Episode Number and/or Name: Episode 15
Favorite Moment: Shania being called a ‘shiny’ human and extra special. I dunno why but that touched my heart a lot. Merzie also being vindicated as well to her elders after she helped save the pod.
Least favorite moment: Jesus Christ Sophia has a vicious streak a mile wide. Outright talking about MURDERING A CHARIZARD BY DIPPING THEIR TAIL IN WATER. HOLY SHIT. NO WONDER WHY MERZIE WAS UTTERLY TERRIFIED.
Biggest surprise: That the trio had their 'own’ team rocket to deal with. And they have a talking pickachu! Makes me wonder just how difficult it is for a pokemon to learn human speech. Can anyone do it or is it a select one in a million thing.
A question about this episode: I suppose since Merzie’s ability to dream the future is vindicated, I wonder if it will play out more over the course of her life. Or even if it will play out here in the 'present’ time. 
What you look forward to seeing or learning in the next episode: I really really really want to find up what’s up with those hungry Seel I’VE BEEN WONDERING SINCE THEY SHOWED UP.
Other comments: It seems like no matter what, people have to deal with pokemon stealing idiots. Makes me wonder if there is a trio of fuck ups in ALL the pokemon 'teams’ just to harass the region’s natives. God forbid if you are a trio of teens out for your pokemon adventure XD
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Yo it's totally Bounce playing in the water. Just imagine Stillwells with her.
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Episode Number and/or Name: Episode 14
Favorite Moment: SHANIA ON THE CASE. I also really enjoyed all the pokemon sitting around and telling legends. It’s nice to see all these pokemon just sitting around and having a good time. 
Least favorite moment: To be honest nothing in this episode made me angry about anything so I don’t have one. It was a very pleasant episode to me.
Biggest surprise: STILLWELL GOT THE CORK OUT. Phew.
A question about this episode: Kadabra’s story about Heartsnatches sounds incredibly similar to the current disease ravaging Munia. It makes me feel sure that it’s a human made virus much in a way that the pokemon ‘golems’ were made by human means. Why? That I don’t know yet. 
What you look forward to seeing or learning in the next episode: I would like to see if Shania’s investigating has any fruit to it. I wonder if she is going to take on a more active investigation role, or is going to have a hand picked team do it.
Other comments: I wonder if the island warriors will play a bigger role in the series once Cruise leaves the island. I can picture them rolling into battle and kicking ass and taking names should Cruise need them. FIGHT EVIL!!!!
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Episode Number and/or Name: Episode 13
Favorite Moment: Shania handling herself like the biggest pro in the world at the press conference. She’s my favorite character because if I was in her shoes, I would not be able to keep my cool. I also liked how the trainer captain on the island though that Cruise trained his pokemon so hard they evolved in one night, lol. I hope he heals up soon!
Least favorite moment: More dirty underhanded tactics on STAMPS part. They seem to be really sloppy though, they are leaving clues behind for Shania to follow. Filming that poor kid and her oshowott may be one of the things that nails their coffin, as well as the fire alarm pulling. For an evil society, they sure do leave a lot of clues.
Biggest surprise: Freeway thinking she’s ugly :< Typhlosion are really regal looking, maybe she just didn’t want to get big? There must be some trauma in there somewhere…..
A question about this episode: I’m not too sure what the laws are in the pokemon world regarding some of the actions STAMP is pulling. Either Munia has some rather lax laws regarding some things or STAMP has an army of lawyers to skate by them all.
What you look forward to seeing or learning in the next episode:n/a cause i read it in one sitting like a goober.
Other comments: My hatred of STAMP grows and grows with each chapter. Wow dude you really sure know how to write the most hate-able of enemies. 
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Episode Number and/or Name: Episode 12
Favorite Moment: Stillwell evolving! Quagsire is one of my favorite pokemon!  The whole fight with the houndoom was very action packed and I found myself ultra focused as I read. I like how they admitted that their plan was stupid in the end. I’m relieved that they all are okay!
Least favorite moment: STAMPS evil evil evil video. Especially with the dirty editing on Shania. I know this is something that happens in real life with people pushing agendas, but this is equally awful. Just what are they trying to accomplish? I know they want to get Shania out of the Champion spot but the rest just seems so unexpectedly cruel. I’m sure I’ll find out why later on.
Biggest surprise: Where in the world did the houndoom GET the rare candies? Maybe it’s a berry that they use TO make rare candies that are being given out. I was very surprised that they just let Bounce and Stillwell go after all of that terror and pain. I guess even they know better to mess with trainer pokemon.
A question about this episode: STAMPS true goals. From what I understand about some evil groups, they push a false narrative to distract from what is really going on. I wouldn’t be surprised if THEY were the ones that created the virus and unleashed it. 
What you look forward to seeing or learning in the next episode:n/a cause i read it in one sitting like a goober.
Other comments: The evil of people is astounding, but I know in my heart that one day, karma will get them good. 
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Episode Number and/or Name: Episode 11
Favorite Moment: Bounce evolving. Even so, the houndoom still was a match for her, and it was great to see Stillwell helping out in the battle. It’s good to see pokemon helping each other, but that Chespin…obviously didn’t. Shania also having a Druddigon! I can safely guess perhaps that she is a dragon type trainer, or simply has a fondness for dragons? It fits her personality. I wonder who else is in her party!
Least favorite moment: Due to the previous episode, I know what the chespin is up to and it made me angry! (Not in a bad way) I thought perhaps it might be a fake out cause there’s more than one Chespin in the forest i reckon, but NO, IT’S THAT ASSHOLE.
Biggest surprise: Chase causally suggesting that Shania could have murdered a whole ship full of people if she wanted to. It reminds me that these humans have bonded with intelligent animals with GOD LIKE POWERS and it’s a huge responsibility to have.
A question about this episode: What is causing the berry shortage? Are the houndoom picking/destroying ALL the berries just to pay pokemon off with it? If so they are dumb as hell, cause that isn’t sustainable at all. They would most likely end up with a pissed Ursaring destroying them all for it.
What you look forward to seeing or learning in the next episode: What happened to Bounce and Stillwell and what shape they are in! In Episode 10 it ended with the gang jumping in a hole and screaming. God, it’s really intense and I am worrying about fictional pokemon!
Other comments: Despite everything that happened this episode, I sure do hope that Stillwell got that cork out.
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Episode Number and/or Name: Episode 10
Favorite Moment: FREEWAY EVOLVING. I’m guessing she has been holding it back for a very long time, judging how she keeps vomiting her pilot light. An everstone might have made her feel better but probably had no way to tell Cruise what she wanted. You made it seem like a very painful and confusing process for the pokemon involved, no wonder why she didn’t want to do it!
Least favorite moment: I hate cowards like that Chespin who are willing to sell out other lives for a pittance. (Some berries, apparently worth more than lives!) It seems especially cruel and barbaric and I am quite glad the group caught up to them.
Biggest surprise: That other ‘prey’ pokemon, like the Chespin, can be okay with leading other pokemon to their deaths for some berries. Also Cruise hurting himself again makes me worried that he may be attacked while in the forest. Wild pokemon certainly don’t fuck around I can see in this universe. Also Sophia eating furret whole. Wowie.
A question about this episode: From what I understand, it’s hinted that Freeway did NOT want to evolve. Why I am not so sure, but I’m thinking maybe it will be answered.
What you look forward to seeing or learning in the next episode: n/a cause i read it in one sitting like a goober.
Other comments: “Damn Nature, you scary.”
0 notes
Episode Number and/or Name: Episode 9
Favorite Moment: The fact that you are illustrating actual pokemon predation. The games and the show rarely even show it, except for some pokedex entries. It brings more reality to the world. Also Shania having to go through so much shit, but STILL being a champion despite it all made me smile. Also holy shit, pokemon think about heaven and the after life. Wow. That’s…..really deep, for essentially intelligent animals, but then again, so are we.
Least favorite moment: The fact that everyone is being a dick to Shania cause of her skin color. I know she kicks ass and takes names. And to blame her FOR A DISEASE OUTBREAK IS LIKE, WHAT. Some people in this universe must be part of a tinfoil hat society or something like that.
Biggest surprise: That you aren’t afraid to show just how brutal and horrible life is. The predation angle took me completely by surprise, especially stating that the flowers/leaves on pokemon have a blood supply. 
A question about this episode: How in world did Stillwell swallow a GODDAMN CORK. IT COULDN’T HAVE FELT GOOD GOING DOWN, LET ALONE COMING OUT THE OTHER END.
What you look forward to seeing or learning in the next episode: n/a cause i read it already cause im a goober :V
Other comments: Just when I think you can’t get anymore brutal in this series, you have to hit me out of left field like this. Goddamn. Holy shit.
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Episode Number and/or Name: Episode 8
Favorite Moment: Team Rocket has a very special place in my heart, and I was very glad to see them. Despite them being ‘evil’, they tend to do more good than bad. It seems like the plot thickens, with Team Rocket/Galactic/Plasma trifecta going on. Something tells me that when they clash, it’ll get ugly. 
Least favorite moment: Jesus Christ Bedgood is a stupid motherfucker. Yes lets kill a pokemon and then magically expect someone to bring it back to life. Is he just stupid or is he so haughty that he expects life and death itself to bend to his will? Idiot. That poor Seviper :,(
Biggest surprise: TEAM ROCKET. I love them and you write them so well! I mean Jessie, James, and Meowth, not the organization itself, lol.
A question about this episode: It seems that Bedgood IS keeping Doc under duress…and I find myself questioning who is the most evil out of all of them. Hunter J just seems neutral and in it for the money but Team Rocket may end up being the worst of the lot.
What you look forward to seeing or learning in the next episode: If they can really bring Sophia back from the dead, because honestly it would take a lot to get her going again.
Other comments: I am very interested to see if Team Rocket and Cruise will team up at some point, cause really when it comes down to it, they have a heart.
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Episode Number and/or Name: Episode 7
Favorite Moment: MERZIE IS INTRODUCED! It was nice to look back on everyone when they were younger and just starting out on their pokemon journey. I fully embrace the idea of a cuddle pokemon (mine either a meowth or a mimikyu). 
Least favorite moment: Jesus christ who know dratini could be so goddamn mean. Holy crap.
Biggest surprise: The Merzie can have prophetic dreams. I wonder if the group of Dratini/dragonaire were attacked later on after the humans left? Perhaps that’s why the cracked horn dragonaire returns later on, a sole survivor?
A question about this episode: Asked in the Biggest Surprise second. I wonder if Merzie continues to have prophetic dreams in the future.
What you look forward to seeing or learning in the next episode: Lets see what’s happening in the present! 
Other comments: I was glad to finally read the scene that I got to illustrate. It was really touching :,)
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Episode Number and/or Name:  Episode 6
Favorite Moment: Oh god this episode made me so afraid and angry for a pokemon. The banter at the beginning with the girl was really funny, but I also can’t help but feel great that the Bedgood guy spent all that money for nothing in the end. It answered the question for sure where Sophia was, and it was a parade of humor mixed in with horror over what happened to her. 
Least favorite moment: When the guards began beating up and kicking a defenseless pokemon who can’t even fight back. That’s an extra level of cowardice there.
Biggest surprise: When the Doc ordered his Seviper to euthanize Sophia. I had no idea you would go that far, but now I can see that you aren’t afraid to explore some very dark themes in this story. So now I feel better prepared to face it.
A question about this episode: Did Sophia consent to being spayed? Pokemon are shown to be scientist in this universe, so did Cruise ASK her if she wanted it done? Was it something medically necessary, like how some females need thier reproductive organs removed because of cancer? Maybe she was sick before hand???
What you look forward to seeing or learning in the next episode: What in the world is up with the hungry Seel!?!? Is the land polluted? Is that why Cruise became an environmental activist? I guess we’ll see! Also the Doc…is he also a victim in all this too?
Other comments: Goddamnit H you made me tear up at the end where Sophia begs to be free of her pain it was touching but oh god. That poor Seviper! That poor Audino! Poor everyone :,(
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Episode Number and/or Name: Episode 5
Favorite Moment: Shania. When she stood up to Kodai despite his threats, that was so badass. And her plugging in the tv cable again and daring him to pull it out! Shania is a world class BADASS and she is now my favorite character from the series. I love her. Plus all those threats Kodai made…he’s going to regret doing that for sure.
Least favorite moment: Kodai being a mean bastard to Spring. What a douchebag! The whole conspiracy angle too to keep people from watching the funeral made me incredibly angry (but in a good way.)
Biggest surprise: That Cruise’s team managed to get THAT much money together as a reward. Holy crap where in the world did they get it all??? Even pro athletes don’t make that much!
A question about this episode: This kinda makes me question if there is the idea of crooked Jennies in this universe. Of course there are other cops than just Office Jenny and her million cousins, but it makes me concerned about the law enforcement in this universe that this level of corruption can get that bad. 
What you look forward to seeing or learning in the next episode: I wonder if the kid and his umbreon will somehow play a bigger role in the story someday.
Other comments: A touching episode. You can tell Cruise is sorely missed by a lot of people, especially that poor little kid and his umbreon :(
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Episode Number and/or Name: Episode 4
Favorite Moment:  Just how hardcore the island dwellers are. The fact they freaking made Cruise train, but yet kept an eye on him, reminds me of training my bf had to do while in Japan. The whole training montage with the pokemon helping Cruise was wonderful and I can see it looking badass on film. Also THEY WERE ALREADY MAKING A BALLOON BASKET FOR CRUISE. MY HEART.
Least favorite moment: I literally gasped when Cruise got picked up in the air and dropped. I MEAN, WHO DOES THAT? Also during the pokemon battle Cruise came off as arrogant, but he swiftly was given some humble pie so it wasn’t so bad. 
Biggest surprise: The not-funeral they had, but like, a revenge bonfire they had for Sophie. It was touching and sad as they came to terms with their grief and decided not to give up at the same time.
A question about this episode: How is it that only native islanders can find their way back to the islands when leaving? Is it somewhat supernatural in nature or something?
What you look forward to seeing or learning in the next episode: It mentioned that next chapter will be Cruise’s televised ‘funeral’ and I really want to see what happens with the evil goons if they try to ruin it. I’M EXCITED.
Other comments: When I read this chapter I imagined listening to the Rocky soundtrack the whole time Cruise was training. I could easily see a montage of all that training set to an upbeat pop song.
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Episode Number and/or Name: Episode 3
Favorite Moment: The reunion was very sweet and lovely. The idea of a grandma drifblim also was sweet and lovely. Goodness, the diabetes! It certainly was a large pick me up from the previous episode. When they all accept Edgar unconditionally was very sweet too.
Least favorite moment: N/A
Biggest surprise: That some of Cruise’s pokemon are mid stage or baby evolution. It makes me wonder how much battling they all have to do in a year to evolve fully like in the prologue. 
A question about this episode: I kinda wanna learn about where Cruise got Lakehurst. That sounds like an interesting story.
What you look forward to seeing or learning in the next episode: I couldn’t wait for the next chapter so I read it, but I did wonder what was going to happen to them sleeping out on the beach like they did.
Other comments: This episode was a nice breather from the precious episodes. It’s nice to at least see Cruise with his pokemon again.
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Episode Number and/or Name:  Episode 2
Favorite Moment: The fact that Cruise is alive oh man.  I also like that you gave him a realistic recovery time for falling into the ocean like he did. Also I have a soft spot for Shuckle <3 I also loved the reunion of Cruise and his pokemon, though it makes me heart ache wondering what happened to Sophie for all those long months. I also see Edgar! I imagine you wanted to introduce him for so long!!!
Least favorite moment: The council of evil polluting people. I hope they get what’s coming to them. I don’t like them at all >(
Biggest surprise: Who is the Dragonair with the cracked horn? Is it Merzie ???
A question about this episode: Is the island so remote that they couldn’t send a letter by Pelipper? Did they try to let someone know they found some random injured guy on the beach? 
What you look forward to seeing or learning in the next episode: I would like to see at all what happened to Sophie. We learned about what happened with everyone else except for her and I’m WORRIED.
Other comments: This episode felt shorter to me for some reason? Maybe because there wasn’t a lot of action but healing. I do love slice of life so maybe it just went by too quickly for my liking.
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Episode Number and/or Name: Episode One
Favorite Moment: The whole escape in the prologue. Just…all the pokes sitting around and having a meal. I love slice of life stuff so much. And both the escape in the first part and the battle in the air in the ‘past’ were very very exciting. It made me really really hate Hunter J omg. 
Least favorite moment: I think the battle with Hunter J. Not really least favorite, but it infuriated me like you wouldn’t believe. I wanted to strangle her. 
Biggest surprise: That they wanted to capture Sophie and turn her into a breeding machine. IT MADE ME REALLY GODDAMN MAD. Like it’s proven at this point that pokemon are intelligent, and forcing them to do that seems to be especially evil.
A question about this episode: In the 'present’ with Cruise on the run with his pokemon, can he understand them? It seems like he can at some points and it makes me wonder if he can just read his pokemon really good, or something happened to let him understand them. I’m also curious about the disease going around, and I hope it gets explained and touched on on later chapters.
What you look forward to seeing or learning in the next episode: WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO CRUISE AND SOPHIA IM WORRIED ABOUT THEM. I wonder what will happen to the sweetest dragonair when she hears that her mate has been captured. And how the hell is Cruise going to survive a sheer goddamn drop over the ocean!?!?!
Other comments: A solid start to the series. Having the prolouge first actually will give the viewer a piece of mind to see both Cruise and Sophie alive. It’s kinda like why sad movies tend to have a blooper reel, it lets you know that things will be okay. Besides that it gives you an eagerness to see what went down for Cruise to be on the run like this. So when the series begins in the 'past’, you are eager to see what changes will happen to get them to where they are now. 
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Here’s a thing you can copy and paste for the episode “reviews”.
1 to 3 sentences is fine for each field, not looking for an essay here, this is supposed to be super quick. Thanks! :D
If a field doesn’t apply to the episode you’re reviewing, just put N/A
Don’t feel pressured to write more than you actually have to say
(i guess you can tag in the format “Episode XX” as well)
Episode Number and/or Name:
Favorite Moment:
Least favorite moment:
Biggest surprise:
A question about this episode:
What you look forward to seeing or learning in the next episode:
Other comments:
0 notes