupin
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arson-lupin-iii · 2 years
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happy womb-escape day to the munke 
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arson-lupin-iii · 2 years
Happy Birthday
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Lupin III (10th February)
Lupin III – The Castle of Cagliostro
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arson-lupin-iii · 2 years
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Its his birthday today :]
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Happy birthday monkey boy!!!
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arson-lupin-iii · 2 years
Still thinking about that part in the Albert arc of Part 5 where Lupin specifically disguises himself as Fujiko – who, among all the other things she is to him, is quite recently also his ex-wife – to seduce the shitty old art collector dude and get his biometric data. He’s got a bajillion other sexy lady disguises (this series is peculiarly obsessed with male-presenting to female-presenting crossdressing, it’s – there sure is something going on there), but he specifically chose to almost embody Fujiko for it like it’s the only way to feel her company while they’re semi-estranged/in a difficult place with each other. Like. Oh boy. Sentences that make me want to gently dissect his brain in a mildly concerned sort of way and go ‘now just what on god’s green earth is going in here, buddy?’. It is kind of nice how it makes it feel like she’s also a bit of a mentor to him in ways you might not necessarily think of normally. (also it’s very droll how he acts like anyone twisted his arm into going the femme fatale route when you could get the exact same amount of data by oh, say, posing as a waiter and leaning in a little closer to meet the dude’s eyes while asking him if he wants his bill now and taking away a glass he’s been drinking from and getting his fingerprints all over or whatever)
…I know Lupin is the main character and everything so it’s not like he hasn’t had attention on him over the years lol but I still wish they’d take one page at least out of the book of the woman called fujiko mine and hand an installment of the series over to someone who really, really wants to actually properly look at some of this stuff that’s in the character – whether intentionally or that’s sort of accidentally grown into being through the sheer longevity of the series – and let them get a bit weird with it. (Green vs. Red is kind of the… insufferably straight cis male version of that, where they went ‘all he really is is an empty shell, an escapist character for ME and ME ONLY so fuck all the rest of you’ and it’s why that one’s… not very good in my estimation lmao. they took all the identity fuckery and disguise stuff going on and went 'he could be anyone or anything! he could even be you! but only if you’re a cis dude tho of course haha let’s not get silly here’)
Listen they’re not going to openly queer this long-running mainstream franchise partially based on the idea that cars and guns sure are cool, I am aware, but a person is allowed to dream anyway right haha
In general Lupin is essentially a lil modern day trickster god and I enjoy the interesting tension that creates if you want to go a little closer on him psychologically, because his entire concept strives against it but from the relationships he has with the other main characters you do know there is like. a real person in there somewhere looking out even if you don’t get to look in nearly as often and as an audience you always long to be let in on those feelings because like. that’s how stories work, vicariously experiencing someone else’s reality and emotions. and often he denies you that beyond a certain depth and then sometimes you get glimpses of a truth and those brief glimpses hit all the harder for it. (as a general concept this is also echoed/more literalized in Jigen as a narrative uh 'echo’? foil? for him, where you literally don’t get to see his eyes a lot of the time and it feels a bit Special and weirdly intimate when you do. Lupin is kind of rocking the fully emotional version of that.)
anyway a lot of these themes (especially the gender stuff) I’d actually rather they don’t mess around with too much because there’s no WAY they’d do so in an intelligent, sensitive or defensible way lol sometimes you’re safer in the subtext huh
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arson-lupin-iii · 2 years
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arson-lupin-iii · 2 years
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Merry Christmas🎄
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arson-lupin-iii · 2 years
Happy Birthday
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Inspector Zenigata (25th December 1938)
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