artbasie · 3 years
Artist Research- Tony Mcdermott FMP
This British artist born near Manchester but grew up in London. He created many of these stylised pieces for famous reggae artists.  Tony defined Greensleeves' album artwork. Greensleeves was funded in 1970 and was a massive publisher for reggae and dancehall music. His most appraised work is ‘Scientist Wins the World Cup’ which features many big names but is presented. By Junjo. I like his detail to the image as it creates a complex busy picture, but every bit is interesting to look at when you focus on it. also you can really see the pain inflicted upon the english players as they lose 6-1 to the Jamaica team. A team which didn’t even qualify for the world cup.
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artbasie · 3 years
Jenny Saville "stragegy" 1994 oil on canvas. A popular artist who has depicted many works illustrating a woman's body. The "ideal" body type has been challenged. Too often a womens body is presented with unrealistic standards throughout mediums. it creates a unattainable standard for the girls growing up surrounded by these images. Saville paints what she truley sees and does not Manipulate the Image like many of the medias portrayed women seen today. The model has short cut hair proving that hair length doesn’t define anything about them personally. This new view challenges against feminine identity. Saville shows that a women's body being large does not define their femininity. Stepping aside from the normal portrayal of women being petite and instead expressing them as a powerful individualistic.
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artbasie · 3 years
Art history  Conflict Epsteins “Rock Drill”
1940. The sculpture work made with bronze has a lot of meaning, overall the concept is highly interesting as it refers the relation between man and machine. Epstein used bronze a highly tensile metal discovered a long time ago dating to 5000bc. The earliest weapons were made from bronze. I believe this is symbolic to how the discovery of bronze and the making of weaponry was the start of the man and machines association together. Leading to the destruction of nations and creating wars. It was part of the short lasting movement in Britain called Vorticism which was radical and celebrated the age of the machine. It presents a non-optimistic approach to the future of world peace. Overall I think this piece is more powerful than the original as it wounded, so basically a human machine. 
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artbasie · 3 years
Art history “Spirit of the age mechanical head” by Raoul Hausmann.
Created in 1919, Hausmann was good at noticing the increase in societies dependance of objects. He visualised their important to the german people through this expressive sculpture piece. The face shows no expression. Hausmanns use of everyday objects such as a ruler, a watch and other information giving objects give its purpose. Personally i believe the work represents the moral of the german populations after losing the war. Dishearten and lost they looked towards the objects used for work to guide them but find themselves controlled by them. Losing control leaving them expressionless. He was a big member of dadaism which was heavily influenced by politics 
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artbasie · 3 years
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Quick little trial sculpture before my panda head, it’s a ork.
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artbasie · 3 years
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My graphic design workshop, I toke a Live Photo of a fish on my hand and captured the movement it made as it flipped out of my hand. I then went back and choose the photo which had the fish levitating.
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artbasie · 3 years
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Photography workshop using photoshop to cut, arrange and edit :)
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artbasie · 3 years
My film workshop
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artbasie · 3 years
Ceramics pot needs final finish 
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artbasie · 3 years
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Process of my sculpture head, started with clay. Then covered with latex. Lastly the mud rock cast to help give it strength when it goes thru it’s final process of being filled. Final product is shown top left just needs a finish paint.
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artbasie · 3 years
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artbasie · 4 years
Pufferfish costume for my project
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The cloth has now been painted and with the structure made at college I look forward to putting it all together for a final photo.
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artbasie · 4 years
Ceramics Final tea pot designs
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Two lightly drawn designs with a template of the smaller items chosen.
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artbasie · 4 years
Ceramics pot
Artist influence
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Takashi shinohara a Japanese ceramist
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artbasie · 4 years
Sculpture head
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Disney character Po. Starting point
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artbasie · 4 years
Andy goldsworthy
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His message involes the land in which the art has been exhibited in, for this piece is displayed in central London. The main hub of the uk, where life is endlessly busy. Andy made them weigh a whole tonne and by putting in pathways. This meant that the public had a obstical in their way and were forced to notice the snowball. I believe the message is relating to all life things and it's cycle. It was chosen to be done on the hottest day of the year meaning that the snow would melt the fastest exposing the items held within. Barbed wire and sticks, leaving behind a legacy of what was once a tonne of snow. His message for me means that time is precious.
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artbasie · 4 years
Instillation art
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This art is very visually pleasing, with copper sulphate taking up every angle. blue tinsel comes to the mind when I think of a relating object. The image may seem a blur as the internal space wpuld not be recognisable to anyone whom live opon our earth. Alain related I believe. There is a strong contrast with what the room looked like before the artist created his work. I imagion it being very plann and white perhaps he is trying to show what art can bring to our normal plan world of white walls. This way he brings the sparkal.
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