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Combat log: The effect Ibuprofen has ended.
Me: *instantly ragdolls*
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Idk if it’s gonna come off as intrusive or if it’s something you don’t want to talk about, but as a huge fan of your art I wanted to ask you the reasons why you don’t draw anymore. Surely there are reasons
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You will not use AI to get ideas for your story. You will lie on the floor and have wretched visions like god intended
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English added by me :)
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traveling through the multiverse
I cant get the idea out of my head that ink uses broomie as a taxi
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Reblog if this would work on you
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he really said 👁️👅👁️
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if chilchuck is into blondes and finds dwarves attractive, then him saying "no party romance" isn't a rule, it's a survival mantra
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i haven't posted in a long time about Palestine but I just don't know what to say anymore.
Human Rights Watch reported recently on the Israeli military torturing health care workers. I won't describe it. It's the worst and most detestable level of human capability for cruelty. They were trying to force the doctors to confess to being part of Hamas and in some cases threatened to do horrible things to the doctors' families.
I don't understand the reaction of people that still support Israel. They think the attack by Hamas was terrible and unjustifiable—Yes, I understand that part
But we have reliable reports from numerous news and human rights organizations that the Israeli military is doing all of the same stuff and worse.
People say "I think what Hamas did is unacceptable", but supporting the actions of the Israeli military means they think those things are acceptable. If killing massive numbers of innocent civilians and torturing and raping prisoners for being "maybe" associated with the enemy is okay, why the hell would Hamas make you upset.
Are crimes against humanity "okay if you feel like it's a good idea" or are they bad. MAKE UP YOUR GODDAMN MIND
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if you enjoy that "Tolkien was contemporary with the Beatles" bit of trivia, please appreciate my recent realization that the book Matilda was predated by the book/film Carrie by more than 10 years.
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Silly concept:
Imagine an isekai language learning app about a character who uses multilingual phrases as spells to fight off evil forces but got their abilities sealed so you as the player (as them) have to 're-learn' it by retracing your journey across different regions 😂
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Guy who has wandered through the halls and corridors of your body not with any special kind of love but with the untold intimacy of a contractor assessing the damages and potentials voice: right, so the main issue here is that the body is currently a temple, okay, and what we want is for it to be a home, cause temples are pretty and all and occasionally nice to be in if you're into that sort of thing but very few people would actually want to live in one. So what we're gonna do first is you're gonna take a look at what's here, the carrying walls and windows and all that, and you're going to come up with something you'd actually like to be alive inside of, and it's going to be a lot of work and it's going to feel strange and stupid and embarrassing but you're still gonna do it, because otherwise this construction site is fucked. And maybe what you want to live in is a skatepark or an anime-themed cat cafe or an esoteric library that has a dildo section for some reason, so it might feel like it's a downgrade from a temple, but it's actually the opposite cause the main customer for a body is you and the main customer for a temple are templegoers and maybe higher powers of some kind, - i wouldn't know about those, they never hired me, - not the temple itself, which is what you are, right, cause the body/mind/soul separation doesn't actually do anything, so what you're gonna do is look at the current layout and dig out whatever hope and ability to want you have and come up with a blueprint, and then my boys can actually get to work. Oh, and you have got to change the windows, it's drafty as fuck in here.
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"is sex with angels monsterfucking" forum thread shut down by moderators after 300 pages of fierce debate, 26 banned accounts and 8 doxxed members
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‘twist villain’ is always good of course but i’m such a sucker for ‘twist hero’. specifically as in they write a character to be as suspicious and unnerving as possible without really actually doing anything wrong yet but you just KNOW something is wrong but then surprise. they’re fine actually. all the alleged wrongdoings were either lies harmless or taken out of context. it’s even better if the suspicious aspects of their personality don’t go away after the reveal that they’re a good guy. they just act and look and talk like that for fun. they’re just a little silly
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