as0527-blog1 · 4 years
Communication Challenges
My biggest communication challenge would have to be an overall lack of communicating effectively. I don’t provide a good amount of information when giving out a story or feedback. I can give a genral idea overall, but when it comes to details, I lack a good amount and lack giving a consistant wave of details through whatever I am saying, 
One way I can improve on this is by keeping a focus on what I am getting across. I tend to wander when speaking and I don’t always remain on the one topic i’m getting across. I should also start focusing on the issue I am covering, not the person i’m communicating with. Sugar coating to spare anothers feelings won’t help me in a workplace environment. Third of all, I should know when to communicate anything If I know it came from a main source, not using false information to fill the missing details. I mostly believe I can fix my ways with keeping a focus. Once I begin to tell a situation or explain my answer to a question on a test or in an email etc, I ramble on and quicly get off topic and sidetrack onto another story based off of one branch of the main topic. 
It is better to communicate by speaking when it comes to for example meeting with friends, it is a informal way to speak. It is unrecorded and is taken in the moment and registered right away. Using speech in a professional environment is ideal to project knowlege on whatever is being presented, but can cause complications with “um” and “uh” making the communication less of a serious notion. 
Writing is ideal for assingments or long distance communcation with a family member or a colllegue. Emailing, writing letters are all long term and you can’t really expect a reply instantly. Written is more of a formal way of communication, and has record of what is being said, when and by who. This makes it easier to resolve conflicts that may occur in a workplace. 
Effective Communication: Barriers and Strategies. (2019, March 4). Retrieved from https://uwaterloo.ca/centre-for-teaching-excellence/teaching-resources/teaching-tips/communicating-students/telling/effective-communication-barriers-and-strategies
Venditti, P. (n.d.). Introduction to Communication. Retrieved from https://courses.lumenlearning.com/introductiontocommunication/chapter/spoken-versus-written-communication/#:~:text=The second difference between spoken,communication is almost entirely asynchronous.
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as0527-blog1 · 4 years
Career Aspiration
I have not had a job yet. I have done volunteering but never worked for an official company. The most I have done is volunteering at the Toronto Zoo.
My goal is to be a Communication Assistant (with future promotions). With this job, I can help organizations communicate to the public. I would be working for someone who needs to reach out to a large network. In a way, i’d be helping by decreasing their workload. I can use my communications knowlegde to help me talk to others via media. The average salary for a Communications Assistant would be $40k. 
As a young adult, balancing home and school is a bit of a challenge, especially with circumstances and family issues. I set a goal to achive and healthy work-life balance. It will give me a sense of balance in life due to a feel on control. I will have to set priorities such as putting assingments due over helping my sister with her own needs. I also will need to focus on not over-packing my day with tasks -spread out tasks. I also want to set a goal to work on my Personal Development. This is about me personally working on my communication or strategic goals to benifit me in my future career. 
Overall, to achive the goal of working for a big corporation, I wll need to focus on NOW. I need to get work done for classess, maintain good marks to achieve my degree and then start to focus on my future as an adult in the real world. 
Karrera, M. (2020, May 8). 13 Examples of Achievable Career Goals. Retrieved from https://www.careeraddict.com/examples-achievable-career-goals
Average Communications Assistant Salary in Canada. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.payscale.com/research/CA/Job=Communications_Assistant/Salary
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as0527-blog1 · 4 years
Social Media Influence
The first social media account I had was Facebook. To this day, I use Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter and Tiktok. I have never posted on Youtube or tiktok. I only post on Facebook, Instagram and twitter. If potential employers saw my profiles, I would feel fine. All content posted is appropriate, family-friendly and my followers/following is all family, celebrities I like, news and memes. I have no embarrassing things posted such as photos of me drinking or at the beach. I don’t use LinkedIn due to me not making an account. There is no reason behind it, it is  just because. I used to have Skype, but i no longer use it because none of my friend/family use it. I talk to them over the phone. 
Social media can be used for personal branding. People can use is to grow a fanbase and expand their audience towards their company. They can also pay to get ads promoting their business. They can also use their own accounts or make new ones to market products, promote products and share positive feedback about it. 
Social media can definitely hinder businesses. Unprofessional content mixed with production will change the look to consumers and lessen their audience. This can cause a decrease in sales and revenue. One thing for sure is to NEVER mix business with pleasure.
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