arthurjflamel · 9 months
object 020 : ARC research centre
research orders: due to the all the possible information within object 020 and its relationship with the so-called A.M.T.F, object 020 is at the highest research priority, all notes and manuscripts are to be photographed and seized for investigation
description: object its a research which can be located via placing object 007 near the exit of object 014 (which is catalogued as an 007-014/3 event) doing the following will result in a gateway being opened towards the storage area in the facility (refer to image #1), this first room consist of some shelving, a staircase leading to a second floor, and a backdoor leading to what appears to be a testing chamber, the stairs lead to a second floor, wich has some rubble (refer to image #2) and leads to an main office, this office contains notes wich pertain various instances of known and newly catalogued anomalies,the folowing is a transcrip of these notes
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image seems to show the area near the lake in the main area of the map, the "ritual" that seems to be performed in it is of unknown purpose, replicating it without putting the sphere in causes no discernible effect, putting the sphere (which can be grabbed from the first developer room near the dark room) on top of the sigil as the image shows also doesn't seem to cause any discernible effects, dropping the sphere into the sigil however causes an explosion which disintegrates all parts of the sigil
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image two, and also the last image within the lot, shows someone with a gas mask, suposedly taking a "selfie" inside the mirror room, the person seems to be holding a crowbar, nothing else is known about them
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this image, though inconclusive, confirms that the ARC, whoever they are, knows of the existence of mingebags at the very least, these and other notes also seem to refer to research on the white and dark rooms, as to the nature of this research, i would not know
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this note also refers to the white room, more importantly it seems to imply that the white room that is currently in the map, is not the real white room, or at least not the white room in its "natural" state, neither them nor me seem to know how to revert this process as of yet
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this note also implies something, that being that the outpost in wich these notes can be found, its probably not the first attempt by the ARC to establish a permanent headquarters within the anomaly, and that whatever this first base was, it has been lost somehow and is now "unidirectional", wich implies its still there, just not somewhere you can leave afterwards
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until now ive displayed the notes in a way that isnt exactly arranged really "orderly", however all the notes below this one are complete nonsense wich i consider can only be explained by this
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no comment
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this note probably refers to image #7, wich explains the existence of it at least
within the first floor there are two (refer to images #3 and #4, respectively) places marked down, the first , denominated object 020-2 is made with red crayon and is labelled as 019, going inside this marked area, one is set for an undetermined amount of time , the second is marked with yellow neon lines, it doesn't appear to have any anomalous behaviour to it within the first floor there are two (refer to images #3 and #4, respectively) places marked down, the first , denominated object 020-2 is made with red crayon and is labelled as 019, going inside this marked area, one is set for an undetermined amount of time , the second is marked with yellow neon lines, it doesn't appear to have any anomalous behaviour to it
in the backdoor inside the first floor is a kind of chamber(refer to image #5), this mechanism is inoperable, there are desks filled with monitors and computers,these are also inoperable, beside the chamber is an instance of object 014-1 (refer to image #6)
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an 007-014/3 event creating a gateway to object 020
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rubble in the second floor of object 020
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the inert instance of object 020-2
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anomalous instance of object 020-2
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closet in the first floor of object 020
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instance of object 014-1 in the first floor of object 020
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rubble beside the main room in the complex
author notes: so, according to Tumblr this blog is now a year old, so I finally decided to revamp these articles and come back to this, unfortunately I forgot formatting, sorry PS: thanks for waiting if you were waiting, take this as confirmation I'm alive if you were wondering, id also like to clear up this is not fully made up by me, this is basically just me stumbling around a very weird gmod arg which i refuse to look up a guide to, all ive added is the descriptions and the lore i haven't fully added yet but will be put in there sometime later PSPS: id also like to ask for a bit of feedback on my writing, if you havent noticed already, its quite crude, i struggle a bit between writing in the style often used by scp articles and a more personal more "diary like" style wich though comes more easily for me to make, it really does not fit in what these articles are meant to be, sorry
0 notes
arthurjflamel · 9 months
object 007 : curse detector
research orders: bring object 007 to known anomaly present areas and take notes on it
description: item 007 is a standard orange road cone with an LED-style lightbulb on top of it , initially located in the north-western area of the anomaly, using external object 2207 it can be found out that its named “gm13_sent_curse_detector” , when object 007 is taken near an existing anomaly ,object 007's light will begin to flicker and glow, until now, the reason for both its functioning and appearance is unknown
experiment 007-001:when brought near object 001-1, object 007's light glowed white, when approached further near object 001-1, it disappeared in a manner already catalogued
experiment 007-005:when object 007 was brought near to object 005-2, it glowed white, no abnormal behaviour found
experiment 007-009:due to the nature of object 007 as a physical prop and its refusal to be duplicated using the tool gun, along with object 009 only being accessible trough noclip, an interaction between object 007 and object 009 has not been possible
experiment 007-011:when taking object 007 near object 011-1, its light began to flicker white, when taking object 007 to the exit of object 011-1, object 007 began to flicker blue and showed a neatly organised room, stocked well, and featuring a staircase to an upper room, when trying to enter this room, one is teleported to the other side of the wall, no other “special interaction” has been recorded within object 011-1
EXPERIMENT NOTES: entering this new room is now possible, it has been designated object 020 and will be researched in the same manner as other objects
experiment 007-014: when brought near an instance of object 014-2, object 007 glowed white, if an instance of object 014-1 is near to object 007, similar results appear, no special interaction has been found
experiment 007-016: when brought near an instance of object 016-1 located near object 005-2, it glowed white, no other abnormal behaviour found
experiment 007-020: object 007 appears to be the only way to access object 020-1, therefore, its also required to maintain the stability of object 020-1
experiment 007-021: when an instance of object 021-1 gets near object 007, object 007 starts to glow red and shoot "energy beams" of the same colour towards the instance closer to it, note that instances of object 021-1 seem to be "scared" of object 007
when object 007 is deleted and respawned a sufficient amount of times, object 007's light will reappear below the main prop(refer to image #3), this is catalogued as an 007-3 event, during this, the gateway for object 020 is unopenable
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object 007 in its appearing location and default state
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object 007 glowing near an instance of object 014-2
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object 007 during an 007-3 event
0 notes