asaesque · 1 year
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Act. I, Scene. I: Down the rabbit hole…
“Oh, dear! It’s a precious soul… is it lost?” Her eyes widened in awe and wonder as the precious soul that had appeared before her gaze. She couldn’t help but marvel at the sight of it, deep in peaceful slumber, wondering how such an invaluable being had dared to venture down the treacherous rabbit hole, however, she found herself deeply enthralled and captivated by the warm presence and so she lay beside it in curious anticipation, never once taking her eyes off of it. It was clear that fate had blessed her with a remarkable gift and she eagerly awaited its awakening.
“Who would’ve thought that a florist, who has always been blessed with being surrounded with the prettiest blossoms, would ever witness nature’s loveliest bloom until I beheld you.” - Yours Truly.
“It’s awake, it’s awake, it’s awake!” Her mind piped up with a thrilling chant like a mantra; the visible sense of excitement had bubbled up within her as her beaming cherubic lips curved upwards in anticipation of the living soul who has awoken to her presence. She had been anxiously awaiting this moment for as long as she could remember and here it was; her first encounter with the warm being in her own Wonderland. Should she be blamed for the energy coursing through her veins; an energy of pure pleasure? Nervously yet soothedly, she whispered words of a warm welcome and extended her arms in joy for she was elated to finally meet this lovely soul.
Act. I, Scene. II: …in Wonderland.
May it be that the progeny of fortune has guided you here, and that you don’t find yourself among the lost souls nor in the Wonderland of the wrong being as I shall have you whisked away to a realm of adoration and pure bliss as she share with you a tale crafted from the love in my heart. Imagine it spun through the pen of a little fairy who extends an invitation for you to take part in this journey alongside her, you could also check out some of her scribbles that were written absentmindedly, once upon a sleepless night.
Now that you’ve come this far, let me grasp this opportunity and welcome you inside this fairytale of mine and although most of you probably know of me, I still want to declare that this is a portrayal of muse as ASA from BABYMONSTER who you might’ve encountered as Lucine Melrose once upon a time in another parallel universe; itsimplefm, Wellmarks and TheBlissGalore, but if we aren’t mutuals, please feel free to add me as one if you desire, even if we were twins which I do not mind one bit, you can find me through my Twitter.
Another declaration to be made that this account is labeled as ‘Strictly English Roleplayer’ which means that I tweet and communicate with my mutuals fully in English and any other language shall be initiated upon consent from both parties first. So, I ask for your kind understanding that you reach out to me through DMs if I’ve made any mistake that has made you feel uncomfortable, or if you just feel like it as I look forward to be graced with your presence, at any moment.
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