artemis-rosier · 2 years
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Malfoy Family
One of the most prestigious and influential family of the Sacred Twenty-Eight and a pure-blood elitist
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artemis-rosier · 2 years
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⚜️The dark green house ⚜️
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artemis-rosier · 3 years
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Slytherin Elites
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artemis-rosier · 3 years
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Ernie Macmillan finally had the courage to ask Artemis Rosier to the Yule Ball.
She was only sitting on a bench underneath the tree in the courtyard, when Ernie approached her looking a bit more nervous than usual. She was waiting for Pansy and Draco, who's annoyingly taking too long to meet her. She looked up from her potions book and paid attention towards Ernie's direction. She greeted him with a smile, while he grinned and winked at her. He cleared his throat and straightened his uniform before finally blurting out words that one can only understand as a yule ball proposal with an emerald ring provided for show. Students have started to gather around them as they wait for Artemis' reply; whether it was for adoration or jealousy. She was taken aback by the sudden gesture and attention it gained but nevertheless chuckled and smiled, agreeing to Ernie's proposal.
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artemis-rosier · 4 years
Give me Artemis Rosier placing a cup of hot tea on his bedside table, for Draco to take before going to bed to calm his nerves and lessen his anxiety.
Give me Sixth year Slytherins helping Draco in subtle ways
Give me Pansy Parkinson starting rumors about other students to take attention from Draco, so people are too busy talking about other things to notice how sick he looks
Give me Blaise Zabini always doing his prefect rounds near Myrtle’s bathroom, to keep other Prefects away in case Draco’s in there
Give me Theodore Nott finishing Draco’s homework for him when Draco is too stressed/busy to do it himself
Give me Vincent Crabbe casting silencing charms on Draco’s bed at night, in case he forgets and wakes up screaming
Give me Gregory Goyle taking food from the Great Hall and giving it to Draco in the Room of Requirement when Draco is too busy to eat
Give me Slytherins who know not to ask what Draco’s task is, because they know he can’t tell. Give me Slytherins who don’t comment on Draco’s long silences.
Give me Slytherins subtly helping Draco in Sixth year
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artemis-rosier · 4 years
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artemis-rosier · 4 years
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Slytherin Aesthetics:: Elegance
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artemis-rosier · 4 years
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the power to make people fear you is the only power you need
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artemis-rosier · 4 years
Artemis Victoria Rosier
Descendant of Evan Rosier and Emma Rosier, née Vanity, niece of Felix Rosier
Orphaned after the untimely death of her parents during the First Wizarding War.
Raised by the Malfoy family alongside her paternal cousin and Malfoy heir, Draco Malfoy.
Groomed and treated as the first daughter of Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy, née Black.
A kind hearted Slytherin with a fierce soul.
Uses her high status to promote House Unity together with Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood and Susan Bones.
Best friend to Pansy Parkinson and Daphne Greengrass.
Has a soft spot for Hufflepuffs especially to Ernie Macmillan.
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artemis-rosier · 4 years
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* . ✧ S L Y T H E R I N ✧ . * ☇ main traits.
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artemis-rosier · 6 years
Slytherin is a tricky house. They in some ways are “The Establishment.” The preppy old money kids. But that is not necessarily a bad thing. Sure a lot of preppy posh kids are racist assholes, but a lot of them are very nice awesome people. Slytherins value ambition, cunning, cleverness, and confidence. Like Ravenclaws they think before they act but while a Ravenclaw might overthink or get lost in the philosophy, a Slytherin is able to get out of their own way. What I love about Slytherin is they always want to know how something will affect them or how they can use said thing to their advantage. They are fast thinkers that have the ability to turn a negative situation into a positive. They make brilliant politicians, teachers, and leaders. They also are great at manipulation and strategy which is why people like Umbridge and Voldemort could seize power so fast. Slytherins are ambitious but where as Gryffindors are competitive for the sake of bragging rights, Slytherins care more about what they are winning and why. Slytherin is what you get when you mix Ravenclaw with Gryffindor. They are self confident and charming. Slytherins aren’t afraid to break the rules for either personal gain, or because the rule was stupid. Slytherins tend to be very capable and talented individuals which is why they can get drawn to the dark arts. There’s undeniably a desire to be suave and cool. Slytherins can be very loyal amongst themselves. Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco were inseparable, and say what you will about Narcissa and Snape but they were both willing to die for Draco, and both lied to Voldemort’s face. I think the best example of a Slytherin though is actually Horace Slughorn. He’s very capable and clever despite appearances, he values his self preservation, and he has lots of flaws and regrets, but at the end of the day he is a good person. Despite his selfish desires, I do believe he truly cared for Harry and the students of Hogwarts, and he battled Voldemort and his followers at the Battle of Hogwarts instead of running away as you might expect. Slytherins can be unpredictable wild cards. They tend to do what they please and often act according to their temperament at a given time. They can be mischievous and love pranks and dark humor. Slytherins can be very proud of their house, heritage, and pure blood status and whether that is a good or bad thing is a matter of opinion. It’s a bit like the royal family. Some people love them and think it’s great, and others think it’s a remaining symbol of imperialism and repression. One of the best reasons to befriend a Slytherin is their resourcefulness. They have an uncanny ability to get out of sticky situations, to make money fast, and to come up with brilliant plans. They view morality and laws as a grey area and malleable which is very useful because the real world isn’t black and white. Jack Sparrow is definitely a Slytherin.
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