artsysketches · 9 months
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artsysketches · 2 years
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A friend soundly asleep 😴
This is a character I’ve been playing around with for awhile. Haven’t decided on a name yet so I just call them ”friend”
The dogs are mine and my parents, Lischa and Mumin
I hope you have a lovely day ✨
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artsysketches · 4 years
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a flock of sheep, ireland
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artsysketches · 4 years
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盖娅传说 Heaven Gaia
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artsysketches · 4 years
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Hey everyone!
 I'm not dead, sorry that I abandoned this place for so long...
This comic was done like a year and a half ago, and i’m still very proud of the end result! But I never posted it. The reason for that is that shortly after finishing this personal things happend and I got very sick and honestly I still am (Not looking for a pity party, I just want to explain myself) I hope that you lovely people that somehow still follow me like it!
I can't promise that I’ll be super regular here now but I’ll try to post at least some times.
And if you feel bad, look at the stars. It usually helps!
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artsysketches · 6 years
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Sorry for the radio silence, I've been having a couple of really stresfull days so I haven't been able to upload anything. BUT the lines for the comic are finished and ready for colour so thats progress 😁
Have a grate day!
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artsysketches · 6 years
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I sort of realised that I have no idea of how to draw wolves and considering that the main character of the comic is one I figured some studdies were needed 😅
For the comic it self I've just finished outer lines of the panels so now it's on towards the sketching!
Have a good night!
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artsysketches · 6 years
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Here are some of the layout thumnails for the inktober comic, I hope to have the rough layout finished by tomorrow so i can start sketching on thursday 😁
Have a good night!
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artsysketches · 6 years
Inktober 2018
Hi every one! I'm just gonna say that I'm not doing an convential inktober this year 😥 reason being that we have some HUGE deadlines coming up at work and I can't promise that I'd be able to make an inkdrawing every day... BUT I don't want to completly skip inktober soo I've decided to take the comic that i did last year during inktober (never posted the finished comic for some reason) and revamp it to make a good looking 3-4 page comic!
I hope you are as exited as I am 😆
Have a good night!
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artsysketches · 6 years
Art Fight 2018!
Starting again on July 1st is my favorite online artist event: Art Fight! If you have OCs, and enjoy making and receiving art involving OCs, then I highly suggest you check out the site and set up an account!
For those who aren’t familiar with Art Fight, here’s a brief overview:
Each year, participating artists are split into two teams.
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The main goal is to find any artist from the team opposite yours, and ‘attack’ them by drawing art of their ocs! Your team receives points based on what you create.
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Artists that receive attacks can then ‘counter’ by drawing an OC belonging to the person who fought them, or pay it forward by simply attacking anyone on the opposing team!
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The official about page with more in depth information is located here! There’s also a video format for this information that can be watched here!
Art Fight is a great chance to interact with tons of different artists, get to know the amazing OCs that others have created, and have a lot of fun making art! The art you receive is also very exciting; you never know who may attack you! Keep in mind, it’s all in good fun and any skill level is welcome!!
The event lasts a month (July 1st - August 1st), and the team with the most points by the end wins!
My account can be found here, if anyone feels like attacking me! I hope to see you there!!
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artsysketches · 6 years
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OKAY EVERYONE DONT PANIC! I’m able to pick this up again so we’re going for it!
Whale Shark Shoulder Bags by Lauren Berg 
If you want items in more than one tier then please add that amount to your pledge and message me through kiskstarter so I can make a note on your pledge of what items you want.If things go well I’ll see about adding backerkit which will allowe you to manage for yourself what your funds get you.
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artsysketches · 7 years
Scammer Targeting Tumblr Artists
The title says it all really. So if nothing else, please share and reblog this post to raise awareness for those that might be caught out - both artists and followers. For a TL:DR, please look at the bottom of the post
What is happening?
Right now, there is at least one person actively impersonating multiple artists across tumblr in an effort to scam their followers into paying for fake ‘cheap commissions’. The scammer will clone a tumblr, usually using a slight change to the url/account name to look like the real deal. They will then message people directly through Tumblr with messages along the lines of “Hey, i’m doing cheap commissions right now. DM me to get one”. Naturally, this is ends up just being a way to take their money without giving anything back in return.
Who does this affect?
Everyone. Simple as that. As long as the scammer in question works unopposed, they are free to spread their influence and continue to scam more people. Even if you haven’t been targeted yet, it does not mean you are safe or immune. Several artists have already fallen victim to this scammer, and I encourage any artists that have to reblog this post with the details of their affected account(s) and the ones the scammer has set up.
How can we stop this?
Tumblr, like many other social media platforms, seems to care very little about ‘minor’ occurences like this one, and despite reaching out directly to them over a week ago through multiple avenues of contact - they have refused to comment on the situation, provide a recommended response for users, or take action on behalf of those already affected. Despite this, there are still tools at our disposal that we can use to make this scam more difficult, and to increase its visibility to those within Tumblr staff that are required by policy to take action. Tumblr has the following to say on the topic of impersonation: Confusion or Impersonation. Don’t do things that would cause confusion between you or your blog and a person or company, like registering a deliberately confusing URL. Don’t impersonate anyone. While you’re free to ridicule, parody, or marvel at the alien beauty of Benedict Cumberbatch, you can’t pretend to actually be Benedict Cumberbatch. They then provide a link to this online form that you can fill out if you suspect someone’s identity is being confused. Unfortunately, this can only be filled out if you are the victim of impersonation. In other words, only the artists can fill this out legitimately. So, what about the followers and users of tumblr whom aren’t being impersonated? Our most valuable tool in this online platform is the platform itself. It enables us to spread our word near-virally across all the many sub-communities on Tumblr with remarkable efficiency for a user-driven system. We can take advantage of that effect to increase awareness of the situation. Even if you - the one reading this right now - aren’t an artist or don’t know an artist, the act of reblogging this post or sharing it directly with friends improves it’s ‘ranking’ in popularity increasing its chances to be seen by more people. We don’t need everyone on Tumblr to see the post for it to be effective, just like we don’t need the entirety of the human population of the world to be immune to a disease for that disease to be rendered ineffective or eradicated. If enough people are aware, the likelihood of pulling off a successful scam increases dramatically reducing efficiency to a point that it no longer becomes profitable to continue.
Why should I care?
It disheartens me to say this, but of the many artists I contacted directly over the past week to warn about this issue many of them refused to listen or dodged the responsibility with lines like;
“I’m not being impersonated, so it doesn’t affect me”
“I’m just one person. I can’t make an impact”
“I need to take care of my community. Other people can look after theirs”
This is honestly disappointing that so many artists or art-rebloggers care so little as to intentionally wave the responsibility of keeping their followers and fellow artists safe from this, that they cannot spare 10 seconds of their time to share an informative post. I’m not here to bash artists, but it is time that everyone takes responsibility for their own communities, and of those around them. Artists: You have a responsibility to ensure that your followers and fans aren’t being abused by someone who may impersonate you. If they succeed, your reputation will be damaged, and your followers will resent you. Your followers are also almost guaranteed to be following other artists meaning your efforts can spread beyond your own circle of influence, so don’t be naive when you think you have little effect. Followers: You have just as much responsibility to be aware of those that might try to scam you or your fellow followers. Don’t just sit in silence when you see something wrong: Ignoring the issue only makes it more resilient to our efforts to stop it. You are the vocal majority if you just use your voices to be heard!
A scammer is impersonating artists and scamming money from their followers under the guise of ‘cheap commissions’. If we ignore the issue, it will get worse. Every single person that reads this can afford to spend just 10 seconds to reblog and share this post. Those 10 seconds can save others from being scammed for hundreds of dollars. Reblog & Share
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artsysketches · 7 years
@ all of my followers who use the mobile tumblr app!!!
please go to “General Settings” then to “Dashboard Preferences” and turn off “Best Stuff First”. This is killing artist exposure! Please, please, PLEASE, turn it off if you really do love the artists you follow! You’d be helping us so much! Please reblog this so that more people may know!
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artsysketches · 7 years
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I know I'm late but it was the last day and I didn't want to rush it... I am so proud of how confident these lines are in comparison to the begining of the month 😁 there is still room for improvment, of course, but it is so much better then when I started!!! Have a good night!
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artsysketches · 7 years
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Here you go frendos inktober 24-30 😝 From top to bottom the prompts were: Treasure, Mask, Serenity, Floral, (sand)Witch, Midnight and Beloved! Have a good night!
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artsysketches · 7 years
Insted of doing individual posts for inktober this week I'll do a dump this weekend when I have time to finish them all 😀
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artsysketches · 7 years
I missed todays inktober. I'm taking a year long distance course and this week is an in house week so I don't have that much time 😌
I'll do my best but I can't promise anything...
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