French spelling rules - The Plural
Okay so, I was going through my old school stuffs and I found an interesting paper about some spelling rules from back when I was still learning how to write (I’m french btw), so I thought why not sharing it? I remember we had to learn those lists by heart and recite them the next day (and I hated it) 
#0: most nouns and adjectives take a <s> in the plural
#1: Nouns in <eu> and <au> take a <x> except for 6 words which take a <s>: des bleus (bruises), des émeus, des lieus (fish), des pneus, des laudaus, des sarraus
#2: Nouns in <ail> take a <s> except for 7 words which end in <aux>: un bail/des baux; un corai/des coraux; un émail/des émaux; un soupirail/des soupiraux; un travail/des travaux; un vantail/des vantaux; un vitrail/des vitraux + completely irregular: un ail/des aulx
#3: Nouns in <al> end in <aux> except for 9 words which take a <s>: des bals, des cals, des carnavals, des cérémonials, des chacals, des festivals, des mistrals, des récitals, des régals + un idéal, des idéals or des idéaux (both work)
#4: Adjectives in <al> end in <aux> except for 7 words which take a <s>: banals, bancals, fatals, natals, navals, finals, glacials
#5: Nouns in <ou> take a <s> except for 7 words which take a <x>: bijoux, cailloux, choux, genoux, hiboux, joujoux, poux
#6: Words ending in <s>, <x> and <z> do not change in the plural: une souris/des souris, une perdrix/des perdrix, un nez/des nez
#7: Adjectives indicating the colour of a fruit (marron), a flower (moutarde), a stone (ocre) do not change in the plural except for 6 words: roses, écarlates, fauves, incarnats, mauves, pourpres + colours in two words: bleu ciel, vert foncé
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Verbs that take Prepositions
3/17/2017 …. maybe I should start doing the date the French way. 17/3/2017
The following verbs take either “à” or “de” as the proceeding prepositions in most (but not all) cases.
“À” verbs:
Aider - to help
S’amuser - to enjoy oneself/have fun
Apprendre - to learn
Commencer - to start
Consister - to consister
Continuer - to continue
Se décider - to make up one’s mind/decide
Encourager - to encourage
Enseigner - to teach
S’habituer - to get used to
Se mettre - to begin
Persister - to persist
Renoncer - renounce
Réussir - to succeed
Servir - to serve
Songer - to think about
J’ai continué à enseigner. - I continued to teach.
Nous aidons notre mère à faire le ménage. - We are helping our mom clean.
“De” verbs:
S’arrêter - to stop/end
Décider - to decide (se décider uses “à” while décider uses “de”)
Se dépêcher - to hurry up
Empêcher - to prevent
Essayer - to try
Mériter - to deserve
S’occuper - to take care of
Oublier - to forget
Parler - to talk (*can also take “à” when talking to someone)
Persuader - to persuade
Promettre - to promise
Refuser - to refuse
Regretter - to regret
Rêver - to dream
Se souvenir - to remember
Venir - to come/to just do something
J’essaie de me dépêcher - I’m trying to hurry.
Ils rêvent d’argent. - He dreams of money.
Bonne journée!
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I found this here
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Bonne journée !
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Moana vocabulary in French!
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L’île - the island
La mer - the sea
Les vagues - the waves
Le récif - the reef
Les habitants de l’île - islanders
Le guerrier/ la guerrière – warrior
Demi-dieu - demigod
La noix de coco - coconut
Le bateau - boat
Le canoë - canoe
Le Cœur - heart
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How To Create a Self-Study Schedule Part II: Casual Studying
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Hello polyglots! I apologize for the lateness of this post! As you know I posted about how to create a study schedule if you are studying a language(s) intensively. Now I’m going to talk about how to study one language or multiple languages casually.
First, I need to define what casual studying even means. Studying casually means that you are foregoing certain aspects of language study in order to maintain a slow and low commitment pace. For example, say you’re learning French casually. Instead of psycho crazy grammar schedules filled with practicing grammar and vocab over and over, and quizzing yourself every day until your brain turns to pulp, you opt for a simple audio lesson every day for 15 minutes after you come home from work or school. Easy right? Yes! That’s the goal. With casual studying your schedule is freed up for other things. In addition, casual studying gives you the leisure to take your time to learn things deeply and thoroughly. Casual studying, however, implies that you are not studying so much for full fluency but for practical, everyday usage. So casual learners care a little less about learning the specifics about complicated grammar but instead want to learn how to use it in conversation by learning dialogues and repeating phrases. So how do you create a casual study schedule? Here’s what you’ll need to get started.
Keep reading
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hottest language learning tip
write a diary
just write a diary, it has helped me sooo much and i dare say it has been the most developing thing i’ve done while learning french, nothing else compares
1. you’re exposed to the language daily
2. you quickly see which words are missing from your vocabulary
3. you learn to write about the things you think about a lot
4. learning to actually think in your target language
5. having to look up words and when reading the entry back a couple of days later you can’t even remember which words you didn’t know
6. going back to the earlier entries and seeing all the mistakes and knowing how much better you’ve become
7. when you’ve been writing for a few months and your target language becomes a natural way for expressing yourself
8. when you’ve been writing for a few months and you start seeing the diary writing as a way of self-expression and stressrelief, and the language learning aspect becomes natural and secondary
9. filling out a whole book using only your target language and physically seeing how much you’ve accomplished
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Hey! - Without the beard I think you’d look better
And you’d be more intelligent keeping your opinion to yourself when nobody asks for it
Thanks for the submission!
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Jules Coignet (1798 - 1860) - Lucca, Italy. 1825. Oil on paper laid on canvas.
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« Vous êtes bon, vous êtes intelligent, mais il vous manque, voyez-vous, ce je ne sais quoi, comment dire, l’élan. Ah ! prendre son élan, à faire tourner la tête au diable… »
Anton Tchekhov, Ivanov (Иванов) (Acte I, Scène 2)
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You’re safe.
There’s nothing chasing you. There won’t be a face in the window. Nothing is following you up the stairs. Nothing is under your bed. You can throw your legs over your bed, you can have your arm over the side of the bed, because nothing is out to get you. I promise. I’m here to protect you. I’ll kick its ass.
You’re safe.
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0 4 / 1 1 / 1 7- i n s t a
I’m sorry I haven’t been around much lately. Things have been kind of hectic now that I’m back at college. 
Here’s a little photo of some things I’ve done this week. I know it’s all a bit random but oh well?
I hope you’re doing okay x
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🍃🌙 ° plant update!
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random vocab #1
지진: earthquake 지진이 나다: to have an earthquake occur 흔들리다: shake, quake 무너지다: collapse, crumble, cave in 피해: damage, harm 심각하다: serious, severe 체육관: gymnasium 대피소: shelter, refuge 건물: building, structure 부수다: break, destroy 오픈공간: open space 
I heard from a friend that there was an earthquake in Pohang today. Thankfully there were no casualties but Korea’s national college entrance exam 대학수학능력시험 (수능 for short) got delayed by a week. A good number of students still have to study for this exam even though this happened which I find very admirable but also ridiculous since an earthquake literally happened.
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