ashabythepicture · 5 years
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Black Girl Magic
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ashabythepicture · 5 years
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Salem witch museum.
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ashabythepicture · 5 years
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212 notes · View notes
ashabythepicture · 5 years
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ashabythepicture · 5 years
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ashabythepicture · 5 years
bro keep this between us but your vibes are luscious as fuck today
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ashabythepicture · 5 years
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ashabythepicture · 5 years
so women are supposed to grin and bear the books, the comics, the movies, the plays, the tv shows, the stories, the sci-fi, the translated ancient poems, the fucking millennia of men writing about their self inserts torturing women and it being declared as High Art by other men, we’re supposed to read it in our free time, study it in classrooms, include their styles in our own writing, accept their cultural influence as natural, watch it in the cinema, write about it, talk about it, accept it, aspire it, but men can’t tolerate three seconds of female wish fulfilment of a woman snapping the wrist of a creep without feeling personally kicked in the balls.
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ashabythepicture · 5 years
Hoping Emma Roberts dies in the first episode, and that they stop hiring her.🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾
It's American Horror Story Month!
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ashabythepicture · 5 years
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ashabythepicture · 5 years
Protect weird girls. Ya know…. the ones that used to make up intricate games on the playground about ghosts and saving the world. The ones that used to have a whole BOX of fucking rolly pollies and worms. Those girls that used to have mason jars FULL of fucking god knows WHAT on their mother’s back porch. Protect… girls. Girls that daydream too much. Girls that could go out to Walmart dressed in cow girl boots, and a faux fur coat. Girls that invent whole other worlds in their heads. Girls that love too much. Girls that don’t love quite enough. Girls that don’t look, or sound the way society expects them to. Loud girls. Quiet girls. Angry girls. Sad girls. Support girls being themselves, and being unapologetic about it. The ones that get labeled “weird” for simply existing and being brave enough to not dim themselves down, just because society tells them, too. The girls that never lost their magic once they grew up. Support weird girls. 
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ashabythepicture · 5 years
Growing up fat, you get made fun of for everything you do, even basic shit like eating and laughing and breathing are funny when you do it because youre fat! And its so hard to not carry that with you as you get older, like I’m still embarassed to eat or dance in front of people or smile in pictures and its ridiculous and I hate it and I wish I was treated with more humanity
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ashabythepicture · 5 years
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Come read my book, and leave me a review! Also, here's this accidental screenshot of Jimmy Carr on CDC.
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ashabythepicture · 5 years
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ashabythepicture · 5 years
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181 notes · View notes
ashabythepicture · 5 years
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34 notes · View notes
ashabythepicture · 5 years
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291 notes · View notes