Lighthouses In The Sky
Drumming and tapping her fingers against the cool silvery rusted chain of the swing while rocking back and forth, she stared at the sky with only a couple of thoughts crossing her mind as the sun slowly went down, fading the sky and painting in colors, showcasing the change from day to night. No stars to behold as of yet, for it was just soon either way but she knew what she’d see. The twinkling lights and occasional streaks of light flying through the sky were something that she often mused over, stared at. She remembered her first question to this was were those lighthouses in the sky? The flickering of those lights was like a dazzling lighthouse on display, pleading for help. Maybe it was some kind of metaphor to something of herself, she wasn’t quite sure, she just knew what her brain liked to spurt ideas of, conventional or not. 
Nepeta Leijon often spent her nights either gazing and just looking for a few moments with fascination, painting the night away, or sleeping like most. Lately she’d been sleep more as of late than not, and pushed herself higher on the swing, chills going down her spine despite being quite comfortable. She waited a few moments with a clear mind as she pursed her lips. She hummed to herself, the silence had gotten to her despite the occasional cricket noises as she heard. The petite cat loving girl stared off into space, her feet dragging back and forth as she continued to push herself up like she was flying before plummeting down only to have a burst through the air again. She closed her eyes letting herself trying to imagine, with little success to be noted, of how she was a spaceship or some satellite floating in space with no one there. That actually seemed quite lonely, but it was an interesting thought as she imagined feeling her swing slowing down, weighing off. Like it began to peacefully stop after a ride, just floating. In the midst of the sky’s hue change to a dark blue and black pigment, Nepeta had fallen off her swing actually while she had let herself pushed forward and lost her grip on the swing. 
The short girl had let out a small squeak at her clumsiness and fell on her hands and knees. She wasn’t flung far and most of the distance was because she slid on the grass, she told herself, although she did feel a sting underneath her hands and her knees but overall she was fine, at least she thought so before she checked her wounds. Well, ouch no wonder it hurt she thought as she observed her wounds, bleeding on one hand, her knees red from the friction possibly, but at least her other hand wasn’t as torn up, just with some dead skin in the same condition as her knees. It was too much of a hassle to think about why her right hand had been more torn up than her left, so she didn’t let her mind wander, and just let herself think that it was probably because of the jagged rock she felt slip under that hand.  Maybe it was time she head back for the night anyways. She should treat those after all, and she called herself for another shower.
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She listened with true interest. Nepeta sounded like quite the unique, interesting girl, and she loved listening to her speak. She could honestly listen to Nepeta read a novel if she could, cat puns and all. She could only imagine what her singing and harp skills sounded like. “That’s quite interesting! I’d love to hear you play some time and see some of your work. I would imagine you to be quite talented by the sounds of things.” 
As well, she could only imagine what creations could come out of this girl’s mind. It made her remember the day she wanted to become a sort of artist, but she never had the skill. Instead, she stuck to what she was good with: music and writing.
“But, yet, I’m sure you’ll find many people to get along with, even if they are not artists. In a way, a lot of us are a form of artist by simply coming up with creative ways to solve problems, don’t you think?”
“Oh, that’s very kind of you to say, and I wouldn’t mind showing you my works sometime and playing for you as well. As long as you don’t mind me asking if it would be alright fur you to let me hear you play too! I really do mean that I would like to hear you play, after all, I am curious.” She purred with a nod as she blushed lightly, flattered that someone would like to hear and see her works, whether it be by art or by music. Then again it was to be expected someone would ask her when she mentioned it, but still.
Nepeta rubbed the back of her neck, eyes averted thoughtfully, looking around once again as another smile blossoming across her face. “You’re right. What a very insightful and colorful way to put it though! Then again you are a writer so of course you should have some kind of sway with your words to match the charming elegance you have, right? Not that I mean to sound like it’s a bad thing anything, oh that must have sounded odd.” She said, with a short laugh, in a slightly joking manner albeit somewhat nervously as her inability to convey what she meant properly. “I agree though, I purrsonally think it’s purrty amazing what the mind can do when put to the test and can develop in even the most stressful or impossible situations, so you’re most certainly correct on that.” She mused, with a nod of her head.
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Artistically Eccentric Paintings Foretell Of Something Similar Though Also Not Oddly Enough
Eccentric. It was a word that many used to describe Nepeta Leijon, and her artwork, whether it be by her obsession with cats, romance, or just plainly of how she acted. Her odd manner of speaking, her made up words, or the cat puns she used to play on her words. They were all things that contributed to her eccentricities as seen by other people. Her tendency to get deeply involved in personal belongings had always confused others as to why she would feel so strongly about just a seemingly lackluster object. Her overly but misunderstood emphatic nature, and the fact that she disliked being misunderstood. Sometimes it would make her seem all tense, other times, not a soul could see it. Despite that, she was somewhat excitable, and plentiful emotional with a little bit of an overload of feels. She seemed normal enough to most she knew, she just didn’t understand certain things others wouldn’t and would like hearing things directly rather than beating around the bush. She was straightforward and maybe a little rash at times, but overall, she just seemed a little more odd than others. 
Of course, all of these odd traits of hers would never be able to be showcased in just one sketch, painting or drawing, but they could be reflected in many different kinds. She loved her artwork. It wasn’t something that most admired because of the odd ways that it was displayed at times but she was completely fine with that. She’d sometimes get a smudge of paint on her face or sometimes on her apron, and that was fine, doing this had always felt like she was completely off in a new world, much like when she played the harp or sang. Perhaps that was why those two activities were something she would love to hone and perfect her skills in to a style of her own. Something she knew would be just what she could have. She loved to learn new style techniques, and learn many more different styles of sculpting, and that was part of the reason she came here, the other was for more musical purposes, but cast that thought aside. She actually loved making pottery, and using oil paints or water colors. Her works of art were normally something else. Sometimes she would sketch what was right in front of her, or whatever drifted to her creative mind, the sun setting which was always a favorite of hers to draw and color over and over again upon different settings to capture different essences, or it could even be of a princess locked in a dungeon waiting for her gallant knight and soon falling in love with the mighty dragon perhaps instead. Once she got started, nothing could stop her, escaping reality like this was something that happened often.
 Mixing colors onto her brush, she seemed to be drawing what laid across her mind, a figure of the sunset looming over a tree that blew cherry blossoms in the wind, and a person under that tree, which of whom she did not know who but she painted anyways, their features seeming to come alive with the stroke of a brush. Although she did not know who she painted somewhat the image felt familiar, and it was kind of like she was going to meet this person soon or she’d already seen them once. Honestly, she would say it was a masterpiece, perfectly conveyed, and it brought a sincere smile to her face. Sometimes her works of art had a funny way of bringing the people she painted into life and letting her meet them, oddly enough. Even if the focus wasn’t on the person who was in the background. She also found herself painting herself in the picture as well, high up in that tree, with her arms spread and the feeling of the wind tousling her hair weirdly enough. She rarely ever had something to paint with herself in it, but it seemed to fit, the smile across her face widening as she put down the paintbrush and admired it. She knew she shouldn’t, and therefore she didn’t, but she wished to trace her fingers along the edges of the blurred faces and sigh dearly.
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She smiled softly as she listened to Nepeta speak. It was intriguing and enticing, and made Rose smile a tiny bit more. She quite enjoyed the use of cat puns as well, and it helped that Rose fondly regarded felines of all sorts, even human ones. As well, Nepeta reminded the blonde of a small child she wanted to sing a lullaby to and keep safe in this room, though she knew perfectly well that this was not the case.
“I’ve been here a few weeks at least, all though an exact date is difficult to pinpoint now, seeing as I’ve already been pulled into so many different things at this school. I’m sure you’ll like it here! As for my instrument, I actually have two, though one most don’t consider an instrument at all. My default and favourite is my violin. I’ve had it for years, after purchasing it second hand for a cheaper price and slowly wearing it in to my liking.” True, it was originally a violin from a pawn shop, it was all she could afford since the bow itself was quite a large sum of money. But over time Rose was able to sand down the small scratches and add a new coat of darker varnish, before even beginning to carve in her own designs along the back and sides to customize it and call it her own throughout her teen years. She hoped to never part with it, even if she did purchase a new violin in the future. “As for the second I mentioned, well, I find I’m quite the talented vocalist, so singing is often second nature to me as much as my violin is. Miraculously, my voice harmonizes well with the strings of my instrument.” She added.
“What instrument do you usually play, seeing as you are also a music magnet. And is there an art medium you prefer? I haven’t really met any other art students yet, but I can assure you the music ones are quite friendly. Although… I guess it’s safe to say I have yet to meet a lot of the different students here…”
She nodded intrigued and her eyes slightly sparkling with interest as Rose spoke, liking the way she looked as she did so. She started thinking of her own harp as her roommate seemed to speak fondly of her instruments. The petite girl was remembering the way it was nicely shaped and carved by the person who customarily made hers, the cherry wood it was made out of was smooth to touch and twisted, wrapping around the components of the stand somewhat like a ribbon to bow in a somewhat odd shape. Yes it actually cost a lot but as most harps as large as hers did cost well over thousands, she still did get a good deal for it, that wasn’t quite so much.
“Well let’s see, mainly, I actually play the harp, I just think it sounds absolutely gorgeous as well as underrated by others often, and I definitely understand what you mean by most don’t think a voice is an instrument. I dabble in singing quite a little myself so I don’t see why most don’t think of it as an instrument. I mean, after all you have to tune your voice, do warm ups, take care of it, and it makes music and sounds, of course! I wouldn’t say I am exactly very talented, but I deem myself to be an okay singer unless I harmonize with my harp.” She tapped her chin softly, musing over what would be her favorite way to make her art work. She actually loved the many various types and ways to make them. The way the water colors seemed to defy most order with klutzy fingers, and painted colors across in a vividly splendid finish, or the way chalk drawings had an edge to them that made her feel like a child again. There was also something about the fact that once you sculpted something to the best of your ability with fascinating details that got to her, choosing which she prefers seemed to be a bit of a challenge but soon she finally had her answer after considering it over for a tiny moment. “As fur my favorite art medium, I would have to admit, I purrbably somewhat prefur painting with water colors, and little bit of sculpting with clay, after all, it’s purrty soothing if you ask me.” Nepeta answered, musing over her answers, unconsciously stroking the plush kitten in her arms.
“I haven’t met much of anyone other than you to be honest yet, so thank you fur telling me. I don’t think I have heard that there are even many art students to be heard of in the first place though I would be sure to think that they are kind, if there are quite a sum of them.” Nepeta cheerily chirped, with a nod of her head.
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“Well, I am in both the Magnet and the Accelerated programs. Music Magnet, to be specific, and I quite prefer the Language aspects of the accelerated programs.” She replied, her eloquently chosen words natural for her mind to pick from and understand, and the sound of her voice and choice of word matches up nicely with her surprisingly perfect posture. She looked as though she were balancing a tiara above the black headband parting her blonde hair in two: one longer section in the front framing her chin and and coming down from her slightly messy bangs, and the shorter section that starts at the nape of her neck and is angle-cut to match the length of the front strands.
“What programs are you in, if you don’t mind my asking.” She added, curious of the other girl. Despite her “perfectly proper” appearance, Rose was honestly just a curious teenage girl, who never felt she truly fit in anywhere, so she usually tired to stay out of things. This new girl made her curious, and thought that perhaps she should at least try and become friends with her. She seemed interesting, and Rose felt that perhaps they could get along quite nicely, and not just because Rose didn’t want to have a bad relationship with her roommate.
Nepeta’s small smile seemed to grow wider as she had heard the girl was in a music magnet, and accelerated. She carefully dwelt over her answer, thinking of how she would word her answer as she continued to cautiously unpack her things due to her clumsiness. Her light brown eyes fluttering back and forth between the possessions in her hand and then back to Rose as she licked her lips in thought. She decided that Rose seemed very nice, and of course, reasons being she would continue talking to her was that she seemed pretty cool in her book, and perhaps somewhat intriguing. She soon took her seat on the floor as she let herself take her favorite stuffed cat out of the box to place them in arrangements of color and texture.
“Oh, I don’t mind, we will be rooming together, so it’s not like it should be a secret or anything, if that makes sense? I am actually enrolled in all three of the programs, Accelerated, Disability, and Magnet. I wouldn’t say I know if any of the specifics of the curricular has caught my attention as of yet but for disability I have Asperger’s and I mostly enrolled beclaws I have a small bit of difficulty purrtaining to conversing with others to a certain extent. Also, that is clawsome! That you are music magnet, I mean. I myself am a music and an art magnet. I just couldn’t decide, so why not both?” The petite girl purred with a giggle as she hugged her favorite plush animal in her arms close to herself. She tilted her head at her roommate, continuing to speak, with a little curious gleam in her eye. “May I purrhaps ask how long have you been here, if that isn’t an odd question of course. Oh, and also since you’ve told me that you’re a music magnet, I’d like to enquire what instrument do you play?”
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Droplets For A Walk In The Rain
Rain has always fascinated her, and not in the black and white sort of view others saw it as, where it was part of the water cycle or that it‘s just water falling down. She used to have odd beliefs, actually she still believed in them, she just didn’t mention them too often, they were most often like the naive beliefs of a child that would ask if the sky was crying. When it rained though, as opposed to most people running to get out of rain, Nepeta would either skip through the rain or just walk with a soft humming tune and bask in it. That often resulted in her getting fevers, which may end with her getting sick, because of the cold water lowering her body temperature, making her more susceptible to getting sick, meaning it was not the actual rain itself, but she really enjoy the moist damp air and feeling of soft water droplets on her skin. She also always had her trusted and loyal cat for companionship when venturing through the rain, albeit she’d admit that sweet, fluffy, purring darling as of the moment was not with her. The petite girl sat on the bench of the park, after taking her jacket to sit upon, and spoke of things she mused upon as though her companion was next to her this fine Saturday morning. At times she was alone, she definitely could act as herself and stop putting up that social facade, because as much as socializing was fun or of anything of the like, it was draining for her, especially with that act she put up. Though most of the time social acceptance was a hoax and she didn’t find much in it from others, especially since she seemed so odd compared to them no matter how much she tried because she just didn’t find interest in lot of the things they did.
Her feet swung back and forth, as she hummed to herself enjoying the rain. She sneezed as softly as a kitten while enjoying the rain and sighed. She wasn’t exactly soaked through her clothes, just yet, most likely, but she was completely fine! She stared up at the sky, letting droplets drip and fall upon her face as she smiled just out of feeling content, because yes she had emotions outside of her facade that could make her smile. She reached up with her arm straight in the air and closed her hand as if trying to grasp something. Being the odd and the type of person with a more diverse mindset she laughed it off, as well as the stares from others travelling through, and resumed sitting back up. The cat-loving girl quickly rose to her feet once again, preparing herself to walk through to a mindless destination in which she had no course in mind and that for whatever reason that she decided to take her walk at this time every weekend from now on. While she had been sitting down, she had actually felt at so much peace she almost had fallen asleep in the rain. She gathered her jacket, slinging it across her shoulder, and for a second spun around, trying to wake herself up from those few second of almost drifting off.
The way the droplets illuminated everything like it was a picture frame in their tiny little specks of water seemed to intrigue her as she always did love finding patterns. She could watch it forever and never get tired of it, which was rare due to her somewhat short attention span. Although, then again, she shouldn’t expect the rain to last long, after all there was that saying she’s heard somewhere, and didn’t it go something like, “If you don’t like the weather in Maine, wait a minute.” She walked slowly, enjoying the rain as while it lasted and very much true to those words it suddenly stopped raining. Wait a second, that didn’t look right, everything around the confused girl was still raining as she walked, excluding where she was standing. “That’s odd.” She softly murmured, so either she walked under some one else’s umbrella or they offered her one for company, and bothered in the lament of this stranger but did so quietly, she walked under a bunch of trees that didn’t have leaves dripping, or there was a hold in the clouds and she just so happened to stop under it, or perhaps the hole favored her and followed her soaping wet appearance and decided to shed some kind of light on the misery, literally, which would somewhat have the opposite effect. All the options seemed far-fetched though as she stared at the floor wondering to herself, and huffed. Goodness, was it like some start of a short and wonderfully cliche romantic comedy scene, because no thank you, it was still too draining to be something she wasn’t, for the most part, so she decided to stay her socially awkward self for right now and here. The ridiculous girl was also trying her best not to freak out at the sudden notice of change though, because surprises where not always fun, and somewhat, admittedly she did like order. She supposed company this morning would not be a bad thing for now, even if she did feel the need to run away she could always just say something, right?
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A Melody Of This Harp
The harp was Nepeta’s favorite instrument, or rather, one of her favorite instruments. Playing it always put her shaky fingers at ease, and it always felt as though a weight was lifted from her heart. The soft tunes and the way the high notes radiated off the strings was just bliss to her ears. She always got frustrated with other instruments and gave up, but alas, all of that was until she had began to play the harp, and maybe sing a tune, though, neither of that mattered. She much more preferred drawing and painting, even if music was something that she could never really give up on, and that she’d always find a way to come back to it. She wasn’t here at this school for too long, and her harp was already on campus before she had arrived to this school, because she had brought it over before she could move into the assigned dorm, so for the first time in weeks, she was going to be able to play the melodious instrument, being that she hadn’t touched it for a while prior to placing the object in this academy’s care while she had been gathering her things.
She remembered when she had first ever decided to learn to play the harp, she had first heard the wind blowing through the harp strings, an ethereal sound. It was when she was young, and could she ever have heard something more gorgeous than that? It was the one instrument she didn’t give up on halfway through. Of course, no person’s hands could play that lovely tune she heard like the wind could strum this instrument, but Nepeta had already fallen in love with that breathtaking sound, and she was set on doing her best playing the heavenly instrument. It was too stuffy in the practice room for her when she had first tried that out, and today it felt stuffier than she she could withstand. Plus the practice room size wasn’t exactly always the ideal place for the girl to pace and move around when she needed to, which was quite often, because of the size of her instrument, and all the space those movements would have taken
Her harp wasn’t one of the very large about six feet pedal harps most would see in orchestras, but one of the folk harps, it was smaller, not much smaller than what the user herself needed as she sat down, but still just enough for the harp to reach to her ear, and let her posture stay upright and straight. The cat-loving girl’s harp was made out of cherry wood, and had about 33 strings in counting. She could almost never not hum along or softly sing a combination of vocalized vowels with the pleasant tune, it was something that moved her so much. If drawing and painting brought out her sense of child-like creativity, then music brought out her emotions, the emotions she could never express too well. The emotions that hid behind the shell of a mask her mind could not comprehend, was all brought out into the music she played. With all these thoughts ringing through her mind, she had already begun playing Wind Beneath My Wings. She softly hummed the lyrics to herself as she was someone who would play by sound most of the time. 
When she was finished, her fingers slowly began to shake again, and with a sigh, her eyes closed as she basked in the cool air, refreshingly by the lake while sitting in her fold-able chair she had brought for herself. She supposed she choose this place because it felt more secluded at this time. Her fingers once again strummed the instrument, in bits and pieces of random tunes, as she once again felt as though she had already poured herself in through her music.
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It was not often dorms were changed around, but Rose knew it was inevitable for the single dorm room to have only one occupant be quickly filled with a roommate. She just simply wasn’t expecting it to happen so quickly and so suddenly. A new female student it seemed, and so she was quickly slipped into room 105 with Rose Lalonde.
It was a shock to the blonde, as she came back to her room after studying in the library to see a girl in her room, unpacking boxes and getting things set up in the unused room. Rose tilted her head slightly at the new person, but could faintly recall someone telling her such a thing would be happening. Might as well greet and get to know her new roommate.
“Hello.” She greeted kindly, stepping forward to smile at the girl. “I’m Rose. I’m not sure if you were told who you’d be rooming with or not, but it’s a pleasure to see a new face among the halls.”
Nepeta Leijon wasn’t exactly the most stable of people in terms of neuro-typicals of course because she herself was not one. Actually she was glad to have already made it to room 105 because all the noise was getting to her as she walked across the hall, the frequencies were overbearing for her already overstimulated mind. Seemingly, the other resident was not there and she let out a sigh, gathering her things in the boxes. Her cat wasn’t here with her for now, nor would she bring her large harp to this shared room, but she would take comfort and retreat to her pile of stuffed animals anyways rather than those things for now. Plush furs of stuffed toys and her sketchbooks, music sheets, and everything else were scattered in her boxes, so she brought them over to the portion of the room that didn’t look to be occupied. She felt anxious though because she was new and definitely she was not the best at understanding sociable cues. Also, add that fact that she was very forgetful of things that shouldn’t have been forgotten in the first place. Either way, there was no turning back now, besides, even if Nepeta wasn’t one to normally like a change of pace, it could be refreshing when she wanted it to, sort of.
The cat loving girl quickly turned her head at the sound of the opening door, her short attention span captured by her roommate, and she blinked at the other girl’s greeting. Running her fingers through her dark brown, almost a jet black shade of a hair color, she nodded and spoke slowly as she carefully strung her words together, “I am Nepeta, and they didn’t tell me whom I was to be sharing a room with. It’s pawsitively delightful to meet you, Rose.” 
Nepeta would admit completely that at times she could be awkward, maybe due to her social skills being somewhat impaired, but it wasn’t anything too noticeable, it was actually very well concealed and veiled from obvious view, especially with a little bit of her odd vocabulary usage perhaps. Despite this, soon her lessons should seem to show results and so was the therapy at least, that was what she was told. “What purrgram or well, purrgrams are you enrolled in?” She purred, with a small smile, like it was almost scripted so she had been prepared for if she had to converse.
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