aseffondrer · 10 years
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Heavy breathing.
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aseffondrer · 10 years
Aaaannnndddd suddenly I cannot find muse. Oh my God.
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aseffondrer · 10 years
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⊰ ☣ ⊱——{ Then it's time to have a little                                          fun
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Not afraid to face a little                                                                                         danger.
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aseffondrer · 10 years
Everybody dies aside from Chain Elliot.
The end.
Edit: Okay never mind, maybe Oz won't die either. She'll be fine.
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aseffondrer · 10 years
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⊰ ☣ ⊱——{ This wasn't him.                                                                     This was a monster.
Hands clutched at the sides of his head as the chain only appeared to be losing that battle. Teeth clenched together as holding himself together proved not to be an option at the moment in time -- then again, he never had been complete to begin with. Oh no, he was a greater disaster just awaiting to collapse in on itself. He needed closure, but in all reality he had none of it.
Her voice still didn't make it to him as he stumbled in a few steps as his breathing picked up.
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◊ | Alice takes a step back. There’s something different about him—something off about his aura. She can’t pinpoint it, but…it’s dangerous. “What’s with ya?” And what’s with the growling? “Are y’some sort of a dog…?”
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aseffondrer · 10 years
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⊰ ☣ ⊱——{ It depends upon if you're ready to                                                                                                                                m̢͛̿͗҉̩̙ư̡̤̘̫̼̤͎͊͊́ͅř͖̟̥̫̹̻̙̼́ͭͭ̉͟ḑ̭̩̜̙͇͇͎̒͒̃͘e̡̬̥͕̮̬͂͐͂͢r̭̭͈͙͐ͧ͌͟
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Play dirty, hm? Shall they play                                                                                together?
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aseffondrer · 10 years
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⊰ ☣ ⊱——{ Low growl.
It hurt                                                                                                                                        It hurt                                                It hurt more than he liked to admit.
No response came back to her as his body quaked.
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◊ | “….?!” What’s with Gilbert? Why is he acting so weird? “…Seaweed Head…?!”
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aseffondrer · 10 years
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⊰ ☣ ⊱——{ It grew within him.                                                                                 It distorted his mind and took a strong hold.                                           There was no going back now.
Hand shook as he raised it slightly into the line of sight that angled downward toward the ground below. It throbbed and ached like a meshed hunger that growled and rattled the bars of the cage trying to hold it back. How long had it been..? He had no control when the desire ripped free and clawed its way out.
He hadn't heard her voice trying to catch his attention as his breathing hitched. He couldn't take it.
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Such an odd scent.. Not one she was familiar with. Which meant an investigation was needed. But what she found wasn’t what she had expected by any means.
"Oi!" Of course she’d call out. Just to be safe.
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aseffondrer · 10 years
ladyblackrabbit replied to your post: Read More →
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[ I guess so??? I dunno... it still makes me really self-conscious of everything I do on all of my blogs. And then I start getting paranoid and things just go down hill. I tend to have a pessimistic mind-set and I just can't fix that about myself. dfjhgdjfhgl. ]
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aseffondrer · 10 years
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⊰ ☣ ⊱——{ Had he noticed someone else there?
                     No, No of course he didn't realize it at all.
Heart pounded within his chest as he stood there completely motionless other than that waver within the irises of his eyes. It grew -- it fixated itself within his mind and twisted at the cords trying their best to hold him in place.
              He couldn't do it.
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He stares at the other, something wasn’t right with him, but the boy didn’t want to leave him alone for some reason.
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aseffondrer · 10 years
In which Felicity takes in a deep breath and lets out something on one of her least popular blogs.
Typically I don't care when I lose followers. I really don't. Clearly they ended up no wishing to see it or just got tired or I dunno what -- maybe just deleted a bit. But what DOES bother me is when someone I was actually beginning to consider a friend someone I begun to get along with suddenly unfollows me out of the blue.
Like I mean-- I guess to them it wasn't really anything special such as friendship between us, but it would have been at least NICE to know what I did wrong. Maybe I could have fixed it or tagged something because you were my friend and no matter what a friend posts or does I'll continue to always follow them on my dashboard.
They're a friend and I wanna keep in touch, but clearly I must have done SOMETHING and yet I dunno what the hell I did to you to make you want to unfollow and thus basically break the connection. If for a while I was posting something that was making you feel uncomfortable, then okay. It would have been nice to KNOW, so I don't start getting paranoid.
I have been literally paranoid for the past fee weeks to be brutally honest. I've been keeping it in and just staying silent about it, but it's actually been getting to me quite a bit. Like I dunno what to do tbh
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aseffondrer · 10 years
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⊰ ☣ ⊱——{ Holding back wasn't an option -- it was do or die in this world. It was survival of the fittest.
               He couldn't do it.                                           He desired.                             He needed.
And there was only one way to get it.
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Rabbit senses are tingling. Not in a good way either.
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aseffondrer · 10 years
"Gil thought it’d be smart if they moved to the Nightray manor. Then Gilbert decided to disappear."
Well we know what could have happened there. /shot
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aseffondrer · 10 years
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⊰ ☣ ⊱——{ He only knows how to play                                                                                                       dirty
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aseffondrer · 10 years
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{casually goes off on Elliot to stalk follow Gil}
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aseffondrer · 10 years
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[ Yes, bring it on~ ]
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{Oh, angst. Let’s do it.}
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aseffondrer · 10 years
The world we knew —
                                won’t come back.
The time we lost—
                                can’t get it back.
The lives we had —
                             won’t be ours again.
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