asessay-blog · 6 years
The Caribbean tourism advantage report
The Caribbean includes the over seven thousand islands. As in most developing countries, the Caribbean is recognised as an area heavily dependent on the tourism industry for economic survival ( Manley 1995 & Jessop 2000) . According to the Caribbean Tourism Statistics, in 2002 the area attracted more than 14 million tourists per year. The main attractions are the beautiful sandy beaches, clean sea and a warm climate; "...the Caribbean has more amazing beaches and sun than you can shake a stick at" . By looking at both the negative and positive impacts of the developments in the tourism industry in the Caribbean enables a better understanding of the impact on the local communities. Therefore, is it "Paradise on Earth" as promised by tour operators trying to sell holidays to the Caribbean, or merely an image presented to the tourist "...[the] tourist-consumer appears to buy paradise in the travel agency or airline ticket office..."(Strachan, 2002) .
"The Caribbean is a nature lover's dream, welcoming visitors in search of the wonders of the natural world-creatures plants and landscapes unmatched in diversity and beauty". Is this still the truth? According to Barberia (2003) the area's natural resources attract a large number of tourists, but mass tourism brings environmental damage to the ecosystem, as well as impacting on the economy and it damages the social and cultural environment of the Caribbean islands. The main attraction for visitors are "the 3 S's"/ This means sun, sea, sand. But in modern world, visitors are seeking something more Nowadays , sex tourism is becoming one of the main constitutions that attracts tourist to the destination. Nowadays, tourism to the Caribbean islands has become mass tourism ( Archer & Davies 2007).
As in many developing countries, tourism to the Caribbean offers some advantages to the area, including reducing the level of poverty in the area by providing job opportunities for the local community, generating income which leads to economic growth (Palmer 1993) . However, tourism not only provides direct jobs through accommodation, hospitality, transport, shops and casinos. Tourism also helps support investment in the local infrastructure including; medical centres, new roads, utilities as well as other shopping facilities. It is also a main source of government revenue through the taxing of goods and services (Bryan 2001). The World Tourism Organisation (2001) believes that in 2012 the tourism industry created around 3 million jobs in Caribbean.
On the other hand, the economy in the Caribbean was traditionally dependent on agriculture. The sugar crop industry was the leading industry, followed by banana, coffee, cocoa, rice and citrus. However, in recent times the Caribbean has become heavily dependent on the tourism industry (Steinberg 1978). It has been argued that the locals prefer working in the tourism industry rather than in difficult, low paying, traditional work in fishing or agriculture. An extract from the Pattullo (1996) book describes this scenario "...working in de hotel in de harbour last year, even though man getting paid really bad wage I at least know dat each week I gonna get dollar for pay for food and thing." The young man here is explaining that, for him, there is better work available in the tourism industry. Even though he earns a small amount of money there is greater uncertainty working in agriculture or fishing (Pattullo 1996,p 55). Moreover, it has been suggested that most local people living in poverty look "exotic and different" to wealthy visitors, in many cases visitors treating the locals as slaves. It has been hard for Caribbean people to escape from the feelings of injustice that were instigated by slavery and the experiences of poverty after slavery. Tourism is still being seen as an extension of this system of slavery, with the locals there for the visitor's luxury, amusement and comfort (Bryan 2001). According to this view, locals are there to serve the wealthy clients and are in effect still being treated as slaves. Their tourism industry is largely controlled by white people with the local black population employed in a service capacity for minimal remuneration (Miller 2006, p 39) . The low level of education in the area does not give equal opportunity for the indigenous staff to secure jobs in highly skilled, high paid jobs (Goodwin, 2008) .
Nowadays, some of the visitors come to the Caribbean not only for the "3S's" but also for another "S"; sex tourism. Sex tourism involves the prostitution of men and women and sex trafficking of young people and children. It has been suggested that this has had a damaging effect on the local community (Bryan 2001). Moreover, it has created a negative image of local women - who are not prostitutes, but whose service includes cleaning rooms, washing cloth and sex (Sanchez-Taylor & O'Connell 1998/1999,p 1). Adverts from major tour operators construct an image of the Caribbean that suggests "... a dream Caribbean holiday has it all and more"( http://www.directline-holidays.co.uk) however, the popularity of 'sex tourism' has succeeded in increasing the number of sexually transmitted diseases - such as HIV, and Hepatitis, within the local communities. The number of sexually transmitted diseases is steadily increasing each year , with the current estimate of HIV cases alone believed to be between 500,000 and 700,000. Ironically, sex tourism has put at huge risk, not only the locals and the visitors, but their tourism industry as a whole, which could have a damning impact on the island's major source of revenue. In Jamaica, where the economy is in decline, and with the country increasingly relying on income from tourism, not only for the obvious benefits, but also for the prostitution of men and women who see this as the only way to earn money to survive (UNAIDS ,2001) .
The large volume of tourism in the Caribbean is mostly generated by two areas, all-inclusive and cruise tourism (Duval 2004, p10).The all- inclusive vacation is the easiest way to control guests' experience and their expenditure, Controlling what to eat, drink, entertainment and what to buy, whilst conveniently preventing them from sharing in the culture of the natives living on the islands, and their hardships. Tourists spend most of their money before coming to Caribbean i.e. "The traveller is buying into the resort and its image, not the location".(Henthorne & Miller 2003, p 8) Is this of benefit to the local community? Most resorts are owned by multinational corporations, and so the money usually doesn't remain within the locally economy. The food and beverages are imported and only low paid jobs are provides for locals is benefit community . On the other hand, some of the local natural resources are no longer accessible as well as some areas on which locals have traditionally depended for their livelihood, entertainment and work. Moreover, the community has suffered from water shortages during the dry season partly as a result of water provided to hotels and resorts (Bayer & Lynch 2006,p 8) . When coastal tourism started to grow, extensive damage was done to sand dunes and lagoons resulting in the deaths of various species of animals and fish. Jamaica has the highest number of animal and plant species which are under the threat of disappearance in Caribbean. The Caribbean has become the largest destination for cruise tourism in the world. According to Wood (2004), cruise tourism amounted to only 12 percent of all tourism spending in the Caribbean in 2000. Caribbean communities get the smallest economic benefits from cruise tourism. Governments of some countries in the Caribbean, in order to attract a large number of cruise ships to the port destinations, have been competing to relax the environmental standards. As with all inclusive resorts, the cruise ships are largely owned by foreign companies, exploiting the local work force, and it could be argued, not reinvesting the profits into the local economy. Also, the 'cruise' industry has had a major environmental impact on the coastal waters, and marine life. Ships dump waste into the ocean, destroying coral reef ecosystems (Wood, 2000) scuba drivers and snorkelers are damaging coral reefs through repeated excessive contact, as well as the locals who remove the corals to sell it as tourist souvenirs in a desperate attempt to escape the extreme poverty accentuated by the tourist trade.
In revision of all the negative and positive impacts raised in this essay, I conclude that tourism cannot solely destroy the Caribbean sun, the beaches and water, but ironically, it can drastically reduce and eventually destroy this wonderful habitat, the very thing that brings the tourists to the Caribbean in the first place. Most tourists search out the area for typical reasons: beaches, landscape and climate, they are looking for "a holiday of a lifetime" experience , to visit a real live paradise, without totally comprehending the effects on the local environment.
It could be argued that the image of this paradise was in fact created by tour operators, in an attempt to increase the number of visitors (and their profits!). With the increased availability of cheaper air travel over the last decade or so, there is now a growing demand for people wanting to honeymoon, and even marry in this paradise-like region of the world, a"...blue water paradise, there are abundant islands offering pristine beaches, all types of water activities, green landscapes and awesome sunsets to set that romantic mood for two."
"The tourist/consumer appears to buy paradise in travel agents...,but actually, this traveller has purchased only the promise of "paradise": the collection of ideas, the myth..."( sited on presentation, appendix 1). Each person has a different view of paradise: some look for a few weeks of luxury, to be waited on hand and foot, to experience a different way of life, to escape from the stresses of home. Other visitors associate the Caribbean with sex and/or romance, where the abject poverty present, again allows the 'affluent' to have every whim catered to. However, most tourists have a limited view of these islands: all they see is the airport, the ports, the hotels, the beaches and sights, often never even leaving the hotel complex. This short sighted vision of the region helps attract tourism to the island, giving the perfect holiday experience for them but at the same time damage environments and having a negative impact on life within the local community. The real life and experiences of locals and all their problems are conveniently hidden behind "the hedges" of these all- inclusive resorts.(Henthorne &Miller 2003)
Tourism has a predisposition to be more negative than positive when used as the single or most important, chain for development and when taken out of the hands of the local people who are most impacted. As with most third world destinations, the Caribbean is, at this time experiencing many of the negative side effects of the tourism trade. The paradise that exists in holiday brochures and in visitors' observations of the Caribbean could become a hell for the local community if there is not a suitable reinvestment of tourist cash put back into improving the infrastructure within these idyllic islands . The sustainability in tourism development has to be ensured for the future benefits of the Caribbean, and it's peoples and become a true "paradise on Earth" and not only in image.
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asessay-blog · 7 years
Eessay范文:Influence of the system of ups and downs on futures market
下面为大家是Asessay为大家提供的一篇essay代写范文- Influence of the system of ups and downs on futures market,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了涨跌停板制度对期货市场的影响。如今,虽然涨跌停板制度在一定程度上影响了价格波动性和市场流动性,但涨跌停板制度在抑制价格的过度波动、防范期货违约风险和降低交易成本等方面都起到了积极作用。因此,目前设置涨跌停板制度仍是一种可行的政策。考虑到停板制度对价格波动具有“杠杆”效应,今后我国期货市场可以考虑采用非对称的涨跌幅限制制度,即跌停板幅度要适当大于涨停板幅度。
Affected by the global "financial tsunami", the recent increase in commodity price volatility, futures market risk, in this case, as a price stability mechanism of the rise and fall of the board system, in the prevention of market risk and maintain market stability has played an important role. Statistics show that the 2008 "11" After the end of the long holiday trading to November 21, 2008, only the Shanghai Futures Exchange all varieties of the contract number of ups and downs in total 483. In the handling of this risk incident, it is precisely because of the effective implementation of the Stop board system, the entire futures market to resist systemic risk, to ensure the steady and healthy development of the futures market. However, this system, since its inception, has been plagued by the controversy between the theoretical and practical circles.
In favor of the point of view of the system of change and stop, the system can limit the price fluctuation when the market fluctuates greatly, restrain speculative overheating, reduce the overreaction of the market, and make the price not deviate from the real price excessively. Some scholars believe that when prices touch the price limit, the investor's overheated mood is calm, the market will have more time to digest the existing information to prevent the abnormal volatility of futures prices. Some scholars think that setting up the limit of ups and downs can prevent market defaults, reduce margin demand and reduce market transaction cost to some extent. The argument against the rise and fall of the system is that when the price limit triggers, the transaction will stop, the mood of the market anxiety may increase, thereby exacerbating market volatility. Some scholars also believe that the limit will hinder the price of futures prices reflect the speed of information, not conducive to the effective use of futures functions. Some scholars believe that when prices reach the price limit, the transaction is artificially interrupted, futures market liquidity will be disturbed. Therefore, from the above literatures, there are different opinions on the influence of the futures market on the stop-plate system, and there is no unanimous conclusion.
As an emerging market, the role of ups and downs in China's futures market needs more theoretical research and empirical testing, the current domestic literature is still relatively scarce. Liu Wenxian and other three months of natural rubber continuous contract data research, they believe that the trading board does not hinder the function of futures, but the fall of the Board to a certain extent delayed the speed of information response, at the same time the natural rubber market Stop board system generally does not affect the liquidity of the market. Hua Renhai and other think that the system does more harm than good, the system not only delayed the discovery of the price process, but also increased the volatility of the market. However, the sample data they have taken in the study and the manner in which the data are handled are defective, which may lead to inaccurate results. In order to probe into the influence of the system of ups and downs on the futures market, this paper takes the natural rubber futures of Shanghai Futures Exchange as an example to study the influence of the system on China's futures market and its role.
This research institute uses the data for the Shanghai Futures Exchange Natural rubber daily trading data, including the opening price, the highest, the lowest price, the closing price and the settlement prices, the empirical part of the corresponding use OT, Ht, Lt, Ct, St, the data from the Shanghai Futures Exchange, The time span is January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2008. As to why the choice of natural rubber this species, mainly because of natural rubber compared to other futures varieties of price fluctuations more often, the number of stops are also more, this is particularly representative of the study of the stop-plate system. As each futures contract from the listing to the delivery, its life cycle is only one year, in order to guarantee the continuity of price, many domestic researchers use the following method to construct a continuous contract: Select the third futures contract after the spot month as the representative, after the contract enters the delivery month, then take the third futures contract as the replacement, and so on. In fact, this method is flawed, because natural rubber is the most active contract of the futures is not necessarily the third futures contract after the spot month, but often the third or fourth months after the spot month of odd contracts. For example, the most active contract of March 4, 2008 is not Ru0906 contract, but Ru0907 contract, and the most active contract of April 4, 2008 is Ru0907 contract. Why is this happening? The reason is that for a long time the participants of natural rubber futures have habitually held odd-numbered month contracts, which has become a major feature of this breed. Because of this characteristic of natural rubber, we can not simply take the price of the contract for the third consecutive month as sample data, but should manually select the price of the largest contract for each trading day as sample data.
At present, China's futures exchange generally adopted in accordance with the last session of the settlement price set the next trading day to stop the plate. Some researchers compared the closing price of the next two trading days, thinking that if the limit of price is to stop the plate, in fact, this approach is wrong, the correct approach should be to take the closing prices of the day and the last session of the settlement value comparison. In addition, the price limit of the futures exchange is not invariable. Take natural rubber as an example, from June 1, 2006 onwards, the Shanghai Futures Exchange will be the natural rubber futures standard contract of the daily maximum fluctuation range from the last session of the settlement price of 3% adjustment to 4%, January 5, 2009 Natural rubber of the price limit from 4% adjusted to 5%. In addition, the futures market of the rise and fall of the determination of the stock market than the determination to be more stringent. According to the 11th of the Shanghai Futures Exchange Risk management measures, the exchange will only conclude that the contract has been suspended on that trading day only if the futures contract has not been opened for 5 minutes before the closing price. Considering the above factors, the author screened the number of natural rubber in the sample interval, a total of 103 times, of which a single trading board 46 times, a single drop plate 48 times, two consecutive trading board 3 times, two consecutive stops 5 times, three consecutive stops 1 times.
This paper systematically discusses the influence of the system of ups and downs on the price discovery function, price fluctuation and market liquidity of the day gum market. The empirical analysis shows that the system has no adverse effect on the price discovery function of natural rubber futures. But the system has a "lever" effect on the price fluctuation of natural rubber, and the system affects the liquidity of the market to some extent, but because of the obvious "stop-board turnover effect" in the market, This also reduces the rise and fall of the board system on the negative impact of market liquidity.
Although the system of ups and downs affects the price volatility and market liquidity to a certain extent, it plays a positive role in restraining the excessive fluctuation of price, preventing the risk of futures default and reducing transaction cost. Therefore, it is still a feasible policy to set up the ups and downs system. Considering that the stop board system has "lever" effect on price fluctuation, the future market of our country can consider using the asymmetric rate limit system, that is, the range of the drop plate should be more appropriate than the trading board.
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asessay-blog · 7 years
Essay范文:The truth of Marxism
Scientific understanding of the truth of Marxism needs to unfold from the aspects of Time dimension, regularity dimension, practicality dimension, value dimension, wholeness dimension and open dimension. Only by closely linking Marxism with the times of reflecting the contradictions of the times, the needs of the times, the characteristics of the times and the Mission of the Times, and closely related to the regularity reflecting the laws of the objective world, especially the law of the development of human society, is closely linked with practical practice from social life Closely linked with the value of embodying the value of human society and the value of nature, closely connected with the integrity of the whole of the ideological system, and with the openness of enriching ideological content in practice and keeping pace with the times, can we fully and scientifically understand the truth of Marxism.
The truth of any theoretical theory must embody the times, only the theoretical theories that reflect the characteristics of the times and have the mission of the Times have the truth. The truth of Marxism is closely related to the specific times it produces. The truth of Marxism is embodied in confronting the contradiction of the times and the needs of the times, answering the main problems of the times correctly, is the correct reflection of the characteristics of the times and the high generalization of the mission of the Times.
Marx said: "Every principle has its emergence in the century." Marxism is not born out of thin air, but has a profound background of the times, the background of the Times is the contradictions of the times, the needs of the times, the voice of the Times and the Mission of the Times. It is the contradictions of the Times and the outstanding problems raised by the times that promote the emergence of Marxism and embody the truth of Marxism. Marx and Engels pointed out: "The degree to which the theory is achieved in a country always depends on the extent to which the theory meets the needs of the country." Marxism is not only the call of the Times and the product of the Times, but also the development of the Times and the new era.
Marx and Engels lived in the era of capitalist production mode in Western Europe has a considerable development of the era, is the capitalist in the promotion of productivity development and human civilization progress at the same time, but fell into the profound social contradictions can not be overcome by their own era, is the proletariat and the bourgeoisie " The era of class struggle has taken on a more vivid and threatening form in practice and theory. Marxism is the theory for the proletariat to seek emancipation service, and it is a scientific system which embodies the proletarian ideology and the proletariat class interests for the proletariat to strive for the whole rights and interests of political rights, economic rights, cultural rights, social rights and interests. According to historical materialism, "the same ideas and ideas of every historical period can be explained simply by the living conditions of the economy of the period and by the social and political relationships determined by these conditions". In the era of Marx and Engels ' life, the sharp contradictions between capitalist productivity and production relations, economic foundation and superstructure, for Marx and Engels from the angle of social basic contradiction and the development of world history to clarify the historical inevitability of these contradictions, and to demonstrate that socialism must replace capitalism provides realistic objective conditions, The proletariat's struggle against the bourgeoisie for liberation has put forward the realistic demand of Marxism. Marx and Engels participated in the Proletarian revolutionary practice of opposing the bourgeoisie, and the inheritance and innovation of human civilization, founded the theory of historical materialism and surplus value, provided a scientific world outlook and methodology for the proletariat to correctly understand the problems of the times and solve the problems of the times. As Lenin said, "All of Marx's genius lies in the fact that he has answered all the questions raised by the advanced human mind." As far as Marxist philosophy is concerned, dialectical materialism and historical materialism, as the product of the Times, are the most complete and profound theory without one-sidedness. "Marx's philosophy is a complete philosophical materialism, it gives the great tools of understanding to the human, especially to the working class."
The truth of any theory is embodied in the correct reflection of the objective law and the profound summary and refinement, in the field of humanities and social sciences, only those theoretical theories that reflect objectively the law of the world, especially the law of the development of human society, are of truth. Law is the inevitable connection of the essence of things in the course of development, and it is only by fully revealing and conforming to the law of the development of things that it helps to guide people's understanding of law and practice.
Whether it is Marxist dialectical materialism or historical materialism, because it reflects and summarizes the law of natural development, the law of Human society Development and the Law of emancipation of man, it has profundity and truth. Marxism holds that: "The law of Dialectics is abstracted from the history of nature and the history of human society." The historical materialism has a realistic reflection on the objective law of the development of social history, and it has the implication of history dialectics. In the social and historical field, Marxism has surpassed the so-called fashionable thought of the utopian socialism and so on, it is the truth that it reveals the movement law of capitalist society correctly. In his speech before Marx's tomb, Engels this is a profound summary and highly evaluation of Marx's contribution: "Just as Darwin discovered the law of organic Development, Marx discovered the law of the development of human history," Marx also found the modern capitalist mode of production and the bourgeois society produced by the special laws of movement. As a result of the discovery of surplus value, this place is enlightened, and all the previous research done by bourgeois economists or socialist critics is only groping in the dark. Marx and Engels used the basic principle of historical materialism to reveal the law of capitalist development, to uncover the secret of capitalist exploitation, from the inherent contradictions between capitalist socialized production and private ownership, it was concluded that the death knell of private ownership must be sounded and that socialism replaced capitalism is the objective law of the social development of history.
The truth of Marxism is not only embodied in the understanding of the law of society, but also in the understanding of the laws of nature. Through the analysis of the relationship between man and nature, Marx and Engels it reveals the law of harmonious coexistence between human and nature, puts forward the law of coordinative development of organism, nature, society and human form, expounds the law of the Unification of Man's initiative and the dynamic, and analyzes the law that human beings do not respect nature and must be subjected to severe retaliation. Marx and Engels believed that the human free and conscious activity and the human's free and comprehensive development all established in the cognition law, the conformity law and according to the law affairs. Engels pointed out in the anti-Turin theory: "Freedom does not lie in the illusion of escaping from the natural law and independent, but in the understanding of these laws, so as to be able to plan to make the laws of nature to serve a certain purpose." This is the same no matter to the law of the external nature, or to the rules of the physical existence and spiritual existence of the dominant person itself. ”
The truth of any theoretical theory must have the function of guiding practice, only those theories which always combine theory with reality and have the function of guiding practice have the truth. Understanding of the essential features and basic functions of Marxism, although people can take different perspectives, however, no matter how people interpret the essential features and basic functions of Marxism from different angles, they can not ignore the vivid image inscribed on Marx's tombstone and generalize the important values of Marxism in great depth. This is the final outline of the outline of Feuerbach, written by Karl Marx in 1845: "Philosophers interpret the world in different ways, and the problem is changing the world." Marx used very concise language to show to the world that Marxism is the materialism of practice and the doctrine of transforming the world to liberate mankind.
For this reason, Marx distinguishes between the new and old materialism in the outline of Feuerbach: "The foothold of old materialism is ' citizen ' society, and the foothold of neo-materialism is human society or socialized humanity." Marx stressed: "Social life is essentially practical." Any mysterious thing that lures theory into mysticism can be rationally solved in human practice and in the understanding of this practice. "This shows that the reason why Marx and Engels founded their theory, not to show their own knowledge of the broad, nor to gloat about the construction of their own theoretical system, not to put their theory on the shelf, hide the mountains, but to use the knowledge of the truth to arm the people and guide social practice, Make it a great tool of understanding and practical tools to guide people to understand the world and transform the world consciously.
The Marxism theory has the function of combining with practice and guiding the fulfillment, but also lies in that Marxism has found the main body of the practice activity and the impetus to push forward the history, this is the proletariat of the whole world. As the grave digger of the bourgeoisie, the proletariat is the most complete revolutionary, they represent the future of the development of social form, they lost in the struggle against the bourgeoisie is only the chain, will be the whole world. Lenin put forward at the beginning of the article "The Historical Destiny of Marxist theory": "The main point in Marx's theory is to expound the role of the proletariat as the creator of the Socialist society." Since Marx expounded this theory, has the world's development confirmed this theory? Lenin's question has been confirmed by the socialist Movement, especially the socialist cause of Chinese characteristics. It is because Marxism is not a dogma but a guide to the practice of proletarian revolutionary struggle, not an empty talk but a truth that inspires the proletariat to strive for the realization of the historical mission, so that no other theory in human history can transcend Marxism.
From the value dimension of unifying the value of human society and the value of nature to understand the truth of Marxism
The truth of any theoretical theory must be of value, and only the theoretical theory that embodies value, realizes value and creates value has truth. The truth of Marxism comes from the value of the value of Marxism embodies the true rationality, and the value of Marxism is an important prerequisite and foundation of Marxist Truth, and the truth of Marxism is the inevitable result and end of Marxist value, and Marxism is the organic unity of Truth and value. Only by combining the truth scale with the value measure, can we grasp the truth of Marxism better.
Value is an important category that reflects the relationship between the two-way generation and reciprocity of the subject and the object, which embodies the function and significance of the subject and object in the object relationship. Marxism regards the contradiction between human society and the need for coordination as two categories, namely, the contradictions and relations between man and nature, and the contradictions and relations between man and society. Attaching importance to and actively coordinating these two kinds of contradictions and relationships embodies social value and natural value, and promotes harmony between man and society as well as the value goal of harmony between man and nature in the unification. In the system of human-nature-society, Marxism discusses the development law of nature, the law of Human society Development and the Law of human emancipation, in the process of the whole liberation of Nature Liberation, social emancipation and human emancipation, expounds the preconditions, main contents and basic paths of realizing the freedom and liberation of the proletariat and the general working people. On the basis of historical materialism, it interprets the law of the development of natural history and the Law of human history, and reveals the thought of combining social civilization and ecological civilization in the whole theory system of philosophy, political economy and scientific socialism, which embodies the idea that Marxism can realize social value and The pursuit of the unification of value and natural value of man.
In the pursuit of human liberation and human freedom and all-round development of the same time, Marxism on the natural value of giving full attention. Marx and Engels thought that "man is the product of nature" human society, like nature, has its own history and its own science "thought," This kind of communism, as the completion of the naturalism, is equal to humanitarianism, and as the completion of the humanitarian, equal to naturalism, it is between man and nature, The real solution of the contradiction between man and man is the real solution of the existence and essence, the object and the self confirmation, the freedom and the certainty, the struggle between the individual and the class. It is the answer to the riddle of history, and knowing that it is the answer, the thought of advancing social progress and development in the trinity of "naturalism-humanitarianism-communism" is the typical combination of social value and natural value.
The truth of any theoretical theory must embody the integrity of a complete and strict theoretical system, and only those with complete ideology, rigorous discourse logic, profound analysis and theoretical theory with scientific research methods. The entirety of Marxist theoretical system comes from the objective and truthful reflection of the whole existence of nature, society and human being objectively and organically connected, which embodies the methodological characteristics of dialectical systematic thinking.
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asessay-blog · 7 years
Essay范文:The influence of Christianity on English literature
The relationship between religion and literature is inseparable. In particular, the influence of Christian literature on British writers remains. Both religion and literature belong to the category of human ideology and culture, which is the product of the development of human spiritual field into the period of prosperity, which indicates that people have the powerful ability to recreate a spiritual world completely different from the real world through their own imagination and thinking. There is a close relationship between the concept of English literature and the concept of Christianity, and as readers we may not believe in Christ, but understanding Christianity is of great significance to us in-depth understanding of British literary works. This paper tries to analyze the influence of Christianity on English literature and the deep relationship between Christianity and English literature by taking Shakespeare and Bunyan as examples.
The influence of Christian literature, especially the Bible of Christian religious classics, on British writers has not been bad. The Bible is both a classic of Judaism and a literary confluence of the Jewish people, Christianity takes its historical legends, religious stories, folk customs, vows, chants, love poems and so on, and integrates with his Gospel stories and Apostles ' Traces to form a biblical story and become a source of endless creation of literary works in later generations.
Many great thinkers, writers, and artists have drawn nourishment from the Bible in search of material. Understanding Christianity and its intrinsic connection with British literature can help us better understand literary works.
Shakespeare, one of the greatest writers in the world, has been greatly influenced by Christianity. The authoritative accounts of his life have not been circulated so much that it is difficult to accurately judge Shakespeare's religious beliefs. But one's work is the truest reaction of his faith. From Shakespeare's works, we can feel that he is deeply influenced by Christian culture and has a strong Christian consciousness. The Bible gives Shakespeare endless nourishment, which is widely seen in Shakespeare's plays. In his comedy, historical drama, tragedies, poems and 14 lines of poetry, he has hundreds of times quoted the biblical sentences, expressing the recognition of many Christian ideas.
Shakespeare in the works more than once expressed that people should pursue the existence of transcendental significance, that is, beyond the eternal meaning of earthly existence. In many of his works, we can see that the greatest writer in English literature has his own thoughts on life and transcendent existence. In the face of the eternal topic of life and death, Shakespeare believes that human beings are limited, so that the value of life infinite is the meaning of living.
John Bunyan is a writer of the late British Renaissance and Shakespeare. He was born poor, a tinker's son and a puritan. Bunyan Juvenile Army, after the war, youth and endured many years of faith crisis, even because of religious beliefs suffered 12 years of prison. It was during this period that Bunyan wrote "Pilgrim's Course" in the pure mind and pious writing manner, which was hailed as "the guide of the Spiritual Journey".
Bunyan the world of his own life with a religious eye, and found too many evils in the world, and he was so helpless. Yet he gained confidence in his faith and found a way to redeem himself. He hopes to bring this confidence and sentiment to the people around, light more people's hearts, and thus wrote "Pilgrim's Course."
He wants to use this book to tell people that the journey to heaven is the day that people experience in the world, and that the Christian process symbolizes the course of human pursuit of a better future. A good traveler, desperation, will be blinded by ignorance and there will be despair, but with indomitable spirit will eventually reach the end. Bunyan describes the human condition with a wonderful irony. It is hoped that the Puritan standard will purify the British society of the 17th century.
Many works of English literature have obvious religious feelings, and some of the inner spirit of Christianity can be clearly embodied in many works of English literature. For the affirmation of the original sin, the recognition of atonement, the promotion of benevolence is often the theme of the work. The concepts of good and evil, sin and redemption in Christianity have been repeatedly quoted by many authors in various forms. The following articles will be discussed from three aspects of original sin, atonement and benevolence.
Christianity believes that life is sinful, and this crime is embodied in the greed and desires that are hard to resist. Christianity believes that the original sin is the man's free will to deviate from God's result, the person's life is to atone for the sins, in order to wash the life brings evil. Taking Shakespeare's drama as an example, Shakespeare's understanding of human nature is consistent with Christianity, depending on the existence of human guilt and the belief that evil originates from the free will of man. But it is fundamentally different from Christianity: Christianity believes that the salvation of humanity can only rely on God, while Shakespeare's play embodies the free will of people can help people achieve their own salvation. Shakespeare plays the evil as the destructive force in the free will, although the destructive power can not completely save the person, but the inner drive of free will makes a sense of awe to the universe, the promotion of human nature and spiritual transcendence.
In Shakespeare's works, especially the dramatic works, where the plot unfolds, chasing its roots are due to people's original sin.
In "Pilgrim's Journey", Christians have two purposes: one is to unload the back on the back filled with the burden of life fear and evil, the second is to go through arduous hardships to reach the holy city. The souls of the pilgrim are gradually experiencing repentance and conversion, resist the temptation of refuge, endure the rigorous test of the love of the Lord, and finally reach the four stages of the consummation of faith and righteousness, according to the Christian Salvation Program and Salvation doctrine, this development process is the journey of a man's soul on the path of salvation. It vividly recreates the saints from this Life to eternity of the sacred Faith Road, but also vividly demonstrated the people for an ideal and arduous journey of life.
Redemption is one of the most important themes in the Bible. Christianity holds that man is separated from God because of sin, that life is bound by sin, that sin makes a man a slave, and that salvation is redeemed by self, and that one is released. From a Christian point of view atonement, God is the Redeemer, only God can release the people from sin.
The Salvation view advocated by Shakespeare is obviously different from Christianity. Christianity believes that salvation depends on the grace of God, while Shakespeare's play embodies the power of the free will of man. There's also Shakespeare. As a representative of humanist writers, he thinks that human rationality can develop the good side of will, and the free will of man is strong enough to make people realize their salvation, to restrain the will of evil, to achieve spiritual purity and freedom.
"Pilgrim's Journey" in the book borrowed the form of fables and dreams, through the metaphor of Christ's image to explain his religious thought, the Christian spirit to examine secular society.
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asessay-blog · 7 years
Harrison Bergeron Summary
以下是由Asessay给大家提供的一篇Paper范文,这篇范文主要讲的是到2081年,所有美国公民寻找真正的平等,导致出现大量的宪法修正案。那些美貌的人士必须戴上可怕的面具。在生命的种族里,所有的美国人都变得残疾,从来没有一个人觉得自己丑陋、愚蠢。这篇paper主要概述了Harrison Bergeron的主旨。
By the year 2081, the search for true equality of all U.S. citizens has led to the creation of scores of amendments to the Constitution. In every case, the effort has not been to raise the standards of those handicapped by their differences or inadequacies. Instead, those who are gifted with superior intellect, physical beauty, or strength are penalized. Those who are beautiful must wear hideous masks, intelligent people must wear headsets that jangle their brains and nerves with a series of loud, annoying sounds, and those with physical agility or strength must carry sacks of birdshot to weigh them down. Thus, in the race of life, all Americans are handicapped so that no one must ever feel ugly, stupid, or “like something the cat dragged in.” Diana Moon Glampers is the Handicapper General, whose job is to track down violators of the law and rid society of those who menace the average, the inadequate, the mediocre. If a man wants to rest from the drudgery of carting around fifty pounds of birdshot by removing some pellets, he can be killed. Those, such as Harrison Bergeron, who learn to overcome their handicaps are forced to shoulder ever larger burdens, or noisier apparatus, or face incarceration or execution. Society has become so repressive that no one dares question the increasing numbers of new laws that call for more handicaps and punishments. All those who oppose the Handicapper General are arrested, thrown into mental institutions, or shot because they threaten the fabric of society. The effects of these governmental policies are appalling. Society is stagnant because those smart enough to develop new technology, medicine, and literature have been permanently handicapped, exiled, or killed. Television announcers have speech impediments, dancers cannot dance, musicians are tone deaf, and families lose all purpose, continuity, compassion, and love. A good example of this is Harrison Bergeron’s story. Harrison escapes from an asylum that was meant to protect society from him. Fourteen years old and already seven feet tall, he is the handsomest young man possible, and possesses an intellect that would stagger even Albert Einstein. George and Hazel, his parents, are aware of his exploits from reports on television. Harrison threatens the regime, for he would remove all artificial handicaps and enable people to achieve beyond the limits set by their inadequacies. Instead of attempting to rally support to overthrow the government and create a better society, Harrison merely breaks into a television studio, disrupting the musical show by removing everyone’s masks and handicaps. Choosing the most beautiful of the dancers, he dances higher and higher as the musicians play brilliantly. As the couple leap, they appear to fly in the air as they kiss the ceiling—this is freedom! The sound of two shotgun blasts signals that Harrison and the ballerina have been shot down by the Handicapper General. Harrison’s parents witness the entire affair on their television, but when George goes to the kitchen for something and Hazel gets sidetracked, neither can remember why they are crying—something sad on television, no doubt.
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asessay-blog · 7 years
Harrison Bergeron Summary
以下是由Asessay给大家提供的一篇Paper范文,这篇范文主要讲的是到2081年,所有美国公民寻找真正的平等,导致出现大量的宪法修正案。那些美貌的人士必须戴上可怕的面具。在生命的种族里,所有的美国人都变得残疾,从来没有一个人觉得自己丑陋、愚蠢。这篇paper主要概述了Harrison Bergeron的主旨。
By the year 2081, the search for true equality of all U.S. citizens has led to the creation of scores of amendments to the Constitution. In every case, the effort has not been to raise the standards of those handicapped by their differences or inadequacies. Instead, those who are gifted with superior intellect, physical beauty, or strength are penalized. Those who are beautiful must wear hideous masks, intelligent people must wear headsets that jangle their brains and nerves with a series of loud, annoying sounds, and those with physical agility or strength must carry sacks of birdshot to weigh them down. Thus, in the race of life, all Americans are handicapped so that no one must ever feel ugly, stupid, or “like something the cat dragged in.” Diana Moon Glampers is the Handicapper General, whose job is to track down violators of the law and rid society of those who menace the average, the inadequate, the mediocre. If a man wants to rest from the drudgery of carting around fifty pounds of birdshot by removing some pellets, he can be killed. Those, such as Harrison Bergeron, who learn to overcome their handicaps are forced to shoulder ever larger burdens, or noisier apparatus, or face incarceration or execution. Society has become so repressive that no one dares question the increasing numbers of new laws that call for more handicaps and punishments. All those who oppose the Handicapper General are arrested, thrown into mental institutions, or shot because they threaten the fabric of society. The effects of these governmental policies are appalling. Society is stagnant because those smart enough to develop new technology, medicine, and literature have been permanently handicapped, exiled, or killed. Television announcers have speech impediments, dancers cannot dance, musicians are tone deaf, and families lose all purpose, continuity, compassion, and love. A good example of this is Harrison Bergeron’s story. Harrison escapes from an asylum that was meant to protect society from him. Fourteen years old and already seven feet tall, he is the handsomest young man possible, and possesses an intellect that would stagger even Albert Einstein. George and Hazel, his parents, are aware of his exploits from reports on television. Harrison threatens the regime, for he would remove all artificial handicaps and enable people to achieve beyond the limits set by their inadequacies. Instead of attempting to rally support to overthrow the government and create a better society, Harrison merely breaks into a television studio, disrupting the musical show by removing everyone’s masks and handicaps. Choosing the most beautiful of the dancers, he dances higher and higher as the musicians play brilliantly. As the couple leap, they appear to fly in the air as they kiss the ceiling—this is freedom! The sound of two shotgun blasts signals that Harrison and the ballerina have been shot down by the Handicapper General. Harrison’s parents witness the entire affair on their television, but when George goes to the kitchen for something and Hazel gets sidetracked, neither can remember why they are crying—something sad on television, no doubt.
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asessay-blog · 7 years
Essay范文:Color and emotion expression in photographic art
Color performance plays an important role in photographic art, and it is one of the indispensable factors, photographers in the process of creating photography art, to correctly grasp the relationship between color and people's psychological activities, to have a deep understanding of this, to maximize the effect of color on emotion. It can be imagined that for the different colors of photographic works, it gives the visual effect is not the same, or even individual, the different colors expressed emotions will not be the same, thus people's feelings will be different. Therefore, a successful photographic work, the photographer has not brought the color emotion into the photographic work, through the different color conversion, to convey the photographer's deep understanding of the subjects and insights.
Whether it is art or life, color not only reflects the feelings of people, but also expresses people's different emotions, with the continuous development of economic construction, the multiplication of human society, the continuous development of culture, color has also been endowed with the ability to express emotions, color also has the ability to express emotions of life, In a certain angle color is also given the function of referring to some kind of Peugeot thing. Different colors, the psychological impact on people will be different, not only to stimulate people's feelings, arouse empathy, in the psychological mood will also have a common view, but photography is the above-mentioned emotions through the lens of the form of the actual recording of the expression. Therefore, in the process of taking photos, the author should correctly deal with the relationship between color and human psychology, and constantly study the relationship between the two, play the role of color.
Color is rich and varied in human society, for several different colors, they often allude to different emotions in a way not to be looked at, for example, the red color can express joy, happiness, joy, festive mood, on the contrary, black is a symbol of weakness, depression, melancholy, the yellow symbolizes the bright, bustling, Green often see the color, the nature of the main green, it is clear that it symbolizes the eternal life. therefore。 Photographers in the photographic art of the process, to correctly handle and grasp the color and feelings of the connection, the use of color is not blind, on the contrary it is purposeful, aimed at the theme of the work can be vividly expressed.
According to the theme of the work of the relevant requirements to configure the color of photography, so that the use of color in the works to meet the requirements of art expression, in line with its laws, the correct use of color to achieve the purpose of foil atmosphere, while good highlighting the theme of the work. We should correctly understand the law of the use of color, the color of the work is not the richer the better, it is by no means simple, pure disorderly heap, if with the work of the theme irrelevant colors appear in the picture, give the first impression is crowded, messy, disorderly, so that the audience can not feel the art of beauty, not accurately grasp the theme of the screen features. So, in the process of applying color, should be appropriate to choose, the photographer in the use of color process, to refine the best color, the generalization of these colors, through its processing, so that photographic works can accurately express its theme, whether it is painting coloring, or expression is in a very good level of state.
In the color configuration, the correct grasp of the relationship between the main color and the background color can determine the success of the work, which directly affects the final film effect. Therefore, the photographer in the color process, should pay attention to the following: First, the photographer in the process of artistic creation, the main body color can not be darker than the background color, on the contrary it is brighter than the back scenery, brighter than the background, mainly because of the bright color relative dark color, color relative to the turbid color, presenting is a foil effect, Properly handling the use of the two tones will enhance the effect of the works. Second, for bright, vivid main color, its color area should be smaller than the background color, the opposite dark color, the purity is low, the background color area of the color mixing is relatively large, because the area relatively small main color is more effective than the background tonal expression which the area is relatively large. For example, in the depths of the winter of all things wither in the dark, gray sky mixed with white snow constitute a more depressing background, in a picture of a few trees, then there will be a bright feeling, both the performance of the circumflex, more dynamic performance.
Success or failure of the photographic work is the overall tone of the construction effect. Therefore, the process of building the overall hue, color in the hue, purity, clarity of the relationship between the screen must have a whole hue. For example, for a warm-toned picture, it feels warm, is warm, the opposite cold tonal picture gives a person's feeling is cold, chilly, tranquil; the picture of high degree of clarity gives the feeling of being relaxed and clear, it expresses a kind of joy, an ideal, a hope On the contrary, the low image usually gives the impression of deep, solemn, solemn, profound, forceful and powerful; for the strong color of the photographic picture, it has a dynamic beauty, usually it gives people the feeling is active and dynamic, the contrary hue weaker picture, it has a thick beauty, give the feeling is stable, is thick A piece of work contains a variety of colors, like the bustling city, there are endless lively and noisy, some of the more monotonous color works, such as the harbor after the storm, peace and quiet.
In the process of artistic creation, the photographer usually determines the sense of balance in the shape of the shot by the size, quantity and texture of the object. Color of the cold colors, warm tones, light color, heavy color, strong color, weak color directly affect the tone of the sense of balance. Therefore, in order to foil a part of the picture, accurately express the theme of the work, should be as far as possible to allow the existence of key colors.
In the process of photographing a photographic work, in order to accurately express the theme of the work, to better express the feelings of the author, should choose the key color correctly, and correctly grasp the balance of color. For example, in the process of selecting a key color, the author the choice of colors will be more intense than the main hue, or the green land to compete in full bloom of rape, or snow-capped hills are blooming, or the graceful white dress of the woman in the ballet, in the front of a black suit conductor. In the process of photographic work, the spokesperson of the emotion should be the key color, but cannot be replaced by other colors, this will accurately express the theme of the work, and the theme of the work is contained in the key sedan.
Photographer in the process of expressing photographic emotion, in addition to the effective allocation of color highlighting themes, expression of emotion, in addition, can be changed through the dress style, effective combination of light and shadow conversion effect, the use of the shadow of the screen, effective use of filters and props and background, to build a desired work. The author focuses on the color and emotion expression in photographic art, summarizes and analyzes the experiences and methods in the process of photographic creation, aiming at providing valuable suggestions for photographic creation.
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asessay-blog · 7 years
Social Cognitive Actor
Preface  The dissertation that is in your hands is the fruit of the last four years of research done in the eld of Multi-Agent Systems, Articial Intelligence, Informatics, Cognitive Science, Social Science and Organisation Studies. Bringing together different disciplines has been a challenging and a complex task. The outcome, put together in a simulation model, will hopefully help others discover new ways of practising the art of cognitive and social modelling. My background as a mechanical engineer may not seem to be in line with the research that I am currently involved in. Indeed, constructs of the philosophy of the mind, social construction, multi-actor software programs, and social behaviour seem to differ, in essence, from mechanical engineering.  However, this dissertation focuses on the process of construction as in mechanics. Only this time, the focus is on social construction. It is probably the topic of social construction that (re-)constructed my thoughts about the (social) world we live in. I want to thank my promoters Prof. Henk Gazendam and Prof. Rene Jorna ´ for this change in looking at the world around me.  Although the many discussions I had about the functional structure of the mind and how social constructs, shared by people, inuence behaviour even at the lower level of thinking that complicated my vision of the world, they also challenged me to the extent of developing a workable model. The role of a PhD candidate is a social construction in its own right, created by a mutual agreement between the University of Groningen, the SOM research school, my promoters and I. I want to thank the University of Groningen, SOM and my promoters for giving me the opportunity to engage in this social construction.  Many people played an important role in contributing to the work delivered in this dissertation. In the early phase of my PhD, I worked together with Diederik Kraaikamp, Luit Gazendam, Rene Jorna, Tomas Klos, Jos Schreine- ´ makers and Bart Nooteboom on Agent-Based Computational Transaction Cost Economics. I thank all of them for the fruitful discussions I had with them that delivered new ideas and experience of how a cognitive (social) actor should be modelled (see Kraaikamp, 2003).  The software programming consumed many hours of dedication not only by me but also Gijs Roest. Our joined efforts resulted in the RBot-Project (see Roest, 2004) in which Gijs concentrated at creating a new memory model that incorporated the ACT-R model successfully. Gijs, thank you for being such a critical and inventive colleague. The people who probably understand my work the best are Henk Gazendam and Rene Jorna. Henk Gazendam is to be admired, because he not ´ only reviewed my theoretical work, but also my software by transforming his SmallTalk skills into JAVA. He is to be complimented on assimilating many classes and lines of software code. Henk was a constructive reviewer. He not only provided comments like 'onzin' (nonsense) on my work, but also shared ideas and gave detailed arguments that helped improve my work tremendously. Henk, thank you very much for your detailed feedback.  My second supervisor Rene is an intelligent and very active researcher who ´ is interested in the cognitive actor; according to Rene, an actor is ´ not an (economic) agent. As a researcher and a cognitive psychologist, he managed to open up the world of cognition to me. As a managerial actor, Rene always tried to nd ´ a way to make things possible, be it for research purposes or others, and I have to admit, he always found a way. Rene, thank you for sharing your cognitive ´ skills and your passion for research with me. I also want to thank my promotion committee: Prof. Kecheng Liu as an organisational semiotician and applied informatics expert, Prof. Arndt Sorge as an organisational sociologist and Prof. Ron Sun as a cognitive scientist and cognitive multi-agent modeller.  I am grateful to them for their suggestions, time and the careful reading of my manuscript. I also would like to thank Prof. John Michon who as a cognitive scientist and Prof. Ron Stamper who as an expert in organisational semiotics provided valuable insights. Furthermore, I want to thank all the PhD students and people with whom I shared experiences, ofce space and the complex of WSN and DRS building during my PhD years: Niels, Kristian, Nanda, Marloes, Gerben, Laura, Joost, Larissa, Ruben, Jan, Filippo, Jacques, Thomas, Bert, Herman, Simon, Hans, Hans, Gert, Gijs, Nick, Mark, Petra, Xander, Sonja, Wander, Kees, Frank, Johanna, Roger, Jan, Willem, Derk-Jan, Marjolein, Wim, Marina and of course the secretaries Sonja, Hennie, Monique, Tanja, Annet and Durkje. A special thank you goes out to Niels, one of my paranimfen, who always was in for discussions, solved programme puzzles and was a great support throughout my PhD years.  Next, I want to thank my friends in Utrecht and Heerenveen, as well as my family. In particular, I want to dedicate this work to my uncle, a pure scientist (a physicist), who loved academic work as much as I do. I would also like to thank my mother Jannie, Jans, Hanita, Rolf, Mark and Frank who had to bear the burden of listening to many stories about the challenges of doing a PhD. Besides that I want to thank my family in law Polat, Gulten, Banu, Alper, Ilay, ¨ C¸ igdem and Ali. And nally, I want to thank my wife Ays¸e. Ays¸e gave me so much, not only her love and care, but also academic support and the consistency of her bright mind.
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asessay-blog · 7 years
Silence Of The Lambs
What is Forensic Anthropology' From within the specialized area of osteology--the study of bones—comes the application of the methods and techniques of analyzing skeletal remains for cases that will apply tf legal importance. Osteological analyses yield clues as to how populations of people might have lived, how old they were when they died, if they were female or male, their state of health (or disease), types of trauma they may have experienced as related to climate, warfare, and occupation.
Forensic anthropologists help identify individuals who died in mass disasters, wars, or due to homicide, suicide, or accidental death, and applying the evidence to a case legally. Anthropology is the "study of humans" in a broad sense. There are primarily three subfields of anthropology, or three general areas into which the study of humans can be classified: Cultural anthropology, Archaeology, and Physical (or Biological) Anthropology.
A fourth subfield, Linguistics (pertaining to language), seems to have been absorbed by the other three subfields in many cases today. Cultural Anthropology Cultural Anthropology: this subfield deals with myriad aspects of human society, culture, behavior, beliefs, ways of life, etc. It can include studies of non-technologic societies, technologic societies, past and present.  -X
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asessay-blog · 7 years
Report范文:Battle Of Saipan, Japan
Dawn came too early for the Japanese soldiers on the island of Saipan on June 15, 1944. Little did they know that within a few short hours, they would be in one of the most important battles of World War II with America. This battle lasted for nearly a month and produced tens of thousands of both civilian and military deaths. The Battle of Saipan, as it is called, was a turning point for American, and all Allied, forces during World War II. The capture of the island of Saipan, south of Japan and one of the Marianas Islands, was deemed important to the United States (US) for several reasons. Its location, in perspective to Japan, would provide more than sufficient locations for airstrips for the Army Air Corps newest invention, the B-29 bomber, and a center of command for the Navy’s Pacific Fleet. It was also believed to be a communications center for all of the Inner South Seas Empire of Japan. However, the most important reason being the US felt that a strike to one of the central bases would a crippling move to the Empire of Japan.
Under the command of Vice Admiral Richmond Kelly Turner, the Marines were sent to overtake the island of Japan in Operation Forager. The first wave of soldiers hit at 8:40 A.M., local time. The Marine Corps 4th Division was charged with attacking the beachhead; however, they were not alone. Navy and Army airplanes provided air support along with heavy artillery fire from battleships off of the island. They were faced with a well fortified beachhead. Japanese artillery bombarded US soldiers and landing craft with pinpoint accuracy. The US forces were heading up a steep grade into Japanese machine gun fire. Over 2,000 soldiers lost their life landing on the beach (Breaching). On the night of the 15th the Japanese mounted a large counter attack; however, the Marines remained in control of Charan Kanoa beach. The Americans aimed on pushing all the way to the Phillipine Sea on the other end of the island. The Japanese did their best to hold back their positions. They had thousands suicide troops who would attack on command. Shortly before the command for one final suicide run took place for his troops, General Y. Saito, as is tradition, had one last meal with his friends and killed himself. The island was officially declared secure on July 9th, 1944, but it would take months to completely remove all of the Japanese forces hiding in shadow (World). The Marines in charge of clearing the countryside were in deeper than they knew.
Prior to the US invasions, the Japanese governments told the citizens of Saipan that if the US were to take the island, the women would get raped and kill their children. The simple citizens knew no better and believed what their leaders had said. Naturally, when the people saw US troops coming over the hill, they panicked. Over 5,000 civilians chose to commit suicide by jumping off of a cliff or holding a grenade. David Casteel, a veteran Marine from the Battle of Saipan, commented about this incredible sight, “You just didn’t let yourself go. A lot of young fellas let themselves go and they ended up in Section 8…the sanitarium.”
This war was costly to both armies. The Japanese lost over 29,000 troops, and the US lost over 3,000 troops. The victory over Saipan was incredible and a real turning point in World War II. The first landing strip on that side of the Pacific was at Isley Field in Saipan. Through accurate artillery, a strong military, and a wise command, the US won the Battle of Saipan and used it as a stepping stone to combat Japan.
Bibliography: Breaching the Marianas: The Battle for Saipan. Maxwell Air Force Base Resource. 12 Nov. 2002. David Casteel. Personal interview. 31 Oct. 2002. World War II: Events and Results. The History Channel. 7 Nov. 2002.
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asessay-blog · 7 years
Essay范文:The Global and Local in Phillips Curve
Abstract  The debate over the Phillips Curve - as the relation between level of unemployment rate and inflation rate - in historical economics is shortly reviewed. By using the analysis in the Extreme Value Theory, i.e.: the rank order statistics the unemployment and inflation data over countries from various regions are observed. The calculations brought us to conjecture that there exists the general pattern that could lead from the relation between unemployment and inflation rate. However, the difference patterns as observed in the Phillips Curve might could be reflected from the range of values of the local variables of the incorporated model. Keywords: rank order statistics, phillips curve, inflation, unemployment rate Introduction  Phillips Curve was originally introduced in [6] and conjectured from the empirical findings of A. W. Phillips to show the relation between the rate of unemployment and the rate of change in money wages in a national economy. This relation, however is not originally discovered by Phillips, since economist Irving Fisher has also discovered the negative correlation between the rate of goods-price inflation and the level of unemployment [2]. Theoretical explorations of economics originated in [8] then developed more advanced postulate modifying the curve to depict the relation between the inflation rate and the rate of unemployment.  The expectation is thus to have analytical tool for economic policy-makers related to the various levels of unemployment and price stability. It was shown that there exist negative correlation between the rate of inflation and the rate of unemployment [8]. Hypothetically, when the unemployment rate is lower - shown by the high absorption of workers in labor market leading to the higher demand for goods - while the firms would tend to spend higher money on wages implies higher levels of prices, and vice versa. There have been wide aspects conforming this negative relation between unemployment and inflation rate with those theories known as Keynesian economic perspectives [4].  The choice of the policy-makers can thus be simplified as to accept either the adjustment of inflation rate or unemployment. However, latter empirical findings regarding to the negative relation between the two important variables do not always happening. There were cases where higher unemployment could lead to higher inflation (or vice versa) as occured in the 1970s economy of some countries for the hike of world oil price. More and more facts were revealed showing that the postulate is not fulfilled in general over countries and national economies. Each observed countries exhibit different patterns of Phillips Curve as shwon in figure [1]. Thus in the long history of macroeconomics, Phillips Curve has been changed and modified to conform a lot of economic perspectives and streams, be it those of built upon the work on Keynes’ employment theory [5] and its later proponents, or the monetarists’ approaches and criticisms in the concept of the Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment (NAIRU). The latter is introduced by economist Milton Friedman in his seminal paper [3] introducing the concept on the rate of unemployment when the rate of wage inflation is stable. Some recent economic discourses related to Phillips Curve have also discussed the non-linear Keynesian macrodynamics related to the monetary policies [1].  It is interesting to see the various values as shown in the table. However, 7 it is much more interesting to ponder over the detail data for each countries as shown in figure [3]. From the figure we could see apparently that all countries from Asia region have smaller values of θ while most european as well as the United States and Australia exhibit larger one θ > 0.6. As we recognized that the θ represents the localilites in the probabilistic relation between the unemployment and the rate of the price index over countries, we have the apparent similarities shown by countries regarded to the economic regions.  The different economic regions could obviously represents the various specific characteristic of social living as well as economic policies ruled by each governments and markets in general. The different values of the variable is also actually shown in figure [2] for the asian countries are drawn in dotted lines while the other contries with solid ones. Thus, it is obvious there is generality expressed by the calculation with the global function and coefficient β and particular social and economic living on each localities are shown by the local variable θ. Here we can say that there exists actually relation between the price index and the rate of the unemployment over countries in general but yet, there are levels of localities that yield the differences as we plotted the twos in conventional Phillips Curve. Concluding Remarks  We use an application from the extreme value theory, i.e.: the rank order statistics to see the generality that is implicit in the relation between two macroeconomic variabels: the unemployment rate and the inflation rate. Both have been widely discussed in the representation of Phillips Curve in economics. The rank order statistics is an important tools that can be used in order to extract some information in data that might not be obvious by using conventional point of views.   Out observation with the data representing various countries in diverse social and economic regions has lead to the existence of general pattern that could see the generality of the two variables in the built model: one as the global variable and the other representing the uniqueness that might become the source of the varisites in the classical representation of the Phillips Curve. Interestingly, we could see that there is conjecture that the local variables calculated over the data set from countries converge to the distinguishment between countries with different socio-economic regions: those representing the Asian countries with Australia, European and the United States. This might lead us to the more comprehensive understanding on why some different socio-economic region might reveal unique and particular handlings on social and economic policy while facing the general and similar problems.
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asessay-blog · 7 years
Paper范文:A Brief History of the Black Panther Party
The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense was founded in October, 1966, in Oakland, California by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale. The name was shortened to the Black Panther Party (BPP) and it began spreading eastward through the Black urban ghetto-colonies across country. In the summer of '68, David Brothers established a BPP branch in Brooklyn, New York, and a few months later Lumumba Shakur set up a branch in Harlem, New York.
I joined the Harlem BPP in the fall of '68 and served as its Finance Officer until arrested on April 2, 1969 in the Panther 21 Conspiracy case which was the opening shot in the government's nationwide attack on the BPP. Moving westward, Police Departments in each city made military raids on BPP offices or homes in Philadelphia, Chicago, Newark, Omaha, Denver, New Haven, San Diego, Los Angeles, and other cities, murdering some Panthers and arresting others. After i and most other Panther 21 members were held in jail and on trial for two years, We were all acquitted of all charges and released. Most of us returned to the community and to the BPP but by then COINTELPRO had taken its toll. -X
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asessay-blog · 7 years
paper范文:Homosexuality is legal
Homosexuality is a problem worthy of consideration, and opinions are divided on this issue. Some people agree with the recognition of same-sex marriage, the recognition of its legitimacy, and some people hold a negative attitude. But I do agree with the recognition of same-sex marriage.On the issue of homosexuality of support or not ,this paper has analyzed and researched the total view of different people,and their supporting points and opposite points,as well as deliver my own views on these arguments. Their arguments are supporting the homosexuality or not,and if so,analyzed their supporting points on this issue.Or if not,analyzed their opposite  points on this issue. I give the detail response on these arguments,that is I do agree with the recognition of same-sex marriage.So,please see bellow researching.
Research on the Total Views of Homosexuality
It is often considering the existence of homosexuality in today’s life, it makes us very worried. We worried about the impact of the health of the community, and worried about the future of human evolution and development. Human reproduction is from the beginning of biological origin, from the physical and polar movement and the formation of natural. In the historical course of biological evolution, the opposite sex reproduction natural response(Shannon Ridgway, 2014), on this issue, even if specific anatomical structure, organ function, and physiological functions are different but complementary and unified (Stephanie Pappas), it is mutual needs and become instinct of human emotion ,it is the healthy people in love healthy  reflected, thus allowing humans to infinite generations and health evolution.(Zremski, J. 2010). For some people to talk about, the recognition of same-sex marriage, the recognition of its reasonable, legitimate, people feel very worried. What is more worrying is that people do not have a correct understanding of this issue,is it in the end recognized the reasonable health? Or denial of reasonable health? The answer is, "no," to be reasonable. From the dialectical view, the microscopic nature of the decision, and the impact of its movement, but the macro stage of the movement will make changes in the micro, and promote the next movement stage.
Similarly, homosexual marriage movement, in a certain period of time after the movement, will certainly affect human beings from the psychological to physiological movement of the micro, until the change. It has a negative impact on all aspects of this will be unbearable to contemplate on human reproduction, evolution and development. Therefore, for same-sex marriage, must be denied. Whether it can promote same-sex marriage, it must be negative, because, in the society to promote this unhealthy marriage, will break through people's inherent feelings about love, and some related physiological reactions, psychological adverse. A certain period, into a disguised recognition, this way, will be in people's psychological and spiritual formation of a potential guidance, a serious consequence, the formation of a certain degree of vicious circle. Therefore, it should not be recognized, does not recognize, in order to benefit the human mental health. But whether they are gay or straight, they are people, they should have the right to have a natural person, so people should not discriminate against them. But I hope that people can find a way to treat this kind of psychological and emotional disorders as soon as possible.(Riess, J. 2000 )
Research on the Opposite Side of the Homosexuality
But oppositely ,some people have argument that ,no one is born with a natural sexual orientation, nor does any mammal have a sexual orientation. Many people call the title of homosexuality is itself a kind of wrong understanding and cognition, the same sex is not allowed to have a love. This is a problem that is against the natural evolution and ethics of human beings. It is not a question of what rights. The so-called sexual orientation is acquired to develop, is a male or female growth process of human factors caused by the sexual orientation of the twisted and abnormal problem. This is a mental illness! It is the sex distortion caused by the psychological metamorphosis! There is a part of man-made mistakes lead to individual sexual orientation appear extremely distorted and eventually become a social cancer. Homosexuality is not the right of the mental disease itself, but the existence of this kind of growth environment in the presence of abnormal distortion of the state. So, this kind of so-called gay many are not eradicated, but there is a part of it can be corrected by psychotherapy.(Schaub, D. 1996)
Research on the Supporting of the Homosexuality
The supporters said ,the sexual orientation of human being is a kind of emotional reaction in psychology. Emotional reactions are usually contained within the body of the endocrine activity, is a physiological process, this physiological activity process to bring people to certain or pleasant or sad or happy(Sara Stewart, 2015), such as the perception of reaction, and conduction to the brain and other central, people have the judgment and choice, people from this behavior. Homosexuality, is a reflection of the emotional disorder, the complexity of the process of endocrine activity, and is the nature of the response by people.I agree with them. (Kirby, D. 2000)
There are gay and lesbian, should pay attention to adjust their own emotional reflection, adjust their relative to the opposite sex psychology.(Brett White, 2014) For example, you can imagine yourself face to the opposite sex, and then I must be happy, and then open the mood to work and learn to live, so that a day or a work plan, so as to adjust their emotions, and slowly tend to normal physiological activity. Healthy sexual orientation not more mysterious, because too much thinking but will damage their health emotional instincts, doped too much rational consciousness reflect, disadvantageous.(Azzolina, D. 2004 )
My Response on these Supporters and Opposites
After the analyzed above ,in my opinion, there are no unhealthy people in the this word--Homosexuality, that is, ordinary people, but the sexual orientation is different from most people.( Paris, J., Zweig-Frank, H., & Guzder, J. 1995)Lefties used is considered to be bad, the parents found the child is left handers will beat and scold, forcing him or her to only use the right hand, now is not accepted. I used to think that homosexuality is sick, and later on a set of special programs to see the National Geographic, confirmed that the animal community generally exist in the phenomenon of homosexuality, from the lower level of the insects to the senior mammals are, almost all species exist, then changed the view. On the other hand, as long as the gay not malicious harassment violates the rights of other people, we also do not have the qualifications to accuse them of, other people's way of life, to do with others.
On the issue of homosexuality,this paper has analyzed and researched the total view of different people,and their supporting points and opposite points,as well as deliver my own views on these arguments.My conclusion view is that ,human should support their own rights to fall in love with whom--both heterosexual or homosexuality.Looking ahead,the homosexuality people will be more and more democracy and equality as the common people ,and they will have a happy life to live in the society. The society will make more and more progress.So,let us have a deepening research in the future.
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asessay-blog · 7 years
Essay范文:Effect of pretreatment with plant extract
Abstract  Objective: To determine the effects of plant extract, nicotine and caffeine on the activities of the liver metabolizing-enzyme induced by pentobarbitone. Materials and Method: Seven groups of mice were pretreated with high doses of sample extracts (0.4 mg/g body weight sample extract, but nicotine at 0.1 mg/g body weight) and one control group was pretreated with saline. On day 5, pentobarbitone (0.005 ml of 8 mg/ml) was administered and the sleeping time was determined. The test was repeated but at low doses (0.1 mg/g body weight sample extract, but nicotine at 0.05mg/g body weight). Results: At high doses, bitter gourd, 'tempeh', nicotine, caffeine, nicotine+bitter gourd, nicotine+'tempeh' and nicotine+caffeine induced the activities of liver metabolizing enzyme significantly compared to control. At low doses, bitter gourd, nicotine, caffeine, nicotine+bitter gourd, nicotine+'tempeh' and nicotine+caffeine induced the enzyme but 'tempeh' did not. Conclusion: The findings suggest that bitter gourd, nicotine and caffeine act as enzyme inducers, but 'tempeh' only demonstrate this ability at high dose. Introduction  Cytochrome P450 is the collective name for a distinct group of protoheme containing proteins that show a Soret absorption band at around 450 nm (448 to 452 nm) in the CO-difference spectrum of dithionite-reduced sample. 450 represent a large group of hemethiolate enzymes that exhibit remarkably diverse activities for the metabolism of numerous endogenous and exogenous chemicals [1]. Some plant extracts such as leaves of Helietta apiculata [2] and grape fruit juices [3] have been documented to have certain effects on the activity of cytochrome P450.  Cytochrome P450 is responsible for the metabolism of a large proportion of drugs [1]. Whenever two or more drugs are administered concurrently, the possibility of drug interaction exist [4]. Drug-drug interactions can be explained by alterations in the metabolic enzymes that are present in the liver and other extrahepatic tissues. Many of the major pharmacokinetic interactions between drugs are due to hepatic cytochrome P450 (P450 or CYP) enzymes being affected by previous administration of other drugs. After coadministration, some drugs act as potent enzyme inducers, whereas others as inhibitors [5].  In this study, the effect of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia), ‘tempeh', nicotine and caffeine on liver metabolizing enzymes were assessed. Bitter gourd is a well known tropical vegetable in South East Asia. ‘Tempeh' also known as soy cake is made from fermented soy beans and is widely consumed in daily diet in Malaysia and Indonesia. Nicotine is a major substance found in tobacco while caffeine is found in coffee, soft drinks and other beverages. The effects of these chosen sample extracts on the activity of liver metabolizing enzyme cytochrome P450, were determined by measuring the sleeping time induced by pentobarbitone. Pentobarbitone is known to be metabolized by cytochrome P450 [6]. This study also investigated the effects of different doses of these sample extracts in affecting activity of the liver metabolizing enzymes. This was done as the literature has reported that metabolic drug interaction may depend on the magnitude of the change in the concentration of active species (parent drug and/or active metabolites) at the site of pharmacological action and the therapeutic index of the drug. The smaller the difference between toxic and effective concentration, the greater the likelihood that the drug interaction will have serious clinical consequences [7]. Materials  The study was carried out on mice (2 batches of 7 groups (10 mice per group)). The mice were maintained under standard laboratory conditions of food and water before the start of the experiment. The handling of mice was conducted in accordance with the Guiding Principles in the Use of Animals in Toxicology, which was adopted by the Society of Toxicology in 1989. Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) and ‘tempeh' were obtained from the local market, nicotine was extracted from tobacco sheets and caffeine was commercially obtained from Sigma-aldrich. Animals and dietary treatment  2.1. Pretreatment of mice with sample extracts at high dose:  Group A (7 groups of 10 mice per group): Each group of mice were orally administered high dose of sample extract ( 0.4 mg/g body weight extract except for nicotine which was at 0.1mg/g body weight; bitter gourd, ‘tempeh', nicotine, caffeine, nicotine + bitter gourd, nicotine + ‘tempeh', nicotine + caffeine ) for 4 consecutive days prior to the sleeping time assessment. Group B (1 group of 10 mice): The group of mice was orally administered normal saline (0.4 mg/g body weight) for 4 consecutive days prior to the sleeping time assessment.  On the fifth day, pentobarbitone (0.005 ml of 8mg/ml) was injected intraperitoneally into mice from each group. The sleeping time induced by pentobarbitone for mice in each group are listed in Table 1.  2.2 Pretreatment of mice with sample extracts at low doses.  Group C (7 groups of 10 mice each): Each group of mice were orally administered low doses of sample extracts (0.1 mg/g body weight of sample extracts and 0.05 mg/g body weight of nicotine; bitter gourd, ‘tempeh', nicotine, caffeine, nicotine + bitter gourd, nicotine + ‘tempeh', nicotine + caffeine) for 4 consecutive days before the sleeping time assessment. Group D (1 group of 10 mice): The group of mice was orally administered normal saline (0.1 mg/g body weight) for 4 consecutive days prior to the sleeping time assessment.  On the fifth day, pentobarbitone (0.005 ml of 8mg/ml) was injected intraperitoneally into mice from each group. The sleeping time induced by pentorbarbitone for mice in each group are listed in Table 2. Statistical analysis  Group results are expressed as mean ± SEM. A One Way ANOVA followed by post hoc Bonferroni test was applied for multiple comparisons between different groups. P<0.005 was taken as statistically significant. Results  At high doses (0.4 mg/g body weight of sample extracts and 0.1 mg/g body weight of nicotine) all sample extracts demonstrated an observable effect on sleeping time. Bitter gourd, ‘tempeh', nicotine, caffeine, nicotine + bitter gourd, nicotine+ ‘tempeh' and nicotine+caffeine reduced the sleeping time induced by pentobarbitone. Post Hoc Bonferroni test showed that these effects were statistically significant (p< 0.05) compared to controls (Table 1). At low doses (0.1 mg/g body weight of sample extracts and 0.05 mg/g body weight of nicotine), all sample extracts reduced sleeping time, but tempeh did not (Table 2). Discussion  Determining sleeping time induced by pentobarbitone in rodents is a common reported method for evaluating in vivo induction of drug metabolism [6]. From this in vivo study, after pretreatment with various plants, nicotine and caffeine extracts, we demonstrated that at high doses, bitter gourd, ‘tempeh', nicotine and caffeine significantly reduced sleeping time in mice whether used singly or in combination. This reduction in sleeping time suggests inductive effect towards the activity of liver metabolizing-enzyme cytochrome P450. The length of sleeping time induced by pentobarbitone is proportional to the concentration of pentobarbitone in plasma. Thus, short sleeping time indicated enzyme induction. However at low dose, ‘tempeh' per se showed no significant effect on the length of sleeping time induced by pentobarbitone.(essay代写)  The result of the present study showed that at high doses, all the extracts act as liver enzyme inducers. This effect was enhanced when combined with nicotine (nicotine+ bitter gourd, nicotine+ tempeh and nicotine+ caffeine), as evident from the further reduction in sleeping time. Our results are in agreement with the literature. A previous study in rats found that bitter gourd induced rat liver enzymes [8]. Other studies reported that cigarette smoking induced liver enzymes [9, 10]. Caffeine has also been reported to induce liver enzymes [11]. Further studies are however needed to reveal the exact mechanism of action responsible for the enhanced activity of these extracts when combined. This study also demonstrated inductive effect with low dose extracts of bitter gourd, nicotine and caffeine except for ‘tempeh'. Thus far, the literature has reported conflicting results pertaining to the effect of soya on liver enzymes [12, 13]. We recommend further work to study the variable effect of tempeh (soya) on liver metabolizing enzymes at different doses.
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asessay-blog · 7 years
Social Determinants of Health
Introduction  We have known for a very long time that health inequities exist. These inequities affect all Canadians but they have especially strong impacts upon the health of those living in poverty. Adding social sciences evidence – the understanding of social structures and of power relationships – we have now accumulated indisputable evidence that “social injustice is killing people on a grand scale.” When the World Health Organization’s Commission on Social Determinants of Health published its final report (containing the quote above) that demonstrated how the conditions in which people live and work directly affect the quality of their health, we nodded in agreement.  Everyone agrees that populations of Bangladesh, Sierra Leone or Haiti have low life expectancy, are malnourished, live in fearful and unhealthy environments, and are having a terrible time just trying to survive. But what does that have to do with us in Canada? For years, we bragged that we were identified by the United Nations as “the best country in the world in which to live”. We have since dropped a few ranks, but our bragging continues. We would be the most surprised to learn that, in all countries – and that includes Canada – health and illness follow a social gradient: the lower the socioeconomic position, the worse the health. The truth is that Canada – the ninth richest country in the world – is so wealthy that it manages to mask the reality of poverty, social exclusion and discrimination, the erosion of employment quality, its adverse mental health outcomes, and youth suicides. While one of the world’s biggest spenders in health care, we have one of the worst records in providing an effective social safety net.  The primary factors that shape the health of Canadians are not medical treatments or lifestyle choices but rather the living conditions they experience. These conditions have come to be known as the social determinants of health. The importance to health of living conditions was established in the mid-1800s and has been enshrined in Canadian government policy documents since the mid-1970s. In fact, Canadian contributions to the social determinants of health concept have been so extensive as to make Canada a “health promotion powerhouse” in the eyes of the international health community.  Recent reports from Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, the Canadian Senate, and the Public Health Agency of Canada continue to document the importance of the social determinants of health. But this information – based on decades of research and hundreds of studies in Canada and elsewhere – tells a story that is unfamiliar to most Canadians. Canadians are largely unaware that our health is shaped by how income and wealth is distributed, whether or not we are employed, and if so, the working conditions we experience.  Furthermore, our wellbeing is also determined by the health and social services we receive, and our ability to obtain quality education, food and housing, among other factors. And contrary to the assumption that Canadians have personal control over these factors, in most cases these living conditions are – for better or worse – imposed upon us by the quality of the communities housing situations, our work settings, health and social service agencies, and educational institutions with which we interact. There is much evidence that the quality of the social determinants of health Canadians experience helps explain the wide health inequalities that exist among Canadians.  How long Canadians can expect to live and whether they will experience cardiovascular disease or adult-onset diabetes is very much determined by their living conditions. The same goes for the health of their children: differences among Canadian children in their surviving beyond their first year of life, experiencing childhood afflictions such as asthma and injuries, and whether they fall behind in school are strongly related to the social determinants of health they experience. Research is also finding that the quality of these health-shaping living conditions is strongly determined by decisions that governments make in a range of different public policy domains. Governments at the municipal, provincial/territorial, and federal levels create policies, laws, and regulations that influence how much income Canadians receive through employment, family benefits, or social assistance, the quality and availability of affordable housing, the kinds of health and social services and recreational opportunities we can access, and even what happens when Canadians lose their jobs during economic downturns.  These experiences also provide the best explanations for how Canada compares to other nations in overall health. Canadians generally enjoy better health than Americans, but do not do as well as compared to other nations that have developed public policies that strengthen the social determinants of health. The World Health Organization sees health damaging experiences as resulting from “a toxic combination of poor social policies and programmes, unfair economic arrangements, and bad politics”. Despite this evidence, there has been little effort by Canadian governments and policymakers to improve the social determinants of health through public policy action. Canada compares unfavourably to other wealthy developed nations in its support of citizens as they navigate the life span. Our income inequality and poverty rates are growing and are among the highest of wealthy developed nations. Canadian spending in support of families, persons with disabilities, older Canadians, and employment training is also among the lowest of these same wealthy developed nations. STRESS, BODIES, AND ILLNESS  People who suffer from adverse social and material living conditions also experience high levels of physiological and psychological stress. Stressful experiences arise from coping with conditions of low income, poor quality housing, food insecurity, inadequate working conditions, insecure employment, and various forms of discrimination based on Aboriginal status, disability, gender, or race. The lack of supportive relationships, social isolation, and mistrust of others further increases stress. At the physiological level, chronic stress can lead to prolonged biological reactions that strain the physical body. Stressful situations and continuing threats provoke “fight-or-flight” reactions. These reactions impose chronic stress upon the body if a person does not have enough opportunities for recovery in non-stressful environments. Research evidence convincingly shows that continuous stress weakens the resistance to diseases and disrupts the functioning of the hormonal and metabolic systems. Physiological tensions provoked by stress make people more vulnerable to many serious illnesses such as cardiovascular and immune system diseases, and adult-onset diabetes.
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asessay-blog · 7 years
Paper范文:A Brief History of the Black Panther Party
The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense was founded in October, 1966, in Oakland, California by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale. The name was shortened to the Black Panther Party (BPP) and it began spreading eastward through the Black urban ghetto-colonies across country. In the summer of '68, David Brothers established a BPP branch in Brooklyn, New York, and a few months later Lumumba Shakur set up a branch in Harlem, New York.
I joined the Harlem BPP in the fall of '68 and served as its Finance Officer until arrested on April 2, 1969 in the Panther 21 Conspiracy case which was the opening shot in the government's nationwide attack on the BPP. Moving westward, Police Departments in each city made military raids on BPP offices or homes in Philadelphia, Chicago, Newark, Omaha, Denver, New Haven, San Diego, Los Angeles, and other cities, murdering some Panthers and arresting others. After i and most other Panther 21 members were held in jail and on trial for two years, We were all acquitted of all charges and released. Most of us returned to the community and to the BPP but by then COINTELPRO had taken its toll. -X
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asessay-blog · 7 years
Essay范文:Understanding Individual Variability in Immigrant
Bearing the Burden with Ease or Pain: Risk and Protective Factors  The process of immigration is potentially a severely stressful occurrence for immigrant children and families. Often, immigrant children adjust quite successfully to their new environment and even outperform their U.S. native peers in school (Fuligni, 1997). In fact, as Aronowitz (1984) has demonstrated, in terms of their adjustment to school most immigrant children do no better or worse than do their native-born peers. However, as previously cited, it is also well documented that some immigrants adapt poorly and have difficulty connecting to the school system, complicating their future prospects and limiting their occupational opportunities.  Research supports that some immigrant children possess a resilience that sustains them in their education and adaptation, and that those who do not successfully adjust are at great risk for deviant behavior, substance abuse, educational failure, and psychological distress (Velez & Ungemack, 1995; Vega et al., 1995; Munsch & Wampler, 1993; Hovey & King, 1996; Szapocznik & Kurtines, 1993, 1989, 1980; Szapocznik et al., 1986, 1989; Rumbaut, 1994). According to Alva’s work (1991), children who are resilient, or relatively “invulnerable” (i.e. performing well academically), report that they have a social support network consisting of parents, friends, and teachers who buffer life event stressors.  These students also report more positive school experiences with teachers and administrators and feel that these individuals care about them and about their academic attainment. These kinds of “protective factors” appear to be negatively associated with length of residence in the United States. In other words, as immigrants live here and adapt to U.S. culture, they lose part of their “protective shell.” According to Rumbaut (1997a), the “social capital” of immigrants erodes with duration of residence in the United States, causing a decline in academic achievement and motivation. The increase in single-parent households across generations (Landale & Oropesa, 1995) appears to be one of the driving forces behind this erosion of protective factors. Velez and Ungemack (1995) investigated several psychosocial variables to explain why Puerto Rican adolescents become at risk for drug involvement.  They found that generational status was systematically related to differences in the occurrence of psychological risk factors for drug use. As Puerto Rican children became more acculturated to mainstream life, parental control decreases, school and church involvement declines, and parent-child problems and peer use of drugs increase. Hovey & King (1996) documented that Latino-American adolescents who experienced a high level of acculturative stress also reported having high levels of depressive symptoms and suicide ideation. Florsheim (1997) and Szapocznik & Kurtines (1989) both found that Chinese and Cuban adolescents who acculturated too quickly lost their ethnic identity shortly after migration and reported high levels of both stress and maladaptive behaviors. These youths had become isolated from both their ethnic and American peers, and were caught between two worlds-- feeling that they belonged to neither. Theoretical Perspectives on Differential Individual Outcomes  Several theoretical paradigms have been used to help explain both why some immigrants tend to adapt more successfully than others, and why some individual members of particular immigrant groups appear to come through the process more easily than others. The paradigms describe both macro-level forces and micro-level implications contributing to the variability of immigrant children’s experiences. The developmentalist perspective articulated by Luis Laosa, for example, takes into consideration the important role of mediating factors such as the individual characteristics of the child (temperament, developmental age, sex, cognitive appraisal, array of coping skills) and external factors such as parental reactions and the larger cultural context that have an impact on children’s responses to stress and the effectiveness of those responses (Garcia-Coll & Magnuson 1997). Laosa (1989) developed a multivariate model which incorporates several different domains.  His model highlights the interaction of variables that mediate the stresses of migration, adaptation, adjustment, and development over time for immigrant children. These variables, each critical to a child’s development, include: characteristics of the sending community (family pre-migration lifestyle and background characteristics, the existence of “pile-up” stressors); characteristics of the receiving community (social supports and networks, attitudes toward newcomers); the school context (available services for immigrant children, teacher expectations, parental involvement, etc.); and cognitive appraisal and coping. Gender, individual temperament, and legal status are also important. Laosa’s approach (1997) emphasizes the psychosocial and environmental process as they occur over time and views the immigrant as a “developing organism interacting reciprocally with the environment, and [takes] into account the particular point in the person’s life cycle when immigration takes place (p.57).” It has been well documented that age upon arrival is important in understanding an immigrant child’s adaptation and adjustment processes (Garcia-Coll & Magnuson, 1997; Rumbaut, 1994; Hirschman, 1994). Garcia-Coll and Magnuson (1997) have argued for a positivist approach to the study of immigrant children and their adaptation, focusing not just on the maladaptation of children but also on “how the process of immigration can increase an individual’s repertoire of coping skills, facilitate the acquisition of new and different skills, and broaden opportunities as well as world views (p.105).”
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