artcoloredpanda · 9 minutes
The most terrifying part of having memory issues is when you can feel something from 5 seconds ago be thrown out the window and there's an empty hole where it once was. You remember that you forgot something.
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artcoloredpanda · 10 minutes
Are you going to let trump out live you
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artcoloredpanda · 11 minutes
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having fun outfit time
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artcoloredpanda · 11 minutes
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getting silly again
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artcoloredpanda · 34 minutes
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artcoloredpanda · 41 minutes
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the gloom claims the hero👁️ #totk
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artcoloredpanda · 42 minutes
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artcoloredpanda · 49 minutes
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This is my favorite picture :3
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artcoloredpanda · 49 minutes
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I'm being very brave today
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artcoloredpanda · 2 hours
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artcoloredpanda · 2 hours
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Happy Petrov Day, everyone. To celebrate, try to follow his example and not end the world.
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artcoloredpanda · 2 hours
HAVE you considered What If I Bit You
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artcoloredpanda · 12 hours
Bruce is at a gala, okay, and he’s talking to a woman.
Random woman: “And we found out that we’re having another child!”
Bruce: *absolutely cackling inside, because this is about to be the funniest thing he’s done in weeks*
Brucie: “That’s wonderful! Where are they? Can I meet them? How old are they?”
Now Brucie is standing there, scanning the room for children with a huge grin on his face, while all of the random rich people stand around like ‘who’s going to explain to the adorable, well-meaning idiot that most people know they’re going to have children a few months before the children are born.’
And worse, who’s going to have to break the news to him that he can’t meet the kid today?
Because this man… this man has acquired all of his children with zero premeditation. Yes, he does have a bio kid, but that one showed up on his doorstep as a preteen. He did even less acquiring with that one than with the others.
Bruce has a blast acting out his disappointment, and has to turn some so that he can no longer see Tim and Cass leaning against each other and laughing, because otherwise he’s going to start laughing.
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artcoloredpanda · 12 hours
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artcoloredpanda · 12 hours
remembering the scene in arrival when our linguist protagonist talks about how language is what separates humans from animals. and then a scientist she's talking to says hmm personally I think it's science that separates humans from animals. and I really wanted that scene to just keep going with experts from more fields weighing in on how their field of study is the most fundamental thing about humanity. just showing all their perspectives
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artcoloredpanda · 13 hours
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mlm = millipedes loving millipedes
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artcoloredpanda · 13 hours
I know it's no longer a novel observation how the entire internet is enshittified now but it's still shocking that so many of the things we depend on had such a sudden and marked decline in quality.
Google results are mostly ads. Facebook is 90% ads, 10% domestic terrorists. Twitter is... well, not Twitter and it's only good for Nazis to yell at each other in the hopes they make .0004 cents per tweet. Instagram is ads. TikTok is misinformation central. YouTube serves forty-seven ads per second of videos watched.
Every news article is behind a paywall, and some of them are just AI-text garbled from someone else's much better article, also behind a paywall.
AI art has made it impossible to find images you want. It's also exploded the use and potential use of misinformation. Your data is now being fed to generative AIs to make cheap slop that only makes information harder to find and source.
Everyone wants you using their app instead of a web browser so that you aren't allowed to block the 3,487 ads per page that have to load.
Amazon is full of fake or low-quality dupes of the things you actually want to buy. Netflix and other streaming services are raising prices, cutting available shows, and erasing the existence of shows in order to avoid paying writers. Art hosting sites such as DeviantArt allow your work to be scraped for NFTs and generative AI without your consent or any form of compensation. Spotify has demonetized over 80% of their tracks and pays the rest astoudingly low, worse than the other streaming services which also underpay.
Everything is a subscription service which means not only are you paying for the same product in perpetuity but you never technically own any tool you use and your right to use it can be revoked at any time. Everything has to be a "smart" product so when the business inevitably folds and/or the servers shut down, your product no longer works. Hope it's not something you need!
Every company no longer accepts phone calls but routes you through a series of automated messages until finally dumping you off to an overworked and underpaid person who has no power to help you. Speaking of phones, you can't use them for calls. There are so many robocallers and scams that no one in their right mind picks up the phone anymore. Texts are going the same way. No one wants to dig through 100 scam messages to find the one from the person they actually want to talk to.
It's all just the inevitable end result of capitalism. It doesn't have to be this way. But there needs to be regulation, and fast, or the "Dead Internet Theory" will no longer be a fringe theory.
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