artistofnothing ¡ 16 hours
Every time Tumblr does an update that doesn’t get to the root of the problem (in this instance it hides certain words from search) I’m like “Tumblr? More like Fumblr!” And then ghosts of Livejournal and MySpace give me a high five.
New: Search operators for better searching!
We hear you, and we share your frustrations: it’s hard to find a specific post. You know it has a particular tag or phrase, and it was posted on this date, or at least, within a specific year. But you can't find it!
So, today, we’re excited to announce that you can use ✨ advanced search operators ✨ in the search bar now! You can now say potato from:staff year:2021 to easily enjoy that video of a potato being microwaved again.
Before we jump into the details, a couple of caveats to note:
These search operators are only available in the main Tumblr search bar. They don’t work in the search bar in individual blogs.
The search operators only work on posts created in 2017 or later.
OK! Let’s go explore these operators!
Exact phrase match
When you surround your query with regular double quotes (not curly quotes), it will match posts with that exact phrase in the post's text content, or that exact phrase as a tag.
For example, "chappell roan is roan of arc" matches posts with that exact phrase in the content, and also matches posts that have the exact tag #chappell roan is roan of arc.
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Match operator
By default, the query matches the post on either the text or the tags.
You can use match:text to specify you want to search the post content, or match:tags to search the post tags. For example:
sword world match:text looks for posts with the words "sword" and "world" in the post content.
sword world match:tags looks for posts with the words "sword" and "world" in the post tags.
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From operator
Use from:blog or from:@​blog to find only posts by a particular blog.
For example, halloween from:staff finds all posts by @staff that has the word "halloween" in the post content or tags.
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Year operator
Use year:YYYY to find posts from a particular year.
For example, halloween year:2019 finds all posts from 2019 that has the word "halloween" in the post content or tags.
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Date operator
Use date:YYYY-MM-DD to find posts from a particular date.
For example, halloween date:2019-10-08 finds all posts created on October 8, 2019 that has the word "halloween" in the post content or tags.
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All together
You can combine all the tools above to form even more specific queries:
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Congrats! You’re now a Tumblr search wizard! 🪄
Other syntax
As a reminder, you can already search by a tag, or by multiple tags:
Prefixing your query with # performs a tag search — that is, it will find posts with that exact tag. For example, #star wars will only return posts with the #star wars tag.
You can search for multiple tags at at time. For example, #star wars #art will find posts that are tagged with both the tag #star wars and the tag #art.
You can combine this with the new operators to find what you are looking for!
We will add a guide for this new syntax soon to our Help Center.
Tumblr Patio support
The enhanced syntax makes Tumblr Patio even more powerful. You can now open multiple search columns each with different fine-tuned queries that use the syntax above to get you customized feeds.
We’d love to hear what you think! Please share your feedback in the replies and reblogs of this post, or by reaching out to Tumblr Support.
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artistofnothing ¡ 17 hours
New: Search operators for better searching!
We hear you, and we share your frustrations: it’s hard to find a specific post. You know it has a particular tag or phrase, and it was posted on this date, or at least, within a specific year. But you can't find it!
So, today, we’re excited to announce that you can use ✨ advanced search operators ✨ in the search bar now! You can now say potato from:staff year:2021 to easily enjoy that video of a potato being microwaved again.
Before we jump into the details, a couple of caveats to note:
These search operators are only available in the main Tumblr search bar. They don’t work in the search bar in individual blogs.
The search operators only work on posts created in 2017 or later.
OK! Let’s go explore these operators!
Exact phrase match
When you surround your query with regular double quotes (not curly quotes), it will match posts with that exact phrase in the post's text content, or that exact phrase as a tag.
For example, "chappell roan is roan of arc" matches posts with that exact phrase in the content, and also matches posts that have the exact tag #chappell roan is roan of arc.
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Match operator
By default, the query matches the post on either the text or the tags.
You can use match:text to specify you want to search the post content, or match:tags to search the post tags. For example:
sword world match:text looks for posts with the words "sword" and "world" in the post content.
sword world match:tags looks for posts with the words "sword" and "world" in the post tags.
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From operator
Use from:blog or from:@​blog to find only posts by a particular blog.
For example, halloween from:staff finds all posts by @staff that has the word "halloween" in the post content or tags.
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Year operator
Use year:YYYY to find posts from a particular year.
For example, halloween year:2019 finds all posts from 2019 that has the word "halloween" in the post content or tags.
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Date operator
Use date:YYYY-MM-DD to find posts from a particular date.
For example, halloween date:2019-10-08 finds all posts created on October 8, 2019 that has the word "halloween" in the post content or tags.
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All together
You can combine all the tools above to form even more specific queries:
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Congrats! You’re now a Tumblr search wizard! 🪄
Other syntax
As a reminder, you can already search by a tag, or by multiple tags:
Prefixing your query with # performs a tag search — that is, it will find posts with that exact tag. For example, #star wars will only return posts with the #star wars tag.
You can search for multiple tags at at time. For example, #star wars #art will find posts that are tagged with both the tag #star wars and the tag #art.
You can combine this with the new operators to find what you are looking for!
We will add a guide for this new syntax soon to our Help Center.
Tumblr Patio support
The enhanced syntax makes Tumblr Patio even more powerful. You can now open multiple search columns each with different fine-tuned queries that use the syntax above to get you customized feeds.
We’d love to hear what you think! Please share your feedback in the replies and reblogs of this post, or by reaching out to Tumblr Support.
10K notes ¡ View notes
artistofnothing ¡ 24 hours
We can’t even terraform our own planet into something nicer.
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280K notes ¡ View notes
artistofnothing ¡ 4 days
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142K notes ¡ View notes
artistofnothing ¡ 4 days
walkable cities also means sittable cities send tweet
179K notes ¡ View notes
artistofnothing ¡ 4 days
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He doesn’t like sand
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15K notes ¡ View notes
artistofnothing ¡ 5 days
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10K notes ¡ View notes
artistofnothing ¡ 5 days
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Michelangelo's work, in details.
167 notes ¡ View notes
artistofnothing ¡ 5 days
Especially apt because the person who gets turned into a mango didn’t even claim to be better. Fucking customers aren’t always right, Opara!
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12K notes ¡ View notes
artistofnothing ¡ 6 days
I could listen to this on loop for hours
23K notes ¡ View notes
artistofnothing ¡ 7 days
Anxieties! Attack!
89K notes ¡ View notes
artistofnothing ¡ 7 days
I unfortunately ended some friendships because I some romantic feelings and was worried they would increase.
Turns out that intense, close friendships can just feel romantic without ever delving into purely romantic feelings.
i’m not aromantic but i believe in their beliefs
27K notes ¡ View notes
artistofnothing ¡ 8 days
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My grandpa posted this presumably to be transphobic or something but ngl it kinda slays. Get it vader
75K notes ¡ View notes
artistofnothing ¡ 8 days
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"Click-Farms" in Vietnam Photographed by Jack Latham — 2024
995 notes ¡ View notes
artistofnothing ¡ 8 days
It is MUCH easier to develop an extra second of speed and awareness to side-step danger (say, an oncoming car), than it is to build the strength and resilience to WITHSTAND getting hit by a car.
Not recommended. Unless it's a toy car, or something.
For those reasons and more, speed training may be underrated.
Just some thoughts. Have a wonderful day!
908 notes ¡ View notes
artistofnothing ¡ 9 days
Imagine something like Batman with the option for a Robin buddy
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51K notes ¡ View notes
artistofnothing ¡ 9 days
There are sometimes digital versions of books available that your library might not carry in physical form. So many mangas and comics, too
If you don't use your library's Libby and Hoopla collections, you run the risk of losing that access. Your library will see the low numbers and think "no one is using this service and we need to save money so let's get rid of it". I am saying this because at the library I work at, the collections team reduced the number of books you can check out each month for Hoopla. They reduced the amount by more than half - 25 to 10 - all because people weren't using it at the same capacity they were during lockdown.
Digital collections are expensive yes but when libraries are able to show the library board or city that their services are highly sought after and used in large numbers, that aids in arguing for increasing the budget - or at least keeping the budget where it's at.
Whatever your opinion on pirating is, you are doing not a single person favors by not using library resources just because you have a misunderstanding in how it actually works.
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