artibun · 4 years
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artibun · 4 years
This is my favorite thing in all of Tumblr
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dress-up todoroki ft. deku, bakugo, yaomomo, ochako, iida, and denki!!! ✨✨
who did the best?? and i know a lot of them are ooc 😭,,this took a while to do but i finished!!!
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artibun · 4 years
Reblog the writers’ fortune cookie for luck!
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artibun · 4 years
Round 2~Nanako Yuu vs. Senshi Yasashii!
         Her family was expecting good results from Yuu at the hero school, no matter how good she was, her father and sister would keep having higher expectations, especially her father, his expectations were a bit too high, at least her sister wasn’t as stern as him. Yuu was very grateful that her mother’s only expectations was that she was passing all tests and doing well, instead of expecting Yuu to be perfect. Well, she had to satisfy the rest of her family too, she needed to win every exercise. She knew she couldn’t do that, but she’d try.  
         Gladly, Yuu was confident this round. She had to find and grab an orb in the middle of a field that looked like a city, and pass the limits holding it. She needed speed and a clear view of the place. She had that covered, for sure! Not only she could fly, but she could do it fast. She was going to compete with Senshi Yasashii for the orb, their field was overlapping with Takakutou Shakou on Yuu’s side and Fujinuma Ozen on Senshi’s. It was Yuu’s chance to prove she was worthy! She got this! Yuu knew her opponent was quirkless, but she also knew she shouldn’t underestimate them.
         Currently, she was getting ready to fly as soon as everything began. Then it was announced the start of the round. Yuu immediately set flight as fast as she could and went up very high. Then, she started flying towards the middle of the field, as the students knew it was in the area. First, she started searching at the top of rooftops; it didn’t take much time as that was the easiest part to see. Then, she settled for searching the ground, still flying to get a better view, and she was faster that way.
         It took some time, but she decided it was inside a building. She was going to try and look through the windows instead of entering each building first, until she saw Senshi jumping through rooftops and looking through windows. She had to be faster, win this, Yuu. So Nanako decided to ignore them and keep looking, as they weren’t giving her trouble yet. She wasn’t going to attack them without a reason, she couldn’t possibly try to hurt someone because she simply saw them. So the butterfly continued her flying, moving her head to look at windows on both her sides, though she had to move along with her head, as the buildings weren’t that close. The downs of the possibility of having orbs inside buildings was the fact that she had to check every window of every apartment of every floor.
         Then, she spotted Yasashii on a rooftop again, they noticed her and started going faster, they were running in their goal’s direction… To make sure Senshi was doing what she thought they were doing, she decided to, flying in their direction, search for any signs of the orb. They were running as fast as they could, but Yuu wasn’t too far behind. Then, she saw it. There was something on their pocket that wasn’t there before, something big enough to be the orb. ‘Alright, this time you have a reason, it’s okay.’ She thought before speeding up and tackling the opponent. They rolled and almost fell off the building, but Yuu, holding on to them flew back to the middle of the rooftop they almost fell from.
         Senshi looked a little nervous, they were probably trying not to be seen, well, now she has to get the orb and- they were running again. It seems they didn’t notice that when Yuu tackled them, the orb fell from their pocket right before they almost fell, and it was the orb’s turn to fall, only to be caught by Yuu when it had just started falling. ‘Huh, lucky me I guess.’ Then, she started fastly flying towards her goal. 
         Senshi noticed she hadn’t chased after them and looked back, only to see Yuu flying in the opposite direction while holding something. Then, they checked their pocket. ‘Oh no.’ And started heading in her direction, she was too fast when flying, but they shouldn’t lose hope.
         Almost there! Yuu decided to quickly look around, and noticed Takakutou running and looking very pissed. ‘Maybe she needs help? No, she has the radio, she can just ask for it.’ Realizing Yuu had stopped flying when she started to look at the girl, she quickly looked back only to see Senshi almost catching up. So she went back to flying, fast, get to the goal and win this. She could feel them right behind her, they took hold of one of her hands- too late. She was exactly where she needed to be to end all of this. “Eeeeeee I won!” She exclaimed. “Oh, but you were super good too!” She decided to add. She got a ‘thanks, you were very good too!’ or something like that as a reply, she was a little excited so she didn’t pay too much attention.
       A teacher came to tell them the round had ended. Well, at least for these two.
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artibun · 4 years
This is my bonus round!! Yuu may be a little obsessed with orange, glad she can bake!! (And cook too)
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artibun · 4 years
Reblog if you're gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, transgender or a supporter.
This should be reblogged by everyone. Even if you’re straight, you should be a supporter.
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artibun · 4 years
Round 1: Nanako Yuu vs. Kemuri Moya.
     It was their first day of school and Nanako already had to fight? She didn’t mind it that much, she was going to prove herself. Yuu was worthy of being a hero and she knew it!
     The pairs and ther order was announced, Yuu would have to wait some time for her match. She was paired up with Kemuri Moya, who’s that? Nanako decided it was best to just watch everyone fight and learn about the others, even though she’d forget everything in less then a minute.
     After quite some time, it was her turn. The first thing that a Yuu noticed was that Kemuri wore a mask, I wonder why. Well, that didn’t matter at the moment, all she knew was that she was going to win, no matter what.
     They stepped inside the field and heard one of the teachers scream “Start!” The match had begun. Yuu immediatly flew up, just as Moya sent a cloud to the spot she had just left from. A cloud quirk? How does it work?
     She was caught in the middle of her thoughts as another cloud was sent in her direction. She dodged as quickly as she could nearly getting hit, but the guy started sending various clouds her way, some of them were made out of water, the ones which she most needed to evade. Yuu flied higher as the clouds followed her.
     Then, she started to fly above Moya, and before he could react, she dropped down pretty fast. Kemuri thought she was going to attack him and prepared to dodge. Suddenly Nanako stopped, right above Moya as he stared at her. He was about to lauch a cloud when gold dust fell on his eyes. Damaging his vision.
     How will he send clouds at me without knowing where I am? She flied right behind her opponent and grabbed the collar of his uniform with he four arms. She turned around and threw Moya out of the field, already with his sight back.
     “Nanako Yuu wins! Next pair please step inside the field.” Yuu exited said place and went to talk to Moya. “That was quick, but a great match! Those clouds were fast! Your quirk seems interesting!” The butterfly said, pretty cheerful.
     “Thanks, it really was a good match.” The pair walked back to where the rest of their classmates were so they could watch the other fights. It was too short, Yuu could have done better, but it’s good for now.
Yo @taiyuu-high-oct it’s here! I’m not the best at writing fighting scenes though.
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artibun · 4 years
Oop, can't lose an opportunity
Happiness Will Come To You.
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artibun · 5 years
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Meet my new villain OC! What should I name her?
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artibun · 5 years
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Yuu’s sister, Nanako Rika! Villain OC.
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artibun · 5 years
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Main OC (also a bnha one XD) Nanako Yuu! . . . . . . . #bnhaoc #art #drawing #butterfly https://www.instagram.com/p/B9UwzJEl6u2/?igshid=1kt7g7os7ek1w
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artibun · 5 years
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Bnha OC, Sakurawa Azumi! https://www.instagram.com/p/B9UwTwzlyZe/?igshid=1l3x3ey8jyisc
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artibun · 5 years
The entrance exam. For: @taiyuu-high-oct
     Nanako woke up to her alarm blasting Nightmare by Halsey.  She rubbed her eyes shaking off the sleepiness and immediately thought, “Oooooooh, it’s today!”
     By “today”, she meant the day of the entrance exam. Yuu applied to join Taiyuu High. She’d be hoping the entrance exam would be kind of fun. But she won’t know until it starts. She jumped out of bed and quickly put on her gym clothes.
Nanako went down the stairs to the kitchen and realized her mother wasn’t there to wish her luck... Well! Can’t depend on her forever, right? Yuu walked to the counter and grabbed some ingredients from the cabinets. Then, she proceeded to make pancakes. When the butterfly finished them, she placed her breakfast on the table and quickly ate the food.
Then, Nanako went up the stairs and to her bathroom. She brushed her teeth and “transformed”, as her friend says, her hair into pigtails. Soon enough she was ready to leave.
Yuu opened the front door of her house, leaving, when she saw Kiara, her best friend. The girl looked exhausted, “did she come all the way here running?”. Kiara’s house is far from Nanako’s, but close enough that they can go to each other’s place by foot.
—I came to wish you good luck!— Yuu couldn’t be happier, if it wasn’t her mom, it had to be her ginger best friend.
—Thank you so so much, mom couldn’t stay a little while before work to give me good luck, but yours makes up for it.
They hugged, and Kiara said she would accompany Yuu to the place as far as she could. After all, there is a reason she is Nanako’s best friend. They started to walk in the direction of the train station. As they got there, they almost didn’t have to wait, the train didn’t take long...
Kiara wished Nanako good luck again as she waved goodbye, she couldn’t enter the boat with Yuu since she didn’t want to be a hero and didn’t apply to the school. Thank goodness Yuu doesn’t have motion sickness, because the boat didn’t shake all that much but it also wasn’t the calmest. And to add, she saw some people vomiting, ew. When they got to land, she didn’t wait in the line to get off the boat, she just flew above people, knowing it wouldn’t cause anyone trouble.
As everyone finished exiting the boat, most people where in a big room with a lot of chairs that were turned to face a table with one person sitting behind it. He waited for everyone to seat down so he could start talking.
—Hello everyone...— the man said.— I’m Buckskin, the vice-principal. Lacca-Daisy, your principal was just a little... l-late...
—HELLO! I’M LACCA-DAISY!—said a woman who wasn’t there before. So she’s the principal?— Today you guys will be running an obstacle course!
Great! Nanako’s quirk would be of great use since she can fly. But she’ll probably have to rescue civilians and defeat villains... She can do that! “Well, just gotta do my best and I’m sure I’ll pass it!”. She stopped thinking so she could hear what it’s all about.
—You will compete in a race where quirks are allowed, of course! You can get in each other’s way but no harming anyone, that’s not heroic!—Lacca-Daisy continues.
—W-we will not tell you exactly what the obstacles are but... there are robots and you will need to rescue civilians.— Buckskin adds.
So Nanako was right! Robots and rescues. Okay, gotta focus. The students are told to go to a certain area in the island where the course would occur. Everyone set in front of the giant open gates. Almost everyone stretched as much as they could before they heard a “GO GO GO GO” from the principal. Some people didn’t run because they were confused as to why there wasn’t a countdown. Buts as soon as they saw the students who got it, including Nanako, they also started to run.
She went flying above everyone as she saw the first obstacle, there was heavy rain pouring from somewhere high and the ground was flooded. Nanako was at disadvantage because it was hard to fly with that much water, but she had to try. She flied with difficulty to the middle of the obstacle before she fell. It was hard to get up so she used her four arms to crawl, which was rather efficient. Up next there were many unstable buildings.
Yuu looked around to find civilian robots shaking and screaming for help. She quickly shaken of some water from her wings and ran to them. Three civilians. She asked if they were okay, they gave her a thumbs up and she grabbed them all in her arms. Advantage of having four. Nanako was turning to look for the safe zone when she heard debris start to fall behind them. Spotting the place, she flew before the collapsing building could hurt anyone. She sit them down and saw some of the examinees resting a little, but she had no time for that. She went looking for more civilians, saving a total of four (not counting the first three). That’s when the attack robots were sent in. She had to come up with a plan. Oh! She fastly thought of a simple one.
Yuu flew behind the back of a robot looking for the opening to the cords. She found it was a small circle on it’s neck. The butterfly punched it, making the front of the robot explode. “Oh, I didn’t think about the outcome, thank goodness it only explodes to the front!” She would regret that thought later. She did that with six robots and rescued more civilians. Nanako then, tried to do the same thing with another robot but it noticed her and hit her. “Well, I’m surprised it took me this much to get injured” the golden eyed girl thought. When the robot got distracted, she tried again and succeeded. Yuu did this with her last robot but it exploded on it’s back, sending Yuu flying away a little more injured. “That should be my last one, gotta continue.
Nanako ran and spotted the finish line, but the last obstacle was in front of it. The examinees had to show their athleticism by copying the poses or actions on the images. Easy. Yuu did a cartwheel followed by a flip. Then she stopped on her feet and grabbed one of them to her head still standing up. The easiest but most fun obstacle for her. As she crossed the finishing line, she saw only seven people were there. Hopefully, she passed.
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artibun · 5 years
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For: @taiyuu-high-oct
Name: Nanako Yuu
Background: Ever since she was young, she almost never saw her father, he was really busy at work. When Nanako got her quirk, she was bullied a lot because of her appearance (she had a larva’s lower part of the body) and because she was weak. Because of her father, Nanako’s family is rich, and they go to many balls. In these balls there is always someone creepy, at least three times people tried to negotiate ripping and selling her wings. They were a little rare because of their golden color that matched Yuu’s eyes. But one time, someone tore one of her wings and it took a lot of time to recover. Ever since then, she wanted to be a hero so no one would suffer anything close to what she did.
Quirk: Golden Butterfly
+can fly
+a little stronger than a person with two arms
+flies really fast.
-her wings are sensible
-can’t fly on really cold places (so her hero suit has a little warmer fabric)
-when she overuses her quirk, she needs to eat fruits or polen.
Power: 3/5
Speed: 5/5
Technique: 4/5
Intelligence: 4/5
Cooperativeness: 5/5
+helps studying even if not asked to
+ often pretty cheerful (the drawing is a rare image)
+loves making friends
+if pretty fond of music
-has TERRIBLE mood swings
-if she’s mad, she’ll do her best to kick your a*s
-over dramatic
-is not a bad person but likes gossip or secrets
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artibun · 5 years
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artibun · 5 years
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Made some time ago to be my pfp for Instagram.
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artibun · 5 years
Behold the Duck!
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