artworkgenie · 3 years
Easy editing software for beginners.
Let’s define ART.
Art is defined by a lot of people but the best definition that I’ve read is that it was “something that is created with imagination and skill” which means that anyone is capable of being an artist by making their own craft.
There are different categories of art such as literature arts, visual arts, graphic arts, plastic arts, performing arts, architecture and also music, everything that surrounds us is a form of art. Art can help us in so many ways we can imagine. Most people use art to express their thoughts, as their hobby and even as their job, like for example a painter. A painter creates a different world of expressing thousands of thoughts using random colors, it creates a magnificent art. To some people, art can also help them reduce their stress and anxiety. Some of us might not be aware if it but each and every one of us has our own contribution in art, in any form of it and not just by painting or drawing. It could also be by sculpting, knitting, making handicrafts, graphic designs, editing videos and etc. We have a thousands of thoughts that kept in our minds, drowned by the deep thinking can also lead to a thousand possibilities. Just focus and let your imagination work. Sometimes, you will be surprise on what you can do, because sometimes, even without knowing it, we surpasses our limits.
As a fellow photo and video editor, let me share you some art weapons on what editing software you can use to try to serve as your own weapon in producing arts. Try to explore and bring your imaginations to life.
This list includes editing software for both photos and videos that you can use for whatever equipment you are using.
1. Adobe Photoshop CC
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Photoshop CC has many features that you can explore. Even though it does come with an affordable monthly cost, it is an impressive photo editing application and probably the best out there!
2. Adobe Lightroom CC
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This software has the ability to store images on your computer and your other devices. It also gives you the ability to spice up the colors of your photos and make dull-looking shots more vibrant.
It also comes with a cost but with its features, it is all worth it!
3. Figma
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This software is the second-best photo editing software out there! It is a collaborative interface design tool that allows the whole team to process, test and create better designs faster, only in one tool!
And might I add, it’s FREE!
4. Fotor
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Fotor is a free photo editing software that comes in mobile, web and desktop. It features a full package of tool that should cover most of your basic essential needs in photo editing.
It can help you do an instant fix and if you need more control, you can find tools to resize, crop, rotate and straighten your images. It also has a feature where you can remove the background.
I have given you the top 4 photo editing software that is out there. Now, let’s move on and see a list of top video editing software!
1. Adobe Premiere Pro
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This software is a paid-for video editing software used by top professionals when it comes to making YouTube videos, advertisements, short films and even TV commercials and movies.
It is the best video editing software of all. It can be used to import video, audio and graphics. It can also be used for all basic video editing tasks necessary for producing high-quality and high-definition video.
2. Final Cut Pro
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Final Cut Pro is a professional video editing software for Apple devices. It is a one-time payment and is a subscription-free software.
Its features include 360-degree video, HDR and advanced tools for color correction.
It is also EASY TO USE. Most of the professional video editors have been loving this software because of its innovative Magnetic Timeline, grouping tools, wide range of effects, good organizational features and the simple ways to add and edit audios. If you are an Apple user, you should definitely try this one!
3. Filmora
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Filmora is the suggested video editing tool for enthusiasts. This is also easy to use.
There are so many options for titles, effects and filters designed for YouTubers and filmmakers. It also has a library where you can choose royalty free sound effects and music. This is a paid tool but the free version includes all the same features and tools as the paid one. The only difference is, your videos will have a brand watermark on them.
4. KineMaster
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There is also a professional video editing software on your smartphone or tablet that doesn’t require money. KineMaster is one of them! This software is available for all Android devices and Apple devices.
This has a smart and easy-to-use system and also lag-free. It allows you to edit multiple layers, add texts, add animations, play with the audio tracks and edit frame by frame.
These are the photo and video editing software that you can freely use to start making your own craft. At the beginning of pursuing your passion in editing it might not be a easy path to take, however, always remember that we only truly learned on the path that brought us the pain and sacrifices as it will give us the experience in life that will make us stronger and better than our past self. To learn, to seek for new things are what made us grow as a person. Always look for something to learn and something to practice to, and you may always start by what you've learned today.
- Felierica
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artworkgenie · 4 years
Welcome to "ArtworkGenie" blog!
Hi, Genie's!
Thank you for visiting our blog. ArtworkGenie's mission is to show the creativity and share everyone's art perspective; to connect with the readers who also share the same interest and hobby as them.
Come and join the fun and inspiration of Kent, Xander, Joyce, Aira, and Felierica as they express and unveil the different meanings and stories behind their artworks.
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artworkgenie · 4 years
Flowers of Experience
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I grabbed my brushes, handled it with good care as if it was really alive. I glanced over the canvas, it was the purest, clear and calm like a river. It flows on me now, and as the pencil touches the snowy field, it leaves a dark path that creates a rose in the glass. I know that I’m prepared, that there is no turning back. Those bristles of my brush crave that they want pigments all over the place and as they slowly dance through the dark path finally I could see that roses are red and the night sky was blue and the drops of white scattered like stars, and the darkest of the darkest engulf the light around the corner, and the lining of glass shines through the night, it was beautiful, and I’m proud of it, and it was my first painting, and I’m glad I did it, it was such an experience, though it was hard, it definitely paid my frustration, as I gained a lot of knowledge about it.
Einstein said once, the only source of knowledge is experienced, and it is true, art is not just showcasing talent, it may also be one of the best methods to find knowledge to learn and grow for more. It serves as self-medication that can help you attain something by using hard work and hardships and testing out your patience. I was never been born an artist myself, I don’t possess any innate art techniques, nor start as a prodigy yet experience helped me, to shape the things that I like, though it was only a hobby for me, still, experience is the key to get it right, with multiple tries and experimenting, you can find what you really looking for, besides art wasn’t a onetime process thus continuous learning of the collective experience of arts. In my case having a first painting without art school nor talent is pretty challenging, the feeling was like I’m an explorer, landing my foot to uncharted territory where I do not know the demographics, the overall land route, yet I step up not knowing the dangers that I may face along the way, and by the days, months, years passed I failed too many times, but I still keep coming, retracing the steps that I’ve made, mistakes that I’ve been taking, hoping that someday I may finally correct the errors that I’ve been made. Just like an explorer, I’m afraid too, for the judgments and criticism that may fall under my watch, I’m afraid of people telling me to do ways that I can’t, pressured with multiple mouths blabbering all over the place, and even I brace my defenses up, some other things still penetrates and it hits me harder and bolder with imitating the face of a rock, but I wasn’t really paying attention, not knowing that I can learn it because it was a real part of the experience. Well it is, and live through with it, sometimes criticism is also a benefit especially when it comes to good people, and not all of it was a bad one, thus it can shape your experience furthermore. Experience can also be enjoyed with company, during our exhibit my partner helped me to create an exhibit made by scraps and junks and we created a good one, it was fun having someone helped you amidst the problem and someone you can share to.
Well for artists out there, if you ever feel that you are not good enough, if you are not getting the right color, the right stroke, or even the proper application of art techniques, just remember that don’t rush everything, art is full of patience, it’s like your holding a box filled with fragile things, handling it while you are rushing, means you aim for inconsistency, and as the result, your artwork wasn’t that fully polished, while on the other hand, handling it with care and patience, sure the glassware inside is safe, so does your art, it will definitely become polished and well-planned art, besides having patience means you understand how really an artwork. Experience is out there waiting to be discovered, it was lying between those incorrect strokes, inconsistency, unharmonious color choice, proportion imbalance, and just remember that experience is the best teacher.
- Aira June Base
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artworkgenie · 4 years
Contradiction and Complications
The mixed breeze of yesterday’s rainfall and the morning sunlight made the morning more refreshing as it is supposed to be. There is no perfect delight than waking up to the bird’s chattering outside my window. My eyes immediately flew to my bedside table where my unfinished cup of milk lies and also some of my untangled yarns. Outside my room, I can hear the soft voice of a famous host, my mother must be watching her favorite morning show. Just like every morning routine goes for a normal person like me, I get up, left my room, and drink a cup of black coffee with two teaspoons of sugar and I am ready to start my day.
Most of my days go by staying inside our house, reading my favorite books, watching documentaries, and entertaining myself by doing crochet, embroidery, writing stories, and sometimes, painting. As much as everybody loves going out and travel with their loved ones, I, on the other side, prefer to just stay at home and be productive in my own way. I guess I am quite lucky as I do not have to undergo a complete adjustment by staying at home because of the lockdown, but it doesn’t mean that I did not have some realization in life just like how many of us also did in times of pandemic. One of the things I’ve realized is we should always make the most out of every moment, as time gave us both good and bad things; it allows us to capture and feel the good moments and succumb ourselves to a seemingly unending pain by experiencing bad moments that made us feel the bitterness of regret. Doing things that we love are what made us heal, rather than for the sake of entertainment, for me, doing my craft is like opening a door to another world- where only myself and the craft I am focusing on is the one that only matters, a complete diversion therapy for my inner self mind that is full of care to my own reality. Every thread of my yarns in crochet symbolizes the patience I invested just to create the craft I truly wanted even with the thousands of knitted eyebrows I did whenever I am unsatisfied with the design. I can also never remember how many times I pricked my fingers to the tiny needle while doing my embroidery daisy flower design, but the hardship does not matter to me, what truly matters is the happiness and contentment it made me feel.
My world starts and ends with me. I am aware that I set a high standard on choosing the people I want to be with which left me with only a few friends and companions on my side. I do not consider it as a bad thing, but I will be lying if I said that it does not bother me sometimes. People I know and met with, expect me to act like a sweet person with a charming person as my face dictates it to be when in reality, I am rather frank and straight- forward. Having a conversation with a person I don’t sync with makes me exhausted, uninterested, and easy to distract. So for me to not be bombarded by unwelcomed thoughts, I divert myself by doing the things that make me interested instead. My hobbies are my peaceful realms and my own art.
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To cope up with the bad moments of my everyday life, I just simply pick up my crochet hooks and yarn, and once again, be immersed with the world I choose and like to be with.
As I write these thoughts on my workstation table, just beside my room, thoughts that are swarming with my own perspective of my life and as an artist, I realized why a special person in my life told me that I am a complicated person to be with, because I truly am. I value all the simple things life has to offer but my ambition remains to be unreachable, just like the contradiction yet perfect pairing of a cold breeze mixed with sunshine’s warmness- it is full of contradiction and complications.
- Joyce
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artworkgenie · 4 years
Every Artwork Matters
Hi! I’m Xander, a student from College of Arts and Science in Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa. There’s still some artist which is not yet recognized until now. I’m one of the supporter of their artwork and we can’t deny that as a Filipino we’re blessed because of the talent we have. I’ve learned a lot from them and I can share my knowledge in art to others. Their artwork is truly inspirational for the people who start building their confidence to be one of the best artist. One of the unpopular artist I admired is Edgardo Lam also known as the “Homeless Painter” from Padre Faura Manila. He uses excess paint from hardwares and scrap plywoods just to continue his passion and he earn a small amount of money from the paintings that he made and he always says that just continue what makes you happy and comfortable. As a college student from a course which is connected to art, I’m inspired to this kind of talent not because you can earn money but it’s the reason why I’m so happy and joyful. I’m hoping tha students nowadays will be inspired and continue to support local artist. Some artist are not popular but their talents and skills as an artist is truly amazing because of their experiences and patience just to give a best quality paintings and artwork to us. Some of them says that hardship may not stop their talents. I was inspired by many artist as of this day and when pandemic strikes, it gaves us chances to figure out what we really like to do, by drawings, paintings and many more. We make ourselves busy in a way that our passion, talents and skin has been showed and we like the improvement we want for ourself and the more we show the best on ourself we can easily get what makes us happy even most of the people don’t give value and appreciation on what talent we have, it doesn’t matter as long there are people appreciated your work. Art is not about what they say, it is how you feel and how you think on how will it work. We can see what may people think and they talk about our dreams. The results on what decisions we make is also what our heart feels about it. The society might say that the art was just a simple thing and it doesn’t make sense, but on the other side, they just like what they can afford. Well you see that being an artist is tough and you have to named like personalities who has the power and if you’re an actor a celebrity before and you show your talent about, you can sell your art piece with higher price range while the artist who just live in the street who works and make better art can only sell their up to 500 or 1000 pesos only. It’s unfair but that’s where we lived, for me even you are a simple person or has a disability but you can still draw you can still continue your passion because everyone has their own path to follow and life is not only a one way. We should appreciate every artists works and arts because not all people have the same talent like what they have. Art can make our day happy we will feel like we’re so strong because we have positive vibe from different artwork we see and art can also make our world better. Art makes us unite and have a peaceful community and we can show our love to other. I encouraged everyone to support every artist and appreciate their different artwork and proffesion because it makes them strong and have the courage to continue what can make them happy. We have to give respect for them for making people have the strength to overcome what makes them sad. Art is not only an artwork but it is also what makes you strong and artists color our world to become a place for every human being.
- Xander
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artworkgenie · 4 years
You hear the city, observing it as it flashes before your eyes, causing your inner self to wake up and serve as an alarm. You were overwhelmed as you hear some variations of roosters as if they were an in-sync orchestra band ringing to your ears and asking you to wake up, accompanied by smooth roasted aroma, the flowery yet smoky fragrance of it teasing you to wake up. You stand up, open those glass panes, darkness from the four corners of the room depletes as the sun’s light pierces it like Achilles’ spear, and so do your eyes. You followed the rays to your room. The place that once was consumed by darkness became the night sky. It was filled with sparkles as sunlight penetrates silverwares and materials that are too reflective as if they were stars thriving through the night skies. It was morning though you were mesmerized and realized that there is a woman on canvas, lying on the wall staring at you as she was like messing with your head and saying that, “please, I am completely incomplete” you smiled as you remember that you are an artist, with those walls with splattered paint, solidified pigments, stained clothes, and hands, the tingly smell of chemicals and paint, yes, you’re an artist, with those black water in container or jar filled with a bunch of brushes, color pencils that are stacked, papers and other materials scattered in your room, and finally you sigh, yes, and said the words, “Yes, I am an artist” and started working again.
That is the life of an artist. Sure, it is a typical day yet hits differently. With a bunch of projects, deadlines, and art requirements, your mornings became different, a morning filled with creativity, it is an art croissant. Through the days of my career as an artist, I have encountered a lot of mornings like this, but it wasn’t like this all the time. It’ll probably start as a normal one, without a doubt, frustration and confusion are the most dominant feeling you’ll ever experience when you are an artist, especially when you’re starting. The struggle is the primary foundation of it, lack of motivation and less art inspiration, or even worse; Procrastination. But it wasn’t that way, don’t let it consume you, or else it will be your worst decision, even though obstacles are evident and clear. You must face the fact that an artist was once an amateur too. Learning is one of the effective ways to conquer any obstacles. Keep in mind that mistakes as an artist are frequent, from wrong color harmony, principle applications, and even over-exaggeration, with this, your knowledge for art became broad and if you start again, you’ll know which is which and even the do’s and don’ts, be practical when you’re learning since art is expensive, you must have a foolproof plan to not waste much more money, learning could be free and cheap, and yes I know that learning with a cost is better than learning in free, but hear me out learning it by practical means you can have your freedom without rules without guidelines nor affiliations and fixation from the previous generations, nobody will expect something, and the only one who can judge you is yourself beside you can pick whoever you want, wherever you are.
You can choose from a wide range variety of learning references, from YouTube, articles like this and so much more, and by the use of 21st-century technology and gizmos, you can single-handedly aces your classroom. Remember also to utilize your applications, maximize them and take the advantage of a mobile phone, laptop, or even personal computer, use it as a reference gallery for your future projects. Now take a deep breath and think that with your knowledge and skills, you can do it. Think of your tools as an extension of yourself; with every bristle, and every tip of the pens you own, and as you stroke through the canvas, think the principles and all of the things that you’ve learned and apply them to your piece. Don’t rush everything, embrace it, and don’t be ashamed for being an amateur, because a professional is still a student too. And for you 1000 years from now, no matter what type of medium you’re working on, please don’t give up and trust the process.
- Kent Atamosa
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