artandlivingenergy · 4 years
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“A reward after an uncommon transition would therefore adversely increase the value of the chosen first-stage cue without updating the value of the unchosen cue,” Wunderlich et al. — “A propaganda that functioned only where individuals were gathered together would be incomplete and insufficient,” Ellul. — Jack D. Forbes finds that arrogance is in any group that wants to save the masses. He is especially irritated with government that asserts the right to take over and to unilaterally dominate the globe. Notes from his book On Columbus and Other Cannibals. — Showing art from my travel work of years ago is me making little changes so that when I go, I have done my best and I leave that, and they show how my #symbolism appeared. It’s all the bits and pieces, and things I read, and where I worked, and who I knew, and conversations I had, and where I went, and other things that went into becoming the artist that is still becoming the artist. I’m not sure why all science is reductionistic. Daniel Kahneman is the latest find, and he doesn’t believe in inspiration except that it is the mind referring to what it already knows. Ummmm, thank God that Eric Kandell appreciates the Ah Ha! moment. I think art is rewards after transitions! I love uncommon transitions. #art #artist #interiordesign #independentpainter #powerinwork #persistence With love from silence. https://www.instagram.com/p/CEMqhCcnP3s/?igshid=odcug9y8s9hq
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artandlivingenergy · 4 years
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“The logic of the task was that a dependence on model-based or model-free strategies predicts different patterns by which feedback obtained after the second stage should impact future first-stage choices,” Wunderlich et al. — “To be effective, propaganda cannot be concerned with detail, not only because winning men over one by one takes too long, but also because to create certain convictions in an isolated individual is much too difficult,” Ellul. — “One of the major traits characterizing the truly evil and extreme form of wétikoism is arrogance to assume that they, even when they are fallible human beings, have the supreme wisdom and supreme right to forcibly assume dictatorship over other human lives,” Forbes from On Columbus and Other Cannibals. — The dragons may have started here. Submerged. Flying. With love from silence. https://www.instagram.com/p/CEJ6r6GniIH/?igshid=13osequ1potmj
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artandlivingenergy · 4 years
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“A model-free reinforcement learning strategy predicts a main effect of reward on stay probability. This is because model-free choice works without considering structure in the environment; hence, rewarded choices are more likely to be repeated, regardless of whether that reward followed a common or rare transition,” Wunderlich et al. — “For propaganda to address itself to the individual is impossible. The individual is of no interest to the propagandist because as an isolated unit he represents too much resistance to external action,” Ellul.— “There are many psychological traits that help form the wétiko personality. Greed, lust, inordinate ambition, materialism, the lack of a true ‘face’, a split personality, and so on, are all terms that can be used to describe most wétikos,” Forbes from On Columbus and Other Cannibals. — Soft souls preside even if only in their minds. With love from silence. https://www.instagram.com/p/CECLvJSHUd3/?igshid=1b1przn6uz2h2
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artandlivingenergy · 4 years
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“Purification is crucial for eliminating any G + RVdG particles that might persist from the initial inoculation of the cultured cells,” Calloway and Luo. — “If you influence the leaders you automatically influence the group they sway. People don’t need to be gathered to be subjected to the laws of mass psychology,” Bernays. — “The creation of the material products or their accumulation is, of course associated with stratified social systems, Forbes from On Columbus and Other Cannibals. —. There is the agenda to uphold Things as The Meaning. — Why does Agenda 21 have the goal to destroy the family as a concept? We see the influence on Leaders. — Art after 8 or 10 paintings in Florence this is what I got. Neural plasticity is the most amazing thing. I had the weirdest dreams. We need to use our powers. With love from silence. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCik6yknfal/?igshid=tk9i9b824gh9
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artandlivingenergy · 4 years
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“Because it is the interaction between the envelope protein of the virus and cell-surface receptors in the recipient cell that dictates the ability of a virus to infect a particular cell, pseudotyping can alter the cell types that a virus is able to infect,” Calloway and Luo. — “The modern propagandist studies systematically the material they are working with in the spirit of a laboratory,” Bernays. — “The wétiko disease has corrupted thinking and the wétiko behavior and wétiko goals are regarded as the tactic of evolution,” Forbes from On Columbus and Other Cannibals. — I slipped away from the math conference to go up the road to isolate to paint. It’s always when the painting is terrible and I am lost that someone comes to chat or to observe. Some of the work is awkward and I don’t know how to do it, but the overarching reason to paint is to collect the ability. It’s raw. It’s hard to go against what things look like to paint energy. Not that many people function with surprise. Every act is a matter of finding the way. We visited the mathematicians’ palatial apartment the next week in Rome. Many stories on the road. Elon Musk recommenced a book to read on twitter yesterday. The first paragraphs are on the second frame. We are all subtle beings if we can step out of the frames. With love from silence. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCV0xWynP1N/?igshid=jisqf97781tu
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artandlivingenergy · 4 years
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“The absence of G from the viral genome also allows for pseudotyping—the provision of an alternative envelope protein that can interact with the RV core to mediate viral budding and production of viral particles with the foreign envelope protein instead of rabies G,” Calloway and Luo. — “Undertakings always have Propaganda. Sometimes it is a professional and sometimes it is an amateur. It is universal and continuous. It regiments the public mind as much as an army,” Bernays. — “It is sad, but the heroes of historiography, the heroes of textbooks, are usually founders of authoritarian regimes, exploiters of the poor, liars, cheats and torturers,” Forbes from On Columbus and Other Cannibals. - Touching in my Florence travel work has emotion for me. There is a story in it that must be in the book. Learning to make abstract art from looking at landscape and later at cities had these early steps. Sometimes it is an amateur and sometimes it is a professional. With love from silence. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCTE9JSnmJc/?igshid=1v6h0ytl2a5er
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artandlivingenergy · 4 years
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“Importantly, the release of viral particles is negligible in the absence of G and G is essential for the transneuronal transfer of RV, making RVdG able to spread without trans-complementation,” Calloway and Luo. — “Modern propaganda (written in 1929) is a consistent, enduring effort to create or shape events to influence the relations of the public to an enterprise, idea or group,” Bernays. — “But it is not logical to allow the wétikos to carry out their evil acts and then to accept their assessment of the nature of human life. For the wétikos possess a bias created by their own evil lives, by their own amoral or immoral behavior,” Forbes from On Columbus and Other Cannibals. — The pink door. Always ways to walk through. We need grace. We learn love as part of our project. It’s the best one. New every day. With love from silence. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCQYNSpHgyL/?igshid=z5com6cjc3r4
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artandlivingenergy · 4 years
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“The development of methods for constructing genetically altered negative strand RNA viruses de novo from DNA has allowed the production of RVdG, and this virus can then be propagated indefinitely using G-expressing cells for trans-complementation,” Calloway and Luo. “Trans-complementation occurs when two strains of an organism with different homozygous recessive mutations that produce the same mutant phenotype produce offspring with the wild-type phenotype when mated or crossed,” WIKI. — “The mechanism to create identical imprints, using identical stimuli, is propaganda,” Bernays. — “If one only looks at European history one might be persuaded that the machiavellians and wétikos are correct in their judgements. There are centuries of human depravity, of wars, systematic murdering of followers of different religions, other groups, forcible assimilation, rigid systems of exploitation, subjugation, and finally thousands of examples of lying, deceit, poisoning, duplicity, torture and sadism,” Forbes from On Columbus and Other Cannibals. Light and shadows coming through the forest interior. Genetic alteration feels like light to some people, and to others it feels like darkness. Love energy is the best way to change life. The power of it is complex yet, it is simple and available. Organizing the chaos is the job. With love from silence. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCN6DyRn6E4/?igshid=vq3bgqk1dv2c
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artandlivingenergy · 4 years
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“Experience-Dependent Plasticity is the continuing process of the creation and organization of neuron connections that occurs as a result of a person's life experiences. Differing life situations and circumstance influence how certain areas of the brain develop and continue to grow. Research has shown that animals raised in a complex and engaging environment have more dendrite development and more overall synapses than do animals who are raised in an environment with no stimulating or engaging features. This has been shown in human brains as well with violinists and Braille readers having an increased cortical development in the section of the brain that corresponded to the fingers of the left hand (which is used predominantly when playing the violin or reading Braille),” AlleyDog dot com. — They are ghosts dancing between the trees. What you do changes your brain. If you destroy you miss your moments to change it. Love is the greatest force. It’s odd to see people harvested for the purpose of destruction. They are submitting their creativity. Their synapses are taken up by dogma, and dogma isn’t alive. With love from silence. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCLUoniHUuP/?igshid=1mzx6h49gaa1u
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artandlivingenergy · 4 years
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“Wild-type RV particles display G on their surface allowing them to infect presynaptic nerve terminals via receptors for G. RV has broad tropism and can infect all neuronal types across all tested mammalian species,” Calloway and Luo. — “Universal literacy was supposed to educate so the human could control their environment,” Bernays from Propaganda. — “Modern capitalism has been a major source of negative appraisals of human life, but dogmatic communism, Protestantism, Roman Catholicism, and many systems of thought have also viewed humans in a negative way, to one degree or another,” Forbes from On Columbus and Other Cannibals. I always thought this was an octopus standing watch. With love from silence. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCIky6wnc9C/?igshid=fketvdyiibkc
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artandlivingenergy · 4 years
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“A key structural component is rabies G, an envelope protein embedded in host-cell membrane after translation, which then interacts with the viral core to mediate budding of host cell-derived membrane-enveloped viral particles out of the host cell,” Calloway and Luo. — “Society consents to have its choice narrowed for them, to be brought to attention by propaganda of all kinds. There is a vast and continuous effort going on to capture our minds in the interest of some policy or commodity or idea,” Bernays. — “Thus, the idea of ‘the survival of the fittest’, social ‘Darwinism’, humans as being incapable of civil society unless controlled by authoritarian governments, and human life as essentially evil have been put forth frequently by those whose own greed, aggression, ambition or social position is dependent upon, or profits from, violent or exploitative acts carried out against others,” Forbes from On Columbus and Other Cannibals. Two stories. Grace is the best one. With love from silence. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCGGrgoHCfG/?igshid=ttge227eqfbg
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artandlivingenergy · 4 years
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“RV is a negative strand RNA virus whose genome encodes for only five proteins. These include proteins for transcribing and replicating the genome and structural components,” Calloway and Luo. — “In theory, everybody buys the best and cheapest commodities offered him on the market. In practice if everyone went around pricing, and testing before purchasing, the dozens of soaps or fabrics or brands of bread, economic life would become hopeless,” Bernays. — “Many people including scientists, believe that it is the nature of humans to be aggressive, violent and exploitative. It has been put forth in different epochs, by whatever groups were engaged in exploitation,” Forbes from On Columbus and Other Cannibals. — Diamonds in the sky. Maybe that is when we know of the ephemeral and we live by our findings, the journey and the search. The luxury market is a different argument but Bernays was writing in 1929. Reading psychology papers about how to motivate the luxury market is a different matter. RV is in some vaccines. Is violence exploitative? It ruins the violent one by separating them from their creativity. I went through a lot of it. I think that is why there is this art. People have different missions in their lives. That is part of what is missing. With love from silence. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCDjXtqHsan/?igshid=1wij1mmmhf5mt
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artandlivingenergy · 4 years
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“Some basic knowledge of rabies virology and of viral pseudotyping is helpful in understanding the concepts that allow for monosynaptic tracing from selected cells and in guiding the design and interpretation of experiments that use these tools,” Calloway and Luo. — “From our leaders and the media they use to reach the public, we accept the evidence and the demarcation of issues bearing upon public questions; from some ethical thinker, be it a minister, a favorite essayist, or merely prevailing public opinion, we accept a standardized code of social conduct to which we conform most of the time,” Bernays in Propaganda. — “I can accept humanization as an ideal only if it embraces the concept of becoming aware of one’s relations and learning to live in a non-exploitative manner towards all living things,” Forbes from On Columbus and Other Cannibals. — Ideals seem to be as exploitative as any other human-made material. I finally figured out what they mean by top-down thinking. Oh, there’s a different book called Propaganda by Ellul that is part of this look at culture. Maybe that’s why turning into the stars and the sky again is something to look forward to. Fussbudgets. Meddlers. Organic life is so much better. It’s hard to find. I feel therefore I am. Thanks to other artists there is some. With love from silence. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCA6eKkHSMg/?igshid=24dsjcu2n4z
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artandlivingenergy · 4 years
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“G-deletion enables not only the spread of RV to be monosynaptically restricted, and pseudotyping and the selective primary infection of genetically defined neurons. Together, these traits allow labeling of the direct monosynaptic inputs to genetically defined neurons,” Calloway and Luo. — “We have voluntarily agreed to let an invisible government sift the data and high-spot the outstanding issues so that our field of choice shall be narrowed to practical proportions,” Bernays. — “What is human territorial expansion? Is it to have everyone believe in something bigger than them? Is it one culture over another culture? Is it a church, or science, or government officials, or global networks with secret societies? Is territorial expansion extension of ideals? Who is connected to living and what it is?,” Forbes from On Columbus and Other Cannibals. Someone who I thought of on Wednesday checked in with me yesterday. Intuition. That’s on the other side of what I’m writing about. Life is more than what we know, and I got to remember again. I forgot that being sensitive is a lucky attribute. 2004 in Austin. With love from silence. https://www.instagram.com/p/CB-b7ZNn7Yh/?igshid=1oo0y0cqkt0bu
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artandlivingenergy · 4 years
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‘This powerful reagent overcomes the most difficult challenges of precisely identifying presynaptic partners separated by distances ranging from micrometers to centimeters; it directly relates presynaptic neurons to the starter cell(s)—the initial rabies-infected cell(s)—via synaptic connections,” Calloway and Luo. — “In theory, every citizen makes up his mind on public questions and matters of private conduct. In practice if all people had to study for themselves the abstruse economic, political, and ethical data involved in every question, they would find it impossible to come to a conclusion about anything,” Bernays in Propaganda. — “Is social Darwinism right? Are humans capable of civil society without being controlled by governments? What is authoritarianism? Are people essentially evil? Is ambition evil? Or is it proportionate to skills, or do monetary allocations change who may be skilled,” Forbes from On Columbus and Other Cannibals. Before Geometry. Looking and reaching. There’s a lot going on. Splicing the wires. Where are we going. With love from silence. https://www.instagram.com/p/CB76ezjnt47/?igshid=fb7h2jdiqi8b
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artandlivingenergy · 4 years
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“Despite the ability of intact RV to identify synapses and relate them to the starter cells, it spreads across multiple synaptic steps, creating potential confounds in the interpretation of results,” Calloway and Luo. — “It is not usually realized how necessary these invisible governors are to the orderly functioning of our group life,” Bernays from Propaganda. — “Are humans natively aggressive, violent and exploitative? Do we recognize aggression in all of its forms? The “survival of the fittest” phrase came from a predessor of the Tavistock Institute for social engineering,” On Columbus and Orher Cannibals. — Art and life. How much is enough? Some are better at that question than others. Flow of questions. Why and why not? Power in each soul. Arrows from the tops of fences. With love from silence. https://www.instagram.com/p/CB5KUp1Hg8Q/?igshid=6cdt7229mncr
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artandlivingenergy · 4 years
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“A key advance in rabies circuit tracing was the development of RVdG and the subsequent recognition that this could overcome circuit-tracing limitations inherent to the intact virus,” WIKI. — “It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world,” Bernays in Propaganda. — Where we came from is a subject contested by science. Western science doesn’t embrace the concept of the soul. Some cultures believe in the soul, and more, which changes what the study of behavior is, and changes what the end game point of being human is. Life. Mysterious. Fragile in different hands. Angry in others. I think that’s missing. With love from silence. https://www.instagram.com/p/CB2qa-mnoRb/?igshid=1q7rcp0hdsjy
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