artealanora · 2 years
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New Crow Time! It’s the Hound Knight. He’s a good boy!!!
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artealanora · 2 years
One thing that grates me is how so many Dragon Age players so often overlook Anders' compassion.
The healer mage who ran a free clinic in Darktown, providing free healthcare for refugees and the poor. He looked after them better than their own Chantry did, for seven years.
Anders took a Spirit of Justice into his body as an act of compassion. Justice needed a way to exist in the physical world after Kristoff's body was decaying, and Anders did it to help his friend. No matter what people say about the union itself or what they perceive it became, the act that started it was done out of solidarity and friendship.
Anders put himself in danger, risked his own life and security, to fight for the sake of all mages. He fought so that all mages would be able to live safely and love freely, not just for himself.
It would have been so easy for Anders to just up and leave and get his happily-ever-after riding into the sunset with Hawke and ignore all the mages suffering in the Gallows, but he couldn't. Because he cared, so strongly and so deeply, that other mages would not suffer as he did. There were some things bigger and more important than his personal happiness.
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artealanora · 2 years
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Don't worry if your life is in chaos, you are like the universe itself and its law of entropy. もの久保 on Pivix
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artealanora · 2 years
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artealanora · 2 years
Increasingly seeing posts by queer children and teens about how they've gotten kicked out for coming out to their parents and you can't convince me there's no coincidence btwn that and this very white American cisgay narrative of "coming out" and how it's the one thing that really proves you're LGBT but like babes..... we don't owe anyone that. Your identity is your business. Your safety is your primary concerns, especially as a minor and an 18/19 year old, is needing time in a stable(ish) living situation and to get a bit of financial freedom and also prepare adequately emotionally to deal with the consequences of outing yourself to your parents and/guardians. We live in a society. the outcome is overwhelmingly going to be negative and I hate that this idea is pushed soooo hard in tv shows and books geared towards child and teen LGBTs
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artealanora · 2 years
reblog this if your blog is a safe space on april fools and won’t have any jumpers, screamers, or anything scary or anxiety inducing
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artealanora · 2 years
15 OC Associations
Thank you for the tag @tea42​
Mi'sylnin Tabris
COLOUR: Silver and both deep navy blue and sky blue
MONTH: Guardian
SONG: On the Borderline | Thomas Sanders
SMELL: Ozone, mint, leathers, and weapon oils
SEASON: Winter
PLACE: In a wood somewhere or at home under the covers
FOOD: Baked potato soup and corned beef and cabbage
DRINK: Tea or hot cocoa 
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artealanora · 3 years
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A test for something more I hope ;)
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artealanora · 6 years
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The Hero of Fereldan and the False Herald / A Haircut
Lavellan always loved stories, but now they dread their own.
Mahariel looks at the Inquisitor—the former Inquisitor, this false herald that has shaken the skies with a gesture, and thinks that they are young. Young as two hunters she’d once known.
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artealanora · 6 years
The Star Wars Wiki says, “While C-3PO underwent a memory wipe, R2-D2 was allowed to preserve his memories.” And I am delighted, because 1) I was pretty sure this was the case, but couldn’t remember exactly (R2 is a conniving sneak and I was pretty sure it wouldn’t have worked even if anyone had been foolish enough to try), and 2) this means one of my favorite Star Wars headcanons is actually canon. 
It means that during that one scene in Empire Strikes Back, these two assholes know EXACTLY who the other one is.
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You are decorated war veterans, you absolute trolls. 
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artealanora · 6 years
if you’re a baby gay and this is your first pride, watch your drinks! men are trash across all sexualities
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artealanora · 7 years
Everything movies taught me about archery is wrong. This is a complete mind-blower. 8D
If you are even remotely interested in archery or medieval combat, check this out, it’s just great!
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artealanora · 7 years
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PERSONA 5 SPOILERS sorry this is actually exactly what happened
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artealanora · 7 years
Attention ALL artists!
You sure have seen this post. It has spread like wildfire over the past few days so I doubt there is any artist out there who hasn’t seen it. But even if you didn’t, you should read on because I’m about to tell you a handy little thing that can help you to protect your art from such assholes as the anon who submitted this bullcrap, as well as art thieves in general.
The magic word is Metadata.
Metadata is like an invisible signature that is embeded into a file. It can contain all kinds of information, like Title, date, keywords for online seach engines, and copyright information. And the best thing is, since this information is “hidden” in the code of your picture, it’s hard to remove it.
There is a nice basic tutorial on how to add Metadata, or “additional file information” to your images in photoshop. It’s really, really easy so check it out!
“Adding Your Contact And Copyright Info To Your Photos With Photoshop” on PhotoshopEssentials.com
I’m not sure if you can do the same with any other art program. If you know how to do this in other programs / can confirm that it works the same way there, please tell me so I can add the information to this post.
Adding the Metadata will not stop idiots from taking and reposting your art. It also won’t make them stop editing out your signature. It WILL however, help you prove that you are the original artist whenever you have to. Always remember my friends. You, the artist, are protected by law. No one has the right to take your intellectual property and hard work and repost, use or edit it without your permission. Ever.
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artealanora · 7 years
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Awanqi  -  https://awanqi.deviantart.com  -  https://www.instagram.com/aw.anqi  -  https://awanqi.tumblr.com  -  https://www.awanqi.com  -  https://twitter.com/awanqi  -  https://www.behance.net/awanqi  -  https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/awanqi  -  https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=4935512
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artealanora · 7 years
why does wiggly sword exist? What are they good for?
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Skill: Shows off the blacksmiths massive horse cock. In a time before modern machinery some crazy Germans and Swiss hammered beyond natural human limit. They probably did it as a meme then realised it was actually useful as a weapon. Sharpening a wavy blade would have been a nightmare.
Functional: Good for duelling sword vs sword. A traditional sword allows you to slide off an enemies blade if your swords clash, because the blade is straight. The waves in a flamberg blade creates vibrations which hurts the opponents hands, that doesn’t sound like much but it gives you an advantage. Very useful for parrying since the enemies sword will strike, then the blade gets stuck on your wavy blade or they pull away from the impact shock. Either way you will have an opening to attack. Also the waves cut much deeper similar to a serrated knife. If you got cut once by this blade, you would not be able to stitch your wound shut, you are pretty much sliced bread.Aesthetic: Someone challenges you to a duel, while they unsheathe their boring longsword, you unwrap your wiggly sword. They immediately apologize and run because you are rich enough to afford a wiggly sword and probably have multiple wenches giving you ankle parchments.
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artealanora · 7 years
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