artenzyy-blog · 4 years
My last blog for my entrep journey, So it’s all about my learning in this journey. I learned that you should Tell your startup story, Stay focused, doing the things that don’t scale and pitching. In startup you should do things that don’t scale. A lot of would-be founders believe that startups either take off or don't. You build something, make it available, and if you've made a better mousetrap, people beat a path to your door as promised. Or they don't, in which case the market must not exist. Actually startups take off because the founders make them take off. There may be a handful that just grew by themselves, but usually it takes some sort of push to get them going. A good metaphor would be the cranks that car engines had before they got electric starters. Once the engine was going, it would keep going, but there was a separate and laborious process to get it going. You should keep your startup pitch simple. Perhaps the single most important thing to remember when pitching your startup is that investors are inundated with investment proposals. Manage the timing of your startup pitch, Optimizing the time you’re given to present your business pitch is critical. Little else frustrates investors more than a pitch that goes too long; at the same time, you don’t want to waste the time you have by running short.
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artenzyy-blog · 4 years
In the first lecture it talks about start up, so start is an early stage businesses and has level of uncertainly behind it. It refers to a company in the first stages of operations. Startups are founded by one or more entrepreneurs who want to develop a product or service for which they believe there is demand. Start up stops becoming a startup when the founder stop operating and it’s when the product idea has been sold. It’s called an exit. In the second lecture the speaker shared about his startup journey in ehatid store. Fire starter is an incubation program and it’s the heart of cdo bites. Fire starter aims to aid startups ideas toward creating investment. “ chase the vision not the money, the money will end up following you”- Tony Hsieh.
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artenzyy-blog · 4 years
My journey as an entrepreneur. In this blog, I’ll share about my experience and learning as an entrepreneur. Before, my team decided to brainstorm ideas and have come up with a final decision regarding our project. Our group have a come up with a topic about a nuclear power plant in our project proposal. we had been required to make an empathy map in which we are going to empathize with our target respondents. As a result, we formulated different sides of our past questions. It's been more concise and clear. Through this empathy map, it helps us to understand, empathize and synthesize our observations from the research phase, and it helped us in return since we have now a clear vision on how to adress the problem in hand. Interviewing some people is a very memorable experience, it is a big help to our proposal. Thanks to entrepreneurial journey because I experienced and learned this new opportunities that can apply in our real life.so that’s all guys. Stay safe always God bless you 😇
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artenzyy-blog · 4 years
As corona virus pandemic has stretched around the world, it has affected us in some ways we have not expected. Struggles like trying to cope up with what is happening in the world.
As a team, we decided to brainstorm our ideas and have come up with a final decision regarding our project. Our group have a come up with a topic about a nuclear power plant in our project proposal. We choose this topic because it has a big impact in our environment Specifically in sustaining better electricity.
Our group formulated a question about our topic and we decided to interview a stranger individually and record it. So I interviewed 2 persons name jerry Castro and froilan butchok. The questions are :
1. What comes in mind if someone opens up about nuclear energy?
2. Do you consider nuclear energy as a threat to human life? If yes, then why?
3. Knowing the fukushima daiichi accident, would you still allow nuclear power plants to operate in your country or near you?
Froilan butchok
Q1. Nuclear Energy is a source of a Cheap and Clean energy.
Q2. Do you consider nuclear energy as a threat to human life?
No, for me it is a reliable alternative source of energy if it is handled properly.
Q3. Knowing the fukushima daiichi accident, would you still allow nuclear power plants to operate in your country or near you?
yes, given by the fact that it is much safer than fossil fuels.
Jerry Castro
Q1. First thing comes to my mind when someone open up a topic about nuclear energy is that it's so fascinating because as we all know nuclear energy is a very powerful energy which can be use for any related purposes such as electrification.
Q2. Nuclear energy for me is also a threat for human life when it is not handled properly because of its huge amount of energy it can be a distructive weapon to end up whole human existence.
Q3. Yes, I will allow a nuclear power plant here in my country because it's a great opportunity for having a nuclear power plant it can be use for anything.
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artenzyy-blog · 4 years
Being a young entrepreneur plays a huge part in the business world. As one of the young entrepreneurs I have learned a lot of things, one of my major learning is how to manage my time. We all know that time is everything, you can’t waste time and time won’t wait for you and that starting your own business little by little is okay because slow progress is still a progress. In starting up a business patience also plays a big role,we cannot just jump into major things directly it’s a step by step process. Taking risk is also a must in the business world we should put in mind that there is always a risk in everything and it’s not only a win-win situation you would encounter but also failed attempts. Be open-minded, there will always be criticisms from the people that don’t know you and worse is from the people that matters to you the most the thing you got to do to deal with situation like this is to take it in, accept their opinions but don’t ever let it affect you and make those criticisms something that would make your business better. Be ready, anything could happen, it could be for the better or worse just bare in mind that failures are always part of the contract, it’s just a matter of how you respond with it.
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