Just has to grab that new belly on his cousin
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He loves my fat tits 🐷
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He loves daddy’s milk 🐽
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Hottest gainer has outgrown his clothes. His ass is getting absolutely massive!!
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Is this what they call Bali belly?
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Texas A&M football jock Mitchell bulked up
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I guess I can focus on my winter body now!
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cam star puts on some weight pt 1
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Getting thicker. Screenshots from preseason practice
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Showers feel better when there’s more to scrub
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My dad lifted up his shirt, rubbing and jiggling his hairy belly. He started at it in his reflection, but he must have been so focused on his belly to see me at the doorway of his bedroom. “Imagine that”, my dad said to himself, “an ol’ guy like me: 45 and pregnant”. He continued to rub his hairy, pregnant filled gut, and I could tell he was getting turned on. “I can’t believe that I’m going to give birth to my own grandson”, my dad sighed as he played with his belly button.
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Luca and I met about two years ago, right at this spot. We clicked almost immediately, and we ended up getting together not too long after. 5 months ago I ended up getting him pregnant, and he was loving it. One day he wanted to visit our “meeting spot” randomly and wanted to do a little photo shoot.
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“Why couldn’t you just have pulled out, man?”, said my roommate Chris. “I’m sorry man”, I replied, “but it’s not like I didn’t try! It just ended up being heat of the moment.” Chris just stood there, pouted a bit while rubbing his 5-6 month pregnant belly. “Well”, he started, “I guess this just means we are going to have to raise this kid together”. I walked up to him, and placed my hand on his hairy belly while slowly rubbing it. “I’m more than happy with that proposal”
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Freddy was always a man who loved to be shirtless and show off his abs. Anything he did in his yard - mowing the lawn, washing his truck, taking care of his garden - was always without a shirt. A while back he hosted a BBQ for 4th of July, and we ended up in bed together after a couple beers. I didn’t realize I must have cum inside him, as when we called me over to his yard, I was greeted with the same shirtless Freddy, but with an expanded gut and with a roll of ultrasound picture.
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