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I made a new OC for my little pony/ equestria girls. Her name is Crystel not Crystal. Btw if it Say 'Sahara' It's ma middle name I always sign it like dat.
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"Live your dream the way YOU want, all of them will come true soon."
- Theo
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Theo(me): Hi.
You: Hello Theo, why haven't you been posting any pictures/ drawings?
Theo: Well, I've been busy for my GCSEs in Year 9, yes, I'm not Americian, I'm british.
You: Ok, when will you post?
Theo: Soon, but I don't know when. I might do a MLP drawing.
You: Ok, Thank you!
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Up close, full body. Anyone like it?
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Hi, I'm new! I love cookies, music and EVERYTHING! Why don't you come on over and follow me when I start posting some of your favourite art that you suggest me to draw!
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