artistocrat · 4 years
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hellow edgar valden from identity v
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artistocrat · 4 years
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"but he eventually could no longer be satisfied with his own blood."
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artistocrat · 4 years
“ perhaps you will allow me to set the record straight. ”
“ just be the little angel i know is in there somewhere. ”
“ we’ve been two peas in a pod, you and i, for a long time. ”
“ the sooner you leave, the sooner we can celebrate your return. ”
“ a sapling cannot grow in the shadow of a mighty oak. ”
“ do not speak unless you can improve the silence. ”
“ nothing is final until you’re dead; even then, i’m sure god negotiates. ”
“ are you coy on purpose, or do you honestly refuse to tell me your name? ”
“ a skin of such elegance… concealing such ruthlessness. ”
“ the penalty for being wealthy is that you have to live with the rich. ”
“ is everything just chance, or are some things meant to be? ”
“ fortunately, i tripped over an angel. ”
“ you are a walking contradiction and i find that rather fascinating. ”
“ how do you do it? live each day with this kind of passion? don’t you find it exhausting? ”
“ you have more conviction in one memory than i have in my entire being. ”
“ it is your mouth that has me hypnotized. ”
“ i have not slept for fear i would wake and find this all a dream. ”
“ why did you have to be so wonderful? ”
“ for once in your life, be bold. ”
“ a bird may love a fish, but where would they live? ”
“ whatever it is, my answer is yes. ”
“ i know that a life without love is no life at all. ”
“ what makes you think i do any of this for you? ”
“ i offered you the world — and at the first test of honor, i betrayed your trust. ”
“ choose your words wisely, for they may be your last. ”
“ i’d hate to think that you had anything to do with this. ”
“ i want you to know that i will forget you after this moment and never think of you again. but you, i am quite certain, will think about me every single day for the rest of your life. ”
“ and while they did live happily ever after, the point is that they lived. ”
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artistocrat · 4 years
netease may have scrapped edgar using his own blood in his artwork but i have not scrapped it
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artistocrat · 4 years
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i’m back and i have icons and my psd is so sexy
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artistocrat · 4 years
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all that is beautiful was once my inspiration, yet it all eventually become hideous.
edgar valden, as penned by plant.
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artistocrat · 4 years
“Cheers, then.” Takes one sip. Takes another sip. He is processing. “Oh.” He’s clenching his teeth. “I think it’s vinegar, actually.”
edgar looks up from his nails and over to antonio, his lip curling in disgust. “ who the fuck puts vinegar in a flask?? ”
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artistocrat · 4 years
“What if I…don’t know what it is?”
that seems to be less offensive in his eyes, and he leans back into the chair again to continue using the knife to scrape errant paint from beneath his nails. “ then you’d better pray it’s not poison and drink up. ”
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artistocrat · 4 years
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edgar valden from idv
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artistocrat · 4 years
“ that had better be liquor in that flask and not wine. if you put wine in a flask, i’m allowed to stab you. ”
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artistocrat · 4 years
“I would not say I’m punishing you.” Antonio hums to himself and plucks at the string on his violin, before adjusting one of the pegs. He’s sitting across from the artist, in a comparatively more tense (for him) posture, though his shoulders still slouch and his head is cocked at an angle, trying to listen to things that aren’t Edgar. 
“And I don’t blame the bee. I’m simply saying that your noises in combination are making this much more difficult than it has to be.” He runs a finger over the offending string. His hands are taut, delicate—despite the scars and stitches that run across them, they’re as skilled as they ever have been. Touch and sound will tell him more than sight ever could. 
But whatever he finds bothers him, and he lets out a frustrated noise. “Really, I should just restring the whole instrument. And tune it far, far away from you.”
edgar’s blue eyes watch the movements of antonio’s hands, sure and delicate as they are. there’s something critical in his gaze — he’s remembering moments from the past, and court musicians and how they played for the crowds.
much different than this quiet, boring place.
“ i am far from a musician, but aren’t there meant to be more strings on a violin, anyway?? ” one hand moves lazily through the air in a vague gesture that ultimately demonstrates nothing except the slenderness of his wrist. “ it’s no wonder you’re having trouble tuning it, so stop acting like i’m at all part of the reason why. it hurts my feelings. ” on the last line, his tone take a slight turn towards the sweet.
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artistocrat · 4 years
@wildinfinitum // continued from here.
it’s not meant as a sincere compliment when he says it; or, more accurately, it is sincere, but it’s also underhanded. luca’s naiveté has worked in edgar’s favor before and continues to work in his favor even now, for the way his foolish cousin has never once suspected him of his past treachery is a relief.
couple that with the old nickname of eddie he refuses to drop, and, well... a small, bitter feeling rises up in edgar’s chest, one that tastes foul in his throat and could be identified as some sort of guilt — if only he’d let himself examine it and consider that option. “ good. don’t change. ” this is sincere, wholly. “ that’s the one thing you will always owe yourself: not letting the world force you to become something else. ” edgar claps a hand on luca’s shoulder, giving a reassuring little squeeze.
even if the smile on his lips is a fake, hollow thing, the words are genuine — he’s unapologetically himself, after all.
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artistocrat · 4 years
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experimenting with minor props
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artistocrat · 4 years
@demonicnotes asked a question:
“ could we be silent? i’m trying to concentrate, and it’s already hard enough when there’s a bee. ” // x. 
edgar scoffs dismissively. “ the bee’s presence is far from my doing, so it’s hardly fair to punish me for its presence. wouldn’t you agree?? ” his air is almost too casual — exceptionally relaxed in the little iron chair, legs crossed, arm resting lazily across the top of the matching circular table. he could probably make himself look at home anywhere with how he relaxes like he owns the place. “ besides, that’s what you get for sitting in a garden at this time of year. the flowers are in bloom, if you hadn’t noticed; this is their space, not yours. ”
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artistocrat · 4 years
am i reckless and wicked?? have i fooled you enough?? sticky sweet on the outside — and in for myself.
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artistocrat · 4 years
tag dump!!
ooc.     ✕   ⌜ but under it all ⌟  memes.     ✕  ⌜ sealed with a kiss ⌟ promos.     ✕  ⌜ curse the company i keep ⌟
visage.     ✕  ⌜ i can charm with my eyes ⌟ facts.     ✕  ⌜ and secrets don’t like to be kept ⌟ musings.     ✕  ⌜ unhappiness in a court can be contagious ⌟ isms.     ✕  ⌜ but it’s an awful lot of talk ⌟ aesthetic.     ✕  ⌜ sick and sweet and spreading quickly ⌟ music.     ✕  ⌜ feed you unconfident melodies ⌟
ic.     ✕  ⌜ i am spoiling the nest ⌟ shitposts.     ✕  ⌜ there’s an aspiration: to die disappointed ⌟
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artistocrat · 4 years
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люблю их
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